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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 256x224, DKC_2_save_file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10223562 No.10223562 [Reply] [Original]

> buy used cartridge off ebays
> it still has saves from previous owner
> keep them in respect for ex-owners and their history with the game
> if all save slots are filled, just erase one that was played the least

Eventually, batteries will die and all memories of those people will die too. Nothing lasts forever. But at least for some time, I'll keep those saves safe.

>> No.10223567

It's good to see true gamers still exist.

>> No.10223571
File: 981 KB, 2000x1500, 20230214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My copy of Zelda II has had files for Ric Flair and Lex Luger since I bought it nearly 20 years ago. Its such a neat time capsule that I only use the 3rd slot

>> No.10223671

if you keep sram powered when changing battery, nothing will be lost, retard

>> No.10223726

>rent RPG over and over back in the 90's(it was Dragon Warrior 2) from some Mom&Pop rental shop
>some other kid(save file said Jeff) was renting the same RPG
>neither of us deleted the other's save game
>started including notes tucked away in the manual that was taped to the inside of the case about good grinding spots, important items, etc
>I had Nintendo Power, so I copied some of the maps to share
>went on for about 2 months
>one day I get the game home, and the manual has been ripped out by someone, no notes anywhere inside the case
>turn game on
>save files have been replaced with Lvl1 THIS, GAME, and SUCKS
>someone saw the cover and thought it would be an action game, and then took out their frustration on the manual and the saves
>see fucking teeth marks on the case
>weekend blown and 2 months of progress lost due to someone's tard rage

>> No.10223737

My DKC2 came with a 102% file on it too. Always cool to see stuff like this

>> No.10223751

Based, I just bought a PS2 memory card recently that had nothing but Ace Combat saves on it going all the way back to 2001 to 2008. I'm not deleting any of that.

>> No.10223796

Acer Aspire from 1996 I bought several years ago had its HDD unformatted with lots of personal info from the previous owner still intact. Stuff like business letters and ICQ history didn't bother me much, but History in Netscape was quite a blast (alas most of images didn't get cashed).

>> No.10223840

This isn't /v/ stop with the gatekeepy attitude and use of slurs.

>> No.10223842

serves you right for being a cheap ass who RENTS RPGs

>> No.10223870

>buy ff1&2: dawn of souls for gba from ebay
>save file has lvl 99
>send seller a message, showing my respect for his autism

>> No.10223891

shut the fuck up retard faggot

>> No.10223901

>all of these experiences gone when PS1 came with Memory Cards

Something did died after all.

>> No.10223909


>> No.10223918

I saw some fucker on youtube recently who played mario64 for the first time, and the first thing he did was delete all the existing saves. Made me feel sad watching him doing that.

>> No.10223920

What a fucking sad story.
It's always someone third ruining two people's good time together.

>> No.10223940

Not really. Buying used memory cards was pretty much the same thing except you also got to see what kind of games the past owner liked in general.

>> No.10223948

holy based retard dabbing on rentoid Dragon Kusoge enjoyers

>> No.10224027

The top save spot BELONG TO ME!

>> No.10224059

Sorry, didn't mean to depress you. Renting, you just understood there was no promise your save file would be there the next week. It sucked for my weekend, but I was surprised the save file had survived for 2 months in the first place. I knew it couldn't last.
I just found it funny the kid was so pissed off that he didn't like the game, that he tried to take a bite out of the rental case.

>> No.10224070

oh man lmao yeah you need to kill yourself immediately

>> No.10224215

Fuck off, you retarded cum guzzling faggot

>> No.10224218

>bite marks
yeah, it was a nigger

>> No.10224224

>buy used Paper Mario
>has a girl's name written with marker on the top of the cart
>her game file has her name with added heart symbols and stuff, very girly, probably was a little girl like 9 or 12 max.
>she finished the game in less time than I did
And of course I didn't delete her file.

>> No.10224323

Did you try restart the cycle in hope of the other kid getting it again?

>> No.10224829

Nah, I never rented it again after that weekend.

>> No.10224839

I delete all saves, unless they are saved games that have unlocked cheats or bonus content

>> No.10225013
File: 96 KB, 700x700, 1594483927616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used pokemon game
>trainer name is just red or ash
>not a single pokemon is nicknamed

>> No.10225045

>Buy used 3ds from a mom who said her daughter outgrew it
>Notice there are a lot of pictures on it
>Factory reset
Not today, FBI.

>> No.10225076

if you're not past the second boss and there's otherwise no way to personalize your save, your shit is getting erased

>> No.10225118

Reminds me of this one time I bought a Wii from a pawn shop and the photo channel had a picture of these really ugly 12 year olds kissing as a channel icon. Apparently for some reason if you factory reset a Wii it never resets the photo channel image.

>> No.10225134

>Eventually, batteries will die and all memories of those people will die too
You can actually keep the saves if you manage to change the battery while keeping the cartridge powered

>> No.10225147

Excuse me, but I think you meant to refer to OP as a "retard" for not knowing that. Simple mistake though, I understand!

>> No.10225497
File: 1.99 MB, 272x281, 1668162979335021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 year old cousin gets dreamcast
>uncle gives me his n64 and shadows of the empire
>4 save files

>> No.10225503

That makes no sense. If they sold it to you, obviously they have no attachment to their saves, and even if they did they'll never use them again.

>> No.10225523

>fucking teeth marks on the case
god damn it, /v/

>> No.10225535

I bit an SNES controller while in a rage.

>> No.10225552

That's quite a lot going on for a 9 year old. Boobs, fuck, shit, vagina, penis, sure, but "anal_sex" sounds like something more serious was going on.

>> No.10226365

Do you keep your gf's womb filled with her ex's spunk? Are you a true gamer then?
So your expectation was to keep your save game, on a rental?

>> No.10226369

>but "anal_sex" sounds like something more serious was going on.
How are you supposed to get a real woman pregnant if you aren't having anal sex with her?

>> No.10226374

>So your expectation was to keep your save game, on a rental?
I was the one that did that.
I did it for the lulz.

>> No.10226396

Yeah, what was going on was 90s search queries. It's like taking a dick pic with the Gameboy camera.

>> No.10226448
File: 246 KB, 471x355, 045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like taking a dick pic with the Gameboy camera.

That's a great idea. I'd scatter photos around the street and by the time they'll figure out who did this, photos will fade, leaving no evidences.
One more reason to buy Game Boy Camera.

>> No.10226456
File: 31 KB, 480x455, 1687620614435217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the bait this easily

>> No.10226534

contrarianism will fail you and you will die alone

>> No.10226543

I've posted this story on here lots of times, but I bought a Link's Awakening cartridge with a file named "Tori" with 21 deaths, 620 rupees, and little to nothing else. I think some girl had the game and thought it was like a town simulator or something.