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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10222692 No.10222692 [Reply] [Original]

Post the best of seething about 2D games.

>> No.10222701

You just HAD to be there to understand how people felt about 2D games in the late 90s. It isn't seething, it's more like "Ok but we want 3D now", after having lived in a world of only 2D forever.

>> No.10222749

Well, he was right. Further console Castlevanias were all 3d.

>> No.10222756
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>> No.10223457

>global rule 2

>> No.10224603

every videogame magazine after 1995 or at least european ones

>> No.10224782

People still lash out over games with pixel art being sold for anything more than $20 because they're somatotropin-deficient. Nevermind pixel art largely died out because of how ridiculously slow and time-consuming it is.

>> No.10225589

Not really. Sure 3D was exciting but only someone whose mom did meth while pregnant actually thought that 3D was better. Just the framerate of 3D games alone was a serious issue for a lot of platformers.

>> No.10225630

I was there, I still loved 2D games. But when I saw Mario in 3D I really believed the future was going to be bright
How wrong I was

>> No.10225663

I was there, and while 3D was cool, I never grew tired of 2D and would continue to buy games for older consoles. Probably has something to do with being a late 80s born who grew up with the NES and SNES side by side, meaning I never really had the feeling of "out with the old, in with the new" when it came to gaming. Hell, I was actively involved in retro gaming communities and buying old games on ebay by the time I was like 13 or 14.

>> No.10225753

T. Wasnt there

>> No.10225780

>How wrong I was
Oh shut up, you cynic. You probably haven't had a good meal in your life either. Fuckin' baby.

>> No.10225786

>Not really.
You're just wrong. 3D was a whole new world and for awhile we all thought (wanted?) 2D to be done for good.

>> No.10225796

That's not seething, that's just the glassy-eyed optimism of late 90's 3D technology enthusiasts. Almost everyone was like that. All 5th gen consoles promoted 3D graphics like it was the hip new thing and like 2D games were old, outdated, and for kids. After having lived through both periods, I think both are acceptable. Art style is really what it comes down to.

>> No.10225826

No we didn't. Any game that could be played with 2D graphics was better in 2D.

>> No.10225962

Similar for me, though different circumstances. My early gaming was strictly PC and LCD games and the occasional arcade machines when i was at a place that had them. While i still have an incredible fondness for both computer games up until the mid 2000s and LCD stuff, I was always super envious of my cousins and early childhood friends who had consoles like the nes, genesis and snes. When i finally started collecting stuff, it was like a floodgate opening for me. Didn't matter if it was Atari or the Playstation. Every platform was a new universe of games for me and i wanted to play everything of interest on them. 2D vs 3D was never a factor for me, it was just a different experience to play through. Console war shit never effected me either due to this and i never really developed a bias back then against any particular hardware or company.

>> No.10225976
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2600 was my first console and I had no issues with GTA Xmen Vs Street fighter, Mischief Makers at the time.

>> No.10225981
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Reinhardtchads...we won

>> No.10226076

>i never really developed a bias back then against any particular hardware or company
Yeah, it was always fun to go over to a Genesis kid's house and get to play stuff like Dick Tracy, Vectorman, Sonic, etc. Despite being a Nintendo kid, I remember being amused/confused by a middle school classmate who was such a diehard Nintendo fan that he apparently refused to play games for non-Nintendo consoles (he later softened this stance).

>> No.10226101

They weren't, though. You had Chronicles, Adventure Rebirth, Harmony of Despair.
There's a difference between good looking pixel art and the ubiquitous indie pixelshit trendy genre bandwagoner games.

>> No.10226114
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People are still like this. I know a few who refuse to play anything that's more than a decade old because "it's obsolete"

>> No.10226198

I don't remember anyone being mad about 2D games, but the general attitude was like "we did that already". 3D was new and had all these exciting possibilities (at the time).

>> No.10226485

>There's a difference between good looking pixel art and the ubiquitous indie pixelshit trendy genre bandwagoner games.
I saw such bitching about Blasphemous II and Octopath Traveler both of which have great pixel art

>> No.10226552

except that 3D allowed for new games not possible before just look at stuff like ridge racer, panzer dragoon, mario 64, etc
It may not have had the same finesse as high quality 2D art, but it was an experience not possible in 2D.
After playing nothing but 2D up to that point, the change to 3D was very welcomed.

These days 3D is no longer new and shiny, so people care much less.

>But I still played mostly 2D games on my Playstation!!!!!
You are the exception, not the rule

>But we all played MvC!!!
One 2D game out of howmany?

>> No.10226563

There is a difference between "okay, we want to do 3D now" and "Nooo, old 2D crap is for boomers"

Most people were in the first category, cool new shit to play (while still apreciating 2D)

>> No.10226569

people don't shit on the 5th gen enough for COMPLETELY killing off 2D gaming outside of handheld and indieslop. but no...everything in the world is the 7th gen's fault.

>> No.10226570

This is absolutely not true at all. 3D consoles blew people away. My dad didn't once watch me play Super Mario World but when they got me an N64 he not only sat there and watched me play it but actually played it himself and talked about how we'll probably have virtual reality in 10 years (lol). People were gneuinely impressed by 3D games and once it hit everyone's main criticism of other games released after that was asking why they weren't in 3D - even mega popular ones like Diablo 2. It was less impressive from a technical standpoint but Xbox and PlayStation 2 further cemented 3D's supremacy, everyone in my class had Halo and we were amazed Final Fantasy 10 already looked better than the movie that has just come out.

It wasn't until the 3D stall in the early 10s and the rise of indies on Steam that people started to not care about graphics anymore.

>> No.10226574

it's a shame because 2D was perfected by the 5th gen. had the 5th gen remained purely 2D it would've been better than the 4th gen...but instead we got 3D slop which was a clunky mess until the early 7th gen.

5th gen should've remained 2D and the 7th gen should've remained SD.

>> No.10226584

Now this is some seething right there, completely ignoring that 2D design hit a roadblock in new possibilities while 3D opened up new paths.
And 2D was never killed off, more like sidelined for a while.

>> No.10226587
File: 1.82 MB, 3334x4469, NextGeneration_US_26_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much the entire run of Next Generation was grousing about 2D.

>> No.10226596

except 3D started way too early. 3D gaming should've started with the 6th gen and HD gaming with the 8th gen. all the early 3D games had clunky controls, ugly graphics (in spite of great aesthetics), and ran at 10fps at 240p. all the great 5th gen games were great in SPITE of being 3D. fuck the industry for trying shit out before they're ready. now they're doing the same thing with the 9th gen and "4K 120fps gaming"

>> No.10226618

They weren't early. The clunky shit you describe was the SuperFX kind of stuff.

>all the early 3D games had clunky controls, ugly graphics (in spite of great aesthetics), and ran at 10fps at 240p.
Okay so you don't like it and even feel like seething over it.

>> No.10226708

lol pls, just go to /v/

>> No.10226838

>pixel art largely died out because of how ridiculously slow and time-consuming it is
That's more a thing to deal with animation frames and "bits". You can compare an NES game with 3 walking frames vs. a PS1 game with 5 frames for standing still. In the 3D realm, you can compare how much easier it is too make 3D, N64-tier polygons compared to 2D fighting games and PS1-tier 2D and our modern giga HD 3D with 300 polygons used to simulate blinking.

>> No.10227195

Low poly is even more of a lost art than good pixel art. Modern tools aren't designed for it, and modern techniques are actively harmful to it. "Good topology" is a luxury you can't afford when every triangle counts.

>> No.10228282

not everything is "seething"

>> No.10228285


>> No.10228353
File: 53 KB, 751x364, 2d games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10228581

thank god I wasn't a retard
this mentality is on par with console war shit

>> No.10228764

As a kid in the 90s, I don't think I actually really cared about 2d vs 3d, fun games were just fun games. I mean, Pokemon was a largely 2d franchise and it was probably the most successful franchise of the 90s PERIOD.

>> No.10229601

so you think games haven't gone to shit?

>> No.10229697
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Yeah, it was pretty bad. It seemed to be the worst in UK magazines.

>> No.10229704
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>> No.10229719
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>> No.10229721
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>> No.10229741

video game magazines sucked ass

>> No.10229749
File: 111 KB, 790x861, 1662790569515719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they do.
There was a period of time in the early to mid 90s where they were pretty awesome, though.

>> No.10229751

Even some /vr/ posters are like this. There are now people on this board who claim the NES is outdated garbage

>> No.10229757

There's one guy that keeps samefagging for 3D I swear. I don't even care for the debate, it's just funny watching him seethe in denial.

>> No.10229823

I never even heard about framerates until 6th gen unless it was in a magazine which you just dismissed as fucking nerd speak