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File: 1.05 MB, 3225x2156, win_elderscrollsiiimorrowind (1) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10211939 No.10211939 [Reply] [Original]

Spent a lot of time modding this. Everything still just feels so stiff and static. Retarded enemies keep getting stuck on geometry. I can't get immersed. I can't suspend my disbelief and feel like any of it matters. This game used to bring me more enjoyment than any other. Wtf do I do?

>> No.10211978

Show me a screenshot of your screentime on your phone first

>> No.10211985

Advice doesn't come cheap, take a photo of your credit card and then we'll talk.

>> No.10211987

Fuck off Baht miner

>> No.10212043

Don't have that.

>> No.10212105

Council has its own purse to lighten, give me a photo of desktop and then I will help

>> No.10212118

What for?

>> No.10212615

get stoned

>> No.10212726

honestly that would probably help but probably not worth turning into one of those total fucking retards with weed fried brains

>> No.10213186

>muh immersion
Just play the GAME.

>> No.10213205

I want to enjoy it

>> No.10213243

I never cared for bugs, combat system and lame AI in Morrowind. It was all about broken magic and alchemy, giant shrooms, books, dwemer ruins, and landscapes at dawn after night storms.

>> No.10213484

It's pretty combat focused.

>> No.10213634

guaranteed not to turn into someone I know

>> No.10214835


>> No.10214941

OpenMW helps fix NPCs and shit getting stuck and generally feels less stilted

>> No.10214964

this but do some cocaine, smear cat piss all over your face and roll a Khajiit

>> No.10215125

>Retarded enemies keep getting stuck on geometry.
Yeah I remember that from this game. Trying to rest but game tells me I can't cause there's enemies around, look around no enemies what-so-ever. Turns out after backtracking for a while I found one of these shitty birds stuck in a tree, still technically on aggro. Had to awkwardly try and get it unstuck so I could kill it and finally rest.

>> No.10215129

Find another long, highly complex game and play that instead. A person gets used to a thing eventually.

>> No.10215232

Open Morrowind and sometimes some tes3mp will spice things up.

>> No.10215401

Good idea. Been working on modding OpenMW today. Are there any mods to help NPC pathfinding?

>> No.10215749

>Spent a lot of time modding this

>> No.10215946


>> No.10216143

Weed makes you smarter.

>> No.10216920

Better NPC dialogue mod (forget name)
Simpler vanilla levelling mod (forget name)
Rebalanced economy mod (forget name)

The biggest problems with the game are the cut and paste generic dialogue, horrible level up system and it's too easy. The above will go some way to fixing that. In particular the NPC dialogue mod is fantastic and makes the game feel like a new world with real personalities in it. Alas it's incomplete and will never be finished. The difference between a settlement with improved dialogue and one with normal dialogue is like night and day.

>> No.10217291

>Better NPC dialogue mod

>> No.10217307

Morrowind isn't about gameplay, it's not about animations or combat or honest it's not even that great with its rpg systems

Morrowind is about it's world and lore and your place in it. You need to be reading in game books and paying attention to dialogue. There's no other completely alien and weird videogame world as deep and immersive when it comes to these things

>> No.10217312

Yep think so.
Makes MW almost feel like a real game

>> No.10217323

So, this is the first Elder Scrolls game to have official support for modding.

>> No.10217331

kek at this

>> No.10217334
File: 48 KB, 256x256, Bezimienny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try playing Gothic instead?

>> No.10217339

Your aren't anon's daddy, bitchboi.

>> No.10217352
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am and I'm about to teach him a lot of things. Like how to find games better than morrowind.

>> No.10217372

They gutted the magick system after this. You could make some OP spells and spell combos. My favorite one was to combine a lock door spell and some kind of area of effect/duration damage combo like poison or fire or something. When you're low HP you run out of the room to the other side of a lockable door and hit it with the spell. It would lock the door and then blast anyone on the other side of the door with continuous damage. So many cool combos you could do if you knew what you were doing.

>> No.10217380

>wah wah the game isn't immersive if it isn't exactly like real life because I'm autistic wah wah

>> No.10217387

On the flipside you could do an unlock and a conjure spell to create like a door guard. You just add like conjure Deadroth to an unlock spell and then hit the door with the spell. Anyone running into the room would get thier ass handed to them by your summon and you could sit back and hit them with arrows or spells. The exclusion of the spell making system and the class system ruined the games for me. I get Bethesda's reasoning for getting rid of the class system but it really forced you to have to think strategically about how you played the game. You couldn't just max out every skill or be a jack of all trades. You had specific classes that played specific ways and you had to learn how to play them. I am THE sorcerer. I like my enchantments. I like my summons. I like bending the laws of nature to my every whim in pursuit of power..

>> No.10217434

Also mad they got rid of the teleportation spells instead of overhauling them. You could always add a mark location spell to any of your buff spells like fortify long blade. So you would hit that spell before you went into a dungeon and if you were getting your ass kicked you would just teleport out of the dungeon again. The load screen made it impractical for anything else though. You couldn't hit and enemy and teleport at the same time which was lame. The load screen from the teleport would prevent the enemy from taking damage. So Instead of gutting the whole spell creation system they would have just tried to make the teleport work and it would have upped the fun considerably. There was one I downloaded in a mod for Skyrim which was kino though. You would cast the spell and you could move anywhere for 10 seconds but after the 10 second the spell would bring you back to the original location you cast it. You could stack up sneak attacks easy that way. You'd cast the spell, sneak up and attack someone either melee or bow and then teleport back to a shadowy location and the enemy AI would lose you. That should have been added in vanilla.

>> No.10217473

I say the line was truly fucked over when Skyrim removed mysticism AND hand to hand as its own skillset. Damn you Todd and your nonsense.

>> No.10217515

>how to find games better than morrowind
Ok what do you recommend other than Gothic? I've put a couple dozen hours or so into Elex II and mostly enjoyed it despite its obvious shit quality overall.

>> No.10217529

Better navigation is innate to OpenMW

>> No.10217617
File: 118 KB, 721x355, MorrowindPwn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do this.

>> No.10217628

Gothic is better roleplaying than Elex, the strength of the game is the simple, believable characters that are all similarly crooked, self-motivated but have unique motivations and varied voice acting. The game makes you switch up your approach WAY more often than Morrowind so you'll feel more satisfied after spending several hours

>> No.10217692

The class system doesn't make you think strategically because you aren't locked out of anything. You can start as a Warrior and play the entire game as a Mage with access to everything if you want. Bethesda were right to remove the class system in Skyrim and the perk system was a good alternative. Elder Scrolls want you to be able to do anything so a class system doesn't fit the game well. Gutting magic really hurt Skyrim though. All sorts of game systems were exposed to you with spell effects and lots of creativity was possible with spellcrafting, it was like they ripped an entire dimension from the gameplay.

>> No.10217745


>> No.10217759

I spent over 100 hours playing Morrowind as a kid and I never once encountered that fat fuck on the back of the box. What is that?

>> No.10217772

Imagine a remake where Vivec city wasn't an obnoxious nightmare to navigate

>> No.10217779
File: 1.28 MB, 600x1000, 1663796822442168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was her problem?
Why was she so quick to jump your bone?

>> No.10217806

KILL HER after the first or second rude or derogatory comment aimed directly at your character.

>> No.10217810

Cut content, maybe? Or perhaps he's in the EXPANSION pack

>> No.10217813

She was just flirting with you cause she wanted the BNC

>> No.10218081

Is N for n'wah?

>> No.10218089

Not cut content. They're called ogrims. They're in the game. The game is just large enough that you can miss stuff even after a ton of playing.

>> No.10218180

if you are a stupid person then weed wont help, but if you are a smart person then the divergence will boost creativity

>> No.10218959

realize it was never good and you were just a dumb kid
bethesda games aren't RPGs.

>> No.10219582

eh? I beat gothic with nothing but left > right swing spam after getting one handed to level two which only took a few hours.

>> No.10219584

Rec some good RPGs then

>> No.10220364

>doesn't pay attention to writing

>> No.10220420

No I disagree whole heartedly. For starters if you picked a Warrior and then wasted your life leveling up you magick skills. I dunno. That's a different kind of insane. Who has that much time? You did have to think strategically. For example if you pick a class that has, hand-to-had, restoration, alteration, illusion and alchemy how do you play that? I'm curious how you (you specifically) would play the game using just those skills. Those are basically the core of the healer class. The whole point of the class is to basically buff yourself up so you can be a threat with hand-to-hand combat. You absolutely had to think about how to play that effectively. So you think. "Ok, I can use restoration efficiently. That school has a lot of buffs. I can buff up my physical abilities." *cast a fortify acrobatic and hand-to-hand spell combo* "Ahh cool now I can jump and punch people like a ninja or something." You actually save time figuring out how to use 3 or 4 classes as opposed to just leveling up skills that your class doesn't specialize in. You know exactly what you can't do and so you just do what you know you're good at and, especially with the magick system, you can be almost any class you want because you know all the in-game work arounds. In the case of Elder Scrolls less is more. I can play a better fighter class as a healer class than you can play as a warrior pretending to be a healer. because I know the ins and outs of the class I had to figure out how to lethally use a non-lethal class.. Actually to be honest with you though. I preferred to be a Witchhunter. Shit was fun. Sneaking around and just forcing people to give me thier magick essence and then smacking a lich with and supped up enchanted arrow. Actually I really liked paralyzing people and stealing thier magick before blasting them in the face with a lightning bolt. I was the thing that went bump in the night. Shit was OP.

>> No.10220507

What you're describing is mental. There's nothing actually in the game to prevent you from using completely different skills if you need to. There's no "you can't max level a skill because it's not your class" restriction either. It's roleplay right? It's fun I agree. What Skyrim does is let new players build their "class" naturally as they play, it doesn't prevent experienced players from building and roleplaying their class from the very start.

>> No.10220523

Why waste your time leveling everything up. It takes like 30 minutes if game time to just properly hot key your spells, moves and items. 30 minutes of game time in your method maybe levels up a single non class skill. I just seems like a pointless grind. Also people din't know what they want. Every person I see play Skyrim just throws skill points into random shit they only use like twice. On a whim usually too. They end up with characters that aren't really good at anything. At least a class focuses you on what you should have.

>> No.10220528

Dual casting it legit tho. Imagine dual casting with spells making. I would be death incarnate

>> No.10221171

The issue tracker makes OpenMW look even buggier than playing vanilla. Is it really that worth it?

>> No.10221197


>> No.10221208

Morrowind starts out great but I got bored later on

>> No.10222763

First time I've ever heard that

>> No.10222964

Two other things I forgot to mention. When you do your method there's also a resource trade off. For example if your class doesn't specialize in security (lockpicking) but you want to level that skill up you need to find a near inexhaustible source of lock picks and probes which requires you to find one. Once you find a source of lockpicks you then have to have enough gold to buy them. This is of course assuming you don't cheat or use exploits which, by the sounds of it you do. I'm assuming you don't really play the games. You use console commands. It's become obvious. In that case yeah. Do it but you're not really playing the game. So the input is kind of irrelevant. I think the larger issue that made Bethesda ditch the class system is that about half of the magick schools are a hodge podge of spells with no focus. Let's look at the schools they way they're usually protrayed.

Magic Schools
-Destruction- Uses elemental magic BUT it also has spells which damage your enemy's health, magick and armor. In reality these spells should be in different schools.
-Restoration- Pretty concise.
-Illusion- Also fairly concise I would argue that chameleon should be a destruction spell because it bends light around you where as invisibility makes you invisible to a person's senses. Chameleon should be a destruction spell but invisibility should remain an illusions spell
-Alteration- This is the worst of them in my opinion. Bethesda just throws shit together.
-Mysticism- pretty similar to alteration but at least you get a good anti-magick theme going on with it.
-Conjuration- Fairly concise as well except for the summon weapons spells. These should be placed in alteration.

>> No.10222986


Here are the schools as they should be
-Destruction- Deals with forces of nature. Elemental damage, light and dark manipulation, elemental damage shields, transfers of kinetic energy
-Restoration- Spells that effect the body, healing and damage health spells, fortifying athletics, acrobatics. This should also piggy back off of alchemy.
-Illusion- Deals with manipulating people's senory experience. Causing hallucinations, charming people and beguiling them, creating false sounds and images.
-Alteration shoud deal exclusively with items and should piggy back off of enchantment. For example the old school feather and burden spells which increase and decrease item weights, locking and unlocking doors, temporary enchantments for weapons as well as conjuring weapons and items out of thin air,
-Mysticism- Basically this school should deal exclusively with magick flows in and out of battle. Unlocking enchanted or magically trapped doors, siphoning enemy magick, draining it from them, transferring yours magick power to allies as well as cool shit like scrying for information and reversing time.
Conjuration is pretty concise but I would drop the summon weapons spells in with Alteration and instead separate conjuration into three different sub groups focusing on summoning and supporting nature spirits (evocation), demons and other worldy being (conjuration) and the undead (necromancy)

I think if Bethesda cleared up the way the magic schools work it would greatly improve the class system. I would prevent the huge doubling up of skills and abilities that tends to happen in Morrowind and Oblivion. For example, with the healer class they double up the illusion skill with the speechcraft skill. This is redundant. If you have the illusion skill why do you need the speech craft skill? The illusions skill offers more options to a person playing the healer class because it can also conceal them from combat. It would be better for the class to just get rid of speechcraft

>> No.10222995

It's absolutely not buggier than vanilla, and like they say the movement on geometry is literally night and day. I can't go back to jumping in the vanilla engine where you slip and slide and get stuck all over the floor.

>> No.10223101

I'm not really sure what your argument is. That leveling class skills is faster? I knew that. That you need resources to level up? That's obvious. I never disputed, not once, that picking the right class saves you time but that's all classes do. You are never locked out of anything based on class.

>This is of course assuming you don't cheat or use exploits which, by the sounds of it you do. I'm assuming you don't really play the games. You use console commands. It's become obvious. In that case yeah. Do it but you're not really playing the game. So the input is kind of irrelevant.
>I have no counter-argument so I'm just going to make a bunch of false assumptions and try to argue that you didn't play the game because I'm a retard.

>> No.10223124

Eat dick. I'm right and you know it. Cheater. Also did you not read my counter point. Two whole 2000 word comments.

>> No.10223131

The only way to do what you're proposing is through cheats or playing nothing but Morrowind dawn till dusk for a decade. Where the fuck do you get money for all then lock picks and repair hammers you need to level up those skills? You'd HAVE to at a bare minimum use exploits. to do that.

>> No.10223146

>I have no counter-argument so I'm just going to make a bunch of false assumptions and try to argue that you didn't play the game because I'm a retard.

>> No.10223159

No. My counter argument is that you would have to at a bare minimum use exploits to get enough gold and lockpicks to level up your security skill in a timely manner. Honestly more importantly how'd you get the money for soul gems to level up your enchantment. Bare minimum just for a soul gem with a rat soul you'd be looking at 200 gold bare minimum. Even when you grind to level up enchanting on a class where it's a major skill you still need like 47 soul gyms just to get the skill to like level 55. They have to be increasingly powerful sould gems too because you gain less and less experience for weaker enchants. I'm calling you're bluff right now. You're full of shit and you know it.

>> No.10223304

>that binding spell where you could create a bow that would 1 shot anything at level 1