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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1018828 No.1018828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recently, I reviewed the game Gundam Wing: Endless Duel for the Super Famicom. This game never saw a release outside of Japan and is actually quite a good fighting game. In my review, I mentioned that the game was deserving or an international rerelease. I posted a link to the video of Natsume's (the developer) official forums. I was contacted today by a Natsume staff member informing me that she and many other staff members shared my opinion, and that the review would soon be shown to the President of Natsume, Inc America.

If you would like to see a rerelease of this game, then please leave a comment on the video to show them that there is a market for this. I will not link to the review here. Simpyl go to Youtube and search "Gundam Wing: Endless Duel Review". It should be the 4th result, and my username is the same as my trip. This has potential to go somewhere, so please help make a difference.

>> No.1018834

>rerelease of this game
Sorry OP. No one pays for roms of SNES games in the modern age.

>> No.1018839
File: 148 KB, 512x512, weegeetime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why the Virtual Console is so fucking successful, right?

>> No.1018859

What is this, /v/? Fuck off.

>> No.1018863

>Paying for roms of something you can get for free with the same functionality
No one with the actual hardware does this.

>> No.1018865

>No actual reply

>> No.1018869

Virtual Console releases aren't meant for people with the actual hardware or who prefer emulators. Why can't people understand this?

>> No.1018871

>so please help make a difference.
>Games can change the world!
>Look at my blog post! EVERYONE GIVE ME ATTENTION!

>> No.1018874


This is incorrect.


Don't respond to these, either.

OP, you should stop by Gamefaqs' GWED board. They used to play on zbattle a ton. I used to lurk there, and if any of the old heads are still around, I'm sure they might enjoy a re-release.

I'd especially enjoy one if they added decent netcode to it.

>> No.1018878

>Hurr anyone who doesn't like PAID emulators must be a troll.
Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.1018881

Thanks, I'll check them out later! I appreciate the support.

>> No.1018882


Continue to ignore.

>> No.1018906

>turning into a troll by refusing to accept that your preference is not more important than anyone elses.
You mean like you? Other people have different opinions. Get over yourself.

>> No.1018904

We aren't calling you a troll - we're saying that just because you don't like VC doesn't meant everyone dislikes it. However, you're certainly turning into a troll by refusing to accept that your preference is not more important than anyone elses.

>> No.1018919

Reading comprehension. Never called anyone inferior.

>> No.1018915

We're not calling you inferior for your preference. That's the difference.

>> No.1018926

>Other people have different opinions.

And some people like VC games. Stop being silly. We aren't making broad statements about "the other side" whereas you are.

>> No.1018931

Nice sweeping argument. Show your work.

>> No.1018935

You don't need to explicitly say it - your attitude shows it.

>> No.1018941

>Show your work.

Uh, read the thread. You're just not acknowledging the fact that, you know, some people like VC games.

Anyway, I'm done here. You're just shitposting at this point.

>> No.1018975

>Getting offended by text which is bland and has no emotion or tone.

>> No.1019012
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>/vr/ has an opportunity to be part of something cool
>wastes opportunity to argue about emulators


>> No.1019027

Welcome to /vr/

>> No.1019035

Oh, I'm not new here...but I'm surprised the words "youtube whore" haven't been thrown out yet, because God forbid someone should have a Youtube channel and actually post stuff on it.

>> No.1019043

Personal advertising goes to /soc/
There's already enough of these threads on /v/

>> No.1019087
File: 389 KB, 1504x1077, 1375566388521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Natsume ends up losing money.

I can't take the pressure.

>> No.1019094

>Natsume picks up the game
>The game is rushed out the door to meet an arbitrary deadline
>Game is filled to the brim with Engrish, spelling mistakes and bad grammar
>Game has game breaking bugs that erase your save file
>Natsume spells their name wrong on the title screen

>> No.1019098

How could they lose money on a virtual console release? It probably don't cost very much to produce that, if anything at all.

>> No.1019104

Funnily Enough, Endless Duel is completely in English with the exception of the win quotes.

>> No.1019107

The whole point is that Natsume is a horrible publisher that botches games in places you would never think of all in the name of quick and dirty releases. Medabots and Harvest Moon were among their victims for the longest time.

>> No.1019110
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>> No.1019118


I kinda want this to happen for laughs. The only real issue there is the save issue, and that's hardly going to be a problem with a fighting game.

>> No.1019126

Aside from possibly a high score, I don't think this game saves. The roster is fully available at the start.

>> No.1019134

/v/ found out about /vr/. It was only a matter of time.

>> No.1019136


I don't think it saves at all, but I'll have to go check.

>> No.1019145

You do know that /vr/ only exists because of muh nostalgia bitching on /v/ right.

>> No.1019169
File: 321 KB, 565x380, gundamwingendlessduel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, can we just talk about how fucking cool this game is, or possibly OP's review or the fact that it might see new light? Arguing about what is and isn't shitposting is getting boring.

>> No.1019179

i did a quick check and didn't see a thread about this over there but you should also post this on /m/, they'd love it im sure

>> No.1019205

I just did that. Thanks very much for the tip!

>> No.1019253

Chill man, chill

>> No.1019386
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>> No.1019486

I have created a followup video of sorts with a bit more information, including some contact information of a staff member of Natsume.

>> No.1019507

Links to the videos because the tripfag is being a...well, fag and not posting them.

Info vid:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzEXvjxcndQ


>> No.1019943

Nobody fucking asked for /vr/ to begin with. Moot just likes finding ways to shit up /v/. Classic game discussion making for some of the best threads on /v/? Can't have that, better excise them!

>> No.1020081

/vr/ is, or at the least was, much better than /v/.

>> No.1020085


This is not the thread for this (or even the board for this--it belongs in /q/) but you people will open your eyes one day and learn that /v/ is the actual containment board, not its spinoffs.

All the other boards are for video game discussion. /v/ is for shitstorming.