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10199338 No.10199338 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10199342
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>> No.10199348

George Broussard on suicide watch after getting utterly owned by OP

>> No.10199370


It was much too harsh. I'm worried about him. We should give him hundreds of millions of dollars toward a new Duke Nukem sequel to cheer him up

>> No.10199417

This but give it to the guys fixing up dnf2001

>> No.10199462
File: 311 KB, 620x465, The Plantation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resto project? No way, they're lefties censoring everything they deem problematic. Give it to the Director's Cut guys instead. They actually want to restore the game, instead of censoring it, inserting unfunny memes and bloating it with new content nobody asked for, like Liquid and his furry lovers from the resto discord server do.

Here's the link to the DNF2001 you should look foward to. It's not out yet, but when it is, it'll be way better than the neutered resto version:


>> No.10199483

>censoring everything they deem problematic

>> No.10199526

Their discord server. Of course, they don't call it censorship, but making it a better game, whatever that means

>> No.10199550


The one we got was the final reason to stop giving a shit about reviews.
I played it recently and had an absolute BLAST with it. Still of course very excited to see some of the original DNF.
DNF is the reason I am now getting into more retro Duke action.
After playing through 3D Atomic what are other good Dukes? Are the console ports worth it? They pretty much all have lukewarm reviews from back then as well, but how trustworthy are revies from back then?

>> No.10199581
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This Y2K HUD is sleek.

>> No.10199590
File: 3.45 MB, 1305x1584, Duke Nukem - Zero Hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also enjoyed the DNF we got quite a lot. I actually feel like replaying it now. The only thing that sucks is the turret sections being so stupidly hard when playing on the hardest difficulty.

First thing you should do is play through the Carribean and Duke it Out in DC expansions.
The PSX version of Duke is pretty much the same game but with poor framerate. Overall it has an extra episode which is very hit&miss imo. The N64 version has many differences from the original including different weapons, different or new areas in some levels etc again the level design is very hit&miss but the new weapons are tons of fun.
Both the PSX and N64 version have been faithfully ported back to PC, so go with that.
Saturn version is a nice curiosity but it's not worth playing.

Then you can play the 5th episode that came with World Tour.

Make sure to also check it Duke Nukem Zero Hour, which is the closest thing to a DN3D we got. It's actually built on Build engine and Duke code except with a new renderer and the 3D models look great.

>> No.10199619

>The one we got was the final reason to stop giving a shit about reviews
Lets see.. two weapon limit, regenerating health, linear as fuck, turret segments, constantly taking shots at the games it tried and failed miserably at ripping off. Yeah, no, it deserved the hate it got. I really hope you're not one of the retards that constantly bitches about Halo ruining shooters

>> No.10199626

This all feels like VTMB True Patch-tier schizo nonsense.

>> No.10199694

It really isn't. Like I said, Resto team have made a lot of weird choices,
arbitrary removing things they didn't like (because they were "problematic") and adding unnecessary things. It would've been fine if it was just a mod for a working game (like VtMB patxhes), but it isn't. It's supposedly a restoration, to made a broken prototype playable, but it's anything but.

>> No.10199721

>arbitrary removing things they didn't like (because they were "problematic")
Such as?
> and adding unnecessary things.
Such as?
>It's supposedly a restoration, to made a broken prototype playable, but it's anything but.
No, it's goal is to finish DNF2001 using the design docs.

>> No.10199729

Also GameCube port.

>> No.10199778

>No, it's goal is to finish DNF2001 using the design docs
No, it's Liquid's fanfic and vanity project (not even a good one)

>> No.10199794

When it's done.

>> No.10199839
File: 724 KB, 740x740, liquid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a short list from the top of my head:

– Removed Osama joke
– Removed school shooting joke because some teenage furry got sad
– Removed black models of the infected, because it's racist to have black enemies in a video game (lol)
– They were talks about removing "Dude, where's my rickshaw" poster, because it's supposedly offensive (HOW???)
– Removed "The Plantation" casino, because it was supposedly never intended to be in the final game (despite it being shown in the E3 trailer!)

Unneceary things:
– The pool area
– Modern meme references, like "my balls are lighter" after pissing, reference to the infamous meme (despite the fact that resto team claims to avoid adding any references from after 2001/2002)
– Flirty line of dialogue between Duke and General Graves, who is supposed to be kind of a father figure to Duke (this one's already been changed, but after a lot of complaining)

Other dumb things:
– Using DNF2011 menu music instead of the 2001 version
– Having Gianni, meme guy, dude who completly fucked Duke's image on the internet, voice Duke
– Having parasite Tyler McVicker on the team (he's in the "Special Thanks" document_

>> No.10199842
File: 485 KB, 2877x1179, Duke Nukem Time to Kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are other good Dukes
Time to Kill is decent, and it has the most badass intro in video game history!

>> No.10199850

It got the really low reviews that it did mainly because of it's "problematic" content and circlejerking from journalists about Duke being stuck in the past. It was one of the first things I can remember getting attacked by the woke mob. One of the reasons why DNF got a 2/10 on Gamespot was because of the cigarette/fag joke and was later revealed to be gay. The game was not as bad as it was made out to be by the same journalists who gave similar games like COD and Halo 10s all the time.

>> No.10201469

Your opinion is alien to me, DNF felt like a shitty mockery of DN3D and it's one of the few games which made me angry because of how badly designed it was. People who genuinely like DNF have absurdly low standards.

>> No.10201487

I also remember shill journos giving it 9/10 scores, when it's a fucking 2/10 game serving as a crude mockery to an actual 10/10 classic, with slime like Bitchford antagonizing people for pointing out how dogshit the game was, or how he used it as a scam to fleece money out of Take 2, just like he scammed Sega for the abortion that was Colonial Marines.

If you think the only problems with the game was that it offended some faggots, then you have catastrophically poor analytical skills and horrible taste in videogames. The game plays like you made a really fucked up and shitty COD clone and then tried to poorly graft little lopsided bits of Half-Life 2 and Painkiller onto it to try to make it more oldschool somehow.

>> No.10201490

what a bunch of sad faggots

>> No.10201507

>DNF felt like a shitty mockery of DN3D
nta but this part made me enjoy it quite a bit. not the shitty clunky mechanics tho

>> No.10202000

>People who genuinely like DNF have absurdly low standards.

And I would say most people who shit on DNF have a huge case of hivemind and are unable to make their own opinion

Sure the game has a case of late 00's FPS design trops, but so did every other FPS at the time which were all well rated. The main difference is that DNF still had the 90's mentality of daring to fun, cool and funny. Most of the levels look good and are fun to navigate and the combat and weapons are fun.

This is at the same time the game's good and bad points, it's good because those aspects make it more fun than most other FPS at the time, but it's bad because modern and old mentalities don't work well together.

With that said they didn't really have a choice because this was still long before the retro revival (hence the reviews claiming it was "stuck in the past", and "stuck in the past" being a negative thing). It mainly suffered from being released at the wrong time. The game should have either released 10 years before (better option), or it should have released post Doom-2016 once retro was cool again.

>> No.10202093

>if you hate shitty games that i like then you are just part of a hivemind and can't form your opinions

>> No.10202356


Your tears of anger taste really sweet.
If you will now excuse me, I still have to find an Ego item at that chapter where you are shrunk and enter that machine.
And I will no doubt have a great time. Those are the best. It's really fun running trough normal surroundings like a tiny mouse. And the motor section (while of course illogical) is really cool.

Personally I like its different pacing to DN3D, whereas that one is constant action DOOM-style (speeding trough like a car, storing a whole arsenal in your magic satchel) I like DNFs burst character. Fighting a horde of enemies and then pauses inbetween with some platforming, those cooldown phases make the action even better.
That said, I play the patched version, with just 2 weapons it would probably be a bit annoying, 4 is managable.

>> No.10202527

>always bet on duke

This is /biz/-tier financial advice

>> No.10202583

Every Duke game after DN3D feels like a joke version. I don't know how to properly express this any other way, but Duke Nukem 3D was NOT good just because it had babes and jokes, those things are incidental. It was a brilliant game because it had a sophisticated engine which could do interesting scripting and interactivity. It was an excellent game that DEFINED what all modern games would be like, and its influence can't be overstated. It's lame that Duke Nukem became too one-note for its own good later on, because it meant that people stopped caring about the gameplay. The gameplay of Duke, which, in my opinion, should emphasize interactivity, life, detail, etc. But I suppose there's no point in complaining about all of this. Many other games (example: Half-Life 1) already tried to continue what was done. It's not like anyone NEEDS Duke, if it can't deliver quality. Did you guys know that 1997 Shadow Warrior was a B-project that got rushed out so Forever could get more allocation? Well, that game is MUCH better than anything Duke was was after 1996.

>> No.10202610

>Every Duke game after DN3D feels like a joke version
I feel the same about nu Doom. They're not bad game but it feels like like this still.

>> No.10202625

I tried to be positive about DNF, I went into it having tried to avoid as much spoilage as I could, I was hoping that vague statements about it being bad weren't true or that they were exaggerations. I tried giving it a chance, really, but at every turn it would shit the bed, continuing to get worse.

I did not have fun with DNF, the fighting was bad because the enemies and weapons are largely imitations of DN3D, but gimped horribly by a two weapon limit and how most encounters lock you into shitty arenas, the regen health does it no favors. Fiddling around with the scenery is mildly entertaining but gets old quick, in large part because there's preciously little variety to that, and it's all you've got left after the shit combat. There's not really any exploration going because the levels are all very linear, with mostly dull minigame puzzles.

Duke as a character is fucked and inconsistent. In DN3D he's pissed about the women being captured and raped, he curses himself if one of them gets killed and he never jokes about it. Meanwhile, in DNF, he makes a dramatic spiel about the Olsen sluts being kidnapped, but then forgets about them entirely, discovering them forcibly impregnated in the alien hive, he cracks a really shitty joke which is tonally jarring as fuck because of his previous attitude and the overall dark mood of the scene, when the girls die violently he kind of doesn't care much, certainly nowhere as much as when they were kidnapped.
Duke is an egocentric asshole, but he was still always a heroic and sympathetic fighter who aimed to save the day, and this made him cool and made his comical self-aggrandizing charming and funny, he earns it. In DNF every character sucks his dick at every turn (occasionally literally), and he's talked up all the time, but his persona doesn't reflect how he was in the 90s at all, he's a jarring asshole who fails to be heroic yet the game is continuously pleased with him and just assumes you'll find him awesome.

>> No.10202652

Wow, I hate it.

>> No.10202670

>Duke as a character is fucked and inconsistent. In DN3D he's pissed about the women being captured and raped, he curses himself if one of them gets killed and he never jokes about it. Meanwhile, in DNF, he makes a dramatic spiel about the Olsen sluts being kidnapped, but then forgets about them entirely, discovering them forcibly impregnated in the alien hive, he cracks a really shitty joke which is tonally jarring as fuck because of his previous attitude and the overall dark mood of the scene, when the girls die violently he kind of doesn't care much, certainly nowhere as much as when they were kidnapped.

I saw that on YT and they really fumbled here. No heart whatsoever. Dare I say, soulless.

>> No.10202671

This is a very good point. But I would say the tone and personality change happened during Duke Nukem 3D: it happened with Atomic Edition and The Birth episode.
Atomic really focused on the humour to the point of parody.
Of course there was always a bit of that (the "Why am I so great" book) but not the same extent.

Turning Duke into this self aware superstar parody made sense... in 1997. It didn't make sense in 2011, which is even you, didn't get the joke. They just never changed the plans and must not have realized only them were still thinking Duke like people saw him in 97.

>> No.10202676

I think it's much worse because Doom has never had an outright catastrophically bad game. Doom 3 has its problems, but there's a kind of a decent shooter in there, and relative to the classic games there's a reasonably ambitious attempt at a narrative, and there's all kinds of neat ideas here and there, there's a reason that fans continuously lift a concept here or there from it to use for mods for the classic games, sometimes even assets or designs. Doom 4 is what it is, certainly a departure from earlier titles, but it's a decent enough shooter, I had no expectations at all but ended up having a pretty fun time, better than Doom 3 in some ways, worse in others.

Duke 3D has a bunch of expansions, Atomic has some weak levels, but also some of the best 3DRealms originals, Duke It Out in D.C is decent, and Life's A Beach is genuinely a gem which more people need to play. World Tour is another mixed bag, some levels are pretty meh and the final boss is a joke, but they got Allen and Levellord to make some new ones, and they're unironically good as fucking fuck, even if you hate the port it's worth giving them a roll with EDuke32.
Beyond this, you've got Manhattan Project which goes back to sidescrolling and supposedly it's very good, as well as the Game Boy Color game which is like a cartoony pastiche of the first two games, I didn't expect to enjoy that one at all but I really had a very good time.
So there's some decent and good Duke after Duke 3D, but Forever was the big mainline sequel people were waiting for, and it's a like two garbage barges having a violent T-bone collision, in the Ganges River. The only other classic FPS which has a sequel bad enough to contend would be Blood, but for as horrible as Blood 2 was, it didn't take so goddamn much time and the game wasn't outright a scam.

>> No.10202681
File: 184 KB, 256x363, Duke_Nukem_-_Manhattan_Project_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since it's a Duke thread, what's this game like?

>> No.10202687

The scene with the twins is the most tonally inconsistent.
I feel like they had the feeling it is getting TOO dark, so they awkwardly tried to add some lighheartedness(?!) into it through dialogue, with all of them acting as if they were talking about cheating, saying that with the aliens it was "just one time" and such.
Considering how they were his babes the whole time before and how protective he is suppposed to be about babes it is by far the most jarring part of the game.
WIth that whole scene they wrote themselves into a corner since I really cannot think of a good way to end it without it looking tacky. Going onto his knees "KHAAANN!"-style? Seems weird. Having him sob about them? Would have looked unfitting.
Frankly the best thing they could have done was to not include that scene at all.
The best way I can think of for having him handle that situation if it must stay in would probably have been him shutting up and giving a moment of silence for them and then in silence maybe placing some kind of memorial at their remains. This at least would have shown that he does not JUST talk in one-liners and can be serious if need be.
Then when going on he could then in a serious angry tone have sweared to himself that thos alien bastards are gonna pay.
They made him TOO cool and untouched by anything.

>> No.10202689

decent platformer, came with the graphics card we'd bought for a new rig

>> No.10202710

I hear that it's good, I oughta play it some day.

>> No.10202714

i believe what happened with Douque is that they lost confidence when Quack came out all in 3D.
they pretty much thought they couldn't even compete, not seeing what made their game special so they banished themselves from a race they couldn't win or so thought.
this spawned what feel like joke spin-offs of course even if i like the third person games that came out on Playstation and N64.
this curse followed Douque Fornever with Broussard reseting the project each time a new FPS succeeded because they felt like the game could never compete if they didn't follow suite.

this brand suffered from the lack of confidence and focus of the company. they had a golden egg goose that they mistook for a duck.
sadly now, Douque's balls are stuck under Dandy Bitchford's heel.
his only project with this IP is afaik is a TV fucking show...

>> No.10202760

>Duke Nukem 3D was NOT good just because it had babes and jokes, those things are incidental.
Exactly! Duke's personality, the jokes, all the easter eggs, the hot girls, all of that was charming surface level stuff around a game with very tight and smart design, the levels and the gameplay are both very strong. DN3D didn't just get by on being funny, a lot of the time it's even pretty grim and dreary, but the jokes and comically exaggerated hero protagonist is the proper tonal contrast which relieves the tension.

Atomic went more zany, but Duke never stopped being Duke.

>> No.10202763

>censoring it, inserting unfunny memes and bloating it with new content nobody asked for

>> No.10202778

i believe anon lurks their discord but screencaps from discord in this context could be inappropriate to the mods

>> No.10202785

it's based around the original two Duke Nukem games isn't it?

>> No.10202827

Liquid is a bit of a man-child, but he's absolutely right that "The Plantation" is supposed to be called "Booty Island". It's Booty Island in every other 3D Realms resource. As for the other stuff, it's sort of up in the air.

One of the problems with DNF2001 is that the build had some content in it that would have never been allowed to ship by the publisher. So I don't envy any developer trying to figure out what is in good taste enough to keep or discard. Like I say, Snake seem like a bit of a man-child, but it's not an enviable position.
>– Having Gianni, meme guy, dude who completly fucked Duke's image on the internet, voice Duke
He's a decent impersonator.

>> No.10203226
File: 252 KB, 1369x1080, plantation in the trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Plantation" is supposed to be called "Booty Island". It's Booty Island in every other 3D Realms resources Why was it shown in the E3 trailer then? Why is it present in the leaked builts then? Why does it have an actual modeled and textured logo, while there's no logo for any "Booty Island", and the resto team had to make their own?

Sounds more like another arbitrary censorship, Liquid got mad over the stars and bars. Who knows how many other instances of such practices went unnoticed by us. It's no longer a restoration project, it's Liquid's personal fanmod that adds and removes things willy nilly, depending wheter Liquid like something or not

>> No.10205484


So how does this project stand compared to >>10199462? Are there really two different DNF restoration projects instead of combining their efforts? -Which seems like a good thing, but it's just weird from their perspective, doing twice the work on twice the same game.

>> No.10205502

one day we'll have right wing and left wing versions of games at launch

>> No.10205829

>right wing and left wing versions
That's a disingenuous way to look at it, only the resto team is being political about things that supposedly "didn't age well". Director's cut team just want an actual restoration of the game.

>> No.10205880

>That's a disingenuous way to look at it
i'm not saying it's what it is, but the censorship in one of the versions seem to be taking that direction.
i really wouldn't be surprised if one day we'd see gales releasing in different flavors to please different views and maximize sales.

>> No.10206001

The two projects actually started roughly at the same time. Director's Cut team is smaller than resto's, so obviously resto've already realesed some of their work. It doesn't actually go as smoothly as they'd like you to think, they're still stuck at chapter 4, and have been for many months. Director's Cut team is yet to realese their first "slice". One of the guys working on the Director's Cut used to be in the resto modding team. Why would he leave and start another project? Several reasons: creative differences (i.e. censorship, modern memes, etc.), overall toxicity of resto discord server, Liquid power-tripping and ignoring any feedback, calling it 'trolling' and also communication issues between people on the team

>> No.10206015

are there no discord alternatives

>> No.10206037

An ESG eliminates the need to worry about sales, all they have to do is shit out the propaganda and they get paid. I'm actually convinced this is the reason publishers don't release their sales figures anymore, everyone would see they were making bank despite the pitifully low sales. There will never be another "right wing" version of media again unless it's crowdfunded or a middle market publisher funds it

>> No.10206076

Why is this picture always so funny to me? He doesn't look tough to me, just funny.

>> No.10206080

Where does all this money they burn through even come from

>> No.10206090

Because he was supposed to be the embodiment of a tough, heterosexual male, but the only person who would dress like Duke now would be a massive cock smoking faggot. Which I suppose is apt since Randy Pitchford (dude's name even sounds like it belongs to a gay pornstar) owns the IP now

>> No.10206110


>> No.10206115

I'd imagine Duke Nukem is massively unpopular in Japan

>> No.10206119

Why did they have to take down the megaton edition

>> No.10206137

"Bazinga" - Duke Nukem

>> No.10206140
File: 284 KB, 640x434, The_Full_Randy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10206152


>> No.10206157

I'm onna fuckin kill you muthafucker OLD STYLE

>> No.10206174

Japanese people didn't even know Western games existed until a few years ago when Minecraft dropped.

>> No.10206175

lol perfect

>> No.10206178

That reminds me, there are supposedly some Shadow Warrior fans in Japan and China. I wonder how true that is.

>> No.10206185

How involved is he in Gearbox decision making though? Does he deserve all blame? They're owned by Embracer

>> No.10206201

Only because fast first person games make asians sick

>> No.10206204


>> No.10206212

Hey that's not nice, their eyes aren't slanted, they're Tokyo drifting

>> No.10206576

hate to break it to you babbygremlin but you cant "restore" content that doesnt exist to begin with. swans rocks btw.
thats because it is.

>> No.10206940

Never heard of this but it's already looking 1,000 times more competently done than the faggot "Restoration Project".

Zero Hour was actually legitimately pretty great. Reviews back in the day were less hyperbolic than they are now. If a game gets anything other than a 9 or a 10 nowadays, it's deemed absolute shit, and I've seen reviewers shy away from giving games 7's or 8's anymore and just suck its dick, or attack it mercilessly. Games from the 90's that had 6 or 7/10 truly earned those ratings, and by "earned" I don't mean they were bad, I mean they were considered okay to moderately good.

>> No.10206952

Vanguard and Blackrock actually cut-back on SJW issues this year due to poor financial feed-back from companies despite pressure from shareholders. Seems like all the boycotting of movies and TV shows finally caught up with them.

>> No.10206957

Most retarded take I've ever heard, since Wizardry is wildly popular in Japan.

>> No.10207007

Did they ever port Plug n' Pray to the PC version of DN3D yet?

>> No.10207770

You can make a broken prototype playable from start to finish, filling in the blanks with stuff seen in the trailer, written in the design documents and what feels appropriate for a 2001 Duke Nukem game. Unlike resto team which is making their own bloated fanfiction fanmod.

And no, it's nothing like VtM:B true patch. Both resto and director's cut have to add more than just patches, the game wasn't completed, or at least the leaked prototype wasn't. But resto team censors content that's already in the leak, adds unfunny modern references, and inserts content and places (i.e. pool area) that were never even hinted at, just because Liquid wanted them. If they hadn't spent their time adding unnecesary shit, they'd have already completed chapter 4

>> No.10207784


>> No.10208163
File: 330 KB, 600x400, tim willits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't until pretty recently, but Embracer has guys like Tim Wallets at the head, ergo Randy has another Randy as his boss.

>> No.10208393

They deleted the killable tranny hooker from the LasVegas lounge segment

>> No.10208498

>defending health regen and 2 weapon limit made specifficaly for consoletards

>> No.10209083

That really fucking sucks. Why why do trannies and fucking faggots do this? And it always seems to be younger people. JUST LET US PLAY IT WITHOUT REMOVING SHIT

>> No.10209148

I hope this liquid guy fucking kills himself on camera

>> No.10209302

don't spoonfeed zoomers

>> No.10209646

Time to Kill and Zero Hour are legitimately great, fun sequels. I find it amusing that most people still consider them fanfic 'spin offs' considering what an abortion the actual mainline DNF was.
As for DN3D expansions, Life's a Beach and Penthouse Paradise expansions are fantastic and truly within the spirit of the original. Duke it Out in DC is worth a spin, great technically impressive maps but ultimately I found it dull.

>> No.10209683
File: 330 KB, 1050x850, 1690930673296762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10209684

>bloating it with new content nobody asked for
The big-ass pool is one

>> No.10209693

Is Zero Hour considered better than the Playstation games?
I know Land of the Babes isn't really loved, but I'm not sure why exactly. I vaguely remember playing it as a kid, and it was kind of just a generic Playstation game.

>> No.10209753

I can't give an honest answer because I'm a Nintendo kid so I obviously prefer Zero Hour a lot but that might just be nostalgia goggles.

>> No.10209953

Those furFAGS already soiled the project from top to bottom. It's finished.

>> No.10209958

Uh oh, the 'corder shock trooper enter the fray.

>> No.10210959

thankfully there's an other one but it needs more publicity

>> No.10210975
File: 2.22 MB, 960x1200, Duke Nukem - Time to Kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero Hour >>10199590 is the closest thing to a DN3D sequel we got. It's literally made on Build engine and DN3D game code so the levels and gameplay behaviours are very similar. it's good really.

Time to Kill is basically Duke Nukem meets Tomb Raider. I like it a lot but it's derivative and it feels like it was rushed (the levels in the last third of the game are really simple), plus enemy variety is a bit low.
Land of the Babes is TtK sequel but it's not very good imo. Smaller gimmicky levels, bad framerate, story takes itself way too seriously.

>> No.10211098
File: 1.91 MB, 1237x1481, May 2011, Nag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While DNF2011 is by no means a masterpiece, >>10199850 is right about it being overhated because of allegations of "sexism" and whatnot

>> No.10211324

The 2011 game's hot ass, but the whole "prooblimatik huemurr" shit was a non issue, and I hate watching dumb modern ecelebs talk about the game and inevitably get to the point where they say "Um, yikes, that didn't age well".

>> No.10211389

It's a very dogshit game, if anyone thinks the problem with it is "sexism" then they don't actually understand what's wrong with it, and if your argument genuinely was that much of the criticism of the game's content is based in feminism, I would suggest that you're a sophist.

Duke Nukem 3D had edgy shit going for it, there's a fucking back alley abortion clinic in one level, complete with a vacuum cleaner and dead devil babies, with specimen in jars, and an implied prostitute outside. The cutscene for the The Birth even shows Duke shoving a pipebomb up the pussy of the final boss and uttering "It's time to abort you're whole freakin' species!" The game has a lot of sleazy and tasteless shit in it, and there's nothing wrong with it, it helps set a great tone, Duke Nukem is the gallant macho hero who's going to set this suffering world right.

The problem with the alien hive isn't that there's naked and raped women suffering, that's even consistent with Duke Nukem 3D itself, the problem is Duke Nukem's attitude is just fucking off and unfitting. He should be pissed and disgusted, swearing vengeance, maybe even cursing himself for not doing better, but instead his attitude is weirdly detached and sociopathic for something which isn't just really serious and dark, but for something which is supposed to be personal to him.

>> No.10211438
File: 32 KB, 920x1057, png-transparent-duke-nukem-ii-duke-nukem-forever-duke-nukem-manhattan-project-duke-nukem-3d-duke-nukem-game-video-game-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2d games were better.

>> No.10211510

>the problem is Duke Nukem's attitude is just fucking off

That's not fully true, it's not just Duke it's THE WHOLE SCENE.People tend to just look at Duke, but the whole scene is set up in that way.
We have an actually very serious scene of him finding his two twins - but the whole scene is in dialog from BOTH sides made up as if he unexpectedly got into the bedroom and found the two in bed with another (alien) man.
"Well Well, what's THIS then" he is like.
"OH, Duke... I swear it was just one time!" they reply, and instead of exploding they quickly hush out of the room...

The whole scene is set up as if being played for laughs - which considering its seriousness feels REALLY off.

>> No.10212372

Let's be fair, it shouldn't.
Not until it's almost complete.

>> No.10212410

Doesn't Duke say "This really pisses me off" a few times in rooms full of women being experimented on/raped?

>> No.10212564

Why would duke care about two flavor of the month whores he was banging getting killed? He can get another two in a heartbeat. He's Duke fuckin nukem

>> No.10212583


Yeah, but Duke wants to protect babes!
He would not go on his knees and cry but be extremely angry and pissed off and swear bloody revenge on those bastards. Not as halfheartedly as he does it in DNF when they are teleported away but with full anger in his voice.
He is also typically angry at himself for letting babes get hurt, but if he would be like that in the hive where he could not really do anything more than he was already doing I am not sure.

>> No.10212584

What was the full reason why Duke Nukem Forever 2001 didn't come out as planned? Dishonesty and money issues?

>> No.10212774

>swearing vengeance, maybe even cursing himself for not doing better,
Sounds like fag talk to me.

>> No.10212803


He's just angry at himself for not having been able to let a babe get hurt ot killed, nothing faggy about that. Protecting the world's babes is like one of the main reasons why he took things into his own hands, so naturally he is angry when he could not provide that protection.

>> No.10212848

>non-problematic duke
The fucking fuck how does this even work- I HATE TROONS. The only way this could fly is if they go wildly all-in with it and get Jon St John to throw in cartoonishly leftist lines (shouldn't be a stretch, considering him nowadays) and make him denounce all the womanizing and throw in a proud cuckold scene. NOBODY STEALS MY CHICKS, UNLESS I CONSENT.

>> No.10212856

So not only is it some "fan" attempt to recreate something, but one in which they're INTENTIONALLY doing shit wrong? Who the fuck is this for? Restoration projects seem largely pointless in the first place, even moreso if they're not even going to try to be accurate. Just make your own thing and call it a famgame.

>> No.10212875

We'll never know but I'm sure it was a borderline if not literally criminal scheme to grift investors and was never meant to be much more than trailers and demos for as long as they could get away with it.

>> No.10214193

Is Duke REALLY that problematic? Duke 3D duke really isn't problematic outside of "Hehe, I like women, lol", maybe post 3D Duke would be, but overall if you just kept him like he was in Duke 3D, you wouldn't exactly have any problem.
This meme is stupid and most "people" who think Duke is legit problematic shouldn't be listened to in the first place, they don't play the games and never will.

>> No.10214254

>Amiga asset rips downgraded to EGA
>~20fps scrolling/tile by tile scrolling
They're middling. Items being shot into upgrades/downgrades is cute, though.

>> No.10215381

George Broussard looked at what the other developers were doing and got worried, and wanted to re-do the work again and again in order to incorporate or one-up those neat features, instead of focusing on finishing the one product, no matter how outdated it would've been.

>> No.10215389

The 2001 trailer is still the most pumped up game trailer I've ever seen. About the only thing on par with that is the intro for Red Alert 2 (why mister president, whatever do you mean?). Insane to think that both came out a year apart.

>> No.10215395 [DELETED] 

Id won
Valve won
Epic won
Bungie won
Monolith won

3d Realms lost

>> No.10215409

Time to Kill is the best Duke TPS. It really embraces all the little details that makes Duke feel like Duke. If you end up in a level where you *shouldn't* have a jetpack for whatever reason, the game doesn't hold you back, like in 3D you can just fly over whatever you want and end up wherever. It translates Duke's interactivity, the gags and feel really well. The controls can be a little intimidating but when you get a feel for the lock on, movement and everything in combat feels awesome and the weapons are easily way better than in Zero Hour. Zero Hour feels much more like a period accurate TPS, it plays decently but duke has censorship beeps inserted into his quips, few new quips and gags (one of the funniest in TTK is when you go back to present day LA a second time and see the strip club has become a gay club.)

TTK always feels like you're encouraged to play with the weapons, use them in the ways you'd experiment with in 3D while ZH doesn't recreate that fun style.

>> No.10215415

Ok but how does it compare to Tomb Raider?

>> No.10215417

Levels aren't as good for platforming but that's not the focus, more fun to shoot things in.