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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10213846 No.10213846 [Reply] [Original]

I love this console so much bros

That said, I feel like I've played every worthwhile title on it by now. Get in here and post some recommendations or hidden gems.

Or just talk about cool SNES games you like, that works too

>> No.10213849
File: 194 KB, 640x1154, 27585_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you've played most of the good Super Famicom games based on the image. I really like Umihara Kawase, Cotton 100%, and the Parodius games (played them first on SFC before I knew about the PS1 versions). It also has Seifuku Densetsu: Pretty Fighter which is admittedly kusoge but still fun to look at, and a weird port of Advanced V.G. My favorite game on it is still Donkey Kong Country 2, though.

SNES was honestly my favorite console for such a long time until recently when I started playing some of the more obscure systems. It still has an excellent library and is still probably Nintendo's best creation imo.

>> No.10213854

When you really think about it, the PS1 is the real sequel to the SNES, not the N64

>> No.10213882
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Wasn't that the original plan of sorts, until dealings fell through?

>> No.10213887
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At home with the flu, been playing a shitton of SNES to pass the time. Recently replayed Yoshis Island for the first time in ages. Holds up tremendously well - Love how it sometimes feels like a tech demo with all its effects; Like a programmer went "Look what we can do" with the FX2 chip and then just designed a level around it. Only thing I don't like is the 100% autism - Feels like there is absolutely no point to flowers or coins unless you go for a 100%, so any grade below doesn't matter.

Also, that one minigame against the badnit where you are supposed to find the hidden item in a balloon and the one where you play hot potato can both eat a fucking dick, I don't think I won once in either throughout the entire game.

Currently going throw Dracula X. Am I crazy, or is this game not nearly as bad as its reputation would have you think? Then again, I've never actually played Rondo so my impression is probably not the most accurate, but as far as I can tell its a solid Castlevania with plenty of challenging level design, cool bosses and great music. Is there something outright wrong with it, or is it just that the SNES port isn't as good as the original?

Spoonfeed me pls anon; I don't believe I've seen the image you are referring to

>> No.10213890
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>> No.10213891
File: 46 KB, 500x500, lufia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post (you)re personal top five, niggies

Lufia 2
Trials of Mana
Megaman X

>> No.10213893

>He doesn't minmax his telly pixels

lmaoing at your life senpai

>> No.10213936
File: 1.71 MB, 640x480, arai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Araiguma Rascal

>> No.10214017
File: 630 KB, 1024x840, cooking_with_crocomire__for_mike__by_mister_saturn_dasz9ij-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Metroid
Ihatovo Monogatari
Famicon Tantei Club Part II
Marvelous - Mouhitotsu No takarajima

special mention goes to Axelay and The Adventures of Hourai High for nearly making it.

>> No.10214034

feel the same thats why I am getting more and more into rom hacks. just going through the basic library of super metroid, super mario world or zelda alttp hacks will get you entertained for years. some of the hacks are higher in quality than the original game so its not like you are playing some garbage.

>> No.10214040

Any recs for Zelda and Super Metroid? Been looking for new hacks to play

>> No.10214049

not that much into zelda but the last good one I played was zelda: parallel worlds (patched non-hard version). there is a hard version or regular version or whatever, I wouldnt play that as a non zelda speedrunner. the "easy" version is difficult enough and doesnt really require any speedrun tricks.

check out:
you can sort hacks by rating and genre. most of the good ones are exploration. my personal top 5 is:
>super metroid: subversion
>hyper metroid
>super duper metroid
>metroid: super zeromission
>super metroid: acent

>> No.10214052

Rather neat puzzle game akin to Wario's Woods, later stages you need to plan your combos effectively and keep moving during the combo to organise your stack to stall that squirrel and prevent an overflow.

The issue for me was the controls were clunky, it was difficult to reliably move around at times and pick up the piece that you meant to.

The game itself is a licensed game based on an anime about a kid keeping a pet raccoon, that's notorious for causing raccoons to become an invasive species in Japan. Fans of the show became infatuated with raccoons and imported them illegally to keep as pets, and some would later release them because the show ended with the kid character realising that it's best for the raccoon to live free in the wild.
The raccoon was voiced by Masako Nozawa, the VA for Goku in Dragon Ball.

>> No.10214651
File: 2.52 MB, 8160x6120, 20230902_164700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On level 6 of Dracula X atm - Enjoying the shit out of it. I think I fell through the floor on level 3 or something and instead of killing me it took me to a different level, 4* or something - Was that an alternate stage?

(Stretched to trigger /vr/ autismos + can't be assed to toggle 4:3 on the TV)

>> No.10214859
File: 158 KB, 653x610, 1620992841071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get in here and post some recommendations or hidden gems.
I grew up on the SEGA side of town, never owned an SNES, though I did own a NES eventually. Still, one of my childhood favorites was QuackShot starring Donald Duck, in recent years I've been going back to my favorite childhood franchises... and that's when I learned of Donald Duck no Mahou no Boushi for SFC, and I can't recommend it enough. It's not made by SEGA, nor Capcom, like most Disney titles in the 90's, but it still has that high standard of quality. It looks and sounds great, plays well and oozes charm. I definitely recommend it, as it was enough to make a SEGA kid like me give the SNES the time of day I should've always given it.

P.S. Good Troop is another Disney classic on SNES, made even better due to co-op, it's a blast to play with others.

>> No.10214874
File: 534 KB, 1917x1416, 307826_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely, that's where all the fighting games, RPG's, and other classic 2D titles ended up after the SNES. Either that or they were on Game Boy/GBC

The image in the OP is from the Super Famicom boxart. Very distinct logo compared to the more traditional standard US and EU boxes

>> No.10214894
File: 43 KB, 355x500, mario-45204-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dracula X isn't actually a port, it's a different game that follows the same story and uses the same assets but is generally considered inferior for various reasons. Some people prefer it, personally I can't really get into either of them. I do like some of the other Castlevania games though

>> No.10215025

Never mind, I'm retarded - By image I thought you meant a recommendation chart, not the Super Famicom OP image

>> No.10215037

Dracula X rubs people the wrong way immediately by filtering them because it is insanely hard. Then add in the "Japan got a better version" hearsay. And people disliked it even more.
Rondo is better though, because it is has better level design and more overall soul. There's just so many little details. Dracula X is just by the books by comparison. Dracula X actually isn't really a port, more like Hyperstone Heist vs. Turtles IV sort of situation. The new levels introduced in Dracula X are kind of lame and uninspired.
But its an ok game as is.

>> No.10215057

Thanks for the explanation fren, it makes a lot of sense. Just finished it an hour ago and had a blast.

Difficulty wise, I don't think that bad. Sure, its a step up from 4 but I'd say its on par with the NES games at worst, and honestly there's a ton of other /vr/ games that are harder than it. I thought the Dracula fight would woop my ass but I ended up taking him on my fourth run through the level using the Axe. At worst, the only thing the game can do is send you back to the start to the level, but by that point you'll know a fast way through each room anyway.

Overall enjoyed the shit out of it, will check out Rondo later. Is there a recommended version for it?

>> No.10215075
File: 3.35 MB, 1920x1339, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiren the Wanderer

>> No.10215390

Where's the image from?

>> No.10215448

front mission gun hazard.

>> No.10215623

Ninja Warriors was pretty fun and I don't see it discussed often except for when it got rereleased.

I still really like the original Star Fox. Even with the slowdowns, it feels like the game was designed around it at times. Like when you have to dodge a ton of obstacles, the slowmo gives it a Matrix bullet time feel.

>> No.10215631
File: 96 KB, 415x750, tumblr_md04zlutJF1roqda3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Go Ackman Trilogy, with 3 being my favorite

>> No.10215635

I believe it's art made for some type of book/manual for Shiren GB2/DS2

>> No.10215659

>what if I put picollos mouth and ears on trunks head
>what if I make krillin a cherub
>heh, they’ll never know… heh heh heh
Toriyama, ladies and gentlemen. The great hack of our time

>> No.10216023

Based Star Fox enjoyer. Its still a great game to this day.

I used to shit on Toriyama for his sameface, but honestly dude knows how to draw other shit. I think its more that his DB style is so recognizable that nobody wants him to do anything else.

>> No.10216631

Is that the game with the gay policeman or something?

>> No.10216636

check this thread through some archiver website: >>9853741

>> No.10216648
File: 399 KB, 2865x2922, Ez1txICXEAgCTME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time seeing this, it looks really cool. Thanks anon

>> No.10216692

>Is there a recommended version for it?

pc engine
and don't be one of those people who "only played a pc engine for rondo". at the bare minimum, check out these
>soldier blade
>Ys IV: Dawn of Ys
>gate of thunder
>parasol stars: bubble bobble 3
>air zonk
>bomberman 94

>> No.10217156
File: 2.08 MB, 2016x1512, That_sound_when_rumagging_through_cartridges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. The SNES is one of my top 5 video game consoles of all time. You've probably already played it, but Chrono Trigger is a high recommendation from me. While it doesn't have as much replay as other games but it is one of my most favorite games and probably why I'm here. Having preordered it based on a tiny article in a magazine and my strong faith in Square games, it lived up to the hype and exceeded it by a wide margin. Everyone who played it, loves it.