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10213917 No.10213917 [Reply] [Original]

which Final Fantasy 11 private server are you playing on?

I'm on Valhalla, which is the only one that has TRUSTs, which makes it awesome for me at least. It's pretty retail-like. Actually i like it more than retail.


>> No.10214303
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>> No.10214382

You play either retail or Horizon. Anything else is redundant.

>> No.10214419

does Horizon have TRUSTs?

>> No.10214431

Has there ever been any attempt to modernize the interface for this game? XI looks really cool but I can't handle the controls and menus.

>> No.10214470

it isn't that hard to figure out. Just use the BG-wiki beginner's guide.

And Valhalla server is the best entry point since it has super fast XP leveling, and TRUSTs, which are NPC companions which help you fight. Otherwise, the other servers are old school and take like 3 months to reach max level.

>> No.10214475

That’s tempting. I played through the vanilla game last year and have been meaning to get through the expansions. I’m debating whether or not to do a private server and just power through the vanilla game again. It took forever just to unlock some of the trusts starting out without anyone to guide me. It’s a pretty obtuse experience. It adds some mystery and charm to it, but really makes progression slow and a bit frustrating.

>> No.10214486

the Valhalla server gives you 3 trusts starting out, from the 3 cities, and then you get a few more, it's easy, and doesnt take forever.

This server is much more fast paced, and that's why i like it.

I don't know how anyone can play Vanilla, the grind is so fucking insane.

>> No.10214773
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>> No.10214871
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None, I'm not touching the game again until retail either completely dies or SE starts caring about it again (unlikely, every time they talk about the game it's like they're guilt tripping players for wanting them to keep it alive).

Until regular players exodus from retail, the private server playerbase will remain heavily populated by really weird, dramatic, crazy people. Just look at the Horizon team for example (also do not trust anybody who shills this server, it has both crazy fanboys and a paid? marketing team). Game's in a really shitty place right now.

Haven't heard about Valhalla, but I do hear Catseye suggested as a more recent QoL-focused server. I haven't played on it myself but I have yet to hear any drama come out of that one compared to most private servers.

It's really jarring at first but you get used to it after ~5-10 hours. Still better than PSO's UI.

>> No.10215347


>> No.10216082

thanks man, i am checking out catseye now, apparently it is very close to retail with trusts and all that

>> No.10216180

man catseye fucking sucks, the launcher like stops updating at 32%, or 38%, what a shit show.

>> No.10216198

I know they have a good reputation for adding new stuff from LSB (the "main" private server codebase project iirc?) and other custom things like that permadeath mode. Feel like if I was gonna play on a pserver I'd go for it or Eden, though that one has more of a reputation for drama.

RIP lol. Sounds like they're managing to outdo even POL.

>> No.10216202

yea it sucks. Catseye looked pretty awesome, but cant play it if the fucking launcher wont even download or work properly.

so i guess i will be sticking with Valhalla

>> No.10216256

yea catseye is fucking bullshit. I even deleted everything and tried re-installing fresh, and the shitty thing won't even finish the install properly now

it is claiming i am out of disk space, which is total bullshit.

What a rubbish fucking shit job at coding. Learn to code or fuck off and stop wasting people's time.

Stick with Valhalla, their server is stable and everything runs easy and smoothly.

>> No.10216423
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>> No.10216430

I made a character on horizon but the controls made no damn sense at all, even with a controller it was the most unintuitive system Ive ever seen.

>> No.10216435

it takes a bit of time to learn, you also need to use BG wiki Beginner's Guide or else you will not be able to learn.

The game is very heavenly, and blissful tho.

Horizon tho is old school, where it takes like 6 months to hit 75

better to do Valhalla server, with TRUSTs

>> No.10216687
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>> No.10216967
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>> No.10217096

almost all private servers have 2x3x exp leveling. In fact the lowest one i could find was nasomi and it had 1.5x, so you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.

Jova and previously era

>> No.10217138

well the 75 era ones were super fucking slow

Nasomi was one of them

Valhalla on the other hand, you can hit 90 in a day if you follow the guide. Otherwise 2 to 3 days, easy.

>> No.10217181

Horizon is ok but last time I was active the beastmaster class was extremely overtuned making it impossible to do lowman stuff below cap because they dominated every part of the world.

>> No.10217185

Nas was brilliant until he decided the FoV books weren't worth having and the cliques formed. You either licked boots or didn't get in parties.

>> No.10217189

can someone tell me if retail servers are populated enough and similar to what it was in terms of graphics and world?
want to try it but I don't want it to be ruined like retail wow is for instance

>> No.10217226

Retail xi isn't even xi anymore it's like 10 iterations off of the real game and not worth the time. Just dl a pserver they aren't going to hack you.

>> No.10217308

are you talking about the gameplay itself or the actual world/places/music/graphics?
if classes have changed and the game can be played "solo" or something, I can deal with that, that's not what interests me the most I believe

>> No.10217319

Everything is different.

>> No.10217324

yeah, i think a lot of the servers upped xp returns the longer they became active.

Nasomi is a cliquey weeb drama hellhole. even if youre there to just solo, you get pulled into the bullshit

I stopped playing on any private server two years ago becuase the source project that they all work off of (LSB i think) couldnt get 99+ - ilevel jugs - working. So you just couldnt end game with BST on any server. So, this has changed it seems?

>> No.10217335

Any good RP servers that at least pretend to not be hyper degenerate?

>> No.10217348

Dunno about the jugs desu all I know is like 40% of horizon was bst for a while because it had free jugs that were even match level.

>> No.10217419
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Retail's gameplay is different than what most people remember fondly about XI (mostly QoL stuff, pacing of the game, npc party members, etc) but then again, so are all private servers for one reason or another. Even the private servers that try to be as close as possible to that era, of course, suffer from being a solved game with a miniscule playerbase that is almost entirely jaded clique-y veterans. If you want to see what the private server community is like, go look at any FFXI thread on /vm/. Yeck.

The music and graphics are still the same, which might be more than could be said of many private servers that shoehorned upscaled graphics and "remastered" music into their launches (which you can usually disable, I guess, but still fuck that). Retail is also to my understanding still the only place you can do the full story stuff. I imagine private servers will catch up to that eventually though, especially now that retail has changed directors and sounds very likely to stop getting content updates at all soon.

If you have no issue with paying a monthly fee to support a dying game owned by a lazy, stupid and evil company then retail's probably still the best bet, especially for a new player. Bahamut is a decent retail server, ignore anybody who says Asura.

>> No.10217445

>playing Final Fantasy XI
>instead of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.

>> No.10217454

Oh and don't expect to hunt any notorious monsters, even the worthless items are botted to hell and back because none of the servers actually ban them. Even the doppleganger dio and gog nms were turbo camped on Horizon for months.

>> No.10217771

horizon sounds like it sucks.

on the 3 servers i was on, they would just randomly fill the auction house every other month or so. So I could buy whatever gear i wanted from there. There was something I wanted, they didnt have, so I just waited.

>> No.10217793


to ad, on J & E, that was one of the funnest things to do, go NM hunting, because they were always there. JEJ was always up - for instance - but i just got tired of killing him. bought the charm from the ah for less than 10k

>> No.10217807

Both sound kinda bad to me. I want a server where all bots including the HNM super squads are banned on the spot and nobody can use the monster ID for placeholders to get an advantage. All of that stuff is so lame.

>> No.10217919

Valhalla doesn't have bots

>> No.10217996

it is kinda both good and bad, you dont get the mental reward for killing the NM, so its does take some of the fun out of that.

for me though, all that time i spent camping nms on their ridiculous timers, all the hours i wasted to get nothing, I felt it was fine. Someone on alla long ago proposed a kind of 'ticket system' where every NM kill would get you 1 ticket, and if you got 5 kills, you could trade them in to get the item. Of course there was the random chance of getting the drop too.

But i played to adventure. I still had to avoid rapido, I still aggrod the whole fucking level after getting fluid sprayed by the jelly ring NM and getting stomped. Still had to avoid being mortal ray'd. So i still had the fun of fighting the NM, but no dissapointment when i didnt get the drop.

But for more a response, 2 of the servers i was on, since the player base was <500 the people that botted pretty much got found out within days and perma banned from the server. Also since they controleld the code, many third party apps you could use for the real servers didnt work. Sometimes there was HNM waiting lists, but then also the players would just ask the Gm if they could spawn X HNM if it wasnt there, and they would

>> No.10218024

My favorite thing in early retail was camping to beat other campers and making some money in the process was ok.

>> No.10218049

Horizon launch last winter was really fun. Met some /vr/ bros, speedran BST to 75 in a couple weeks. Got rich and some early NM drops like Monster Signa. Burned out at endgame among your typical tryhard 35yo addicts with severe personality disorders and haven't played since. The first couple months were pretty magical though. Felt that lightning in a bottle sensation for the first time since 2004. I don't know what the current state is like but the online drama from the dev team and endgame players was enough to sour the experience after a while. The anons in the Floor Tanks LS were genuinely fun to play with.

>> No.10218192
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It was fun till around the 50s for me and that's when I realized I was with the socially retarded crowd and all the others were still bouncing around in the 30s with no real interest in leveling more.

>> No.10218583

I played Nasomi a lot back in the day and had a blast but now I have no time or friends to play it with, any good single player servers?

>> No.10218803

Valhalla is good because you have trusts and can level up alone, and do most activity alone. If you're into group activity that is also there as it's a small tight knit community. Using TRUSTs and XP rings, you can hit level 90 in two or three days.

>> No.10218970

How long does it take to go from 1 to max level in retail?

>> No.10218973

Depends how you go about it.

>> No.10218991

like 3 or 4 days, using TRUSTs

same in Valhalla server, like 2 or 3 days, or faster if you really want to speed run it.

Valhalla is the only private server with TRUSTs that is stable, and been around for long term.

>> No.10219135

Depends on how autistic and knowledgeable you are, can be done in a day but realistically it will take about a week of normal play.
Although that's just on one job to level multiple jobs can take months.

>> No.10219203
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FF XI has private servers? Cool! I wonder how it is like
>private server playerbase will remain heavily populated by really weird, dramatic, crazy people.
>but I do hear Catseye suggested as a more recent QoL-focused server.
>man catseye fucking sucks, the launcher like stops updating at 32%, or 38%, what a shit show.
>the launcher like stops updating at 32%
>fucking sucks
>what a shit show
>weird, dramatic, crazy people.
Vid related

>> No.10219217

Catseye sucks, the installer launcher doesn't fucking work at all. It's literally more worse designed than PlayOnline.

Best to just pay 15 dollars a month for retail. If you dont want to do that, then Valhalla is the next best option.

Catseye is not stable, Valhalla has been around for many years now. Catseye may be the hottest new thing, but i doubt they will last, considering how shitty their programmers are.

>> No.10219716

so has anyone else tried Valhalla?

>> No.10219764

>Until regular players exodus from retail, the private server playerbase will remain heavily populated by really weird, dramatic, crazy people.
Chicken and egg situation. Pservers need regular people to keep the server from being full of weirdos, but regular people don't want to play on those servers because they're full of weirdos. I've got no issue with private servers but it's unfortunate that they always seem to attract those kinds of people.

>> No.10219810

I just played XIV and Heavensward and hated the story and characters. is this worth playing?

for reference I've beaten everything except 1,2, 11 and 13

>> No.10219842

11 takes a bit of learning, you will definitely need to follow the BG Wiki Beginner's Guide 1-99 to figure out the basic shit.

Valhalla is your best option as you can try the game, it isnt a pain in the ass to install like retail

>> No.10219845

13 by the way is damn good, especially 13-3 Lightning Returns, very good ambience, gameplay, it has a goth type of feel to it.

13 was also quite good, and 13-2 was also good, but chill.

I actually liked the three FF13 games

>> No.10219859

join the jova server

>> No.10219954

looks nice but no TRUSTs

>> No.10219997


>> No.10220195
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>want to try it
I played 200 hours on the Horizon private server when it started up at the end of last year. I found it very enjoyable, my most enjoyable MMO experience since the huge RP-PvP wars on Moon Guard in WoW in 2013, or since the huge weekend mothership wars in Air Rivals during the late 2000s. The mobs are too difficult to solo, so you are forced to join a party with other people in order to travel through dangerous territory or to farm mobs for exp or a quest drop. Farming takes hours, and the combat is low APM (your abilities come off cooldown once every 20-30 seconds) that you can type and chat with your party during combat. You can form friendships, and because there was no humongous megaserver with millions of players, but instead a few thousand players, there was a community. You got to recognize the same faces and build relationships with other people. The most fun part was doing the quests, like assembling an 18 man group to go into the mines and fighting those scary dangerous skeletons for the subjob unlock, or going into a beastman fortress to get a key item to progress the next part of the story, or travelling through dangerous caverns and across frozen wastes to fight a scary tiger for the level uncap quest. It was very addictive.

Unfortunately I began looking for a new job and couldn't continue no-lifing the game. Private servers are temporal and prone to collapsing very quickly, either due to the population evaporating or the management having to move on (finding a new job, going to college, getting married, losing interest, etc) or drama within the management. I would have to no-life the game for several months on end to see Promathia before the servers probably collapsed, so I decided to quit.


>> No.10220210
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I checked out Retail, where I could use Trusts. I quickly levelled up to the high 70s as a Summoner, asked for some help to complete the Primal trails. Being able to have a giant Fenrir by my side and siccing him on my enemies to deal big damage was fun.

I did the three nation storylines, and got a little of the way through Rise of the Zillart's story before I quit. There were some nice story moments here and there, but overall the game was still very time consuming, and I would rather spend my limited free time completing shorter games than spending it all one incredibly long one.

>> No.10220349

How does one go about getting on a private server? Does it require owning the game on steam? And is it worth playing through for story?

>> No.10220442
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>How does one go about getting on a private server?
For Horizon you just go to their website and download their launcher, boot that up and install, and then login with the account and character you created on their website. Beware that IIRC the character customization options listed on the website don't exactly correlate to your appearance ingame. There is a google doc/excel sheet floating around out there on reddit that shows side by side what the character creator screen options vs your ingame appearance. There is no barbershop ingame so once you create your character you are stuck with your appearance unless you recreate him, or use a mod that only changes your appearance for yourself.

>Does it require owning the game on steam?

>is it worth playing through for story?
After 200 hours of play on Horizon, I only managed to get halfway through only one (out of three) of the nations' base game storyline. Not only is levelling slow, but there is no fast travel, and the main story quests take you to far distances. Personal chocobo mounts were not in when I played Horizon, and Chocobo rentals were expensive. Travelling from your nation's capital city (where you accepted the nation quest) and then travelling to the dungeon can take 30-45 minutes (perhaps even over an hour for the latter nation missions that take place in Xarcabad). And since there are no trusts, you have to spend a lot of time trying to find other people to do the quest with you, and then waiting for them to get to the destination with you. Horizon XI is extremely time consuming. If you really want to play the story, you really need to be on Retail, where you have Trusts (summonable NPC party members) so you don't have to wait for other people, and you're able to teleport everywhere, and get easy mount access.


>> No.10220479
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From what I played of the story on retail (finished the three nation storylines and got a little ways into the first expansion's story), there were some neat moments (such as >>10220210
), and a few characters and aspects of the setting I thought were unique. President Karst of the Bastok Republic being rather curt made him the only memorable nation leader. I thought it was interesting that the Archduke of Jeuno allowed the Tenshuudo - a mafia/black market auction house - to operate unimpeded in his city. Maat and the doctor in Jeuno who are suspicious of the archduke. The final parts of the Windurst nation storyline with Joker and Karaha-Baruha was neat. But nothing super amazing, and again these moments were spread out over a long period of time. Even on retail with trusts, mounts, teleports, and fast levelling, it still takes a while to do anything. Much of my playtime was spent travelling around huge zones and sneaking through dungeons to get a quest item.

BTW, many of the nation quests take you through dungeons with way higher level mobs than the quest you are doing, such as the Windurst nation quests in the sewers. I played Summoner/Red Mage so I had a free invisible/sneak spell macro that allowed me to bypass those mobs. If you don't have that spell then you need to stock up on invisibility powders, don't recall if there is an item for sneak (sound based stealth) since you need that along with invisibility.

I have heard that FF11's story has some neat moments later on, but I wasn't unwilling to spend any more time going through this gameplay to reach them. After dropping FF11 retail, I wound up playing Trails of Cold Steel IV and Trails into Reverie, and had a much better time storywise (even in spite of some rather irritating plot points). Just so much more fun gameplay wise and more story packed in there.

>> No.10220516
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Depends what you want in a game. What it offers over 14 just off the top of my head:
>a better designed, more expansive, elaborate, dangerous and immersive world
>a better art direction
>better music with stellar ambient background noise behind it that pulls you right in
>far less dialogue and cutscenes, and what exists of either is generally of a higher quality than 14
>a non-homogenous job system unlike 14 where everything plays the same, there's actually variety and choice here
>actual horizontal progression in gear rather than just durr number go up then in 3 months number go up again
>better fashion
>probably still a better community so long as you avoid the worst private servers

That said, private servers are a really mixed bag and on retail you won't really be playing with other people until endgame. I say if you are the kind of man who loves an immersive world and strong atmosphere in a game, and can take your time with it, it's worth playing through. I went through from the base game story to the end of the Wings of the Goddess expac last year and had a lot of fun just exploring the game world. The story itself I wouldn't come in expecting to blow you away, however, it's more about the setting and characters. Aht Urghan and WoTG in particular I really loved.

If this game was still as active and social as it was back in its heyday I think I'd have a hard time playing anything else.

>> No.10220531

Also I should add on the subject of story, I found XI's writing quality really leaps up around Aht Urghan and after. There's good stuff before that too but nothing particularly impressive.

And on another note, if somebody tries to trick you back into 14 telling you the story gets better, it doesn't overall. Shadowbringers itself was a pretty nice story and setting on its own and I don't regret playing it, but ARR, Heavensward, Stormblood and Endwalker are all garbage. It's not worth it.

>> No.10220549
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>>a better designed, more expansive, elaborate, dangerous and immersive world
Yeah. Early FF14 (ARR through Heavensward), the world felt vast, like there were more powerful beings out there than you and threats and dangers. But then by Stormblood, you're becoming a shounen superhero who is more powerful than almost any other character in the story, and then by Endwalker there is no danger or wonder anymore. In FF11, you don't play as an invincible shounen superhero. You're just one man dwarfed by several more powerful characters and greater beings. It is only in Rhapsodies of Vana'diel that it is implied that the player protagonist eventually becomes powerful in the distant future, long after the events of the game.

Also agreed about the art direction. The textures have this painterly aesthetic, and the game isn't oversaturated with colors (while not being grey/brown either). No people walking around in modern clothing or driving cars and whipping out smartphones either.

Personally I liked ARR's story in terms of setting, scope, and plot, but I didn't like the fetch quests. I also liked the base Stormblood storyline for the adventures in the two provinces. But then the game tosses out the grounded feel and becomes this Kingdom Hearts story about light vs dark. Shadowbringers was fun but wasn't what really appealed to me about FF14, and then Endwalker dropped the ball hard. Overall it's a 400+ hour long visual novel with mediocre gameplay. If you're going to spend 400+ hours playing story heavy JRPGs, then at least play the good ones first. The classic Final Fantasies, Xenogears, even Trails. If you've played through all those games and are running out of stuff to play, then sure, maybe play FF14, but go in with tempered expectations. The story never really delivers on what it sets up early on.

>> No.10220550

I planned on getting on the valhalla server, since it seems its a much faster experience.

>> No.10220578
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>If you've played through all those games and are running out of stuff to play, then sure, maybe play FF14
Personally I wouldn't even say that. I don't think there's much value in 14's writing, period. The one thing I did really like about the game is probably only the Ivalice raids (not the sidequests around them, JUST the raids) as a big FFT/Vagrant Story guy. But it ain't worth the time investment. There's enough good RPGs (and books, for that matter) out there to last you without subjecting yourself to FF14's pointless goes-nowhere filler writing. It's like the same level of filler as Trails writing but with far less likeable characters, and I say that as somebody who doesn't even really like the Trails cast.

Dialogue heavy JRPGs are often quite questionable already (though there are plenty I love, like Xenosaga despite everything after Episode I), but dialogue heavy MMOs were a complete mistake - a total waste of the potential for world building through the design of the game itself.

>> No.10220957

No why the fuck would you want trusts?

>> No.10220970

I know some dude was working on a Unity client for the game but if it's still being worked on it's probably ages from being done.

>> No.10221480

in other words, FF11 is from the early 2000s, and games back then had so much more soul, then the soul-less garbage of today. With that said, i also like FF14 and think it's one of the best games out today. But FF11 has such an amazing vibe, it is simply a pleasure to play

>> No.10221583

i doubt that will ever work, the game is designed in a very weird way, it would be very hard to translate that into a modern game system, even Square Enix gave up on trying

>> No.10222404

cause with TRUSTs you can play most of the content alone, since most servers are ghost towns nowadays and forming a party can be a pain in the ass

altho on Valhalla we have group parties daily tho. Here's a video of a group dungeon we just did: https://youtu.be/d9nm1c-KELw

>> No.10222423

if you just want to chug down the game's content by yourself just play the live game. that's what its there for. Private servers provide an alternative for people that want to be forced to work together, but i don't think any private server does single player focus better than the actual game.

>> No.10222996

true the retail is best but if you dont wanna pay the sub fee, then private server Valhalla is next best

i already beat 5 of the expansions on retail, lots of good story content

>> No.10223013

FF14 is a very good game, great story. I don't see why you have to choose between either 11 or 14.

Valhalla is very fast, yes. Hit level 90 in like 3 days, 2 days even.

the story in Aht Urghan was pretty good, yea. That last one, Rhapsodies of Vanadiel, was the best one of all tho.

with Valhalla, you just download the installer and it does everything. It is the easiest to install of the private servers. Other private servers require you to already install the game and it's a huge pain in the ass to set up. Valhalla is super easy and automatic.

>> No.10223017

Horizon also has a do it all installer.

>> No.10223849

but horizon is old school level 75, i dont wanna spend 3 months hitting max level

>> No.10224687
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Yes you do.

>> No.10224736
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i'd rather spend the time enjoying the content rather than the hellish mindless grind

i had given up on private servers because i didnt know there was ones with TRUSTs so when i found Valhalla i was very happy

>> No.10224741

The enjoyment in ffxi is the grind big guy. None of the "content" is interesting it's all the social interaction with other players that makes it good.

>> No.10224746

yea but these private servers are ghost towns, most of them.

>> No.10224831

Here is valhalla server guide for how to level 1 to 90 in a day or two


>> No.10224928

Horizon should be fairly healthy.

>> No.10225101

14 is shit

>> No.10225120

nice, that is a good guide. Valhalla sounds like a good server, lots of fun

>> No.10225814

14 is very good for modern gaming. But of course modern gaming lacks the soul of the 90s and 2000s

>> No.10226429
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ive paid SE somewhere between 500-800$ in subscription fees for this game, not including retail cd purchases.

20 servers, 100 devs = $15/month
5 servers,20 devs = STILL $15/month
fuck you, maybe lower the price and ill play retail again

>> No.10226621

No it is a literal insane asylum where the worst personalities of the internet gather to scream, it's essentially the worst people of reddit and old tumblr in a small room.

>> No.10226662

retail is the best experience, no doubt

i found the people of final fantasy 14 to be very friendly and nice people. I don't know what your problem is, you probably tried spewing /pol/ nazi shit and of course they kicked you out

>> No.10226905

Don't listen to him. He's just another nostalgic whiner that's upset with all the QoL changes added over the years that allow you to play most of the game solo and travel around the world much easier. It's the same as the faggots that jerk off to the memory of Vanilla WoW.

>> No.10226912 [DELETED] 

>i found the people of final fantasy 14 to be very friendly and nice people.
>That's because you wear a fursuit and spend all day roleplaying with your gay, unlikable clique of groomer degenerates in your tranny discord.

>> No.10226915

>i found the people of final fantasy 14 to be very friendly and nice people. I don't know what your problem is, you probably tried spewing /pol/ nazi shit and of course they kicked you out

That's because you wear a fursuit and spend all day roleplaying with your gay, unlikable clique of groomer degenerates in your tranny discord. I'll bet you're "that guy" in your friend group that likes to get professionally outraged at everything.

>> No.10226960

Yea the QoL changes made ffxi actually playable. I'm having a blast, I just completed the Zilart mission where you get those eight crystal fragments, with my trusts, and now I am gonna finally finish the Zilart expansion, which I never have before in retail.

Have sex, incel

>> No.10227094

>FF14 is a very good game, great story
I've tried investigating this and every youtube video discussing this is a literal teenager or doughboy who exclusively consumes anime and MMOs. it's a flat out lie for anyone outside of that bubble. awful writing, especially dialogue. and those stilted exposition dumps and the tepid response of 'that's just how jrpgs are, slop slop slop'.

>> No.10227236

FF14 is a great game compared to every other MMO and most modern gaming. I don't know what your issue is

>> No.10228371

I was just a normal person who didn't want to talk about politics and got branded as a crazy person for it. Why are you obsessed with that orange board anyway? Freak.

>> No.10229623

why are you guys raving like lunatics? fuck /pol/ and fuck those incels