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File: 69 KB, 640x468, T2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10160483 No.10160483 [Reply] [Original]

The AI in this game is really good for 1998, and its cool how creative the weapons are and the low ammo count means you have to actually adapt and use your different weapons creatively. It's funny how they made such a gem with this game when turok 1 was just ok and every turok after turok 2 sucked ass

>> No.10160487

Give me the rundown on the hd remaster. Are there still players online?

>> No.10160490

no. It basically improves on the original one with mouselook, less fog, better graphics, waypoints for objectives, high resolution, etc

>> No.10160506
File: 224 KB, 656x1040, turok-1-pg-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 1, 2, and 3 are all awesome, Evolution was when the series started to slip. The remasters are basically perfect so far, easily the best way to play them.

>> No.10160507

>the low ammo count means you have to actually adapt and use your different weapons creatively.
*the low frame count

>> No.10160539

You really compare 3 to 2 and 1? It's a shitty laggy Half-Life rip-off that completely abandoned the gameplay style of the first two games.

>> No.10160549

The framerate is complete shit though.

Surprising too since turok 1 ran so smooth, What happened for 2 that they messed it up so much. (yes more details on screen, but developers are also more familiar with the hardware allowing for more shit to be displayed as well)

>> No.10160582

Turok 2 not only has a 480i mode, which you might have had your game set to, which lags out the ass, but it also has better graphical fidelity than basically any other game on the console. The developers basically accepted that the game was going to lag to Hell because they could show off their HD images in screenshots where people wouldn't realize it runs like garbage.

>> No.10160601

The green lizards literally run away from you and take cover behind boxes and crates. And duck in and out.

That blew my mind when I saw it BUT it's only ever in like two areas in the first level which leads me to believe it's maybe a scripted sequence? Like they get activated and run to the boxes that are beside them.

Cus you don't ever really see that behaviour again in the game.

>> No.10160805

I tried playing the remaster after years, and decided I didn't want to deal with the labyrinthine layouts of the levels. But yeah great AI, and the gore still looks amazing. I hope there will be an announcement for Turok 3 as a remaster (for those who don't know, there is the box art of all of the N64 Turok games you can select for your player tag in the new Quake 2 remaster).

>> No.10160821

>turok 1 was just ok and every turok after turok 2 sucked ass

This is false. The rest of the series might be inferior to 2, but all the N64 games are at least decent.

>> No.10160887

I wouldn't say the AI were smart, they all do the Doom thing of pretty much going full kill you and march mode. But their wandering around, their habits of turning around corners, and some of the scripted moments gave a really good illusion of it for N64. I do consider Turok 1&2 to be up there with the 90's greats in the genre, though I never really got to see enough of 3 to know if hits that same bar.

>> No.10160893

It'd be neat if Nightdive made a new Turok, set in the continuity of the first three(or four) games. I think it's something they have floated as an idea.
It shouldn't be hard now to take a look at all of those games, assess what works and what doesn't, and put out something really good.

>> No.10160898
File: 803 KB, 448x256, 1479797138595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all they do is put well known games in their shitty engine, breaking them in the process, and you think they're capable of making a game of scratch?

And a good one at that.

>> No.10160902

Didn't they literally just remake System Shock from scratch?

>> No.10160960

Something big is coming soon and I'm surprised no one is even talking about it.

>> No.10160962

The Turok 3 remaster that they teased in the Quake 2 remaster?

>> No.10160967

a remake, not a brand new game.
And look how well that turned out

>> No.10160970

It's effectively a brand new game. It just maintains the map designs and aesthetics of the old game.

>> No.10160987

The death animations are top tier too, ragdoll shit killed the art of dying in games

>> No.10160993

Yeah, surprised no a single journo has picked up the story.

>> No.10160994

muh dik

>> No.10161014

not sure why anyone would care about games journalism

>> No.10161072

Perfect Dark and Golden Eye also had top tier death animation, oh boy how i miss them

>> No.10161080

The death animations in both these games are designed to give you time to aim. Perfect Dark and Goldeneye are supposed to be played like Virtua Cop but you can move. That’s why they have the mechanics they do. You’re supposed to stop, pick a spot to shoot from and then shoot. So the enemies have heavily exaggerated movements and animations to compensate for the joysticks inaccuracy. If you think of the games as “virtua cop but you can pick your cover point” the games mechanics and weapons make a lot more sense. Not that it’s not fun played like a traditional FPS that’s just not the intention.

>> No.10161082

Turok has great presentation and visuals and I love the scuba thing they created made diving fun. But the game has a lot of problems
>tanky enemies
>confusing level design
>tedious keyhunting
Unreal was also like that but it has aged better than this game

>> No.10161091

I just played the remake and it’s hands down better than the original. Anon it sounds like you just aren’t that into games anymore. It happens with a lot of people with a lot of hobbies. But you being jaded=\=games sucking.

>> No.10161102

>The death animations in both these games are designed to give you time to aim.
Maybe i'm misunderstanding but what's the relation with exagerated death animations and giving you time to aim? The enemy is already death, it doesn't really matter, unless you meant how the enemies react to bullets when you hit them and they still have energy left (like how in golden eye and such, if you shoot someone in the foot they react accordingly, giving you a window to keep shooting), if that's the case, then it makes sense and it's neat

>> No.10161140 [DELETED] 

I'm embarrassed because you just took my narrative that I push on here about virtua cop and how to play goldeneye, and regurgitated it as your own thought making it fundamentally and obviously wrong lmao. The death animation plays when the guy's dead. You don't shoot the guy after he's dead. You know people think autism has this genius element to it but actually it mostly results in claims like this

>> No.10161162

All of their animations have to be comparable. It’s something to look at while you’re waiting for the next enemies to come in and adjust a bit. That’s why the animations for enemies getting shot in different areas are so exaggerated. It would be weird for things to have all these other animations, to be able to shoot their weapons out, hats off and stuff. But then just have a singular canned death animation you know? All of these animations don’t exist in modern games because they take up resources. And as a whole they only had them because the devs at the time didn’t really understand FPS games or mechanics. Goldeneye and PD were really accidents

>> No.10162204

>And look how well that turned out
.. pretty well judging from what I hear.

>> No.10162279

I wonder how much better it could have been had they waited for next gen before releasing the game. I can only imagine it would have had to have played better with a Gamecube controller. Its framerate would certainly be much better as would the graphics. Its a very cool game regardless of course one I enjoyed very much on my N64. Definitely among the best games for the console. I could totally seen it as Nintendo's answer to Halo had they chosen to get behind the game and ultimately the series of course. It was popular enough back then. Maybe not Goldeneye popular but people definitely liked Turok.

>> No.10162290

Stage 1 song is good

>> No.10162302

Turok 3 probably should have been saved for next gen, instead of launching it at the ass end of the N64, and then rushing out Evolution when Acclaim was dying, neither of which were really good ideas.

>> No.10162395

Its actually a pretty good game that at least stays faithful to some of the core ideas behind the original such as more labyrinth style level design where they actually allow for the player to get lost. You tell me how many developers today will dare to make their games, especially an FPS game, designed with this concept in mind.

>> No.10162398

I see your point but if next gen was still gonna give us either of those two games rather than something as good as 1 and 2 I don't think it would have matted much.

>> No.10162417

What's going on in that last panel??

>> No.10162428


>> No.10162437

Well 3 would benefit from actually being on a system that can run it properly, and another year or so in development would also hopefully allow them to tighten everything up and make it that much better of a game.

>> No.10162456

>You really compare 3 to 2 and 1?
Not him but yes, I would.
>It's a shitty laggy Half-Life rip-off that completely abandoned the gameplay style of the first two games
As opposed to shitty laggy Quake rip off that was Dinosaur Hunter and a shitty laggy Unreal rip off that was Seeds of Evil? 1 and 2 were drastically different as well. They're all good.

>> No.10163479

OP here. I finished the third level which is the best one so far because I liked sniping the orcs with the laser rifle, I'm in the lair of the blind ones and the soundtrack in this level is banging.


>> No.10163720

Anyone knows how to get the og windows version of the first Turok working on modern OS?

don't @ me with the fucking remaster

>> No.10163753


>> No.10163769

this game is a turokvania

>> No.10163792

Just play the remasters like a normal person nigga.

>> No.10164043

>The AI in this game is really good
It doesn't do anything special anywhere, like others pointed out its all scripted.

>tanky enemies
The enemies aren't tanky at all?
1. The later weapons are stronger and appropriate for the enemies.
2. You deal more dmg when doing headshots.

>> No.10164198

Too bad the frame rate is absolute dog shit because they put in too many particle effects.

>> No.10166162

i didn't even notice the bad frame rate when it came out. Maybe i'd notice more now I don't know

>> No.10166268

Anyone managed to get the musics working though? The only iso I found online (redump) won't mount with the .cue despite nothing seem wrong in the definition; so I'm not getting any music in game

anyway I settled for the N64 version for the time being which is perfectly fine emulated in mupen64+

>> No.10166527

looks like some kind of sex

>> No.10166745

>playing anything

>> No.10166749

you can interpolate death animations with ragdolls but seems only maybe cod does it

>> No.10166826
File: 975 KB, 1920x977, turok_dinosaur_hunte-122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I haven't been startled by something in a game this hard for a long while

>> No.10166847

I didn't know what "framerate" was when I was a kid, but I knew that games like Star Fox (SNES) and Turok 2 (N64) were a bitch to play and control because the graphics were so jumpy.
I always was impressed by Turok 2's graphics. They look as good as a PS2 launch title. But it was a pain to play. I challenge the notion that Turok 2 is better than 1.

>> No.10167203

2 has elements that are better than 1, and has a multiplayer mode, but if you want a single player campaign that's well put together and not a gigantic pain in the ass, 1 is the clear winner.

>> No.10169135

you're right, I just beat 1 and I loved it

now started 2 and I'm already bored and disliking it in the first level. The guns feel bad, I hate the protagonist movement feel, enemies are annoying as well, level design is also annoying (want to get those secret-ish shards? Well go get'em, but have fun backtracking for a 1min after that to come back to where you were)

the game looks great, especially in hi-res mode, but other than that this is either boring or outright annoying so far

>> No.10169157

>And look how well that turned out
turned out really well, I enjoyed it.

>> No.10169160

I just don't have nostalgia for them past 1. That felt truly revolutionary, and maybe it was because everyone cheated right away to show it off, but that and duke came around the perfect time and then it was time to move on

>> No.10169170

I feel the same way unfortunately. Love the gore and some levels look fantastic but it's a slog

>> No.10169261

If you don't like level 1 then oh boy.

1/2/3 are fine to good.
Levels 4/5/6 are appalling. They get more and more cramped and tunnel like as you progress. They clearly ran out of time or something in development. They also cut bosses too. Every level was supposed to have a boss.

Games used to have to be out on a certain date or else back then. Nowadays games can be infinitely delayed somehow. No idea how. Look at 3D Realms games liem Wrath and Graven that were supposed to come out 2/3 years ago.

>> No.10169272

>Look at 3D Realms games liem Wrath and Graven that were supposed to come out 2/3 years ago.

The difference is those games barely have a budget

>> No.10169301

Oh come one it runs significantly better in high res mode than Goldeneye ever did.

>> No.10169701
File: 28 KB, 429x68, Turok2_goback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10171327
File: 30 KB, 390x387, two-rocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10171389

They made intelligent changes to maps that people would usually get stuck in playtesting and frankly it's a lot better that way. Right in port of adia there is one.

>> No.10171485

Turok 3 remaster tease in Quake II remaster

>> No.10171924

The fog is comfy.

>> No.10171936
File: 111 KB, 400x360, character_2742_f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be turok
>hate dinosaurs

simple as

>> No.10171946

>It's all scripted
Not true in the slightest. The AI is scripted to go along certain paths, but it will take cover, on its own, flee if you pull out a powerful weapon, use rolls and zig-zag patterns to dodge arrows and bullets, dinosoids will utilize invis.

AI can get a bit wonky when you jump on top of what they're using for cover, but what do you expect? It's 1998.

>> No.10172105

and then all of that is ruined because half of the enemy types just bum rush the player and having enemies too close make the weapons shoot THROUGH them

>> No.10172319

Of course it does. GoldenEye doesn't run in hi-res mode at all because it doesn't have a hi-res mode.

>> No.10173513

Tf2 does it if you die by a headshot or backstab.

>> No.10175184

I've beaten 2 now and it's a 6/10 compared to the 8/10 that was the first game

I'm expecting 3 to be a 4/10 but we'll see

>> No.10175405

is this on 64?

>> No.10175410

yes, played them on 64

now I've started 3 and I'm enjoying it a LOT more than I thought I would. Technically speaking it's a lot weaker than 2 (which must be one of the most impressive N64 games ever), but the key with is that the shooting and the enemies are actually FUN in 3 whereas I didn't enjoy it that much in 2

>> No.10177684

Something is coming this week.

>> No.10178083

Turok 2 felt like a fucking chore to playthrough a major step down from Turok 1

>> No.10178092
File: 302 KB, 1400x1400, turok-evolution-button-1599255423205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is dying for a nightdive remaster

>> No.10178158 [DELETED] 

OP posting. I beat level 5 and so far the game is still pretty enjoyable. The Lair of the Blind Ones also isn't nearly as bad as people say it is.

Levels 4 and 5 are pretty enjoyable and they got unique enemies and weapons you get. Level 2 honestly was the most boring apart from the setpiece with the tricops thing at the start of it and the graveyards.

you should take a break and come back afterwards because the pacing in turok 2 is different to turok 1

>> No.10178160

OP posting. I beat level 5 and so far the game is still pretty enjoyable. The Lair of the Blind Ones also isn't nearly as bad as people say it is..

Levels 4 and 5 are pretty enjoyable and they got unique enemies and weapons you get. Level 2 honestly was the most boring apart from the setpiece with the tricops thing at the start of it and the graveyards.

you should take a break and come back afterwards because the pacing in turok 2 is different to turok 1

>> No.10178197

I agree level 2 is one of the levels I enjoyed the least, it's very convoluted. But the worst for me was level 5.

>> No.10178198

Level 2 was supposed to be a crossover of the Dead Realm from Shadowman but it all got gutted out.

>> No.10178201

they kinda fucked up the blood and it's saturation
new lighting is ok but some spots lost ambience
they are good overall

>> No.10178213

Turok 1 was pretty fantastic, although I was coming of from Doom and Marathon at the time.
The levels are fun to explore, audio is amazing, good encounter design, varied level and enemy themes, animations way beyond anything else, great weapons and decent secrets.
Great game.

>> No.10178216

I've heard many say they prefer 3, but I never played it

>> No.10178224

SoF also had awesome death anims

>> No.10178228

big if true

>> No.10178241
File: 49 KB, 350x251, turokcover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father once managed to score two Nintendo standees from a store clearing out inventory they had gotten from our countrys Nintendo distributor. Both about 150 cm tall in nice thick cut acrylic with high detail prints. One of a Mario 3D concept render and one of pic related, with the contour of raptor and Joshua cut out. I loved them and had them in my room until my mid teens or so, then my little brother got them.
They would probably be worth something today. We gave them away to a neighbour kid a decade ago or more.

>> No.10178698
File: 3.30 MB, 1260x1589, Turok - Dinosaur Hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since any ad for Turok probably earns shitdive some money, I'll only post these once, so here it is

>> No.10178720
File: 3.75 MB, 1260x1610, Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10178739
File: 3.36 MB, 1260x1615, Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10179239

>don't @ me with the fucking remaster
I'd love to hear what ridiculous bullshit nostalgiafaggot driven reason you have for wanting to get a 25+ year old N64 PC port working.


>> No.10179679

I used to imagine enemies from Turok 1 and Turok 2 breaking in through the stained glass windows of my church when I was bored in mass and how I'd save all the hot girls around me and manage to fight them off and escape.

Those games had such cool, memorable enemy design.

>> No.10179790
File: 24 KB, 563x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets.

>> No.10180690

when you lock onto them with lock on weapons (scorpion launcher, cerebral bore etc...) that triggers this behavior. Also on the river of souls where you use the rhino thingy it scares the shit out of them too, the jacked ones not so much.

>> No.10180704

I don't think there has ever been a moment more satisfying to me in a video game than in turok two where you shoot a raptor in the head with a red shredder shell and watch it walk around headless with a fountain of blood spraying from it's neck. Jesus fucking christ they delivered in that department and on an n64 game at that.

>> No.10180729 [DELETED] 

OP here. I beat Turok 2. Level 6 was alright but nothing special. Lair of the Blind Ones would be the best level if it wasn't for the backtracking. It has everything that makes it feel like a level from Turok. It starts out on the surface in a damp, prehistoric environment, and then you go deep underground into this ch'thonic place attacked by giant worms and spiders, and humanoid creatures that fling spears at you. Yo uget a bunch of fun weapons in this level and there's several cool sections like going through the collapsing caves or the underground river. Primagen sucked

>> No.10180735

OP here. I beat Turok 2. Level 6 was alright but nothing special. Lair of the Blind Ones would be the best level if it wasn't for the backtracking. It has everything that makes it feel like a level from Turok. It starts out on the surface in a damp, prehistoric environment, and then you go deep underground into this ch'thonic place attacked by giant worms and spiders, and humanoid creatures that fling spears at you. You get a bunch of fun weapons in this level and there's several cool sections like going through the collapsing caves or the underground river. Primagen sucked. it also has the best soundtrack in the game too


>> No.10181468


>> No.10182014

Fuck yes, I'm excited bro :)

Now all I need is a Duke Nukem Zero Hour remaster.

>> No.10183249
File: 217 KB, 880x787, Screenshot_20230508-112943_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit we lucked out boys
Looks good

>> No.10183258

>Lair of the Blind Ones would be the best level if it wasn't for the backtracking
Never heard that take before
I should replay it

>> No.10183264

Lair of the Blind Ones is severly underrated.The huge waterfall cave is one of the coolest places in the game.

>> No.10183274

>just now finding out you can zoom out the map
Was this in the N64 game, or just the remaster?

>> No.10183294

As far as N64 goes, maybe Armorines.
Is that game good? I honestly don't remember.

Rare also needs to bring their shit to PC already (although I think the decompilists are on that already). I want to play Jet Force Gemini with less awkward 90's controls.

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine, but not broken? That'd be cool.

>> No.10183301

Jet Force Gemini is on Rare Replay

>> No.10183309

That's not on PC though.

>> No.10183891

You had to hold down the left button, either use the joystick or the c-buttons to zoom in and use the dpad to navigate.

>> No.10184580

I hope they will improve the gore to make it look like Turok 2's but I have little hope in that regard. Oh well, at least the game is coming to PC.

>> No.10184665

bury that trash
Harvest Body though, that would be kino
others could be
Army men
Buck Bumble
Silicone Valley
the rocket game
Chameleon Twist 1

>> No.10184778

which of the 3 produce the best webm content for death animations and TECHNOLOGY? They all seem a bit different and I'm only familiar with the first

>> No.10184874

2, 1, 3 at last.
3's technology moments are very, very scarce.

>> No.10184936

2. Easily 2. 2s death animations are impressive even TODAY even compared to modern games releasing right now.