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10171287 No.10171287 [Reply] [Original]

Only another 15 of these guys to kill and we upgrade to level 13.

>> No.10171378

play any of the remakes but not the original shit NES game

>> No.10171394

Honestly...THIS is the appeal and magic of this game for me. Grinding for an hour so I can buy a new axe that will allow me to kill Wolf Lords in one hit. You kind of have to put yourself in a particular mindset for this though, but it can be very satisfying.

>> No.10171404

I played through this game with a NES usb controller a few years ago and it was awesome. The point of the game is the grind, and you have to embrace that. You are there to grind and feel satisfaction when the impossible difficulty becomes suddenly possible. The game is kino in its purest sense, like video meditation. I wish they still made em like this desu.

Gen Z seethelets can stay filtered for all I care

>> No.10171408

I've beaten I and II
I hear that IV is supposed to be great

>> No.10171415

Better times.

>> No.10171417 [DELETED] 

>grinding random battles for hours on end is....LE GOOD
okay boomer

>> No.10171426 [DELETED] 

Someone is spending their Saturday night pretending to dislike an ancient video game on the internet. Hmm

>> No.10171428 [DELETED] 

>I can't understand something
Nigger-brained zoomer.

>> No.10171446

I've played the NES and SNES version of 1, and they're pretty much the same.

>> No.10171503 [DELETED] 

Less feeding the troll, more reporting them instead.

>> No.10172121

No they aren't, they cut the grinding in any version after the Famicom/NES ones

>> No.10172132


Grinding is the game. Cut that and you cut the game, leaving a faint outline of a game.

>> No.10172149

That reminded me that I have to finish dw2 on my gbc, I was at the last dungeon iirc

>> No.10172219

Everyone is.

>> No.10172527

it's almost as if a NES is really fucking limited hardware so you can't do much more than that

>> No.10172542

artificial difficulty done on puporse to thwart rentals and to sell strategy guides amiright?

us zoomers have it so good thanks to qol hacks and remasters compared to those stupid boomers lmao

>> No.10172568

Used to be a huge fan of DQ, then I played the first and it ruined the rest of the series because of how good it was

>> No.10172569

Just triple the speed for the grinding bits and it’s fine

>> No.10172615

>grinding random battles for hours on end is fun and satisfying!
The absolute state of boomers

>> No.10172684

>doing boring fetch quests in open world slop for hours in end is fun and satisfying!
The absolute state of zoomers

>> No.10172691
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>> No.10172730

Japanese love RPGs because the Japanese brain is wired in such a way as to get a dopamine rush from performing extremely repetitive tasks over and over.

>> No.10172734

Unrionically that's how their educational system works

>> No.10172906


If you say "slop" because everybody else is suddenly doing it and you somehow haven't learned to resist that kind of trivial mind disease, then you're at the level of a child still.

>> No.10172997

>Calling the OG shit
Holy shit just neck yourself you disgusting faggot.

>> No.10174456

Grinding I like fishing. Grab a beer and relax .

>> No.10174471

It took me a month to beat this game, grinding for a couple hours each night. It was good memories, but I'll never do it again. Good luck OP.

>> No.10174506

If you automatically perceive 'slop' as a meme and not just a turn of phrase that has existed for over a century, you might just have a gay flag in your twitter bio.

>> No.10174535

In that case wouldn't they hate grinding in games because it reminds them of school?

>> No.10174536

Anon, look at Persona.

>> No.10174559
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, [MQS] Dragon Quest Legend of Hero Abel - 42.mkv00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQ is based af

>> No.10174667

If you don't enjoy the grind you're shit.

>> No.10174675

This is easy as pudding compared to the later games. There's a lot fewer game variables to deal with.

>> No.10174684

2 is such a slog to get through compared to 1. I kinda wanna skip it and move onto 3.

>> No.10174693

>qol hacks
You will never be a woman.

>> No.10174718

>the game is a slog, keep playing
RPGs require the same level of programming talent as gambling games, just accept that the designer was a dumb asshole and move on.

>> No.10174729
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Nope. I won't accept your narrative. You stupid nigger journalist kikes can't even beat FF6.

>> No.10174993


Huh, you don't even notice the infection. I guess that's probably the explanation for why so many people don't resist it. Interesting, thanks for the perspective.

>> No.10175156

Played the original but a hack to double xp and money, which I think was what they did to later ports.

The grinding was still a slog, but the game was fun and mega comf.

>> No.10175165

It's not even the grinding that gets me in DQ1, it's the torch gimmick. A good grind now and then is nice but the dungeons are a miserable experience.

>> No.10176454

>don't play the best version
Why is there such shit advice on this board? Pussies like you always assume everyone else is a pussy too.

>> No.10176460

Just watch a let's play.

>> No.10176464

This anon gets it. People who complain about grinding are afraid to be alone with their thoughts.

>> No.10176467

There's no point to playing the SNES or GBC version.
If you're playing DQ1 it's because it's DQ1, basically you're playing because of history, not to have fun necessarily. QoL or prettier graphics is counterintuitive to the real goal.

>> No.10176480

this applies to all 8 bit jrpgs too

>> No.10176536

Well no, Dragon Quest III is genuinely fun and the SNES verison is better so playing the SNES version has a purpose

>> No.10176546
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on Wizardry and Ultima.

>> No.10176571

I don't like playing the SFC version of DQ3. The NES version is fine. If you're playing the American game it's already enhanced from the original. The SFC game has too much stuff recycled from DQ6 and that irks me. The only really special thing about the SFC version is fortune street.

>> No.10176580

is Fortune Street like a cross between snakes and ladders and monopoly? I can't remember what it was like

>> No.10176584

>snakes and ladders

>> No.10176865

>the SNES verison is better
But it's really not. It doesn't have the cute NES sprites or any of the charm.

>> No.10176886

The risk of biting off more than you can chew, having an oh-shit moment before dying and losing hours of progress is what made these games compelling. An experience you won't get with emulators and their save states.

>> No.10176909
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>> No.10177090

DQ1 is fun though. I've been playing the snes version for a few hours now and haven't really had to grind yet. I'm getting enough xp just from fighting every encounter i get as i wander through the world and draw my own maps.

>> No.10177095

Why don’t you go back to pressing the skip dialogue button for hours in Genshin, and leave actual video games for us Millenials.

No surprise the generation of instant gratification can’t understand what’s satisfying about watching your hard work translate into better stats.

>> No.10177106

Jesus Christ thank you for the sanity. It’s like wanting to go luxury glamping at Ausichitz

>> No.10177146

The NES version's walk speed is just too slow

>> No.10177173

The NES version is perfect. You're a slob and a jerk.


>> No.10177273

It's not a race, anon. Sit back and enjoy the slow ride.

>> No.10178426

What about the GameBoy Color one?

>> No.10178427

>losing hours of progress
You wake up at the last save point with your gold cut in half, but nothing else is undone. As far as dying goes in RPGs that's a pretty generous punishment.

>> No.10178430

>an experience you won’t get with emulators and their save states
1. You don’t lose anything but gold in ”these games”
2. You don’t have to use save states… hell, I only use them when I’d have left the console on back in the day

>> No.10178440

What I don't like about the SNES version is that the balance changes make the game ridiculously easy. You have tons of new OP gear, the bag lets you carry 99 herbs with you, completely nullifying the need of having a healer until the second half of the game for instance, and I swear to god the encounter rate was cut, in some places it was cut by a lot. The tower dungeon where you get the first sage book, on NES I'd get 4-5 encounters per floor. In the SNES version I got 4-5 encounters for the ENTIRE dungeon.

and then in the end game you get a second sage book, nullifying the point of Goof-Off class entirely.

I thought the NES version was perfectly balanced, even though it has slightly increased XP/Gold compare to the Famicom one.

>> No.10178463
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and then there is the pyramid dungeon.

>>original version
>it's an extremely short dungeon but the entire point is that spells can't be used
>you have to get by only using the minimum amount of herbs each of your party members can carry
>the place is filled with traps, dead ends, and multi-paths
>you'll probably need to backtrack to town to stock up on herbs once or twice while you map out the place and figure out the quickest path to the goal

Making it feel like proper dungeon crawling despite being so short

>>SNES version
>well you can carry 99 herbs on your bag now so whatever I guess lol

>>GBC version
>at this point we might as well allow spells

I wonder what the fucking "2D HD memester" will add to fuck this up even more... let me guess, the fake-treasure chest enemy that can OHKO your party members is probably too much to handle for zoomies so now they'll probably cut that somehow

>> No.10178487
File: 517 KB, 640x551, 640px-BaramosArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baramos is the funnest boss fight in the entire game.
>Casts Disperse
>Casts Fuddle
>Doesn't cast DistruptiveWave
First time I fought him he send away my Priest and later confused my Warrior who killed my Hero and then my Mage and then she was defeated by Baramos himself, in the rematch he still managed to send away my Mage.
Zoma, DivineDragon and GranDragon all use DistruptiveWave which simple makes you lose you buffs, lame as fuck.

>> No.10178796

>1. You don’t lose anything but gold in ”these games"
You get sent back to the King/House of Healing when you die. Then you have to start over on whatever dungeon you were working on, you don't just lose gold.

>> No.10178845

>You don’t have to use save states… hell, I only use them when I’d have left the console on back in the day
So you're on an emulator but never savescum, you just let yourself have a controller smash moment and force yourself to redo parts of the game even though you don't want to? Sorry, but I don't believe it. And even if you do, 99% of people playing this game on an emulator aren't playing that way.

>> No.10178850

Mind you, 15 fights on an old NES RPG equals to 2 or 3 fights on more modern RPGs with long ass animations, loading times, etc.

>> No.10178867

Not him but I have beaten more than 320 NES/Famicom games, 99% of which emulated, without savestates

thinking that emulation equals "playing on a shitty desktop PC with savestates and supersai filter, keyboard only" is coomlector cope that is very, very, outdated

But you're probably a phone poster who's entire experience with video games was through the most mainstream consoles and who never even touched a computer before the age of 18. I wish people like this weren't allowed to post because they just don't know shit about video games

>> No.10178876

>Boasts of 300+ console games completed on an emulator
>Proceeds to accuse others of being consolefags
Grow up.

>> No.10179024

As someone who played through the NES original and enjoyed the pain, I was considering going for DQ2 next. But I’ve also heard a lot of criticism of it. Should I get through it, or skip it and go straight to DQ3?

>> No.10179030

It's one of my favourites in the series, play it. NES US version.

>> No.10179036

If you liked DQ1, you'll probably like DQ2.

>> No.10179050

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little casual? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the NES Masters Program, and I've been involved in numerous elite speedruns on Mega Man, and I have over 320 confirmed game completions. I am trained in pixelated warfare and I'm the top gamer in the entire virtual gaming leagues. You are nothing to me but just another low-tier player. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this realm, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with spouting that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of elite gamers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your gaming career. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can defeat you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my Power Glove. Not only am I extensively trained in emulator duels, but I have access to the entire cartridge collection of the Retro Gaming Association and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the leaderboard, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will unleash 8-bit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking done, kiddo.

>> No.10179059

>So you're on an emulator but never savescum...
Exactly. I'm super autistic about this, and my playthrough is mentally over the moment I cheat or scum. There was a time when I scummed through a few games, but once I realized how it ruined my enjoyment, I replayed them and found the games much more enjoyable without scumming.
>you just let yourself have a controller smash moment and force yourself to redo parts of the game even though you don't want to?
Yes. After I quit scumming all those years ago, there have been a few moments of rage-induced weakness, but I've always restarted the whole fucking game after, because I felt dirty.
>And even if you do, 99% of people playing this game on an emulator aren't playing that way.
So? It's the way I choose to play, because it makes me appreciate the games more. I don't give a fuck how others play.

>> No.10179093

True, but I feel like that's part of the experience and the way the games were balanced. Maybe these save-scumming, guide-reading zoomers wouldn't have to cry about grinding so much if they weren't so afraid of dying, exploring and backtracking. To me, grinding while exploring the world and making mistakes on my own feels more rewarding than reading from a guide that you're underleveled because you never did such things and having to grind a few levels in one spot before continuing.

>> No.10179105

Then my comment doesn't apply to you. But I think the point stands: if someone has never played Dragon Warrior before and they're savescumming then they're missing out on the element of risk which is what makes Dragon Warrior more than just a grindfest.

>> No.10179135

True, but in terms of missing out on the element of risk, I'd say a guide is worse than scumming in the early Dragon Warrior games. Even if you scum, you'll have to explore and map the surroundings which means a lot of fighting, running out of resources and returning to town, allowing you to gain experience "naturally". Meanwhile, following a guide turns the game into an absolute grindfest, because you always skip to the next objective and get locked out of the next step by level requirements.

>> No.10179140

Definitely. I don't remember spending a lot of time just grinding for the sake of xp, it happened as a consequence of exploring which you just did because there was no other way to figure out what you're supposed to do in the game.

>> No.10179362
File: 77 KB, 640x480, [MQS] Dragon Quest Legend of Hero Abel - 33 - [Original TV Airing][DVD Special].mkv00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't fuck with Baramos

>> No.10179419

It might surprise you to learn most people do not use savestates. Either they are too dumb to know how or they care about maintaining the integrity of the game if they went through the trouble to emulate it at all. Most kids who would savestate can't be bothered playing "old" games like this to begin with.

>> No.10179553

>So you're on an emulator but never savescum, you just let yourself have a controller smash moment and force yourself to redo parts of the game even though you don't want to?
Well, no. I want to redo the parts of the game I failed at because that's how games work. You're right otherwise.

>> No.10179561

Though I will say I was playing Ape Escape on emulator the other day and rage shut off the computer when one of those FUCKING MONKEYS wouldn't get in the GOD DAMN NET

>> No.10180707

I beat the the first 6 DQ games and it was a pretty cool feeling to see the series evolve from a huge time waster to a top tier JRPG with strong fundamentals. Regardless, I'll never forget grinding these knights as I prepared myself to face the axe knight in the ruined town, nor the final boss and how ass clenching it was to even reach him while avoiding so many strong enemies. DQ2 also had a pretty intense final cave right before the final area which was absolutely brutal, only being manageable because one of the princes learned zing.

>> No.10180727

>DQ1 huge time waster

You have no capacity for a real, quality game.

>> No.10180728

you say that but influencers would absolutely do this lmao (if they havent already)

>> No.10180768

Apparently I do because I beat it, lmao. I wouldn't call it a bad game, much less a quality game, obsolete is a better word for it. It's a piece of history worth checking out if you're curious but I would never, in a sane day, recommend it to someone who's looking for a good JRPG to sink time into. It was already obsolete by the time DQ3 came out in the same system, why? Because DQ3 had a honest to god story and didn't depended solely on grinding to artificially increase its playtime.

>> No.10180796

DQ1 is a legitimately terrible game. It barely has a plot. It has absolutely no gameplay mechanics. It's only like 90 minutes long as far as the actual game is concerned but stretched to 15 hours because of the monotous mind numbing grinding required to progress. There's barely ever even an indication of what you're supposed to actually be doing, which means there's even more grinding due to being lost or trying to figure out what the fuck the game is actually asking of you.
It's a terrible game that was improved on in literally every way by the countless other titles in its genre that came out since, and only pure contrarianism is an excuse for pretending any aspect of it is good.

>> No.10180797

I played the SNES remake and it still felt like a place worth taking seriously because of the increased random encounters. Grabbing that claw was pain but fun to do.

>> No.10180807

I really hate disruptive wave bosses. It's supposed to leave openings that the boss can take advantage of but they are usually too dumb to use it effectively, so you just end up wasting time setting up your shit again while praying that RNG doesn't make him spam it just to be an asshole.

>> No.10180814

>Either they are too dumb to know how or they care about maintaining the integrity of the game if they went through the trouble to emulate it at all.
Feel free to mail me a famicom and a copy of Dragon Quest 1. I'll gladly beat it again under your arbitrary restrictions.

>> No.10180826

A lot of the pain about DQ2 comes from the final stretch of the game, it's pretty merciless. The SNES version buffs one of your party members which makes it more tolerable but it's still one of the hardest parts of the Erdrick trilogy for sure. Outside of that, it's a step up from 1 but not as good as 3 IMO.

>> No.10180843

It's terrible in retrospect but for its time it's understandable that so many Japs were into it. Getting lost in a fantasy world, slowly making progress and seeing those numbers go up must have been a pretty cool feeling. It's not a coincidence that they placed the Dragon Lord's castle right in view of your starting area. They wanted the player to create expectations, to wonder what the inside of that castle looked like, what was in it. It's similar to Zelda 1 in that sense, it has that mystery factor about it that makes the whole thing more fun. Besides, it's not like the people who played that when it came out had much to compare to anyways. The alternatives were table top games and their video game equivalents which didn't played anything like DQ.

>> No.10181582

The game literally tells you what to do, you just exposed yourself as a retard who can't even read a game made for kids, you tasteless faggot.