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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10162956 No.10162956 [Reply] [Original]

When did you lose the childhood joy of video games? You know, that moment where opening a new game no longer triggered the same endorphin rush and in hindsight was your first taste of having a matured adult brain? For me it was when I bought a Dreamcast with my own money at 15 and it felt fairly muted compared to what I had been expecting it to feel like. I think this was also the first time that the Christmas season felt like a "normal" holiday rather than a magical fantasy adventure.

>> No.10162973

Probably like 16. Also, when my interest developed further and I started playing games more seriously since as a kid I mostly only beat the easiest of games

Oh, no wonder I always sucked at Mega Man bosses, you can't fight like it's a real fight, you have to memorize a patttern and do some weird shit like jump up the wall for half the battle that you'd never see in an animu like you were trying to live out through the game as a kid. Recognizing games were all about mechanics, and not like simulations of things, somewhat came along with that.

>> No.10162979

Must have been around 18 or 19, right when MMOs, Free To Play, and MOBAs were taking off.
I realized that games are shit and are not going to get better than they were in the past. Rather than allow a game to live on merit or word of mouth alone, they were just going to keep the players going back to the same bullshit year after year.
I stopped gaming for years, but got back into /vr/ from time to time

>> No.10162982

You probably have depression and you are mistakingly believing that this is just what being an adult feels like.

>> No.10162997

mine was when i got an xbox 360, i was still really excited but it wasn't the same as when i had gotten an N64 or PS2.

however, since then i've had those feelings again when i got my new PC.

>> No.10163010

Probably when I was 16 or so, I got into other stuff, girls, playing music, partying, etc. I've gotten back into vidya now that I'm in my 30s though. I don't get as excited as I did as a kid about new games, but that's probably because new games for the most part are nowhere near as good as the old ones. If games don't bring you joy anymore, then go find something that does. They'll still be here if you ever decide to come back to them.

>> No.10163020

When I was a teenager, training for combat and firearms handling just killed it all and then all the intense partying work and raising a family , I played some with my children but I love collecting and playing games again now and get great pleasure from them again which is nice.

>> No.10163027 [DELETED] 

Why do Americans always sound so sheltered? Truly the worst civilization to have ever existed.

>> No.10163030

When Fire Emblem 12 was a Japanese exclusive.

Then the Nintendo Wii U

Mario Kart 8 mechanics being dumb with one item at a time being stupid.

Smash Bros. 4 patch making changes to Link’s throws.



Nail in the coffin was the nerfing of Snake, Young Link, Robin and replacing Link with BOTW Link.

I bought a Sega Genesis and am now playing everything I missed out on Sega. Am also playing alot of Sega’s new games. Sega does what Ninten-don’t.

>> No.10163035

This board is 90% manchildren complaining about not being able to enjoy video games anymore

>> No.10163038
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Can't relate

Even at age 10, I realized that adult responsibilities and adult life would have permanent changes to one's personality over time, so I vowed to myself to be vigilant of my life to minimize the "damage." I had this sort of inner visualization of being prone on the ground and having a steamroller drive over me slowly, trying to flatten me into the dull, flat, shape that society wanted me as.

Now, obviously as an adult now, I realize nobody really gives a fuck about how you live, but I am grateful to my past self for his foresight, and I am relatively unscathed all things considered. I have a steady job that pays ok, a woman that loves me, and a child on the way. But my love for video games has only grown. The only real difference from being a kid is that I get enjoyment from understanding the craft and how it's made, rather than just experiencing it. Sure, the act of opening a gifted game is rare, but that's just because I usually buy what I want or just emulate.

Apologies for the blogpost, but it is a very personal accomplishment I did not really understand the significance of until adulthood.

>> No.10163041

Just the fact that I had to order a copy of fe12 and look to the internet to play the damn game made me realize it was gonna be a chore when i take out the game from it’s packaging. I finished it and got a just of the menu by looking at it and read the translation of the store online.

>> No.10163049

When I played a stupid amount of runescape to the point of realizing games are mechanical and therefore are just like doing chores, the reward is harder chores and after you beat that harder boss, you get a harder one, oh the joy.

>> No.10163051

I definitely don’t find jrpgs as enthralling as I used to but, I can still get back to the zone when playing puzzle games, nes hard platformers like ghosts and goblins and superstreet fighter 2010. Zombies ate my neighbors brings me right back, every time. It also depends on mood. A few things, I can’t replay n64 platformers, I can barely squeeze enjoyment out of sm64 anymore, but I absolutely get sucked into gex64/enter the gecko and gex3 deep cover gecko. Tomb raider, b.o.b., etc… lots of games still trigger the same dopamine rush for me. Ff7 and oot both hit me in different places from different parts of my life and I just kind grab hold of it for tor a while.

>> No.10163054

I used to think growing up playing video games was cringe.

Then i realized everyone plays video games so i stopped caring.

I even brung out my 3ds in public with VOLUME turned off when I played. Everyone assume I was playing on a cellphone.

Everyone who knew what it was got hyped and told me to turn on the camera for a selfie. Back then when iphones were rich boy phones and many of my friends still used flip phones.

Those were the days.

Although I would never bring a Nintendo Switch out in public. That is too obvious.

>> No.10163058

When i started making money.

>> No.10163062

>. I have a steady job that pays ok, a woman that loves me, and a child on the way.
Don't worry all that will change. See if you are still pseuding around after a dead child or a divorce, or nearly died a few times, who knows, your kid could actually BE autistic and spend 15 years screaming and smashing shit. Anyway. call me back when you have lived a bit more.

>> No.10163063

Around 2013 or so, when I came to realize how expensive and unviable collecting was, and the PS4 launched that year which I was very indifferent about.

>> No.10163067

I didn't.

>> No.10163068
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Im at the point where i rather make them instead of play them, but i suck and have no resources, so instead i just suffer.

>> No.10163079

When I could buy anything with my own money. But I still get excited for games, I just don't lose my mind like I used to.

>> No.10163082

I'm the opposite, I've been denied of love or a steady job or stable home life despite busting my ass to get anywhere with any of it, and it's driven me incredibly jaded and cynical as a result. Of course I grew up throughout the 2000's and became an adult in the early 2010's so make of that what you will.

I don't blame myself, I blame the way culture has developed since 9/11.

>> No.10163092

do you not have a computer?

>> No.10163093

The last time I ever felt happy buying a game was a used copy of Radiant Dawn at Gamestop after getting my first paycheck.

>> No.10163112

I still get excited to play them... I don't jump for joy, but I'm happy to play them. What do you guys feel when playing games now? Nothing? Why do you still play them?

>> No.10163124

>I don't blame myself, I blame the way culture has developed since 9/11.
Lmfao this is beyond pathetic.

>> No.10163127

I study python on my phone using Pydroid3 or pythonista on iOS. Ides are free, online courses are free, asking questions on stackexchange/stackoverflow is free. Anon is just being a democrat, it’s not free enough because it’s not being spoon fed directly in his mouth and out his anus into his diaper and wiped up for him.

>> No.10163129

I never did because I don't blame my mental health issues on external things.

>> No.10163136
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It still makes me kind of excited. Nothing quite like getting a new retro handheld or some other fun toy in the mail. Since I emulate most of the time, I don't buy games very often, but when I do it's still loads of fun. Even better if it's an actual good handheld and not just a Famiclone (but those are still really fun too)

There's just something really fun and exciting about getting a new game, if you haven't felt the excitement in a while maybe it's time to try a different game or system to get you hyped again, there's plenty of great stuff out there

>> No.10163142

I started working and having sex and realized "Man, making money and having a girlfriend is way better than videogames" but then sex kinda lost its spark and making money stopped being exciting so now I just watch other people game on youtube.

>> No.10163152

Shortly after I bought PSX and N64 at launch. I liked the launch titles and Resident Evil and all that, but 3D lost some of magic for me. I didn't buy more than 10 games for either.

Getting into PC helped, but eventually the magic faded there as games got super commercial and formulaic.

That said, I recently dug out all my old consoles and handhelds to play with again with flash carts/mods, and the magic is returning. Having kids of my own loving the old games is helping too.

>> No.10163153

Wait til that loses its spark and you find yourself watching videos of people reacting to videos of people playing Mario maker levels.

>> No.10163164

Kaizo’s are dumb.

>> No.10163251 [DELETED] 

America is full of pedophiles and serial killers, so parents would want to keep their children safe, which means limiting their exposure to the outside world, but not everyone is equally ignorant/naive.
Some parents were overprotective of their children, while some didn’t give a shit what their children did.

>> No.10163276 [DELETED] 

From my childhood? When my parents surprised my sisters and I >>10162956
with a brand new Nintendo GameCube, for Christmas.

After the fact? A couple months ago, when my childhood friend showed off the GBAs and GBCs he had recently gotten because I haven’t played on a Game Boy Advance ever since I lost mine to a bus fire, in 2005. He also gave me an extra copy of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, which was one of the games I had lost to the bus fire. I felt like I was 15 years old, again, for a moment.

>> No.10163280

From my childhood? When my parents surprised my sisters and I with a brand new Nintendo GameCube, for Christmas.

After the fact? A couple months ago, it came back to me, when my childhood friend showed off the GBAs and GBCs he had recently gotten because I haven’t played on a Game Boy Advance ever since I lost mine to a bus fire, in 2005. He also gave me an extra copy of The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, which was one of the games I had lost to the bus fire. I felt like I was 15 years old, again, for a moment.

>> No.10163284

>When did you lose the childhood joy of video games?
It was wearing off when I got a PS2, but completely gone when I got a 360. Except the Halo 3 launch, that shit had me hyped and I didn't feel let down at all. I still remember the first time I played it on live and someone knocked me off a walkway on Epitaph with just the shockwave of the gravity hammer.
But as far as actual /vr/ retro games, I was always joyful. Still am whenever I discover a good one I missed.

>> No.10163312 [DELETED] 

>America is full of pedophiles and serial killers, so parents would want to keep their children safe, which means limiting their exposure to the outside world
This is a phenomenon with the youngest millennials and zoomers, not core millennials and older who spent a lot of their youth outside. So really, what should be the main demo of this board, this doesn't apply to at all.

The whole thing can be pinpointed to the decline of Halloween, which began in the mid- later 00s.

>> No.10163316

Couple of years into ps2. Just felt like every game was just copy and pasted, like they all had similar texture quality and modeling as if they were using the same engine. Also they started the whole selling 2nd games real cheap, you could get big piles of games but they were all generic. Playing a new ps1, dreamcast or n64 game was an event, not anymore.

I bring my modded gameboy and ds out in public, I even had a person ask me what I was playing. The switch would be way too big for me.

>> No.10163319

I never lost the joy. Been playing games since the SNES era. There was a point tho where I quit updating to new consoles and started focusing on everything up to the PS3/360/Wii era.

>> No.10163326 [DELETED] 

>not core millennials and older who spent a lot of their youth outside.
Maybe not millennials but boomers and before were fucking pedophiles. Every single rockstar fucked underage girls. Jimi page locked up an underage girl in a hotel room and beat her up, this is well known.
Rolling stones
>Pedophiles and got blood transfusions from children's blood.
>Extra pedophile
Michael Jackson
>Never landophile
>Dude looks like a pedophile
Jeep living in lala land where Walter kronkite "told the truth" and the counter culture movement totally wasnt a part of mk ultra.

>> No.10163342 [DELETED] 

That....is an entirely different subject than the point I was making, which was that American kids being kept indoors mostly didn't start until the late 00s.

And anyway, yeah rockstars and many people in general fucked underaged girls, some much worse than others. If you go to the 90s and 00s, you can bet a lot of guys in bands were still hooking up with 16-17 year old girls and sometimes singing about it (Kid Rock). The fact of the matter is, an older teen sleeping with an adult was not as stigmatized as it is now, it just wasn't. And that age keeps going up, because these days there is a movement of people saying anything below 25 is too young. Anyway, this is completely irrelevant.

>> No.10163356 [DELETED] 

Yeah sorry, I just don't think was any different. Kids got snatched all the time too, but there wasn't the internet to blast it over the country in 5 minutes. There was a lot of hush hush sweep it under the carpet type shit. I'm not saying it's better to be over supervised as a child, but I'm glad more people aren't just letting that shit slide anymore. Women and children would get beaten horribly and nobody would say shit because it wasnt "their business".

>> No.10163367
File: 303 KB, 220x147, oxi-clean-but-wait-theres-more.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait, bud

>> No.10163373 [DELETED] 

I think it has gone a bit too far IMO, and lead to a lot of problems that come with living terminally online like many kids today do where gaming and social media is their entire life. When I was a kid, gaming was a part of your life and it wasn't uncommon to spend a whole day playing them, but you had just as many other days out and about, or days where your activities were split

I do think supervision and keeping a bit of a leash on where they go is important, but so is a certain level of freedom and a kid living something resembling a real life before they become awkward adults who can't cope with anything or interact normally. But then again, this is not just a helicopter parent thing but also the fact that technology has made kids just want to stay inside as well

>> No.10163378 [DELETED] 

You had every chance to label him as The Pedophile Formerly Known As Prince.

>> No.10163382 [DELETED] 

I think it has gone a bit too far IMO, and lead to a lot of problems that come with living terminally online like many kids today do where gaming and social media is their entire life. When I was a kid, gaming was a part of your life and it wasn't uncommon to spend a whole day playing them, but you had just as many other days out and about, or days where your activities were split

I do think supervision and keeping a bit of a leash on where they go is important, but so is a certain level of freedom and a kid living something resembling a real life before they become awkward adults who can't cope with anything or interact normally. But then again, this is not just a helicopter parent thing but also the fact that technology has made kids just want to stay inside as well. And honestly the internet access opens up a whole new can of worms for predators of all sorts. For me, a lot of kids didn't have internet and if they did had limited access to it, just about everyone I know who was really young with free reign on the net going in chat rooms says they got exposed to things they shouldn't have, so it can only be much worse now with how easy it all is