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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 580 KB, 732x404, typicalpreconfigloser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10180262 No.10180262 [Reply] [Original]

>Using preconfigured "emulation boxes" (chinese android TV spyware) off Amazon
>Using preconfigured "emulation HDMI sticks" (chinese android TV spyware) off Amazon
>Using preconfigured SD cards off etsy/ebay/etc.
>Using preconfigured Coinops "builds," batocera "builds," etc.

If you use any of this shit instead of using your OWN hardware with your OWN curated rom set you don't belong on this website, simple as that. If you can't be bothered to maintain a rom set you don't give a fuck about retro games. If you try to hit me with the "it's more convenient who cares mannnnnn" cope you are 100% bullshitting, scrolling through every rom having 16 duplicates where either some or all of them flat out don't work isn't convenient, it's the opposite of convenient.

>> No.10180269
File: 129 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use pic related with RetroArch and a couple of rom sets I downloaded, though if I'm being honest I spend more time playing my Famiclone and Brick game handhelds and occasionally my X20 Mini

>> No.10180271

Even this is acceptable because you set it up yourself to some degree, and TV sticks can make good portable emulation devices in general, but the pre-configured trash from chang companies is beyond repulsive.

>> No.10180280

I use a second hand laptop loaded with roms, isos and emulators that I hook to my TV.
I plug 3 generic USB controllers to my laptop and I'm good to play on my own or to multiplay whenever I have guests at home.

>> No.10180327

People be accusing China of making spyware what do you think Facebook and Instagram is then huh nigga

>> No.10180331

I don’t use those either, got any more zoomer quips to defend your social media addiction?

>> No.10180350

This poster games on a smart tv

>> No.10180367

>Spyware on a device with no internet connectivity, and no way for me to input card details or anything
What would be the point?

>> No.10180383

My chink everdrive clone came with an SD card with the entire Mega Drive/Master System/32x library on it. No duplicates and also includes certain virtual console roms like the English version of Monster World IV. I see no reason to make my own romset

>> No.10180403

If you aren't firing up the fiberglass and silicon then inlaying the copper then lower your tone when talking to me

>> No.10180406 [DELETED] 

Do you guys wait out your bans or evade them?

>> No.10180430

I have a handful of roms I play on a mini PC that doesn't even run Windows. If you still use Windows to play video games you don't belong here, either, since 7 and onward are glorified spyware. Same goes for Steam and any other "convenient" bloatware you install. I know, I know, you're too smart to learn anything, you have lots of sex, and I'm super jealous of your big brained e-penis. >>>/int/

>> No.10180432 [DELETED] 

What a dumb question

>> No.10180436

i use my chromecast

>> No.10180438

I know they're spying on me. I just don't care at this point.
I take it as a given they know everything. What are they going to do?

>> No.10180449

I don't know or care. You shouldn't give away your personal information on principle

>> No.10180461

>just use super inconvenient dated versions of everything

>> No.10180463

Seethe more whitey I ain't paying for shit.

>> No.10180474

OK sure thing. Have fun being an illiterate Favela ragamuffin.

>> No.10180476 [DELETED] 

>mass replying

I should ask you the same thing

>> No.10180480 [DELETED] 

There are no dumb questions, just dumb posters who answer them with passive-aggressive replies.

>> No.10180484

>shit I didn't say
Just admit you're lazy and fuck off to reddit

>> No.10180487 [DELETED] 

What a dumb answer

>> No.10180489

I didn't say I wasn't lazy.

>> No.10180502

I just get tired of people bitching about things and then when they're given alternatives they refuse to use them. If you genuinely don't care, fine, you do you

>> No.10180534 [DELETED] 

Never been banned in vr. The bans from TV I get for naming the jew or tranny, I usually wait out.

>> No.10180540 [DELETED] 

>Being this mad that no one is inflating the op's ego on doing things the dumb way.

>> No.10180543

>dude, just use Windows 7, and run into endless problems trying to get new software to work
Nah. I they want to compile all of the porn I've watched, and every 4chan post I've made, they can go ahead and do that. I'd like to see them read it all.

>> No.10180545

100 thousand games? Where do I sign?!

>> No.10180550

how are hdmi sticks spyware??
you should take your schizo pills.
let's see
>connect to TV
>use joystick
>select the system either arcade,snes,megadrive and so on.
>add your favorite games to favorite list
>after that you chose the games from your favorite list and only that.
how is that so hard faggot?
also if you start talking about spyware then you should be using linux and not windows since modern windows have lot of virus,spyware and worms already on the system.
it seems you are just mad because chinese made a custom small PC that allows you to play games (i have it and it can play games pretty well playing half life 2 and counter strike source on it).
Keep seething harder fag!! KYS!!

>> No.10180565

I use Linux, ack yourself

>> No.10180567 [DELETED] 

>Reading comprehension

>> No.10180572

>implying I’m not a Chinese spy myself

>> No.10180594

>I just get tired of people bitching about things and then when they're given alternatives they refuse to use them.
You and me both. That's why you get stern with them and say it's not your problem and to go talk to someone else more knowledgeable, because they only want to use others for an outlet for their victimhood.
You'd be amazed how many strangers I've done this to get upset by that as if they were refused some sort of service they're "owed".

>> No.10180602
File: 41 KB, 602x642, 6FB0CE3D-164B-43B9-964B-B75FCEE84DA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your address, credit card no. and full name. If you're fine with then looking into your life what's the harm in doing the same for us?

>> No.10180659


>> No.10180662

Muh original hardware!

>> No.10180757

correct, have all modded original consoles with flash carts and curated rom sets, very nice good experience

>> No.10180761

Not our communist enemy's spyware

>> No.10181342

Chang with the gay false dichotomy!

>> No.10182231

>your OWN hardware
show me your blueprint and how you made it

>> No.10182243

I suspect these are less for hardcore gamers and more for hardcore gamers families to buy them as gifts.

>> No.10182606

even better
then use iptables in your openwrt router and block all outgoing connections on said tv stick, and spying problem solved

>> No.10182616

>your OWN curated rom set
Stop acting like downloading ROMs is "curation"

>> No.10182642

Online curation is the selection, organization, and presentation of online content, merchandise, information, etc., typically using professional or expert knowledge. Simply downloading a romset is not curation. If you go though each title and remove titles you don't want for whatever reason then it becomes curation by definition.

>> No.10182643

for disk based systems i'd say it is. because no one downloads entire set of isos. they weigh too much
for regular rom, yeah pretty much

>> No.10182647

>chinese android TV spyware
Just... don't connect it to WiFi if you don't want it to spy on you?
>>Using preconfigured SD cards off etsy/ebay/etc.
I dislike using other people's ROM sets too, but to each their own.
>>Using preconfigured Coinops "builds," batocera "builds," etc.
Now you're just grasping at straws here, are you telling me you compile your own build of Batocera yourself?
>If you use any of this shit instead of using your OWN hardware with your OWN curated rom set you don't belong on this website, simple as that.
Every piece of hardware I bought with my own money is my OWN hardware, retard. Doesn't matter if it's a chink emubox or a PC. And in case you didn't know, it's perfectly possible to use your own curated ROM set with a Chinese emubox.

>> No.10183121

This anon gets it. I bought one of those Super Console X (Cube) boxes for about $40 of aliexpress. Sure, its unpolished and the build quality is total shit. But it saves time having to download and install everything yourself onto an SBC (which is of roughly comparable pricing to be fair). You can go up to GBA on handhelds (NDS with some slowdowns) and PSX/Dreamcast/MOST N64 games without much trouble. So it does save a lot of time and is fairly cost effective. Most of the post-NES games from mainstream consoles work just fine in my experience, it's the early 80s stuff that's harder to set-up (which I'm too young to remember and don't really give a shit about) and the bigger N64 or PSP games that it struggles with in terms of performance. The rest are really just fine in my experience. Everything else is just scrolling through menus (boring not difficult) or deleting foreign-language copies you don't need.
>in B4 spywear
I honestly don't care if the chinks know which episode of the Tenchi Muyo RPG I'm on, they're not the (((real))) problem anyways

>> No.10183125

You don’t belong here.

>> No.10183150

Shills really believe they can blend in here.
Man, now I remember the Retron shill.

>> No.10183151

What is a rom set? I have roms of games I want to play for various consoles organized neatly in my emulation folder, but I do not believe what I have could be called a rom set. For what purpose does one maintain a rom set?

>> No.10183165

>What is a rom set?
A group of related ROM images required to emulate a particular game.

>> No.10183170

I have 6 terabytes of full rom sets I downloaded and I play them on a windows 10 computer with retroarch.

>> No.10183182 [DELETED] 

I use a second hand laptop that runs on windows 7 to play emulators and steam games. It had Gb ram, and I swapped it's original hard disc for a 500 Gb SDD one.
I hook it to my TV and that's all I need. I really do not understand why one should bother with anthing more expensive or complicated for this.

>> No.10183198

I use a second hand laptop that runs on windows 7 to play emulators and steam games. It already had 4 GB ram, and I swapped it's original hard disc for a 500 GB SDD one.
I hook it to my TV and that's all I need. I really do not understand why one should bother with anthing more expensive or complicated for this.

>> No.10183231

The wife remembers as well!

>> No.10183456

FF7 has three discs so it should have three roms, is that what you mean?

>> No.10183458

I just have a ps classic and two thumb drives, do I make the cut?

>> No.10183473

Sometimes I genuinely miss the old fashioned gate keeping of vr, years back this thread would've been ignored or just turned into a shouting match. Now we coddle a troll op...

>> No.10183548

Oh dude, btfo!
Except no, because you would actually steal all my money, and if Microsoft did that, the PR would ruin them. Dumbass.

>> No.10183571

This is OP coddling? what exactly are you talking about. The thread is gatekeeping retards with changboxes.

>> No.10183797

don't forget we are watching you,we thought you would never update your PC.
From FBI Officer Olivia Dunham.

>> No.10183803

>implying letter agencies hire whites

wew, jej even