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10182160 No.10182160 [Reply] [Original]

I think it’s the best in the series. Best music, best environments, most focus on platforming. It’s a 9/10.

>> No.10182268


>> No.10182296

2 and 3 are both better in different ways.

2 = 3 > 1. Dead locked is trash

>> No.10182360

>both better in different ways
And 1 is better than all of later games in another.

>> No.10182367

Same goes for Spyro

>> No.10182920
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ripto/mini-game fags cannot cope

>> No.10182993

Deadlocked has a better combat and villain than Up Your Ass

>> No.10183032

Bullshit 10-minute checkpoints that force you to pussyfoot large parts of the game are the only major problem it has. Great in pretty much every other way.

>> No.10183279

Deadlocked is fantastic, you just can't expect it to be R&C 4.
(even though the nippons called it that, they're wrong)

>> No.10183398

he's right because of the soundtrack

>> No.10183595
File: 369 KB, 528x523, Ratchet 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replaying this right now, it's so good. The only major flaw it has is a pretty bland NG+.
RC3 is rushed and ugly, but if you prefer the 3rd person shooting element more, it's heaps better than RC2. RC2 is just not fun and feels like a constant grind. Flying ships through rings, glitchy skill points, hoverbike racing. The only thing in 3 that truly sucks is the Hacker - worst mini-game gadget in the entire series

>> No.10183602

I always thought it was odd that they got rid of enemies dropping gems in 2, but bought it back in 3

>> No.10183685

I'll give you some factors of it being better than the sequels by far, but boy fucking howdy if I could have the later controls in RC1 without that 2016 remake it'd be a lot better. I never realized the feeling of tank controls could somehow be emulated in 360-degree movement, Ratchet is so sluggish.

>> No.10184052
File: 655 KB, 674x536, rac1 strafe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.
Anyone actually use the "strafe" in rac1? I completely ignored it my first time playing, but later found it's pretty fun to use it on Hoven. I strafed with the blaster to shred those blarg that burst out of the crates. It's way slower and more awkward compared to actual strafe in the later games, but it felt exhilarating for a brief moment to finally fire back while avoiding enemy fire. It's also useful to activate when traversing the ice sections on that planet.

>> No.10184103

Back touch pad.

>> No.10184170

sorry for the vita screenshot. it does work much better on ps2/ps3.

>> No.10184437

Never played this shit. Give me the skinny, /vr/, is it as good as either Crash or Spyro? Is it worth playing?

>> No.10184454

When I try to emulate this, controlling ratchet feels like he's walking through mud. Am I missing something or is this how the first game just controls? I didn't have this problem with the sequels

>> No.10184507

if you liked ps1 spyro, chances are that you'll like it a lot. it doesn't look very similar at first, but a lot of this game is a natural evolution and refinement of things from spyro 3.

>> No.10184508

It's very good.

>> No.10184509

it does feel a bit sluggish compared to 2 and 3 even on original hardware. additional input lag from the emulator might be exacerbating it too.

>> No.10184510

This is honestly a skill issue, it's not that difficult a game at all.

2 is pretty cool but 3 is a shit game and even the developers were aware of it.

>> No.10184518

I had more troubles with the hoverboard races than the platforming but the hardest part in all R&C games were the Giant Clank battles in the second game. Thankfully the battle in the third game is much easier.

>> No.10185652

Yeah but like you said, not as well as in the later games with strafelock.

>> No.10185657

>hoverboard races
Unplayable fucking trash which only get worse. They were awful in Spyro 3, I don't know why the fuck they kept them all the way through the PSP games. Now hoverboots are fun as shit.

>> No.10185776

I prefer Ratchet 1 cuz it is more of a platformer with cool gadgets to use in combat with a charming "buddy cop" plot as a bonus. Ratchet 2 is way, way more about shooting than platforming, and every subsequent game dives further into it which I don't think can match the appeal and tasty gameplay mix the first game had, even if it is clunkier as a shooter.

>> No.10185847

2 and 3 are the best, I need to replay them both to see which one I prefer.

>> No.10185995

It's like a million times better lmfao

>> No.10186004
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Same for Spyro

>> No.10186013

Skill issue, git gut, noobie

>> No.10187018

In all honesty why is she so large?

>> No.10187293 [DELETED] 
File: 409 KB, 1600x1157, ratchet heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a tall girl, but overwhelmingly so.
ratchet on the other hand is a turbo manlet to the point where he's shorter than virtually everyone else you meet.

>> No.10187302
File: 409 KB, 1600x1157, ratchet heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a tall girl, but NOT overwhelmingly so.
but ratchet on the other hand is a turbo manlet to the point where he's shorter than virtually every NPC.

>> No.10187306

Felt crazy immersive as a kid. Loved the OST and the atmosphere. That's how a western spacer game should be. Clever writing too.

>> No.10187417

In some of the cutscene in RAC2 she looks like she towers over him

>> No.10187592
File: 2.17 MB, 1220x964, ratchet jak x stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she towers over him
that makes sense. ratchet is officially 5'0 according to Jak X, so it's a tall adult height vs kid height.

There is a game design reason for why platformer characters are always short and ball-like. When programming hitboxes, the more symmetric shape makes it easier for the programmer and provides a more consistent experience for the player. So you end up with all these squashed looking characters. Crash, spyro, jak, ratchet, croc, sonic, mario, banjo, dk, astrobot etc. are all primarily designed with this in mind. I even remember how they made coco a bit shorter and rounder in TWoC and N. Sane trilogy when she became fully playable compared to how she looked in crash 3, where they let you walk only a tiny bit as her (but still gave her a hilariously high jump).

>> No.10187602

since they don't have the same consideration for NPCs, they ended up being drawn and rendered more proportionally.

>> No.10187703

Yeah but Sasha in RAC3 is of normal height next to him. I get your point, and yeah every other NPC in the Ratchet PS3 series is way bigger than he is, but she's meant to be the same species as him lol

>> No.10187726
File: 277 KB, 600x450, sasha mogging ratchet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bit inconsistent going between cutscenes and gameplay. in the cutscenes she's only a bit taller, but the gameplay models are way different.

>> No.10188182

Because she was best girl, shame she never came back.

>> No.10188201

How many people who claim they prefer R&C1 due to it's emphasis on platforming have actually played the game recently?
R&C2 has just as much platforming and both games have about the same amount of combat, it's just that in R&C2 enemies attack in greater numbers.
R&C3 is when the game really started to lean heavier on its shooter mechanics.

>> No.10188205

>Squashed looking characters

Jak is probably the exception to this rule, he is pretty tall and lanky.

>> No.10188742
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he looks slimmer, than say ratchet, but is still shorter and stockier compared to most of his own NPCs, especially the random ones walking in the city. he also tightly curls up when jumping and forward rolling.

>> No.10190181

I'm playing it right now. Sure he controls a bit heavy, but it's better than how he is in later games where he's a chinese acrobat showing off impossible agility flinging himself around like a wet rag. The only crappy aspect of his sluggish controls is the inability to throw out say a bomb while doing a flip, at least in later games they fixed it so he can always fire

>> No.10190620
File: 128 KB, 420x379, 1619756533963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drove to a used media store and bought this game for 20 bucks thanks to this thread. Haven't played it in about 20 years and I'm having so much goddamn fun. I didn't like this game when I was a kid but I guess I was retarded because this game owns. Cheers everyone.

>> No.10191182
File: 67 KB, 640x519, pyrocitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's great to hear, any favorite weapons so far?

>> No.10191319

Unironically they're all good
>except for the Drone Device

>> No.10191325

I'm not even sure what that one does.

>> No.10191331

>I'm not even sure what that one does.
All it does it get you past those machine gunners on Gemlik Base if you're too retarded not to shoot them through the sniper holes from the back first

>> No.10191340

I wonder if the decoy glove works on those guys. Truth be told, I always used the sniper holes with the blaster instead.

>> No.10191498

Good question - I assume so, but you'd have to throw out a few as you go across I'd think, as the gunner's ranges won't all reach the same spot unless you deploy it in the middle

>> No.10191960

i think you can also get a marginal use from it when fighting blarg commandos, absorbing those slow projectiles. but i never bothered.

>> No.10192253

playing 2 made me feel depressed for some inexplicable reason, no other game has done that and I can't make sense of it

>> No.10192738
File: 48 KB, 290x221, Ratchet_clank_gc_planet_notak_10_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense to me. although i like going back to it every once in a while, it's filled with too many long, dull looking sections like this crap on Notak.

a lot of levels have these slow, plodding sections in between the combat. they're not exactly that bad, but going through a lot of them just weighs down on you and puts you in a negative state.

>> No.10192871

Definitely pyrociter

>> No.10192897

>I can't make sense of it
It's not fun
I used to call this the PY-ROH-SITE-ER when I was a kid but it seems so obvious now that that's wrong

>> No.10192910

Deadlocked was fun. Played It with my brother and sister years ago

>> No.10192912
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That's how I hear it in my head lol oops.

Also I see how this game feels like Spyro the more you play it. I feel like both this game and the first Jak and Daxter are true next gen spiritual sequels to Spyro and Crash Bandicoot, but then after the first games they feel entirely different. I haven't played any other Ratchet and Clank game but based off of this thread it looks like I'm not missing out. I owned Jak 2 and Jak X back in the day and I didn't really care for either; Jak 2 felt like a weird GTA for edgy pre teens and the racing game looked pretty but just felt awkward, like I'm not really sure what they were trying to go for in that game.

>> No.10192914

I am a big fan of Dallas and HWAnita.

>> No.10192925

> based off of this thread it looks like I'm not missing out
You are missing out, the PS3 quadrilogy is still great, it's just the initial reaction that they got better and better but for some reason Deadlock sucked is wrong. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
It's a really funny game

>> No.10192929

>It's a really funny game
Remember, don't try this at home, kids: go to a friend's house!

>> No.10192968

I think I talked to you on here before. Replaying R&C2 for the first time in 15+ years made me feel the same way.

>> No.10193643
File: 22 KB, 404x282, Inspector Bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think another problem is the story doesn't seem to really take off until Tabora, Before that, you just feel like you're screwing around

>> No.10193750

The only Ratchet game with a "good" story is the first one. Ratchet 3 is just fucking around for ages too.

>> No.10193841

Compared to the OG yes, but nothing next to RAC2. The plot of RAC3 actually drives you from planet to planet and it's pretty funny

>> No.10194176

Wow, I'm surprised to see 2 people with the exact same feeling about RC2.
I think the whole galaxy is meant to feel desolate and lonely. It seems mostly inhabited by robots, pretty much everything in the galaxy goes through megacorp and there's a lot of rundown areas such as the desert and the gadgetron ruins. The OST also feels dramatic and serious compared to that in the original.

>> No.10194205

>Mfw Dallas is the same voice actor as Timmy's dad from Fairly odd Parents


>> No.10194983
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>gadgetron ruins
I really liked this level.
>rich, detailed environment with backstory
>big level, but each path felt very distinct
>neat secret area
>high density of respectable enemies
>combat sections were fun as hell
>got old weapons for free
It was that sweet spot where you had some variety in the arsenal, but before everything got too powerful. They more or less made the perfect rac1 level inside rac2 lol. The Gadgetron theme was just the cherry on top.

>> No.10195351

to add, the racing wasn't bad either. usually I outright hate these types of side challenges, but this was a giant improvement over that dogshit hoverboarding in rac1. the controls were much smoother, felt responsive, and it had a much better sense of speed. it was well thought out to have multiple stages, so you were given a chance to gradually learn the track and mechanics. the bolts prizes also gave you some extra incentive to improve. much less frustrating overall. impressive how much they included in just this one level.

>> No.10196092

Agreed, it's probably one of my favorite planet, plus endako and joba.

>sweet spot where you had some variety in the arsenal, but before everything got too powerful.
2&3 are very bad for this. Weapons and gadgets in 1 were all useful from start to finish, even the bomb glove has its time to shine on certain planets.

>> No.10196206

I was surprised when I replayed R&C2 at how bad the power creep was.

>> No.10198229

You mean like how in challenge mode it takes 2 or 3 minirockets to kill a chickenbot?

>> No.10198664

Better example is the lancer which becomes practically useless halfway through the game while the blaster in RC1 is always useful. In the original game combat is made harder not so much by making enemies bullet sponges but instead by giving you enemies that are more plentiful, longer ranged, faster. By end game most enemies still go down quickly but they are harder to maneuver around.

>> No.10199976
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>mine glove

>> No.10200987

Yeah, the difficulty setup for later levels is pretty much a couple of enemies to focus on, but distractions from swarmers around your feet. Pretty effective really