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10171861 No.10171861 [Reply] [Original]

in an alternate timeline where nintendo and sony link up, what do you think would have realistically happened?

>> No.10171882

Less quality games and more expensive games at the very least, because less competition. Although I'd imagine more gamers would have flocked to the PC earlier, just to escape Nintendo and it's terrible practices. Sega probably wouldn't have stood a chance and would have bowed out of the console market all the same. That means Nintendo would stand as the only game in town, prior to some other competitors entry into the market. It may not have been Microsoft, since their goal with the Xbox was to stop Sony from potentially eating into their market with the PS2 and eventually the PS3. The industry would be very different, and not the good kind.

>> No.10171884

is this board really just the same 3 threads every week

>> No.10171889

Things would be better with not Snoyjaks.

>> No.10171895

I could see a world where Sega and Microsoft joined to beat the SoNintendo menace and we'd have the GameSphere with Sonic and Master Chief, probably also getting the rights to GTA because nintendo would make too much of a stink about it on their hybrid merger.
This would prop Sega/Microsoft up as a much more mature gaming console and probably carry them until present day

>> No.10171896

I've got at least 3 very different Zelda threads I can pull out as needed

>> No.10171901
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>> No.10171950

Nothing remotely as dramatic as everyone likes to think.

>1) Nintendo releases the SNES CD attachment at an affordable price and Sony releases the Sony PlayStation combo unit for a premium price, probably simultaneously or near simultaneously. Effectively duplicating the Sega CD/JVC X'Eye dynamic.

>2) It doesn't do that well. The hardware isn't enhanced in any way other than a format change so the games are just bog standard SNES games with redbook audio and FMV. Ports of Sega CD games like Sewer Shark show up along with CD versions of cartridge games like Earthworm Jim and Mortal Kombat. Nintendo releases a few exclusives that get decent responses but ultimately it's a niche device and in 2023 those games sell on Ebay for $2000.

>3) Sony strikes out on it's own and creates the PlayStation that we know, probably called something else but ultimately the same machine. Nintendo, having been burned by the SNES CD's performance, uses cartridges for the N64 and partners with SGI.

>4) People in 2023 ask what would have been different had Nintendo not made the mistake of partnering with Sony for the SNES CD and giving them an "in" to the video game industry.

>> No.10171972

It would've only delayed the inevitable of Sony entering the console business by a few years. Instead of the PS1 coming out in '94 it would launch around the same time as the N64.

>> No.10171976

The "how would we save" kiddos would shitposting slightly different shit?

>> No.10171987

If even. It's not like the "Nintendo PlayStation" was a console Sony was obligated to support. It was just a standalone SNES/CD combo unit. That's a one and done job and the only ongoing support it would have to provide is tech support to end users, which it would have been doing anyway for all of it's electronics. The "Nintendo PlayStation" to Sony would be like adding another stereo system or VCR to it's product line. Ken Kutaragi could have followed the exact same path he did in "our" timeline and not even noticed that there was this Nintendo machine floating around.

>> No.10171993

It would have actually have been more embarrassing for Nintendo because they would have effectively been corporate cucked in front of the entire world.

>> No.10172028

A magazine I have shows the snes cd with an FX chip or similar so that would have help it compete with the Asic in the Mega CD. Like the Mega CD there would have been a hand full of games that really benefit from the system with spectacular 2D graphics and a few games from big developers like Square. Probably have a few technically good games by eager developers who don't have the budget or time to really pull it off. I see piles of games from developers like ocean porting stuff like Amiga CD 32 games. I can see it selling 1 to 2 million in Japan and then the system falling off pretty quickly. After a couple of years stuff like 3DO would make people want to move on. In America I see it failing as it wouldn't be seen as enough of a leap.

I think with pc engine the cd came out early enough to have a high attach rate but with snes and genesis cartridge owners were just too entrenched.

The impression I have is that Sony was just using Nintendo as a cheap way to not have to make their own chips so Nintendo rightfully saw Sony as trying to profit off of Nintendos work.

Sony and Nintendo may not see it as truely their own system so may give weak support.

>> No.10172049

Thats seriously one of the most pleasing consoles I've ever seen

>> No.10172070

One issue is that the SNES CD couldn't possibly have been out earlier than 1993. That was a TERRIBLE time to launch a system, add-on or otherwise. You're bumping up against the next gen so Nintendo would be risking a 32X scenario once it starts talking about the N64. It's not like Nintendo was brand new to this kind of deal with an electronics manufacturer. What Sony was doing here was no different than the Sharp Twin Famicom. But the timing would have made it a shitshow. A couple of games would have made it on there from third parties. Maybe Secret of Mana would have been a CD game as rumored. But chances are it would have sold worse as a result. The Sega CD, which had some extra hardware inside, came out in 1991 and sold about 2 million units. The SNES CD coming out in 1993 with no abilities beyond what was already in regular carts? Maybe they'd break a million but I doubt much more than that. But even if you give them the benefit of the doubt and say they tied the Sega CD, Squaresoft's games were selling 250,000-300,000 copies in North America alone, let alone what they were doing in Japan. Why put a game on the add-on when you could sacrifice redbook audio and FMV to be able to do the exact same game on cartridge and reach several times as many people? If we were talking about the system having a ton more horsepower or a better PPU or something that made it impossible to do the same kinds of games on the base SNES then maybe Nintendo would have a card to play. But without that angle it'd have been dead on arrival.

>> No.10172127

Things would be worse. Not only would there be less competition, but Nintendo would be more powerful.

They've made some great games, but Nintendo are basically a Yakuza front, and they're greedy bastards who openly fuck over fans right now. Imagine what it would be like if they were even more powerful.

>> No.10172228
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>Games like Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger with FMV cutscenes and CD quality audio
>Super Mario's Wacky Worlds and Star Fox 2 released as SNES CD/PlayStation titles
>Project Dream continues as an RPG for the SNES CD/PlayStation, maybe Banjo gets his separate game later on
Best takeaway would be better hardware for Nhntendo and better games for Sony

>> No.10172234

If it launched in that condition, then the Saturn and 64 would have been top dogs in 5th gen.

>> No.10172237

50/50. There's always a handful of actually good threads, some mediocre ones, then the reoeater threads supposedly used to "help promote engagement on boards".there are a few fucking crazy people here who post the same fucking thing over and over, though. I hear the name Australia kun thrown around but I'm pretty sure it's just him arguing with himself, because he's a schizo

>> No.10172239
