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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10172803 No.10172803 [Reply] [Original]

i find it hard to believe people who say they beat games when they were kids. Maybe I was a stupid fucking kid but most games I played the shit out of, I never beat until I was older because I always hit a point where I didn't know where to go or do, and this is before the internet and all that. I find it hard to believe people were really out here beating games like the original Zelda and Metroid raw as like an 8 year old.

>> No.10172809

Kids weren't deterred by failing in the past, and had all the time in the world to engage in trial and error. They had no smartphones to distract them.

>> No.10172813

>beating games like the original Zelda and Metroid raw as like an 8 year old.
There is such a finite amount of things to do in 8-bit games that you can't possibly spend more than twice as much time as an adult without exhausting every possible thing and stumbling across the right thing to do through trial and error.

>> No.10172823

I only beat a few of all my nes games, but zelda 1 is actually one of them.

Batman, tmnt and battle of olympus however...
To be fair the most of batman isn't that hard, only the fight with the joker is pure pain and never managed to beat him.

>> No.10172838

the only reason I didn't beat any games until I was like 10 is because my younger brothers kept deleting my saves

>> No.10172840

I could pretty much only beat mostly linear games like Pokemon and like Star Fox 64

>> No.10172845

Same, as in I never beat games as a kid (without cheats), mainly due to getting lost and/or losing interest, I didn't really value "beating" the game.

>> No.10172871


A lot of people did and a lot of people didn't, and for a given kid who did tend to at least try to finish games, many games were finished and many games weren't. Also of course kids tend to cheat a lot with guides and stuff. I finished all NES Zelda, Mario, and Metroid games as a kid, plus Dragon Warrior 1-2, Castlevania 1-2, Wizards & Warriors, and lots of others both easy and hard - but I had Nintendo Power, friends, and printed guides provided with certain games themselves to support me with information, and I wasn't shy about relying on that help. I wouldn't know about finishing Zelda or Metroid "raw" if that's what you mean by that because I've never had the chance to try it. So mostly those were action challenges and challenges of patience, rather than puzzles.

Also I never finished TMNT or Battletoads or Castlevania III as a kid, and I had no clue what to do in Milon's Secret Castle or Legacy of the Wizard.

>> No.10172873

The Miiverse was a nightmare zone. After my experience with it I'm 100% sure that the majority nintendo fans got emotionally crippled in some way as children. And this trend continues to this day.

>> No.10173108

>played mortal kombat when i was 8 years
>played captain tsubasa j in japanese with no idea of the language at 11
>played all megamans and finished them when i was under 12
you just suck at playing games

>> No.10173118

People lie like carnys do.

>> No.10173127

I probably didn't beat a ton of games, I guess. But I know I beat some, like I know I cleared Silent Hill when I was like 11, and Resident Evil 2 when I was younger than that.

>> No.10173132

Ps1 and n64 are easy.

>> No.10173160

>Maybe I was a stupid fucking kid but most games I played the shit out of, I never beat until I was older because I always hit a point where I didn't know where to go or do, and this is before the internet and all that.
People used things called manuals, played with help from other kids or parents and read various gaming press with tips and walkthroughs.

>> No.10173167

I was more concerned with having fun than proving anything as a kid, so I used cheats in every game which had them
beating games legitimately is something I only started to care about from my teens into adulthood, I suspect a lot more people were the same way and won't admit it for the sake of appearances

>> No.10173189

I am a famiclone kid and I remember how one day, my classmate borrowed a cartridge with Mitsume ga Tooru. We played it a bit and got stuck at level 1-2, where we couldn't jump over a high wall. We tried and tried, then my friend went back home and took the cartridge, next day he brought it again and explained the solution - you simply had to hold B to summon magic spear and use it as a platform.

While not a Zelda or Metroid level of puzzle, it shows how differently our brains worked back then. Without internet, you devote yourself to the issue, you start seeking answers and possible solution.
I myself remember spending weeks coming up with different "theories" about certain parts of Resident Evil 2 and Ecco.

Honestly, that was one of the best things about the video gaming, to come up with your own ideas and approach and see if it works.

Nowadays, when i'm stuck, i just do hurr durr and open youtube for walkthroughs.

>> No.10173207

Tbqh, I found the Pauly saga pretty entertaining. To this day, I don't know if he was trolling or not.

>> No.10173214

What's really unbelievable to me is people beating games when they're old. Your body has fucking aged to atrophy and you're telling me you beat these games? Not going to believe that one.

>> No.10173236

Being older and wiser made me realize that many games do have strategies which let you rely more on positioning and patterns than reflexes. It helps.

>> No.10173247

>Your body has fucking aged to atrophy and you're telling me you beat these games?
if a shrimp could fry that rice, I can beat these games

>> No.10173261

Excercises fixes all that.

>> No.10173396

Pokemon isn’t a linear game though.

>> No.10173405

Too bad exercises don't give you honor, imposter. Have the decency to choose another name, at least.

>> No.10173424

It's pretty damn linear unless you're sequence breaking or intentionally leaving towns without clearing the gyms for some reason. The only things that you can really do out of order are Saffron City, plus a couple of optional areas like the Power Plant and Seafoam Islands (the later of which the game obviously WANTS you to do at a certain point).

>> No.10173631


>> No.10173663

Thread is on point. I finished games like SMW and DKC on SNES, but stuff like Battletoads, Animaniacs, Earthworm Jim etc were hard as nails and despite trying I never got much more than a few levels in.

>> No.10173691
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Donkey Kong Country was the first game I ever beat. It felt cool finally beating King K. Rool for the first time

>> No.10173695

Maybe. I beat a number of games before that as well, but I guess I was too young to really have a good memory of them all. SMB1 through World, MM6, MMX-X3, LttP, some GB games, etc. I don't remember if I ever beat anything which would be considered very difficult, I guess in part because I never owned a lot of very difficult games.

>> No.10173696

They toned the difficulty down for EWJ2.

>> No.10173704
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First game I had finished by myself. Took a very long time, and I know it's considered a fairly easy game, I was so immensely proud of defeating the final FINAL boss in one go.

>> No.10173732

Thank you for changing your name. May Batowl's (the real one) legacy be at peace now.

>> No.10173736

most people had friends and/or older siblings they could ask for tips

>> No.10173745

No maybes about it.

Nes hard was a thing. And genesis games were harder by libarary than the SNES.

>> No.10173836

DKC isn't exactly an easy game, that's pretty cool.

>> No.10173847

I never saw anyone saying this shit until the last 5~ years or so. They were designed for children and beaten by children. People have truly gotten dumber. The fact that there are 30 year old men proud of being incapable of beating the fucking Water Temple in OOT, proud enough to even post about it online, is harrowing. These are children's puzzle games. If you find them difficult, I can't imagine what your life must be like.

>> No.10173857

Nintendo Power, homie.

>> No.10173964

I didn't beat most games as a kid because I couldn't speak english
Unless I used a walkthrough

>> No.10173968


>> No.10173973

Miiverse is proof that Nintendo was right to avoid catering to online gaming for all those years.

>> No.10173978
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My favorite.

>> No.10173980

I beat Megaman 7 around 9yo I think while my older brothers and cousins couldn't
Remember kids have fast reflexes, also they have infinite time to grind the shit out of the games

>> No.10173981

I was mostly bad at games as a 5-10 year old, but I somehow managed to beat super punch out when I borrowed it from my dad's gamer friend.

>> No.10173993

The universe is a simulation of multiple universes into one.

>> No.10174005

>also they have infinite time to grind the shit out of the games
They can also hyperfocus and not give a shit about anything else beyond the game. I know I struggle to focus on a game for an extended period and will have lapses where I lose track of a strategy or something, not simply out of some sort of ADHD, but rather a constant feeling of "why am I wasting time playing games" or "fuck, if I don't work on this job-related skill I'm going to fall behind" etc. While I wouldn't want to run the risk of hating games by making them a job, sometimes I envy people who make a living from streaming, because focusing on improving their gaming skills IS their job, so they can game without any guilt.

>> No.10174048

Eurofags like me learnt english because of games. To this I don't understand how I managed to finish point and click adventures as a 8 year old anon.

>> No.10174053


>> No.10174056

Depends on how persistent you were. I would choose vidya over playing outside if given the choice and got a lot of satisfaction out of beating games, especially since most people I knew were more casual like you and wouldn’t complete them. I was a gifted kid and always sorta had a superiority complex so I got off on being better than everyone else I knew at games. The good thing about the pre-internet world is that the bar was really fucking low. I beat Super Metroid when I was about 8 or 9, but it definitely took me like 6 months and probably 20-30 hours of game time. But I was the only kid in town who knew figured out the glass tube or even laid eyes on lower norfair

>> No.10174084

Stfu nazi

>> No.10174169

The world of Nintendo selling strat guides, magazines and so on

Back in the day (I want to say 1994), I rented Super Metroid from a Hollywood Video and someone's save file of the whole game aced was on it. Those people existed back then that got every knook and cranny.

Also the early BBS boards with walkthroughs were around "online" from 1991 to 1995 before the internet really took it's final form with AOL and Netcom

>> No.10174189


>> No.10174348

yeah you were stupid.

we also had Nintendo power to help with being stuck. I beat FF1 when I was 5 because of that magazine.

>> No.10174372

It's not easy, it's extremely hard (unless played on easy mode, but I don't think you get the final boss if you do that).

>> No.10174381

Every child gets sucker punched by his fake credits.

>> No.10174390

Games I beat before age 10:
Megaman 1-4
Commando NES
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Mario 1 and 3 (not 2, that shit gave me nightmares, the mask would freak me out)

>> No.10175034


>> No.10175510

Maybe with certain "infamous" games it is less believable, but you forget that kids had contact with other kids and had the option of buying guides or magazines. There were telephone lines for that as well. A kid at school, sibling, cousin, or whatever might have figured out what to do and helped you. Even without all that, a kid during those decades had a lot of freetime to spend just trying random shit until they progressed. Not every kid beat every game he played of course, but it's not far-fetched. I beat Ocarina of Time without a guide when I was 6. Didn't 100% it obviously, but I trial-and-error'd my way through. I did get fucked over by Maximum Carnage though. That shit is hard and you only have so many continues. I still got further into the game as kid than I did later as an adult replaying it. I beat it eventually as an adult, but I was shocked little me even got past the first couple levels.

>> No.10175590

Im 41, got my NES at 5 in 1987. I could only beat Ducktales on NES. Most of those games were impossible to me and still are. Maybe I suck. I could beat Super Star Wars and people say that one is hard.

>> No.10175620

Keep in mind that back then there were no smartphones, not a lot of people had computers and even less had Internet. I didn't even have fucking cable TV FFS
A lot of these games are actually pretty short and small in comparison to today's games
And if you weren't a rich fuck, you had a couple of these a year at best
So, yeah
Also gaming magazines

>> No.10175624

IQ used to be higher, unironically.

>> No.10175627

NES games were generally brutal, but I knew of kids that beat a few of them back in the day. SNES games were generally much easier. It was not unusual for kids to beat quite a few SNES games. The NES seems to have a lot of titles that are made for experienced hardcore gamers. Only person I ever knew that beat a significant number of those games was my best bud's mom. The most hardcore gamer I've met to this day.

>> No.10175640

The hardest games I beat were all after I was thirty and I'm over forty now. Hardest by far for me was Mega Man and Dracula's Curse. Devil May Cry 3 was quite a challenge at some points. Ninja Gaiden I feared, but ended up only taking a few days to defeat. I don't have reflexes, but most of these old games are memory based. That and you can brute force a lot of these games if you aren't bothered by imaginary characters dying.

>> No.10175645

King K is one of my fave boss fights and themes of all time. I do feel like DKC is overrated though and far from my fave in the series. One problem is how ugly, dreary, and monotone so many levels are. I also found myself dying a lot because I'd forget which monkey I was controlling. One would fall off a platform and I'd die. The character and enemy models carry the whole game along with the music.

>> No.10175932 [DELETED] 

I was a psx kid and I have finished plenty of platforming and racing games on it. Back then I didn't know any English so every game that required a lot of reading filtered me, until I got my hands on dictionary that is. But the first game I have ever cleared had to be a port of some arcade shmup that I played on cheap master system clone.

>> No.10175960

Fuck you, Miiverse was fun.

>> No.10176307

Fucking lava boss tho man with the camera that pulls you along, you have do summersault jumps which on my chilhood controller were very inconsistent. Not til I played on a nice new controller did I finish that game. Now I can clear it in a sitting every single time!
It's a strange example of a game that gets mostly easier as you progress through the levels.

>> No.10176360

>i find it hard to believe people who say they beat games when they were kids.
Mentally ill people are incapable of realizing they're mentally ill. They can't figure out how sane people think, because *they're not sane*.

Likewise, you are so fucking terrible at video games, the terribleness infuses your very being, so you CAN'T COMPREHEND that the rest of us aren't pitiful like you.

>> No.10176368

>Kids weren't deterred by failing in the past
>Kids weren't deterred by failing in the past
>Kids weren't deterred by failing in the past

jesus fucking christ
ALL I see from zoomers on this board is terror and fear of risk and failure. It pervades everything about them. You all know it too, you see it every day. All these "should I play X game? what's the best way to play? what do I need to know first?" etc. They're terrified of the thought of just jumping in and enjoying a new game. They shiver in fright from the unknown and the thought that.. what if.. they die.. in the game? What if they don't do it right.. what if they miss an item and don't get the MUH 100% at the end? They literally piss themselves like submissive animals at the thought of possibly spending 5 minutes in a game and having a "bad time" because they had to replay content they failed once. Their entire personalities are warped beyond belief.

>> No.10176430

yeah i don't think any young kids ever beat EarthBound its got too many obtuse puzzles. There's one part where you can't pass unless you wait 3 minutes. Different random items/events to make progress, can't see kids figuring it out.

>> No.10177249

It's very easy when you are a kid with:
>so much free time
>manuals that pretty much spoil the entire game
>school yard talk that also spoil the entire game

>> No.10177264

Not to mention tip hotlines and magazine guides.

>> No.10177291

>beating games like the original Zelda and Metroid raw as like an 8 year old
That is almost surely bullshit. Even with Nintendo Power's help it would've been very tough for a kid that young. But Super Metroid, sure, NP had a full player's guide devoted just to that game so lots of kids had that and could've done it. I think as a kid I only beat a handful of games, less than 10 surely. You got a game as a kid and just understood from the start you basically had no chance on finishing it. That's why a lot of people keep a list of all the games they beat, because when they started it was considered a rare achievement. Nowadays as adults not so much, but still they keep updating that list.

>> No.10177306

I grew up in the 80s and we didn't really use those tho. It was just trial & error, word of mouth usually. We were in a small town w jack shit around for "guide books".

Anyway, if that was why then kids today & the internet should be able to sail through these games, but many can't. My son for instance has zero patience for fucking up or things that aren't readily apparent in games. Or games that require you to die a lot like Donkey Kong.

I think its a societal thing. It's instant gratification & their conditioning is fucked, but I don't know how to fix it cause I'm battling a tide. Prob why zoomer kids don't wanna work or get good at things, struggle w relationships, etc.

>> No.10177841

>That is almost surely bullshit.
Imagine getting filtered by games made for small children. Aonuma really did fuck up an entire generation.

>> No.10178152

this is the most boomer brained post i've ever seen here. at least this one >>10172809 is somewhat done ironically.

>> No.10178157

>please be ironic
It's not, lol zombers cannot into failure because it reminds them of the failed state they live in. Cowards

>> No.10178159
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>> No.10178161

Sucks that leaded gas fumes negated that

>> No.10178194

I remember clearing harder games that I cannot stand as an adult when I was a kid, a clear example is the Wolverine Nes game which was a fucking torture but I breezed through trial and error, if anything I became a worse player and my reactions got worse

>> No.10178260

m8 I couldn't even beat Super Metroid as an adult *with* the internet, never mind as a kid.
I got filtered by the Sonic 3 barrel
Indiana Jones point + click, filtered by the first temple entrance screen from the jungle
Sam and Max, tunnel of love, couldn't progress
but I at least got up to Wily's Castle in Megaman 3 for Gameboy which was a fucking nightmare, especially without knowing that robot masters had weapon-weaknesses and needing to megabuster them all.

>> No.10178280


have you not seen th etypical games kids under 10 play on a phone or tablet?

its genuinely depressing. The games are so . . .gamified to give false accomplishment dope hits its amazing. Its really something to behold.

And its a trend that accelerated in the last 10 ~15 years. Even early meme games like angry birds were nowhere near as bad as the current baseline.