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10214018 No.10214018 [Reply] [Original]

I have become obsessed with Resident Evil 1.5 the past couple of weeks. I guess I forgot about it after all these years but now I am vaguely recalling how I did in fact see screenshots of it in some gaming magazines back in the 90s as a kid. It almost feels like I'm looking at a hidden gem from the PS1 era that I never got to play or know about. Its been very interesting looking at how much of this version of RE2 was complete only to be scrapped.

If completed do you think this version of RE2 would have been a worthy sequel?
Has there ever been any other game besides RE4 that had a beta version that was mostly completed only to be scrapped?

>> No.10214358

>If completed do you think this version of RE2 would have been a worthy sequel?
As someone who dissected the combat soon after the vanilla build was released, I don't think it would. Bear in mind that gameplay mechanics go beyond enemy programing and its complex (or lack of) actions but Resident Evil 1.5 felt very barebones compared to Resident Evil 1. The build we played was nearly halfway through completion so it is possible they could have tweaked many things down to road and made it a better experience in terms of gameplay but at its core, it felt a downgrade from Resident Evil 1. In retroperspective, I think they had the right idea with scrapping this for the retail product but I still would have liked to play whatever build was closest to completion (whichever was featured in complete disc).

>> No.10214367
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We need a Capcom gigaleak!

>> No.10214375

We already got it retard, when they got hacked.
Capcom doesn't keep much of their fifth/sixth gen shit on file. As shown with the Zero HD previews (Where they showed off the N64 build a bit), they actually just keep hard copies of most of it.
They likely also don't have the 80% build of 1.5, since (if I recall), it was bought by a private collector.

>> No.10214554

Supposedly there is an 80% build of the game out there that nobody has been able to access.

>> No.10215528

A build of this version was leaked in 2013. I played it pretty extensively just to see all the cool shit that never made it to the release version. It has its ups and downs. Elza Walker was a cool concept and I lament the fact that Capcom never recycled her into any of the other games. Some of the abandoned locations like the RPD shooting range, the sewer levels and the much larger Birkin lab were exciting and I wish they would've kept those in. Some ideas from this proto also later appeared in other Capcom properties. Most notably, the various body armors and the knife placed under a hotkey for quick deployment were later seen in Dino Crisis 2 and RE4. Zombies were harder to kill and that made them an actual, credible threat, adding to the challenge.

But on the other hand, what little of the plot I saw just didn't work, it was a mess for a game that heavily relied on one to carry it. So they were right to rewrite it, despite sacrificing Elza in the process. And some of the pre-rendered backgrounds and other graphical elements were very rough and lacking in polish. Pretty obvious placeholder stuff. Also, prototype Leon looks like a dork.

>> No.10215567
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Elza a cute

>> No.10215587
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Yeah, just look a her. Ain't she just cute and sparkly compared to that old, worn-out hag Claire?

>> No.10215727

I wonder if they ever got around to planning out the endgame stages? All the plot outlines I've read just kind of stop after Leon cures Marvin in his scenario and when Sherry runs away from Elza in the Lab in hers. I've seen a rough sketch of Anette as a G monster which was a cool idea. Plus a couple of weird, and honestly pretty stupid looking, concepts for final boss monsters. One of them with Wesker's face in its tail.

>> No.10216342

I just want the MML3 prologue

>> No.10216390

Fuck's wrong with her giant fucking arms?

>> No.10216594

Every developer who's talked about it has basically said it was too derivative of RE1 but not as good. Kind of makes me wonder though if I wouldn't have liked it more since I prefer RE1 over the final version of RE2 a lot, if it kept any of the more open-ended map design.

>> No.10216609

Don't kid yourself. Capcom lost the source code and whatever source there was 25 years ago is long gone. Most likely the disc that was burnt to is already rotten and the data lost.

>> No.10216625

>too derivative of RE1 but not as good
Yep. They realized at some point during development that they didn't know what the fuck they were doing and just said "fuck it, well just make RE1 again since we know that works". The final game is practically RE1 with another coat of paint, to the point of making the police station into Mansion 2.0

>> No.10217167

I actually find the more realistic and darker depiction of the RPD from 1.5 to be scarier looking than the release game. Probably because it looks like a more realistic plausible location you'd see in real life. It also seems like it would have been harder to navigate around the zombies but the game was unfinished so we don't know for sure what the final enemy placements would have been. I wonder what they mean by derivative though since RE2 still plays a lot like RE1 for the most part. I would say it was RE3 that felt like a truer sequel gameplay wise.

>> No.10217220
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there just isnt enough information to know for sure. apparently the knife has its own slot was because you were planned to be able to have melee options for the standard arm window. but according to gemini this was aborted by our build, leaving an awkward extra window for the knife in the menu screen you cant interact with. this feature, especially the pipe was eventually used in outbreak which probably means the different knives in that game also would have happened here. i wonder why it was decisively removed so early. personally i believe claires zappy gun was also planned for this slot as a police issued stun gun which again was reused in outbreak and remake with its special use in the latter being the proof.
gemini also stated that there was enough code evidence that they were in fact going to use the limping system in addition to the visual injury one which is odd as it is never shown in any build and this one is pretty early.
theres a lot of room for theory based on reused assets in future games. like i said about the stun gun i also think the fire extinguisher used in the beginning of the game to get ada out had optional uses all the way at the end when the lab goes on fire. i say this because of veronica. also the item has a use counter here. it may even act as another standard arm. to slow zombies down? but use it all and you screw yourself out of extra goodies in the lab?
this shit is so fun to think of. i wish i knew how to hack.

>> No.10217414

Back when 2 was new, I was really expecting the series to sort of keep with the anthology aspect, wherein every game would have two new heroes in a different part of the city or escape situation, telling done in one game tales of survival.

>> No.10217447

I wish they got things right and kept the original police station aesthetic. But 2 is also memorable, I just never loved the sPoOkY police chief and his gay secrets

>> No.10217467

I remember reading somewhere that the save points in 2 were going to be computer terminals. I guess the idea was that each game would have something different. But someone threw a fit and demanded that they had to be typewriters or else people would get confused.
They sort of tried to go back to this idea recently though. You use cassette tapes in 7 and 8 was supposed to have film pickups for the antique camera that's reused as part of the Duke's props. But that game's development was a mess and it ultimately got removed.

>> No.10217468

somebody shop the autism hat on him

>> No.10217652 [DELETED] 

Elza's scenario was finished, Leon's unknown but it covered everything up the warehouse. At least according to the source that had the most up-to-date build. The concepts for final bosses you're talking about were just that - concepts. Probably related to whatever was the first iteration of Resident Evil 1.5, what was known as Dash for a long time. Zeiram and Golgotha never left the paper.

>if it kept any of the more open-ended map design.
This is honestly one of the things I would have loved to see if Resident Evil 1.5 kept in the latter stages of development. Coming from Hideki, I highly doubt that would have been the case (Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry hardly feature any of that) but it is still possible that the rest of the team might have programmed some mangled leftovers of this intended design as the game went unto later stages, even if it wasn't fully realized in whatever build they were at the time.

>RE3 that felt like a truer sequel gameplay wise.
I wholeheartedly agree. I also feel that it portrays far better Resident Evil 1.5's isolated and distressed atmosphere than the retail product ever did.

>gemini also stated that there was enough code evidence that they were in fact going to use the limping system
It's kind weird hearing this for the the first time but somehow does not surprise me since they were already playing around with diferent character animations (while moving and in idle) somewhere around the vanilla build - and it was seemingly removed in later builds, for whatever reasons. Well, maybe that was the reason.

>> No.10217689

Elza's scenario was finished, Leon's unknown but it covered everything up the warehouse. At least according to the source that had the most up-to-date build. The concepts for final bosses you're talking about were just that - concepts. Probably related to whatever was the first iteration of Resident Evil 1.5, what was known as Dash for a long time. Zeiram and Golgotha never left the paper.

>if it kept any of the more open-ended map design.
This is honestly one of the things I would have loved to see if Resident Evil 1.5 kept in the latter stages of development. Coming from Hideki, I highly doubt that would have been the case (Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry hardly feature any of that) but it is still possible that the rest of the team might have programmed some mangled leftovers of this intended design as the game went unto later stages, even if it wasn't fully realized in whatever build they were at the time.

>RE3 that felt like a truer sequel gameplay wise.
I wholeheartedly agree. I also feel that it portrays far better Resident Evil 1.5's isolated and distressed atmosphere than the retail product ever did.

>gemini also stated that there was enough code evidence that they were in fact going to use the limping system
It's kind weird hearing this for the the first time but somehow does not surprise me since they were already playing around with diferent character animations (while moving and in idle) somewhere around the vanilla build - and it was seemingly removed in later builds, for whatever reasons. Well, maybe that was the reason.

>> No.10217854

I'm going to guess they wanted to make him a bad guy in order to give a more simple explanation as to why the RPD was such a weird place and they also felt they needed a human villain that doesn't just become a monster like Birkin. Him being corrupt is also in line with the series themes in general.

>> No.10218215

Speaking of repurposed content, I always thought Yoko from Outbreak was based on Ada's 1.5 version.

>> No.10218225

>Has there ever been any other game besides RE4 that had a beta version that was mostly completed only to be scrapped?
The info on it is pretty scarce so I don't know exactly how much was scrapped and reworked, but apparently Darkstalkers 3 was originally intended to be released in 1996, and in Fall of that year the call was made to scrap a lot of what they had made and start anew. What they had before probably involved Anita as a playable character, and the Demitri-headswap vampiric Donovan who eventually saw they light of day in the PS2 collection. Jedah was also seemingly already present before the rework, and possibly Lilith, although I'm not 100% sure on that. It was also going to be a lot more story-focused and have story cutscenes for every character's single player ladder, maybe a bit like Cyberbots and Red Earth. B.B. Hood and Q-Bee were created during the later reworking phase.

>> No.10218229

There was a leak a while back, but apparently very little of it got released to the public, mostly just release schedules of games in development at the time.

>> No.10218349

I would love for that 80% build to get leaked if only to see how the story was shaping up. There was good elements to it too, even if the game was pretty much lesser on the whole compared to the original.

>> No.10218354

Elza > Claire. No doubt. Crapcom can be really retarded when it comes to face raping their own characters.

>> No.10218373

That would have been a much cooler and more interesting route for the series to take instead of getting hung up on the same handful of characters and just running them into the ground.

>> No.10218425
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ohhh boy oh boy i came up with a theory that has enough evidence i am almost inspired to make a youtube video on it. im gonna have to nerd out for a minute.
it wasnt yoko but a supporting character in the final scenario of file 2 is a massive tribute to 1.5.
the black scientist girl is a merging of ada and marvin. they took the occupation and gender of ada with the ethnicity and story progression of marvin.
-in the 2nd era of 1.5 adas name is translated as ri-n-da or Linda. the name of said character in outbreak. if you want even more proof if you enable the extra npcs from file 2 back into file 1 her name is fucking Rinda.
-in 1.5 marvin is bitten in the leg and needs to be shouldered(!) to the end of the game. which is exactly what you need to do for linda after getting shot in the leg. this is may very well be the entire reason the shouldering mechanic was used in outbreak.

>> No.10218429
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>> No.10218449
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>> No.10218461

Funnily enough it sounded like Mikami had the opposite solution at one point, where for a time he wasnt interested in any entries after 1.5.
Its a good thing that RE2 was rebooted in development the way it was, otherwise we never would've gotten later games like RE3 or RE4 regardless of how people feel about the direction it took the series. Its also good that Mikami stepped in to help Kamiya and RE2's scenario writer rebrand it as DMC instead of having RE4 jump the shark into a differently retarded direction.

>> No.10218465

I just really hate that Umbrella went from some generally bad people who basically got killed by their own monsters to fucking Cobra. Wesker's motivation was much more believable and understandable when he was motivated by greed and lust for power rather than TOTAL GLOBAL SATURATION. I don't care how much of a meme it was. Wesker became a joke villain. He was cooler dead.

>> No.10218494

Umbrella's motivation even for making BOWs stops making sense after a certain point, nevermind deliberately infecting large portions of the population across the world. Who are they even trying to be evil to at that point, what are they even going to do with all those zombies and out of control giant snakes and shit?

>> No.10218549

How much of 1.5 was kept in RE2 remake?

>> No.10218929

Agreed, I love RE1's story because it's simple and just believable enough.
Eccentric, paranoid billionaire gets involved in weapons grade biological experiments, and has a lab built in the sticks with tons of booby traps and safe-rooms etc.
A crooked cop on Umbrella's payroll decides he wants to get a bigger pay-cheque and betrays his team to get some samples to sell to a rival when everything goes tits up.
The whole outbreak may be a genuine accident that Wesker capitalised on, or Wesker deliberately releasing the virus.
The main thing I didn't like/get is Wesker's exact role. Was he a researcher they put in place as the head of STARS? I would have liked it better if he wasn't a researcher or whatever, but just happened to be a cop that Umbrella was bribing to keep quiet/help them out when needed.

>> No.10218946

Not a whole lot?
It's quite odd, RE:2 basically makes the garage area the 1.5 one, with the shooting range and remade lockup, small things like that, but it doesn't want to commit the same way it doesn't want to commit to actually remaking all of RE2, just surface level aspects of it.
Shit game all around.

>> No.10218969

>Has there ever been any other game besides RE4 that had a beta version that was mostly completed only to be scrapped?
That was never the case for RE4

>> No.10219502

Yeah, it was pure horror movie cheese but it was quite effective. Then everything had to get bigger and more stupid. It was from greed spiraling out of control to... I don't even know anymore.

>> No.10219548

>The main thing I didn't like/get is Wesker's exact role.
And to make it even murkier, the files make it sound more like he was in charge of lab security instead of a researcher. The Orders you find in the Trophy Room are addressed to the Head of the Security Department and the Researcher's Will says "the guy in the sunglasses" wouldn't let him call his girlfriend. The original files say the same things, so it wasn't something localizers came up with either. I actually really like the idea of a Wesker glorified security guard with delusions of grandeur and it makes more sense that the skills that job demands would crossover with being a cop.

>> No.10219559
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y tho

>> No.10219635

The source code for DMC2 leaked with that and no one did jack shit with it. There's even a few Excel files with notes signed by Itsuno and another guy but not even that got translated.

>> No.10219709
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>If completed do you think this version of RE2 would have been a worthy sequel?

Most likely not. All the developers admit it was complete ass and just boring. You can get on Youtube and see gameplay footage. It just didn't look good. And its really saying something when the devs and executives both agree to scrap a game and start over again.

>> No.10219790

kill yourself please

>> No.10220086


>> No.10220131
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Wesker shows up in the photos of the Research and Development team of the T-virus. He was likely intented to be a scientist who was working on the project, hence why he was fascinated by the T-002.

>> No.10220179

Wesker was both chief of staff and an R&D Member. It's a plot beat necessitated by the small cast- can only have one real traitor (Barry doesn't count as a real traitor), and the later games recontextualize it well. In particular, Wesker being this elite ubermench in CV, a perfect tokusatsu rival to scrappy self-made man Chris, is really good.

>> No.10220356

Yeah, I remember the pictures of him as part of the R&D staff, but I found that kind of strange. So he was a scientist, but they then instilled him as the head of STARS? I would have personally liked it better if he was a cop the whole time who started taking Umbrella money to cover things up, and then turned on them.
I find it strange that a scientist would just be sent to the PD and made the leader of a special forces team. Not to mention that STARS were from a different state/town in RE1 too, so it's not like Wesker would have been nearby the lab either.
It's a small thing, but it's just the one that sticks out to me as strange.

>> No.10220402
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Because it would be funny and I can't photoshop

>> No.10220446

Again, the later games do explain this better by slowly adding more to the Arklay plotline.
>Resident Evil 2
Most staff had packed up and left for the new underground lab, which is likely why Wesker got promoted to head of R&D and given a position in STARS, as the implication is that the outbreak and eventual cleanup was a planned event.
>Code Veronica/Wesker's Report
This actually does allude to the RE5 retcon (most of 4/5 are working off of old FLAGSHIP drafts, so it makes sense) by contrasting Alexia and Wesker so heavily, but we'll leave the test tube baby plotpoint to the side.
Wesker is shown to be a jack of all trades and master of all essentially. He leads a military assault on Rockfort, has the technical knowhow to unleash a virus and command hunters, and later knows to retrieve Steve's body rather than deal with Alexia. It's easy to see how he juggled several positions at Arklay.
We actually see him as security chief here, as well as talking to Birkin as an equal. Probably the most interesting scenes in the game honestly. Also, Wesker's Report II confirms the idea that the Arklay leak was intentional, which is why Wesker would hold positions both in STARS and Arklay.
Reveals the test tube baby stuff, which asserts that Wesker was basically born perfect.

>> No.10220465
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Elza looks like she has a touch of the 'tism to me. But instead of trains it's motorcycles.

>> No.10220621

>The source code for DMC2 leaked

Did it at least reveal anything interesting about the game?

>> No.10220705

Playing this now the zombies don't die is this post to happen in the game

>> No.10220712

The zombies actually can die, at least the in MZD patch I'm using from 2019 or so. Shotguns are the easiest way to kill them, but regular zombies can take up a ton of pistol shots, especially if you try shooting them when they're trying to get up.
Of course this could just be written off because the game was still in development, it would've presumably been ironed out if it managed to launch.

>> No.10220773

Yeah I'd be careful about inferring too much about the gameplay from pre-release builds. For example, I've played a RE1 build where you could kill zombies with 2 or 3 pistol rounds.

>> No.10220803

>Reveals the test tube baby stuff, which asserts that Wesker was basically born perfect.
I think we're talking about two different things here. I agree with you they explain a lot how this guy can do so much, since he's a 'superman' of sorts. I'm just saying that I kind of would have liked it if it was a bit more grounded and he was a regular police captain rather than a scientist/police officer genius.

>> No.10220808

Well, only taking 1 and 2 into account, the reasoning is obvious.
>Wesker is the only leading R&D Staff staying at the Arklay Facility, is upped to Head of Security since he's basically maintaining what's left there while Birkin's teams move to the new underground lab
>In this time, he is assigned to STARS to deal with a planned or anticipated leak (if you want to include 3, the waste disposal facility is another leak point)
That's it really.

>> No.10220809

>Not going for the obvious Fatal Fury reference

>> No.10220843
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The story in the first game isn't bad by any means. I'd put it on about the same level as a Michael Crichton novel. Pulpy and outlandish at points, but ultimately a respectable sci-fi thriller. The twist that the zombies are living people suffering from a horrible infection and explicitly not reanimated corpses was genuinely innovative for the time too. I guess it was a lightning in a bottle moment because the stories in the following games rapidly devolve into just copying zombie cliches from Romero movies and piling ridiculous garbage straight from the toilet of Japanese television onto the plots. None of that impacts the gameplay though and they're still fantastic games. I just treat the story in the first game as a complete work that was never intended to start a series and don't really care too much about all the nonsense they later tried to tack onto it.

>> No.10220860

There were 4 scrapped versions of RE4 you moron

>> No.10220924

Definitely agree on those points. Self-contained RE1 is a great little story.
The virus gets particularly bizarre by Code Veronica where zombies literally come out of the ground.

>> No.10220967

Its kind of surprising how little he shows up in the first game. I think its pretty obvious that at that point they never had this vision of him being the villain he eventually becomes in the series.

>> No.10220978

idk how much remake adds to it as i know georges diary was supposed to be in the classic but the puzzle lore alone for the first game is fucking flawless. telling the constructor to make SFW puzzles to divert authorities from your secret base then have umbrella to retrofit them with lethality is delightfully devilish. especially because you see it through george trevor deduction.
>made this big mansion. for some reason client explicatively asks for elaborate contraptions. whatevs im not gonna ask
>"invited" back like 10 years later
>why do all my puzzles now have blades and poison ga-oh god i see the error of my ways.
idk i might be embellishing.

but this is also a point to add to making the chief a psycho in 2. of course he would also put puzzles in his police station. it stops making sense in the series once you leave the station in 2

>> No.10220987

I know the Tyrant skewering is more iconic, but I love his alternate death by Chimera while setting off the self destruct. It's the perfect death for a slimy little asshole trying to fuck everyone over and reminds me of Burke's death in Aliens.

>> No.10221164

and none of them were close to completion excluding DMC, which did come out. Retard.

>> No.10221412
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Im the only one who thinks that elza sort of looks like ashley from resident evil 4?

>> No.10221545

>particularly bizarre by Code Veronica where zombies literally come out of the ground.
Happened in RE3 as well.

>> No.10221649

Absolutely cute.

>> No.10222706

What about onimusha?
Wasnt that also an attempt at making a spinoff RE title that ended up becoming its own series?

>> No.10222757

Yeah it was called Biohazard Sengoku very early on. I think they were just completely out of ideas and throwing shit at the wall to see what would stick.

>> No.10222847
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Isn't that like the japanese version of Resident Evil 1 though? I think the development team had something going on the with bullet spoonge zombies (it even made a comeback in Resident Evil 2's Hard mode despite the concept never being used again) and by the looks of the way they structured the original RPD, this mechanic might have been intended to be used as some short of puzzle to deter action in the early stages of the game (i.e. use the shutters to block some sections of the RPD and prevent zombies from reaching certain areas). Probably would have tweaked before release but I believe there was something planned for it since it's present in pretty much every build we ever saw.

>> No.10222850

No she doesn't look like this goddamn goblin.

>> No.10222953

4 has to be one of the most bizarre development cycles I've ever heard of.
>Started as Hunk on a bote
>Quickly changed course and became Devil May Cry
>Turned into Haunting Ground
>Spent some time as Resident Evil 4: Silent Hill 5
>Briefly went back to zombies
>Finally lands on "The President's daughter has been kidnapped by Mexican cultists in Spain. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue her?"

>> No.10223201

you can treat re2 as 1.5:final then the sponge is just another temp decision. they could have made a quick decision to shift importance of the shutters by always respawning 1-2 zombies directly outside of the doors of connecting rooms. perfectly logical in both lore and gameplay. shut that shutter if you want to save ammo. wanna be a real dick spawn a zombie in that tiny elevator.
+1 point for 1.5 station-its handicap accessible

>> No.10223218
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>Resident Evil 2's Hard mode
Beat it with both Leon and Claire and I can see why it's only in the DC and PC versions. It's more difficult but it's extremely unbalanced because of the shotgun. Basically the enemies with the biggest HP difference are the zombies but the shotgun still decaps them in one shell, making it not that hard with Leon but MUCH harder with Claire literally just because she doesn't have the shotgun

>> No.10223253

The 1995 builds of RE1 even have a quick 180 turn. Why they didn't bring it back until 3 is a mystery.

>> No.10223265

Does it? I've only played RE3 through once so I probably forgot.
RE2 had people in the morgue coming back, but I figure they were very recently 'deceased' rather than buried and decaying.

>> No.10223268

IIRC you never get the diary in the original game. You DO find his grave, but it's never explained who it's for or why it's there, and I kind of like that. It's a mysterious grave and it's never expanded upon, it's just there and fucking creepy.

>> No.10223292

in 3 they were very recently buried and presumed dead

>> No.10223298

the grave's location makes no sense the way the diary describes him finding it

>> No.10224334

Elza also had access to the shotgun so it seems like they designed the game allocating your resources properly to each given situation rather than molding it around your character specifics (like Resident Evil 1 & 2). Perhaps the focus on characters was rather game progression and how that influenced your choices instead, probably a mix of Extreme Battle, where each enemy is suitable for one of the three weapons you have available and the route you take can drastically change how to tackle on the threats you face.

>> No.10224615

Claire gets the grenade launcher with flame rounds, they're even better for guaranteeing zombie kills.

>> No.10224623

They're not, not on Hard at least

>> No.10224673
File: 1.35 MB, 960x720, Fire Rounds Hard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just tested on Hard mode and it takes 2 or 3 flame rounds to kill zombies (you also only pick up 4 rounds instead of 6 on Hard). I know you can group zombies together to better use your ammo but you can also do that with the shotgun except the shotgun is a 100% guaranteed 1 shot kill when you aim up AND you find almost 3x as many shotgun shells in the game. So yeah, Hard mode is much easier as Leon just because of how much HP zombies have and the shotgun decap mechanic that completely ignores zombie HP

>> No.10224818
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I know it's not very survival horror, but even if we go with the idea that not everyone (even rookie cops lol) is a dead eye good shooter hence why you don't get to just make headshots in the classic re games so that time to kill is fun and not ezpz, wouldn't even the most civilian civilian be able to grab a baseball bat and start wacking heads lol? I mean not the hordes like outbreak shows but the crowds Leon and Claire, Jill etc deal with. Sure you're not gonna beat a hunter with a bat, or at least not two at once, but zombies in re should be cake if you can at least not get grabbed. Love these games, fun to muse on the established environment game world etc

>> No.10224890

RE zombies aren't reanimated corpses that follow some dumb rules about headshots. They're failed supersoldiers. Head injuries don't even seem to bother them too much unless it completely decapitates them.

>> No.10225904

I don't get why everyone always assumes that overpowering zombies in a real apocalypse would be that easy. Maybe Romero's movies painted this idea that zombies should be fragile and weak things but if you imagine zombies being more 28 days later infected that mostly retain the same strenght (despite the lack of speed) then the notion of going up against a group of 2 or 3, even with a baseball bat, becomes quickly silly because beating down another human who does not feel or retract when injuried and can instantly kill on a grab is a dangerous and stupid thing to do. And I think that is how Resident Evil tries to portray them to the player.

>> No.10225969
File: 286 KB, 620x400, re1 zombie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE zombies are also big guys 4u. It's not super noticeable in 1 but they're taller than Leon in 2 and about a head taller than Chris in the remake of 1. I don't remember if that holds true for the other older games though. The artbook/behind the scenes book that came out with RE1 says the virus affects humans like most other things and makes them grow abnormally large. Which is also why they're hungry all the time and eat whatever they can get their hands on.

>> No.10226412

>The 1995 builds of RE1 even have a quick 180 turn. Why they didn't bring it back until 3 is a mystery.
Huh that is odd. My only guess is that they originally thought it would make the games too easy so they left it out until 3 where they were already making the series head in such an action focused direction each successive game. It is actually the one gameplay feature I wish was in 1 & 2. It just feels too natural for it to have not been a part of the gameplay since the beginning. Kind of like the auto-aim.

>> No.10226452

I think a more gameplay perspective take on what this anon mentions is that melee simply isn't as intuitive in the RE games. It was clearly meant to be a last resort by the devs. Silent Hill is different where the melee weapons seem to be the better weapons to use. Saving the guns and bullets for important boss battles instead. Especially since you do not have to worry about inventory like in RE. You can move while locked on to monsters in SH so melee combat having more focus makes a lot more sense in those games. You also need to step on the monsters to finish them off.

>> No.10227602

I'm kind of surprised that Capcom hasn't done an RE1.5 remaster/finished version for modern consoles (like the RE2 and RE3 remasters) and then from there launch another RE timeline which would continue on to a new series of RE games. Almost like a reboot of the entire franchise. They're MO is basically making remasters, sequels and expansions for their games. Shocked that they haven't even done this yet.

>> No.10227626

It's a little rough in those old builds. You double tap left or right to quickturn but it's pretty picky about the input timing. You also double tap up to run. But yeah, it feels very natural when it's modded into the PC ports of 1 and 2 and playing without autoaim would be a lot more fluid if you could rapidly turn around to shoot things behind you.

>> No.10228009


Question: wich version is that one?

>> No.10228057

>I'm kind of surprised that Capcom hasn't done an RE1.5 remaster
Then you aren't very smart.

>> No.10228072

PC version with the Classic Rebirth patch (switches the Sourcenext release back to English and makes the game run perfectly on modern PCs) and a high quality audio mod because for some reason the vanilla audio on PC is lower quality. Hard mode is also available on Dreamcast (called Nightmare on DC) but the PC version is the best in my opinion since the game doesn't freeze for half a second between camera angles like other versions, you can skip door animations, and it has both the Japanese and International modes (enemy placements are different between the JP and US versions plus a few different game mechanics)

>> No.10228564

>But instead of trains it's motorcycles.
Biker autistic girl, she goes vrooom everytime she rides you

>> No.10230285

I do wonder why melee was just a backup. If it needed to not be op just give everything but the knife a durability or something

>> No.10230325

Maybe because that's how firearms work in real life? The concept of durability on anything but a wooden stick is the most retarded thing to ever happen on gaming.

>> No.10230382

Oh sorry anon I was speaking purely melee weapons, I meant give melee weapons durability except the knife so you always have something to fall back on. So that way you still have the survival aspect of survival horror maintaining resources of either ammo for the gun or durability for a melee weapon

>> No.10230762

They did on Outbreak. I thought it was a nice concept for survival horror (I mean you're a big city with many survivors, resources are going to be very scarce) but never made a comeback so maybe it wasn't that well received.

>> No.10230763

The game was never completed after all, the furthest it got in development was supposedly 60-80%. And while we still dont have any proof of the 80% build existing, its not hard to see why former RE2 staff like Kamiya werent that happy about it, never mind the game being leaked. It was basically a false start that resulted in a ton of work scrapped.

>> No.10231207

I'm willing to bet it was much closer to the low end of that 60-80% figure. People just latched onto the idea of a cancelled game that was nearly complete and built it up into this mythical thing in their head.

>> No.10231463

RE4 had the perfect fix really. I could see that implementation having worked well for the prior games. No need for durability. I think the DS version of RE1 actually does this.

>> No.10232484

There's proof that the build existed - either through official or leaked sources.

Wrong. The figures were given by different people, Mikami estimated between 60-65% but he was acting as producer so likely estimating other additional work post-completion while another programmer came up with the 80% figure probably referring to the in-house development of the studio (audio and FMVs were outsourced back then, if I remember correctly).

>> No.10233213

Same. I really liked 1.5's RPD better.

>> No.10233253

It's so fucking funny to me that instead of leaking cool shit like the 80% build of this game - the Capcom ransomware attack gave us the DMC2 source code instead