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File: 11 KB, 400x400, USB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10213046 No.10213046 [Reply] [Original]

Back in the Dreamcast days people would compress FMV's and whatnot to fit the games on CD's, so why haven't there been developments in compressing PS2 FMV's to not hitch on USB? I think it could work as FMV's in POPStarter games run full speed since the USB 1.1 protocol is still a lot faster than the PS1's optical drive

>> No.10213048

is the prob fmv? I thought it was data streaming in some games.

whatever happened to that adapter that uses the memory card slot to load games which was suppose to solve that problem?

>> No.10213095

The topic of this thread disgusts me and I hope you die in a third world slum where you belong.

>> No.10213116

dreamcast fmv crunching was done out of necessity. PS2 has many other options of running games without bandwidth issues

>> No.10213124

also ps2 dvd ripkits used to be a thing for plebs who didnt have dvd burners in the early 2000s. it was basically a batch file that would shrink a ps2 game by removing or compressing audio/video. you can probably still find these on the archive or maybe even just google

>> No.10213132

>adapter that uses the memory card slot to load games
holy shit, is there any hole in that slut of a system that wont boot games?

>> No.10213175
File: 92 KB, 1170x655, PS2_HDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so why haven't there been developments
Because there are far better options

>> No.10213181

>so why haven't there been developments in compressing PS2 FMV's to not hitch on USB?
Because there are many better and easier ways to play the games
>whatever happened to that adapter that uses the memory card slot to load games which was suppose to solve that problem?
Anyone who was interested made or bought one. It was largely pointless because see above

>> No.10213185

I understand that it's satisfying to be frugal and make due with what you have or by spending as little as possible, but it doesn't take much money to accomplish >>10213175. I did it a few months ago and found the bit of money well worth it.

>> No.10213259

>whatever happened to that adapter that uses the memory card slot to load games which was suppose to solve that problem?
Yeah I'm musing MX4SIO, but I hear VMC's don't work on it.
The PS2 is loud enough without a hard drive

>> No.10213871

The problem won't be the video compression, it'll be lazy memory access programming

>> No.10213947

But there is no way to use that on slim model

>> No.10213957

Memory access works fine enough on POPStarter

>> No.10214180

>The PS2 is loud enough without a hard drive
SSDs are a thing.

>> No.10214186

The PS2's fans are specifically programmed to go APESHIT when you plug in a hard drive

>> No.10214494

Put a different fan in then.
>B-but it runs hotter
Not enough for significant damage.

>> No.10214518

Dunno what you;re talking about or if this is even relevant but I have an SSD and play games from usb 3.0 and rarely ever have lag problems. And my puter is a poor person laptop

>> No.10214523

Dows swapping out the fan make a difference? I wouldn't think the fan itself has circuitry to check for the presence of an IDE drive

>> No.10214541

Some models of fat PS2 don't. My 500xx is relatively quiet, whereas my 300x makes a racket.

>> No.10215295

Couldn't get it working using third party HDD add-ons no matter if it was IDE or SATA version. I assume you have to format the drive to fat 32 first, and transfer specific files for the console to recognize the drive?

>> No.10215310

I think there are mods that let you solder a motherboard to connect a HDD, but I don't know anything else beyond that.

Your next best option is to load games over ethernet. Using a dedicated computer like a small laptop is best.

>> No.10215318

>why haven't there been developments in compressing PS2 FMV's to not hitch on USB
1) If you're still doing USB loading in current year you're a fucking idiot and need to update your setup
2) People only compressed Dreamcast games because CDs only had about 2/3rds of the capacity of a GD-Rom disc, it was a compromise made from a deliberate tech limitation in piracy. USB drives even back then could comfortably fit in a full PS2 game or two so there was no reason to compress files.
3)The reason they hitch isn't because of size but read speed. PS2 used USB 1.1 which was nowhere near as fast as the DVD drive, if anything compressing the files would make it even worse since that's even more reading the PS2 would have to do
4) Why the fuck are you even using USB loading? Fucking idiot, update your setup to either a hard drive or IDE rebuild.

>> No.10215327

But there is or wuz that I member playan a ripped 4,7gb iso of xenosaga 1 instead of the double layer iso which didn't werk and the cut scenes looked ass

>> No.10215469

>I think there are mods that let you solder a motherboard to connect a HDD

Only a limited number of early slim models are able to do this. This ability was completely physically removed from later revisions of the slim console. These models are forever stuck with either USB, Ethernet, or memory card loading.

>> No.10215625
File: 104 KB, 1258x867, 61LRWAJvEPL._SL1258_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fan uses two wires on stock and the mod.

>> No.10215673

They all use the same fans iirc. Later fats just run them slower to make less noise. Don't know if they actually run cooler and thus need less cooling or if Sony just decided less noise complaints were worth people cooking their PS2s, though.

>> No.10215706

>if anything compressing the files would make it even worse since that's even more reading the PS2 would have to do
I don't mean some lossless compression algorithm, I mean making the FMV's lower quality ie PS1 quality

>> No.10216363

It is doable, but not worth the effort.
It's easy to find sufficiently old TMPGEnc for reencoding video stream; audio stream typically uses some proprietary Sony's codec which requires more fiddling but still not that difficult; muxing (interleaving) both streams together is the most difficult part, but someone somewhere must have already coded a tool for it most definitely. I'm not even talking about PS2 SDK leaks which most likely have all the needed tools maybe except for the video encoder (other Sony SDKs explicitly require devs to use third-party commercial encoders, at least)