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10216717 No.10216717 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the comfiest FF game.

>> No.10216720
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Post Kupo Nuts

>> No.10216721

I'm playing the steam version right now, mainly so I can actually have beaten it for once and can delete it off my ssd to make room for other stuff. I love the game, it's just that back when I was a teen I lost at the very end to Deathguise, never tried again, and on every later playthrough I kinda just dropped off halfway around disk 3 because the game kinda drags for a bit there. Currently just reached Memoria.
Supposedly Square is remaking the game and has never confirmed such a rumor but people say it's the worst-kept secret at Square.

>> No.10216739
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>> No.10216792

>Sequel to FF1

>> No.10216801

Being originally designed as a gaiden game to celebrate classic FF meant that yeah, it would be filled to the brim with references. It kinda works as a sequel to 1 but at the same time it doesn't.

>> No.10216827

You mean the most mediocre and overrated FF game. It's a boring game that would be rated as comfortably the worst PS1 FF were it not for all the boomerbait nostalgic pandering.

>> No.10216850
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Wondering if there is any reason to subject myself to the absurd steal rates for bosses like Tantarian and Hilgigars

>> No.10216858

>most overrated
No that would be 7 unless you think 7 deserves literally every piece of the immense amount of praise it gets, which if that's the case I would still say 6 is the more overrated. 9 isn't anywhere close to the most overrated, it was never the absolute smash hit that 7,8, or 10 was and has nowhere near the fanbase sizes of 6,7, or 10. The only thing you can say about 9 fans is they're very vocal that this is their favorite one and how that's different from everyone else, which isn't a sign of being overrated, it's the sign of being a hipster.

>> No.10216865

I just can't drag myself through this slog of a game anymore. Every time I try, I get as far as Gizmaluke's Grotto and then stop.

>> No.10216872

>boomerbait nostalgic pandering
idgaf about pre-VII Final Fantasy, IX is a good game

>> No.10216874

Are there any mangas/animes with a similar aesthetic to this game?

>> No.10216890
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I was pretty impressed by the romance writing between Zidane and Garnet. They spend a lot of the game flirting and teasing one another before seriously acknowledging their feelings towards the end of the game. Really got the impression they were two young people in love. Convincing romance can be difficult for many writers.

IX is a pretty good game for many reasons, but Zidane and Garnet came off as a pretty unique writing accomplishment.
>t. played/playing through mainlines 1-13

>> No.10216913

Reminder: "comfy" means "bad"

>> No.10216925
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You know a game has done a good job with a relationship when seeing them on-screen can make you smile. Also if it can remind you of any relationship you're in/have been in. And if it sends you into a spiral of envy and depression at your lack of said relationship

>> No.10216960

Usually when a character goes "oh woe is me, I can't live without her" I don't believe it. I believed it with Zidane at the start of disk 3, he was absolutely miserable when Garnet left him behind to become queen.

>> No.10216995

Dunno, try asking /a/ maybe

>> No.10217065

Witch Hat Atelier

>> No.10217149

IMO it's not really necessary for the Hill Gigas, but getting the early Demon's Mail from Tantarian is quite nice.

>> No.10217173

Cringe. The Tidus/Yuna relationship was better-written because she obviously wanted Chad Sportsballer's throbbing cock inside her the first time she laid eyes on him. That's realism, not some cuck fantasy about slowly falling in love through some perfect romance cribbed from the script of a Hallmark movie.

>> No.10217174

>unless you think 7 deserves literally every piece of the immense amount of praise it gets
It does in the same way pong is considered a massive milestone despite it not being that impressive today. I think 8 is more overrated because that game is a literal trashfire, but 9 gets its dick sucked like it isn't boring and safe. Of course they tried to pivot to X and X was shit too, so whatever.

>> No.10217191
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>> No.10217206

nice meme

>> No.10217210

It took me like 4 retries but I got it eventually

>> No.10217283
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>> No.10217330

I hate that, due to old age and having played FFIX too many times, I can't play it anymore without getting bored out of my mind.
My second favorite game after ALttP.

>> No.10217345
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Sounds like you either need to spice things up (Alternate Fantasy), or put the game into hibernation for like a decade or something.

>> No.10217364
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>> No.10217368

>or put the game into hibernation for like a decade or something.
2014 was my last try. As I get older, I have completely lost my desires for JRPGs.
The only RPGs I can play anymore are the ones that let me explores various locales for treasures to add to the house I built for my character, and even then after doing it once I lose interest.
Waning dopamine is a terrible thing.

FFIX is the purest and best of the main-line FF games IMO. It will always be that. Got everything right IMO.
I cannot think of a single flaw. And I'm legitimately trying.
Eiko's dialog in Bran Bal is flashing through my head as we speak. Fucking riot. Calling that bitch a bimbo.

>> No.10217381 [SPOILER] 
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Brahne's biggest crime imo

>> No.10217410

They better make Beatrix playable if they do remake it. Biggest disappointment.

>> No.10217508

I still wonder what the point of being able to forge the Save the Queen was if no one can equip it. There's certainly some odd design and narrative choices in the game, likely a result of it being rushed.

>> No.10217525

StQ and Cinna's Hammer are the only two unique weapons that temp characters can wield. By doing so, you get two added scenes end game.

>> No.10217532

And there, beat it. I didn't think it would have such a happy ending.

>> No.10217537

I think a remake would only work if it looked something like Memoria Project
You can't do a hyper-realistic look for 9 like they did with 7's remake because 9 never really looks like the real world, even in the expensive fancy cg cutscenes people look like cartoon characters. So you might as well lean into that.

>> No.10217538

Incorrect. Only possessing Cinna's Hammer nets you an extra scene in the ending. Forging the Save the Queen literally does nothing except take up space in your inventory.

>> No.10217541

>yet another mod named memoria

>> No.10217543

What's the other one besides the save editor?

>> No.10217546

the mod loader is also named memoria

>> No.10217557
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lol rip cleyra

>> No.10217565

They did best girl so dirty in that game, it's not even funny.

>> No.10217570

Eh, she gets her bf and is happy in the end

>> No.10217582

That was the developers realizing she had been neglected for more than half the game (from Cleyra onwards) and hurriedly slapped together an ending for her. Fuck that, literally everyone else had their moment of redemption or self-realization in-game.

>> No.10217586

It's the Don Bluth philosophy, you can have any amount of fucked up things happen to the characters and the kids will be able to handle it as long as there's a happy ending.

>> No.10217593
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This is surprisingly relaxing to do

>> No.10217595

I find it kinda annoying personally, they have a tendency to jump back into the water long before you reach ! distance

>> No.10217602
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That isn't what he believes, it's basically pic related, but reworded
>[If] you don’t show the darkness, you don’t appreciate the light. If it weren’t for December no one would appreciate May. It’s just important that you see both sides of that. As far as a happy ending…when you walk out of the theatre there’s [got to be] something that you have that you get to take home. What did it teach me? Am I a better person for having watched it?

>> No.10217607

Again, it's not the fact that she suffered horribly and that she has a happy ending that bothers me, but rather the fact that immediately after she loses literally EVERYTHING, she's completely brushed aside by the story. Arguably she suffers even more than Garnet does, but the story doesn't do anything with it. No sidequest to seek survivors, no second encounter with Fratley, no arc where she picks herself up from her suffering and realizes there's still something to live for despite everything that's happened, nothing. The only thing she does that's even remotely noteworthy is decide to fight alongside one of the people primarily responsible for the genocide of her race, and that's it, all the way up to her minute-long rushed reunion with Fratley in the ending, who all of a sudden decides he loves her despite not remembering her. Would've been nice to see something in the game that leads up to that.

>> No.10217613
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Frontier village Dali theme starts playing.
Yup, home.

>> No.10217621

I would argue that for one, this is not unique to Freya, she's just most noticable because her arc concludes in the beginning of disk 2, it happens to a bunch of characters. But more importantly, I think it's more that in FF9 when a character's arc is finished, they don't keep them around just for the sake of keeping them around.

>> No.10217645

Ah, but see, this is again where I think Freya got uniquely shafted. Indeed, Eiko and Amarant also lack development and lose what little plot relevance they have once their arcs conclude, but the difference is their arcs, such as they are, end with them growing as people and becoming better for it. Freya doesn't really have that, aside from deciding to fight alongside Beatrix, which only really shows that she wasn't one to succumb to hatred and revenge, but that's not something we ever really saw anyway, so I hesitate to call that growth.

>> No.10217647

You gotta zone out while doing it and listen to some tunes

>> No.10217664

>Indeed, Eiko and Amarant
And Steiner
And...ok Quina doesn't count, his character development is 2 scenes and a frog-catching sidequest. Regardless, the only characters with continuous development the whole game are Zidane, Vivi and Garnet.

>> No.10217675
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I guess I could call myself that. I liked 4 (the one with Cecil) and 7 to 9 (even 12) but 10 and 6 are just not for me and played them quite a lot. 10, 7 and 6 are the most overrated FF games with 14. 9 is always niche compared to those. At least where I live no one thinks 9 is the better game, I don't know of anyone that has played it in my area outside of the guy that made the strategy guide for the magazine I used to buy as a kid.
Why do you keep torturing yourself? Just accept it's not for you and move on to some other game that you probably are more excited to play. That same thing happened to me with Final Fantasy X. I tried to finish it 3 times and each time I play it I make it a bit closer to the end but the plot, gameplay and characters just filter me every time. I must have sunk 60 hours in it in total and I just accepted that I'll never finish it and that I don't care about any character but Sauron and wanting to fuck Rikku.
Come on Garnet didn't like her life and wanted bad boy Zidane adventures.
Congrats anon!

>> No.10217679

Auron. Not The lord of the rings lore.

>> No.10217684

>Why do you keep torturing yourself? Just accept it's not for you and move on to some other game that you probably are more excited to play.
I beat it over a decade ago when I was more able to endure it. The last time I tried to replay was I think three years ago during the COVID quarantine and I still didn't make it past the Grotto. That was when I decided to move on.

>> No.10217690

Sorry I must have misread your original post then.

>> No.10217694

Yes, Steiner's relevance also ends, but at least his arc solidly stretches from the beginning of the game all the way to Disc 3, and he grows tremendously over that span. Again, Freya doesn't have that. You can't even say that her arc ends: rather, it just stops. It's even worse because she was set up perfectly to showcase the game's themes of existential dread, what it means to live and find meaning, and how memories tie into it all, and nothing's done with it. And it's all waved away with a short throwaway scene in the end. That's why I've never been satisfied with how she was treated.

>> No.10217710

Anon got NTR'd lol

>> No.10217718

FF9 isn't particularly unique in this area, cause 10 was the first FF where each party member matters

>> No.10217737

The trick is to not restart the game every time you decide to replay it, you're setting yourself up for failure by doing that.
It takes less time to re-acquaint yourself with the story, characters and gameplay then it does to start all over again.

>> No.10217752
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Old man, comin thru

>> No.10217758

I just outgrew it, plain and simple.

>> No.10217775
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>> No.10217783
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If I'd still have my PS2 and memory card I would have continued it where I left it probably, same with FF XII. But you know, they released the "remaster" on Steam and since I heard you could play it with the japanese dub I modded it that way. I still have the PC save file (for both X and XII) but I doubt I ever finish it (maybe I pick up XII again eventually). Even more so after learning that X's remake character models look like ass compared to the original.
More in this archived thread >>10192609

>> No.10217808

This is an excellent point. I think the ending cinematic really drives this home as well. It’s funny to me that I didn’t appreciate it anywhere as much as a kid as I do now as an adult.

>> No.10217896

Now I imagine FFX where Sauron is just casually a member of the party.

>> No.10217898

>It's even worse because she was set up perfectly to showcase the game's themes of existential dread, what it means to live and find meaning
Vivi kinda already does that.
That being said it doesn't bother me because at least they tried. At least she HAS a character, unlike Quina

>> No.10217901

Regarding Quina, I don't think every character in a fictional body absolutely has to have a super deep, rich and fulfilling backstory. Quina is clearly just a comedy relief character, no more no less.

>> No.10217902

He doesn't even really work as that for me. I unironically think he was created because someone at Square saw Phantom Menace and thought Jar-Jar was a good idea. Like not even joking, I gennuinely think that's what happened.

>> No.10217904

FF9 isn't something you can 'outgrow', it's not a fucking pair of pants. People of all ages can enjoy it. What you're trying to say is that it isn't for you, which is fine. But don't act like the game is for a certain age group when it isn't.

>> No.10217906

At least Jar Jar became a senator lel

>> No.10217910

I mean it could also mean his tastes just changed over time. I used to think power metal was stupid and juvenille, now I unironically love it because I realized it's embracing that.

>> No.10217915

Yeah, this.

>> No.10217925
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Disc 3 is underrated. The 3D FFs never have enough places that feel like full, proper dungeons, but it gives you several of them.

>> No.10217926

The actual locations of disk 3 are fine, I just dont like the pacing.

>> No.10217930

I didn't know Disc 3 was hated until recently. What's wrong with it?

>> No.10217932
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>Let's talk about the comfiest FF game.
that would be FF8

>> No.10218032

Quina exists to show up when characters are acting like fools and taking things too seriously. Quina comes along not giving a shit, and says "just do whatever, whatever happens happens, eat good food".

>> No.10218051

Indeed, Vivi perfectly covers the existential dread part, but Freya has a great twist on the concept that centers more around memory, and just how painful it is to be forgotten. It would've been nice to have a scene or scenes where Freya comes to realize that despite everything that's happened, not all is lost, and new memories can be forged. Here's where another encounter with Fratley would've been amazing, perhaps one in which Fratley comes to the party's aid in battle, and it ends with him acknowledging her and gaining his respect despite still not remembering anything, planting the seeds for what we eventually see in the ending, rather than clumsily shoving it all in at the last second.

>> No.10218067

I like that Zidane’s trance form looks like Super Saiyan 4.

>> No.10218074
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>> No.10218443

What a great drawing.

>> No.10218447

>Ceiling Steiner is watching you masturbate to Garnet

>> No.10218448

He is(or can be depending on choice) a peeper, canonically.

>> No.10218493

FFII was the only FF that was good and actually had a challenge. everything else was just X to win baby's first JRPG

>> No.10218515


>> No.10218529
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Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

>> No.10218546

You mean the game where you can use one of multiple insta-death spells to oneshot every enemy in the game outside of the last boss?

>> No.10218554

*laughs in literally every other genre that isn't VNs*

>> No.10218559

Disc 3 can never recover from the stupidity of the Gulug plotline.
>Kuja captures you and threatens you with death if you don't go into this dungeon and retrieve the key to open a volcano
>except he's literally already holding someone hostage INSIDE that volcano
>and the reason he needs to get inside the volcano again is... to perform a summon extraction ritual that we already saw performed elsewhere in the game previously

Outside of that section it's totally fine.

>> No.10218635

While you were busy fighting red dragons and looking for treasure, Kuja put Hilda up in a nearby room while prepping the ceremony.
Hilda was never a hostage either.
Kuja had destroyed Alexandria castle, the only other place with a summoner sanctum.

>> No.10218780

Are the PAL releases particularly bad? Is the time limited sword critical to have?

>> No.10218792

>Is the time limited sword critical to have?
No, it gives 1 move Steiner can't learn from anything else, which doesn't matter because his best move is Shock and he gets that from like 1 sword weaker.

>> No.10218796

It was a copout for Fratley and Puck to survive Cleyra's destruction anyway

>> No.10218806
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>but Freya has a great twist on the concept that centers more around memory, and just how painful it is to be forgotten.
>game itself forgets that she's in it

>> No.10218819


>> No.10218824


>> No.10218861


>> No.10219109

>it gives 1 move Steiner can't learn from anything else
Not even that. The Excalibur 2 teaches Minus Strike, Stock Break and Climhazzard, all of which he learns from previous swords (the latter two from the regular Excalibur). It's indeed the strongest weapon in the game, but it really doesn't make that much of a difference, especially given how easy the game is and how much damage Steiner does regardless at typical end-game levels anyway. So all in all, it's pretty much just a bragging-rights weapon.

>> No.10219117

Wait, my bad, he only learns Climhazzard from Excalibur, while he learns Stock Break from Ultima Sword, but both are easily acquired anyway.

>> No.10219186
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I want to touch Eiko where it's soft.

>> No.10219206

the original 50hz PAL FFIX version is pretty slow
I played it back in the day though and loved it.

>> No.10219210

I remember playing the PAL version as a kid. No wonder the game felt so slow. I also read that full 3D environments made the loading times for fights even longer.

>> No.10219347
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>> No.10219653

Which again, none of that matters because endgame Steiner is just casting Shock until he has to use an ether.
Excalibur 2 is a cool-looking sword though, so I did edit the timer on my save file so that I got it.

>> No.10219658

Yeah the steam version lets you skip the swinging the camera around animation at the start of fights which cuts down on a ton of wasted time. Not to mention the game in general just runs better on pc for obvious reasons

>> No.10220290
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FF7 is the most overrated. All the fun is crammed into the dieselpunk dystopia on Disc 1. Disc 2 on is like a 2nd rate rehash of FFVI. People think FF7 is Midgar. The rest of the game is an imitation of FF6.

I feel that FF9 was overall better. The story about warring kingdoms up until you return to Lindblum about 3 hours into disc 3 was great. Likeable characters, fast paced and high tension. Fantastic aesthetics. The game trips up once you return to Lindblum in disc 3, after the game becomes about the hunt for Kuja (boring) and you have to slog through half a dozen dungeons with little to no plot advancement, and you realize that the combat sucks.

The Vision of Escaflowne. Fantastic art and animation by studio Sunrise. Just be warned that it was supposed to be a 36 episode long show, but its budget was slashed to 25 episodes, so in episode 20 the show was getting into the war arc that was supposed to take up another 16 episodes but they got crammed into 5.

What really sold me on Zidane was that he initially acts as a flirt, but then in disc 2 when he gets "married" to Garnet, he starts taking things seriously and thinking about whether or not he would be a good husband.

>> No.10220405

Is there a patch to do this on PS1

>> No.10220463

The camera pans are actually a loading screen in the original game, so no there's no way to do it on PS1.

>> No.10221694
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>> No.10222207

What needs to be loaded? In any case, with emulators, read speed shouldn't be an issue

>> No.10222223

The models. I'm not going to pretend I know the inner workings, but all battles start with a black screen as the scene loads, the camera pans around the enemies as the enemies load, and then the party's character models load in before the UI pops up and the ATB starts flowing.

>> No.10222467

FFIX might be the worst of the first nine FF titles. It outright would be if FFII didn't exist.

>> No.10222832


>> No.10222915

cool story bro
no one cares

>> No.10224182
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>> No.10224226

I still can't believe her model has perfectly outlined ass cheeks and butt shine

>> No.10224268
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>> No.10224270

>Bodysuit turns to a leotard with an ass-thong when she's in Trance
Even better.

>> No.10224405
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took me ages to see it as a kid

>> No.10224636 [DELETED] 

Reminds me of one of Kuja's concept drawings..

>> No.10224640
File: 62 KB, 772x604, Kuja_FFIX_Art_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of one of Kuja's concept drawings...

>> No.10224710

is that how they got away with so many suggestive female character outfits? by having a male dressed even more slutty?

>> No.10224725

Not enough people had the internet for the voices of the few people who give a fuck to matter at all, and games media (magazines) at the time absolutely reveled in sex appeal.

>> No.10224905

Dali isn't relaxing though, it's fucking horrifying. Beneath the veneer of the OST they're kidnapping children, manufacturing Black Mages in the Steam dungeons and shipping them out like your local Amazon slave hub.
Then again ooh soft

>> No.10224917


>> No.10225247

yeah it makes no sense, was Kuja searching for a weapon in Gulug?

>> No.10225272

He needed access to the altar thing at the bottom to extract Eiko's summons. His goal all throughout the first 3 discs was to collect powerful summons to oppose Garland since summons are powerful enough for Garland to fear them.

>> No.10225557

What was wrong with it?

>> No.10225580

Probably the fact that magic doesn't work there, so you're punished if you take any Magic users, and you're forced to rely on healing items instead. Now this alone isn't that bad IMO, as it just introduces a small element of challenge, but the problem is if you don't know what you're doing, you can easily miss the one hint you get that you shouldn't take magic users and end up with a gimped party (remember, once you set off for the Forgotten Continent, you can't change your party). What's more, if you take all your brawlers, you're then forced to use only spell casters for Kuja's palace, which can also be tough since you gotta keep up MP for everyone.

>> No.10225685

>asian Johnathan Taylor Thomas
>throbbing cock
Did I mention he was fucking Asian?
Garnet will always be best FF girl.

>> No.10225734

The most famous woman in Spira can't get over him. Teeders is canonically 8.5 inches.

>> No.10225738

>you can easily miss the one hint
How do you miss it?

>> No.10225787

It's a lot easier if you do the chocobo treasure hunt that opens up around this point and get the dragon's claws for Amarant, he can singlehandedly wreck everything in one of the dungeons with them.

>> No.10225834
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>literally proven to just be a female fantasy that fades away at the end
Lmao pottery

>> No.10226567

>missing the hint
Kuja LITERALLY tells you Oelivert has an anti-magic barrier, and the Zidane says he shouldn't bring magic users. The actual hard part is Ark is way too fucking strong for just healing items.

>> No.10227102

My bad, it's been a long time since my last playthrough and for some reason I seemed to remember Kuja just making a passing mention. I guess I remembered it that way because my dumbass preteen self somehow missed it on the first playthrough and I ended up taking Vivi and Eiko, which were, of course, total sandbags.

>> No.10227141

I purposely keep behind 1 non-magic user to help out Eiko's team and bring Quina, partially cuz there's some blue magic to learn there but also because s/he can hit fairly hard when rng is in my favor

>> No.10228684
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>> No.10228685

So you used PlayOnline, too?

>> No.10229019

quina wrecks shit with regular attacks if you search out the good forks as soon as you can, and magic hammer can obliterate thousands of MP in a single cast to neuter enemies that like to use magic
just uh don't use it on Kuja, flare star doesn't cost MP so he'll just spam it if he runs out

>> No.10230454
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