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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10189083 No.10189083 [Reply] [Original]

>/vr/ game has a bunch of bugs
>Some autist makes a hack that fixes all of these bugs
>They add a bunch of retarded fucking "improvements" that completely fuck up the game
>They never release a vanilla patch without these "improvements"

what compels modders to do this

>> No.10189129

Mod it yourself

>> No.10189173

>check the patching log to get the changed addresses
>check game code at those addresses
>only keep what I want

That's what I do instead of complaining but I'm not a brainlet so

>> No.10189187

I feel this way whenever I look for a "definitive" hack of a pokemon game.
I'm tempted to learn how to mod pokemon games myself to make my own snowflake versions of them.

>> No.10189237

>Includes 'QoL' changes that completely break everything

>> No.10189259

Just play the original, with bugs and all.

>> No.10189262

Is the answer BOF2 fan translation?
Aka every autistic FF6 hack.

>> No.10189782

Do you have some examples? Because right now, you just sounding like a bitch.

>> No.10189787

I never understand why Anons never name the games that offend them in these situations.

>> No.10189789


>> No.10189863

>"basic" patch
>changes beginning
>changes ending
>mutes Deb
>adds unisex bathrooms in impossible places
>doesn't fix animations or normalize VO volume

>> No.10189871

Only way I can play Super Metroid is with all those patches that fix gravity, the map and the controller, the OG game feels so slow now that pretty much ruins the whole game.

>> No.10190092

>QoL/bugfix patch
>railroads player into optimized tourney sets
>buffs stats of already top tier monsters
>EXP gain is boosted to retarded levels
>doesn't rebalance enemy teams or AI
97% of Pokemon romhacks are digital waste.

>> No.10190135

I think I once got a Pokemon from level five to level twelve in a romhack. In one battle.
I guess taking the time to slowly raise a Pokemon wouldn't be very "QoL".

>> No.10190186

It's almost like the people doing this aren't doing it for your mommies special little princess
Because they'd be laughed off the board. Their percieved problems have nothing to do with the game and everything to do with their personal mental issues.

>> No.10190198

you say this but i think we're extremely close to just being able to go up to a PC and generating competitive level pokemon out of consumable resources like they're SMT demons

>> No.10190227

It's frustrating as hell. I feel like they'd be better off not posting at that point. Honestly I can't even think of a ROM Hack that has bugfixes but then also spoils the game, so you're probably right: They're being fucking wieners and should be laughed at.

>> No.10190236

>It's frustrating as hell
Hide the thread then. Dumb thing to whine about.

>> No.10190238

Lol i beat EB25th without the shitty easy ring
Fuck this shills so much

>> No.10190243

Isn't it equally stupid, if not moreso to complain about something this vague without specifically naming the game/ROMhack?

>> No.10190261
File: 303 KB, 478x360, DarkShenronS12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mod it yourself
That's way too much work for /vr/ autismos. Especially with Smash Remix.

>> No.10190721

>they'd be better off not posting at that point.
>Honestly I can't even think of a ROM Hack that has bugfixes but then also spoils the game
I'm sure you could find plenty if you played gay cancerous romhacks. You're probably just too mentally stable to do that.
>Report the thread then

>> No.10191105

In the last thread there was a anon who was telling me I am a adhd zoomer because I applied the text-skip patch to Xenogears and that I am not playing game as it was intended. He did not know that the text-skip feature was in the original japanese game. That shows you how retarded these people are.

>> No.10192051

> Edits dialogue in a 30 year old game because its "racist" or "sexist"
> Rom hacker put their gay screenname on the title screen