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File: 23 KB, 320x311, Pac-Man_World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10154918 No.10154918 [Reply] [Original]

It stinks.

>> No.10154921

Love it when pac man goes waga waga waga waga waga waga waga waga Doo Doo Doo waga waga waga waga waga waga waga waga waga waga waga

>> No.10154967

Just tried it for the first time, it seems really fun. as expected from the team behind MAXIMO.

>> No.10154974

If it were on the N64, you would be ceaselessly singing it's praises as a "hidden gem".

>> No.10155121

The platforming is weak and constantly kneecaps its own pace with back tracking for meaningless collectibles. The traditional Pacman elements are shoehorned and weak. World 2, Klonoa and Maze Madness achieve the same goals more effectively.

>> No.10155126

What's wrong with it OP

Bought this game last year and have been meaning to play it

>> No.10155138

the PS1 platformer inferiority complex is real

>> No.10155179
File: 3.82 MB, 640x480, pacmanworld-secret.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The platforming is weak
Seems competent with a variety of moves to keep and control the pace at your own leisure. The roll up dash is swift, there's charge moves and the frames of action are tuned very well to be satisfying and distinct. This is all from just two levels, the game is very well polished.

Traditional pac-man elements are centered around bonus content, or "meaningless" collectibles as you put it - personally I find them fun to collect as they have so far involved deciphering level layouts and exploring the environments while making clever use of platforming to keep the action interesting. As they are meaningless, they appear to be optional so if you do not want to engage with them and how they push the mechanics that little bit farther, you clearly do not need to. I do not mind that the traditional content is more casual, this is clearly the point as its a kids platformer.

>> No.10155234

Re-Pac is better.

>> No.10155309

ms pacman where

>> No.10155339

No because they removed the iconic Pac Man scream in intro cutscene.

>> No.10155343

What if pac man did the sega scream?

>> No.10155345

Game is pretty good, but didn't age well.
I am at world 3 and jank fucking kills me (literally, there's some random shit happening on screen and I can't keep up with it)

>> No.10155347

Then Sonic would appear but gets his ass kicked because he can't do shit against ghosts
Only Knuckles and Pac-Man can.

They're the real dynamic duo of video gaming

>> No.10155575
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1665646202359160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its great, and so is Repac. Anubis rex and spin dizzy were not playtested at all tho

>> No.10155820

pacmom is better

>> No.10155840

Better than Banjo and Donkey Kong 64, at least.

>> No.10156135



>> No.10156970

I wouldn't compare Maze Madness to this game. Pac-Man World is a 3D platformer, Maze Madness stays a lot closer to the arcade games without much focus on platforming. If the goal is bringing Pac-Man into 3D I kind of prefer World's approach

>> No.10158230

Mega Drive version is better.

>> No.10158240

It's janky but fun.
Re-Pac is definitely better despite some changes I'm not a fan of (Mega Pac-Man, the new Toc-Man fight) and the art direction not being quite as consistent.
World 2's better than both of them, and I am both excited and concerned to see how it would get changed in a potential remake.

>> No.10158584

No one calls World 1 or 2 a hidden gem.
3 is hidden, but I'm not sure if it's a gem.

>> No.10158596

The only bad game in the series is pac 3

>> No.10158736


>> No.10160078

They did in an update.
It was shitty that it wasn't like that at launch, but at least they addressed it and fixed it unlike the Metroid Prime remaster.

>> No.10160089
File: 398 KB, 658x582, ugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hate how much they fumbled her naming scheme and redesign, what is this abomination