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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10219756 No.10219756 [Reply] [Original]

>I started out from Frankfurt, where I hired a rent a car, and I installed a video camera on the car. I drove around Monaco and Monte Carlo, along the mountain roads of Switzerland, stopping in hotels in Milan, Venice, and Rome, collecting data for a fortnight. — Yu Suzuki

Do game developers still do this sort of thing, tour the actual locations and take photos for reference ? I remember reading how Kojima and his people went down to NYC for some pictures and footage to get the place down right even though there's barely much of it in the final game.

>> No.10220272

think some Arma 3 devs got arrested on Cyprus while taking pictures of the military bases there

>> No.10220334

I heard hearsay once that Death Stranding devs said they needed more crab data, so they went on a northern Japan vacation to eat expensive crab dinners. This could be totally fake, and it could be totally true. Given hideous gojiibo involvement, I imagine any amount of moronic waste is possible, but my bias against him and his games obviously colors my statement.

>> No.10220541

so he had you start in a tropical setting then suddenly have you drive through European landscapes

>> No.10220653

Game Freak and Nintendo
RE4 devs also clearly studied Spanish castle architecture, can't remember if they denied going on site or not themselves

>> No.10220720
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>Do game developers still do this sort of thing
Yes they do but it's not retro so go ask on a board that discusses modern game development.

>> No.10220721

I can't believe this post, it's macabre!

>> No.10220794
File: 44 KB, 480x360, 6232C107-CBC3-4EF7-B569-6F5BAAF4E37A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”I started out in the Ross145 system in an eagle long range fighter. I installed atmospheric shielding, a planetary drive, hyper drive, 1mw beam laser and an automatic pilot. I drifted through the atmosphere of of Merlin’s cloudy attire into the vastness of spaces, passing by freighters and asteroids before flipping on the hyperdrive to Birmingham world, Boston base, and Anderson depot, collecting data for 10 light years.” - David Braben

Holly cow

>> No.10220802

Boy, do you know what kinda goddamn economy the world lives in nowadays? Certain people don't want anyone traveling anymore.

>> No.10220839

Really, they should make more "drive across the world games" I want to drive through an arch at Arches National Park, then drive through some Aztec Pyramids, then drive through the Brazilian Jungle, then drive through the Patagonia, then end up driving straight through the center of Stone Henge, then take a twisting drive through the channel and see colorful tropical undersea life then end up in Holland. Basically I could keep going.

>> No.10221282
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Gay post. This totalitarian fear shit is pure reddit. Sometimes threads that discuss issues relevant to retro games must by necessity spill over into modern gaming and how those trends continued and evolved over time. It's always been that way on 4chan, broad discussions touch topics relevant to other boards and that's what creates the most stimulating conversations. Only this board, for some reason, hyper-anally destroys genuine good threads in some Stalinistic need to stay "on topic".

Itsuno took the Dragon's Dogma team to Wales, to study the castles, ruins, and landscape.
>"Make sure you check out those weeds!" Hideaki Itsuno said, recalling a conversation. "The weeds are completely different, and you can really tell the difference between Japan and the UK by just looking at the weeds."