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File: 95 KB, 481x340, Kdl3box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10217574 No.10217574 [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn I really with I could like this more. The aesthetic and music are amazing, as are all the little details and unique characters. It really comes close to Yoshi's Island in terms of charm and effort in the presentation. But it's just so fucking slow, running should have been the default speed and walking shouldn't exist, and swimming speed should be doubled. The level design is uninspired to say the least, too many levels are just a straight line with enemies scattered at regular intervals. And the little sidemissions, while cute, can become too inscrutable and obtuse and pretty much require a guide. Super Star isn't nearly as charming but plays a million times better, I have to assume the teams worked without knowing anything of the other game.

>> No.10217614

>And the little sidemissions, while cute, can become too inscrutable and obtuse and pretty much require a guide

this is the same reason i don't like Wario Land 2
10 out of 15 levels are optional, and you have to unlock them in very very obtuse ways

>> No.10217627

When I played Wario Land 2, I went on an alternate route by accident the first time. Only the first level's secret exit and arguably the factory secret exit are obtuse, at least imo.

>> No.10217746

Kirby's Adventure on NES was the peak

>> No.10217747

I wish I could give this game a try and give my opinions on it, but the last time I tried ZSNES couldn't run it and display the sprites.

>> No.10217763

Super Star was Sakurai's game. DL2, 3, and 64 were done by a different director.

>> No.10217764

Yeah emulating this game often used to fuck up the transparency. But I'd be surprised if that was still an issue.

>> No.10217982

This always felt like a big step down after Super Star to me. SS is just this insane overstuffed toybox of a game and KDL 3 is just...fine, it's good even.

>> No.10218219


>> No.10218437
File: 158 KB, 584x413, 1387099612533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Star is peak.
That should be obvious.
You disgust me with your nonsense.

>> No.10218463
File: 1.08 MB, 1465x1080, Kirby's Dream Land 3 (USA)-230817-235436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no longer a problem in any modern emulator. You might have to enable an option to blend the pseudo-hires transparency, however, or use a shader.

>> No.10218758

Why are there so many humans in this game?

>> No.10218820

"last time"? when was this, 2001? I think I ran it back in 2004-6 and it played fine. regardless, the year is 2023, the game has been emulated correctly by every emulator on earth by now, just get snes9x or bsnes

>> No.10218839

For some reason this track in particular still sticks in my brain. God only knows the last time I actually played this game.
"soul" indeed

>> No.10219230
File: 100 KB, 426x512, Shinichi_Shimomura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Shinochi Shimomura was basically Masahiro Sakurai's assistant. He was the level mapper in Adventure and Super Star. So if anyone was going to carry on his work, it was gearing up to be that guy. But then, after 2002, he completely vanished off the face of the earth. Rumor has it he died, he quit the industry, it was a pseudonym, or he even got imprisoned (I blame the criminalization of mushrooms in Japan around that time). The strange thing is, every time there's a possible lead, it turns out to be a dead end. No one knows what became of this guy, and no one who would know is saying anything.
But to me the biggest mystery about KDL3 is why it released nearly half a year later in Japan with zero changes, it's even the same ROM with a byte flipped for minor language settings, like what made them release it in North America so early, it wasn't that common back then

>> No.10219239

I haven't updated ZSNES in a long, long time. I'm folding and setting up Retroarch now.

>> No.10219260

DL3 will always be my favorite, if for the fact that I played it first, so you could it blame that bias. I dunno, it’s such a lonely, melancholic game I attach onto. Maybe the mystery shrouding >>10219230 has something to do with it.

>> No.10219279
File: 8 KB, 165x139, CutP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you one of these days Sakurai's gonna have Shimomura suddenly guest-host on his YouTube channel to talk about KDL2/3&K64 for a hot minute which is gonna freak the whole fanbase out, and then he'll disappear again.

>> No.10219283

Shimomura had his own headcanon for Kirby's world and cast and how his games should play, which came off as a lot slower, plot-focused, and melancholic compared to Sakurai's fast-paced and plot-light Adventure and Super Star, and even seemed to come into conflict at times (like the presence vs. absence of human characters). The sheer contrast between their Kirby games is what stands out to me.

Then the anime came out and the Kirby games went to shit through the whole GBA and DS era.

>> No.10219302

(Non-Retro), kirby games are better.

>> No.10219465

>Then the anime came out and the Kirby games went to shit through the whole GBA and DS era.

>> No.10219515
File: 1.94 MB, 1920x1080, 7edee7e4-2564-47c8-a12a-88c4e319492b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is true. Shimomura definitely had his own vision in mind for Kirby, and I think KDL2-3 were made entirely without Sakurai's involvement (K64 I think gave him special thanks and started the whole "series producer voices Dedede" thing). HOWEVER - and I'm not sure if this is a controversial take - but KDL2 felt more like KA's direct sequel than KSS did. In fact, given Spring Breeze, KSS felt more like KDL1's direct sequel. I mean just play the Extra Game and you'll see just how frenetic the first game can be. I feel like they got the game names backwards. If you think about it, Kirby's Dream Land and Kirby's Adventure should have had their names SWITCHED, considering the latter actually involves DREAMS. (Dedede keeps getting possessed in his sleep and the KDL2 game over screen implies that's Dark Matter's goal so the name kinda still works there.)

>> No.10219532

>KDL2 felt more like KA's direct sequel than KSS did
>Dozens of abilities reduced to just seven
>Forced Yoshi mechanics with the animals
>Abilities are nigh-useless on bosses instead of being effective alternate tactics to inhale/spit
>Finding secret items/switches is mandatory to finish the game and not just a fun side-goal
Nah, I'm not feeling it.

>> No.10219542
File: 166 KB, 252x432, 1613068827483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirbyfag here, the GBA and DS eras were the weakest and many people considered Squak Squad to the the worst Kirby game (Until Extra Epic Yard came along.
Amazing Mirror and the shootemup minigame from Mass Attack kicked ass though.

>> No.10219563

Personally I think it was the creative peak of he series, certainly superior to the spam of RtDL clones that followed

>> No.10219576

That's alright, no Kirby game is truly bad and you can enjoy every single one of them except extra epic yarn

>> No.10219609
File: 110 KB, 822x461, Nintendo_Power_Issue_047_April_1993_Kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that Kirby's Adventure should have kept its original subtitle (that the remake used expecting everyone to remember it for some reason while removing the "Adventure" part..go figure). The Game Boy game indeed had a dreamlike atmosphere, and I wonder if this is like a Jumpman/Mario or Koopaling name situation where the Western localization later influenced the Japanese versions. Very suspicious that Dream Land's name only makes lore-sense in Kirby's Adventure, yet it's just the nonsensical "Pupupu Land" in Japanese, based on the naming scheme of Dedede, Lololo/Lalala, and originally Kirby ("Popopo").
I used to think Squeak Squad was the weakest until I played Triple Deluxe and Star Allies.

>> No.10219621

Ardy Lightfoot was like that for me. It looked like a cute platformer but the controls and collision detection were so fucking annoying I couldn't enjoy it.

What's wrong with Extra Epic Yarn? I've been holding off on getting the Wii version because I figured I'd play it on 3DS when I get one of those.

>> No.10219624

Robobot > Triple Deluxe > Return to Dream Land > Star Allies

>> No.10219628

Tbh I think the peak of the series has been this generation, although I love the retro Kirby games.

>> No.10219652

The point of Epic Yarn is the presentation, you play the game for the graphics and music, not the gameplay,that's why you can't even die in the game;
Extra Epic Yarn not only has compressed graphics and music, but it tries to expand the gameplay by adding copy abilities and a shitty "hard mode" that, not only is pointless, but actively detracts from the experience and goes against the intention of the devs.
Tldr buy/emulate the Wii version.

>> No.10219669

I always thought that Epic Yarn started as Yoshi game and was rebooted into Kirby later. And the devs following it up with two Yoshi games confirmed my suspicions.

>> No.10219673

Makes sense, really.

>> No.10219674

Epic Yarn was supposed to be a new IP starring Prince Fluff, but Kirby got slapped onto it for brand-recognition and Fluff was demoted to Player 2.

>> No.10219992

Okay but you can't tell me that the main mechanic and the transformations aren't taken straight from Yoshi's Island.

>> No.10220029

My cart has a small stain under Kirbys mouth so it looks like he is drooling. Thats all i have to contribute to this topic.

>> No.10222286
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 1685738934249741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love kdl3 and k64's ost in general, genres like ragga jungle and jungle were peaking in japan and both games really show how they influenced jun ishikawa (kirby main composer)

>> No.10222289

>ragga jungle and jungle
i meant ragga jungle and drum n bass, i'm retarded

>> No.10222293


>> No.10222306

I dunno, Sakurai's never seemed to show any interest in talking about Kirby games he didn't direct.
I'd like to be wrong

>> No.10222396

yeah, I was surprised at what a piece of $#!+ this game was

>> No.10222426

Dream Land 3's slow pace can be relaxing to some, but for me I just find it agonizing. I prefer the fast-paced action of Super Star and the GBA/DS entries. Dream Land 3 and 64 just feels cumbersome by comparison.

But they make up for it through their visual charm alone. I think Shinichi Shimomura's vision of Kirby is the best. It's bright whimsical fantasy with darker undertones, which contrasts the current series director with his dark fantasy and sci-fi OVERtones.

>> No.10222436
File: 102 KB, 734x389, Kirby's Dream Course.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Kirby's Dream Course

>> No.10222438

I remember getting Kirby Super Star around the time it came out, and my cousin got KDL3 not long afterwards. We were living together at the time, so we co-oped the shit out of both, but I do recall one time finally getting into a bit of an argument over which of the two was actually better. IIRC I argued that KSS had way more moves and things to do, while his defense for KDL3 basically boiled down to it being cuter and funnier (he was like 8 at the time, while I was 11). Other than that one argument, however, we were plenty happy playing both.
I miss him so much.

>> No.10222448

Did he die or something?

>> No.10222453

Yep. Schizophrenia got a hold of him, and he OD'd last year on some hard drugs.

>> No.10222461

I'm sorry.

>> No.10222997

I could see KDL being a slow development cycle, probably planned much earlier, finally finished late into the systems life only because of resources already dumped into it or as a passion project so not canceled, given a western release since maybe they didn't think the audience for it was still on the super fami by that period, then later decided fucking sure, and gave it a home region release in similar to how Super PunchOut was thrown on the Nintendo Power service.

>> No.10223012

Ehh, Yarn had cool visuals, but couldn't hook me because of the lack of consequences, unless you focused on playing it like Yoshi Story with the collectibles being the challenge.

>> No.10223154

>collectibles being the challenge.
That's literally the only way you actually feel your intervention is needed in the game. Otherwise, it's "hold right to win".