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10171386 No.10171386 [Reply] [Original]

Harry Mason is my favorite Silent Hill character.

>> No.10171571
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>> No.10171576

Harry Mason? More like Harry JOHNSON!

>> No.10171738
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Honestly, same. In SH1 his simple but effective motive feels human enough to immediately understand, he's a father who absolutely would do anything for his child. It makes his death in SH3 pretty effective, seeing him have to suffer such a cheap death is pretty aggravating. I know some people dislike the decision to kill him but I think for narrative purposes it feels justified, seeing that the necklace he gave Heather is what saves her was a satisfying finale for the plot.

>> No.10171979

Mario is my favorite Mario character.

>> No.10172000

Harry is the only 'Good' Silent Hill protagonist. He does what he does to save his daughter, and ends up fighting the forces of metaphysical evil brought about by a demon. It's not really as Based as classic supernatural horror, where the protagonist is explicitly Christian and fights demonic forces through his Faith and the use of Holy relics (like a Van Helsing). But it's the best Japan can do, and that deserves some recognition. All entries after the original Silent Hill deviated from this significantly. Suddenly the threat is no longer external, now the games become mere allegory for the main character's "depression" or "womanhood". Suddenly your main character is just as contemptible as the creatures your fighting, and in fact they spawn from him/her directly.

>> No.10172005

My name is Harry Mason, I’m in town on vacation.

>> No.10172047

>mere allegory for the main character's "depression"
I think that's a really uncharitable way to look at it, SH2 is very comparable to a classic story of man's struggle against the downfall of sin and one's pride to refuse forgiveness, but sure it's just some emo's self harm rant nvm.

>> No.10172051

It'd be one thing if Silent Hill 2's story was about a flawed individual's journey towards redemption, but it's another if the character never redeems himself at all. James is just such a case. Some of the developers have hinted at the "In Water" ending being canon, which means James would ultimately end his own life by drowning. Even the other character's we meet in the game never find redemption either. Eddie is killed by the player, and Angela is also believed to have ended her own life. Maria is an entity created by "the town", and Laura may or may not be one also. It's far more muddied and ambigious, and for that reason I believe Silent Hill 2 is a big step back and far more subversive.

>> No.10172053

what I really like is the honest way they approached his death. The average property would have given you the player your reward of a fan service moment but then expected you to empathize with heather's motivation in the third act. They made the death real to both heather and the actual experience of playing the game.

>> No.10172081

>but it's another if the character never redeems himself at all.
James's redemption is facing what he has done, accepting Mary's forgiveness, and striving to live a better life. The bad endings are pretty clearly his choice to destroy himself or accept the lie of the phantom mary.

>> No.10172257

>James's redemption is facing what he has done, accepting Mary's forgiveness, and striving to live a better life.
Psychopath kills his wife then hallucinates her forgiving him.

>> No.10172417 [DELETED] 

the canon ending of Reddit Hill 2 is the water ending where Gaymes Söyderland kills himself disregarding everything Mary said in her letter (live your life and blah blah blah)
>it's a bad ending
no, in SH1 the endings are named ''Bad'' and ''Good'' but there is no such thing in Reddit Hill 2, it's up to the player to decide what ending is good or bad

>> No.10172539

>Harry Mason is my favorite Silent Hill character.

I remember playing this on the PS1 back when it was new, and I loved everything about the original Silent Hill. I have played SH1, SH3, the Room, have'nt played Shattered memories, and as mush as I like those as well, I think the original is still my favorite. It boggles my mind how this game is still exclusive to the PS1. Why didn't Sony secure it for their PS Classic console?

>> No.10172606
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I'd love a remaster of this game, but not in the photorealistic goyslop style, rather the devs should either attempt to recreate the pre-rendered aesthetic or stick to low poly. As if it were made as a PC game in the late 90s using the Quake engine.

>> No.10172635

Henry kinda comes back to this. He doesn't have a tragic background or some deep connection with something in Silent Hill, he's just a regular dude that ends up in the middle of a lot of weird stuff. And despite that, he does his best to save the people he meet through his journey
He seems a bit a bland when compared to James' background or Heather's personality, but I think he's fairly likeable. And in my opinion he's a clear attempt to go back to a protagonist closer to Harry

>> No.10172738

>they spawn from him/her directly.

Hey Heather didn't put that demon baby in herself.

>> No.10172856

>And in my opinion he's a clear attempt to go back to a protagonist closer to Harry
I always thought the enemy design in 4 was close to 1 as well. Running from the ghosts in 4 reminded me of being chased by the fast outdoor enemies in 1.

>> No.10173008

>It's not really as Based as classic supernatural horror, where the protagonist is explicitly Christian and fights demonic forces through his Faith and the use of Holy relics (like a Van Helsing)
>brainlet can't handle exploration of morality unless it's presented as a good/bad binary where his culture's traditional religion represents the side of good
you have no business getting involved in critical analysis

>> No.10173080

You have no business having internet access, redditard. Your pedestrian, kosher "opinions" matter very little, and it's clear you understand nothing of "my culture's traditional religion" or it's transcendent meaning.

>> No.10173152

whoa we're dealing with mr. "top of my bible studies class" over here
pull those bunched panties out of your pussycrack, princess

>> No.10173168

I wonder who was the dummy or halfwit at Konami that let the master source code for Silent Hill 2 end up irreparably damaged or lost somewhere in between the cracks from some 1990s-2000s earthquake(hopefully its the latter).

>> No.10173224

>demons r bad
>god and jesus and bearers of the TRVE FAITH r good
>bad loses to good
What makes you think the superstitious principles of Catholic ghostbusting are in any way complicated?

>> No.10174464

3 goes too much into allegories and thinly veiled "teenage girl, muh womanhood, abortion empowerment" shit at the end, i get it though, team silent was burned out and couldn't take it too seriously

>> No.10174670

reddit post

>> No.10174750

>It'd be one thing if Silent Hill 2's story was about a flawed individual's journey towards redemption, but it's another if the character never redeems himself at all. James is just such a case. Some of the developers have hinted at the "In Water" ending being canon, which means James would ultimately end his own life by drowning.
But in the eyes of Japanese philosophy, that IS redeeming yourself. You are forgiven for your sins if you have the mental fortitude to go through with taking your own life. Because it's in shinto belief that while we obviously all die eventually, choosing when and how you die gives your death inherent value.

>> No.10175083
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why dont silent hill fags watch a movie or something? stop obsessing over poorly acted paper thin characters, you're in your 20s (30s?) now you retard, you need to grow

>> No.10175094

Fuck off, i will obsess over Harry Mason.

>> No.10175132

Cope reddit niggers.

>> No.10175226
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>Huh. Radio. What's going on with that radio?
I want to say same here anon, but I have to go with Heather. But they each make the other better. Harry is a great dad.

>> No.10175230

>comes to video game discussion board to act superior to people discussing video games
it's you who needs to grow

>> No.10175235

>It'd be one thing if Silent Hill 2's story was about a flawed individual's journey towards redemption, but it's another if the character never redeems himself at all.
It's about accepting responsibility. Then the endings deal with what he does with his guilt moving forward.

>> No.10175238 [DELETED] 

You talk like an idiot.

>> No.10175239

>And despite that, he does his best to save the people he meet through his journey
I like that about him. The scene where Cynthia dies drives that home about him I think, He's quiet and boring on the surface, but he's got a lot of compassion. At least for sexy and promiscuous women.

>> No.10175256

Then tell me who is his voice actor then.

>> No.10175289

NYA, but Michael G
(Actually IMDB says Michael Guinn but who the hell knows if that's accurate)

>> No.10175324

go suck a priest's dick, butthurt choirboy

>> No.10175340

>Michael G
Not exactly an answer.
>IMDB says Michael Guinn
Yeah, that's what he says too. https://www.relyonhorror.com/in-depth/exclusive-harry-mason-speaks-first-ever-interview-with-original-silent-hill-voice-actor/
But what the guy says here contradicts with what other SH1 staff has said.
>The voice director was the same guy who is the lead character; he had to do the voice because the guy who was supposed to be that character got another vo job that paid better, for that day.
According to the game's credits, the recording director for SH1 was Harry Inaba. He's been asked about it:
>No I did not do the voice acting for Harry Mason. It was performed by the guy Michael G who directed it. I was the producer.
So the credits are flat out wrong.
Here's how Michael Guinn sounds (he's the Dracula guy): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNZTIzF0jWQ
And here comes the fun part. Here's how Michael Gough (who at the time worked with Konami) sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzl6mh8FXmI
Going back to that dude Guinn's interview:
>I landed back in the states in the summer of 1997, so it might’ve been one of the last games I did in Japan.
SH1 came out in 1999. There's no way the scenario was set in stone two years prior to the release.

My theory is that Michael Guinn recorded a few lines for the initial scenario. Then he departed from Japan, and Michael Gough, the actual recording director, took over the role. The fuckery in the game's credits, with the producer being credited as the director, and mysterious "Michael G" being credited as the Harry's voice actor, is due to the fact that Michael Guinn, a US citizen, was in a union - Screen Actors Guild. Screen Actors Guild forbids its members from participating in projects not approved by the union.

All of this is basic trivia known to every Harry's fan.

>> No.10177283

I discuss video games, not the shallow characters within them