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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10198172 No.10198172 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10198378
File: 2.33 MB, 3233x5709, nostalgia ultimate-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same boi

>> No.10198395
File: 17 KB, 410x612, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a solution

>> No.10198416

Yeah bro we all do. For me it was the feeling of experiencing a game or a movie with a massive sense of potential and wonder. Feeling like there was something mind blowing around every corner.
The flip side was that I didn't care much for mastery and I would give up on games more easily if I got stuck or frustrated. Now I can set my own goals and think about the way that I'm playing and make changes. When I quit a game it's usually because it seems too derivative or repetitive, less than me being overwhelmed or lacking the knowledge to figure out a solution.

I also miss loving everything I saw on TV and getting scared shitless by the slightest hint of supernatural . That was a cool feeling

>> No.10198454

I miss my pre-mental illness life.

>> No.10198501

You were supposed to be inspired and make the next generation of games. Instead you sat on messages boards crying about the decline, so if anything this is your fault.
Seriously, you guys should get together, unironically "learn to code" and make a game

>> No.10198525


>> No.10198527

That food is still around and as unhealthy as ever, 4channers call it goyslop now.

>> No.10198531

being an adult with money and a car shits all over being a kid

>> No.10198535

>anons get together
>make a VN about falling in love with disabled girls
>few pieces of media have ever made so many grown men weep, including myself
>still think about it to this day
They really should

>> No.10198537
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>with money and a car

>> No.10198547

Why are so many millennials such enormous manchildren stuck in the 90's? Maybe I'd understand if fucking Pokemon, the most barebones JRPG, wasn't what was mindbreaking you, but the most mediocre games are fucking scripture that a certain subset of millennial gamers seem to live by. Playing the same games again and again, buying remakes and remasters and bad official emulations on day one to relive the exact same experience again instead of trying something else. There's hundreds of amazing games for retro systems you've yet to check out but nostalgiafaggot retards just replay Ocarina of Time for the 20th time this month and then cry about how life never got any better than this. If your life never got better than Mariah Carey then you're fucked cunt

>> No.10198553

Also why the fuck do we utterly lack skills and discipline along with zoomers? I could never get my peers to do anything cool with me

>> No.10198565

The fact that some American is nostalgic for seeing Boris Yeltsin on TV proves this board should never be taken seriously

>> No.10198569

Are you talking about the VN that DDLC ripped off and inserted creepypasta "meta" bullshit into it? If so, then yes, more of that please

>> No.10198574

When I was a kid I had no money for games. Now I have money for games but have no time for games because of wife and work. I miss being a kid too.

>> No.10198580
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I learned a few months ago (maybe around the start of summer) that it's not only retro gaming that I really enjoyed about my childhood but all of the other things I used to do like going to amusement parks, arcades, roller skating etc. For a while I was considering going skating again but just never got around to it. Retro gaming was just sort of central to it but there was all this other cool stuff going on around it at the same time. It's possible to recreate to some extent but it would take a lot more effort to fully capture the feeling.

Or according to some people you can just have kids on a whim with anyone and that magically fixes everything.

It depends. There are some things that are harder to do as an adult unless you have the right circle. Sometimes adults can be worse than kids with the way they treat each other as well.

>> No.10198603

>Or according to some people you can just have kids on a whim with anyone and that magically fixes everything
I think whoever told you that probably couldn't express themselves properly. The joy of having kids is that you get to share everything that made you happy as a kid with them. I would have liked to have shown my kid the Master System I grew up with, the stupid cartoons I used to watch, and take them ice skating or to a theme park, but life didn't work out that way. I'm guessing you're in a similar situation because of how you phrased that?

>> No.10198605
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It's a solution for something at least

>> No.10198606

Do you have a name?

>> No.10198625

Katawa Shoujo , which literally means Disability Girls, and YOU and ME and HER were the VNs it ripped off. The first one is what the other anon was talking about, though

>> No.10198637

This is going beyond /vr/ territory but I do feel like the idea of starting a family is highly idealized compared to what it actually is. Even the people who make it that far aren't always happy

>> No.10198646

I'd love to. I'm retarded and cant social network with people.
Every now and again I try to learn something, whether it's coding, or pixel art or 3D modelling, but I can't make a whole game on my own.

>> No.10198647

Steal assets, use engines, cut corners, I believe in you and I believe in me too

>> No.10198652

I see people post things similar to the shitposting OP and I try and nudge them in the right direction. Not saying they have to start a family, more trying to make them aware there are other options besides sitting on the computer and lamenting over their childhood

>> No.10198653

Everything just felt better in the 90's, because life didn't consist of drifting from one insanity from the next. You wouldn't get it if you're younger than like 27. You just think this is normal.
People of my age group have basically spent the past 15 years waiting for the world to get out of this horrible rut it's in, and it's just not happening.
It's not really about Pokemon.

>> No.10198660

>People of my age group have basically spent the past 15 years waiting for the world to get out of this horrible rut it's in
See, this was my point, you're waiting for someone to come along and fix everything. No one's coming, anon, time to man the fuck up and get to work like your grandparents did

>> No.10198674

I can't shut down twitter.
No one can at this point. Humanity's hunger for that mode of communication has overwhelmed everything. If it went down, five more platforms would crop up, and everyone would flock to them.
I can't stop outrage culture. I can't stop insane people's ideas being taken far too seriously. I can't stop the increasingly unsettling ways companies are getting inside people's heads and telling them how to behave. This is where we are now.

>> No.10198682


>> No.10198717

Yeah, I also miss having low standards.

>> No.10198801

>no limp bizkit
shit pic

>> No.10198832

I'm starting to think that my childhood being dogshit was actually a blessing because my life is great now by comparison. If someone honestly thinks the peak of their life was being a kid then that's the saddest thing ever.

>> No.10198893

>work like your grandparents did
lol my grandparents didn't work a single day in their lives