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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10153976 No.10153976 [Reply] [Original]

I know that it technically makes my playthrough no longer legit and that I didn't really complete the video game I've played... but I've stopped caring, ever since installing a bunch of emulators on my smartphone and playing whenever I have a break or have to waste some time while waiting for something outside, I pick it up and start from where I left off in something which would have otherwise made me play the earlier levels over and over again, with automatic save states and load states when closing and opening a ROM I can play for a few minutes, stop to do something, and later pick it up from where I left off when I have time, it just feels nice even if it isn't the intended way to play.

>How do you feel about save states in general?
>Do you use them regularly on your playthroughs or not?
>Are the any rules you impose on yourself whenever using them?
>Is a playthrough no longer legit if its used in any situation or only specific ones?

Overall I avoid saving too much, doing what I can to only do it at the start of levels, as I want to do them in a single run as intended, but of course that's not always possible, still I generally keep my saving only to avoid inputting long passwords and for picking up from the level I left off in my playthrough as going back to the start every time can be a bother, especially if it's a title I'm already familiar with and have completed legit in the past. I used to enjoy them for titles that didn't have unlimited continues, but now I just prefer using a code or something to give myself those. I do feel that they aren't legit no matter the situation, but who cares? It's improving my experience more often than not.

>> No.10154016
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>Is a playthrough no longer legit if its used in any situation or only specific ones?
It's no longer legit the moment if gives you an advantage instead of just saving time. For example:
Legit: You're playing a racing game where you can pause the game and restart a really hard race if you know you fucked up and can't win before it's over. In that case I think it's legit to save just before the race starts just to skip loading times since the game allows you to restart anyway

Not legit: You're playing a platformer where dying brings you back to the beginning of the level and you use save states after each obstacle in the level

>> No.10154035

>How do you feel about save states in general?
Indifferent. Either use them or don't
>Do you use them regularly on your playthroughs or not?
Only when I need to step away from the PC for long periods of time
>Are the any rules you impose on yourself whenever using them?
I only use them on games that don't have a password or a save game feature built in. I'm not leaving my PC on overnight to keep my playthrough "legit"
>Is a playthrough no longer legit if its used in any situation or only specific ones?
I don't care if a playthrough is "legit" or not

>> No.10154051

>How do you feel about save states in general?
Nothing in particular. They exist and I use them if I feel inclined.
>Do you use them regularly on your playthroughs or not?
Quite often. Almost always to resume my playthrough, since I feel a little tired to finish games in one sitting. Sometimes, I also use them to practice a tough section in a game I've never played before.
>Are the any rules you impose on yourself whenever using them?
I don't impose any rule, but I'd feel bored to plow through a game using savestates, so I beat them normally. Excluding resuming gameplay and practing once in a while.
>Is a playthrough no longer legit if its used in any situation or only specific ones?
For competitions, I think it's not valid, since it would be unfair. The same for bragging rights. However, if you just want to have fun or experience the game, I see no issues.

>> No.10154073

>where you can pause the game and restart a really hard race if you know you fucked up and can't win before it's over
The whole appeal to Super Mario Kart was dealing with its bullshit grand prix and accepting 4th places on extremely hard tracks.

>> No.10154086

Oh of course what I said doesn't apply if it's a tournament of some sorts. I'm talking about completely isolated races or a race that's at the very beginning of a tournament. Saving after every race in a championship is cheating if the game doesn't normally allow you to do it

>> No.10154093

Save states are great in games like Mystical Ninja where I would have had to write down a long password. Also great in games like Jurassic Park (snes) that had no save option. But I still mostly avoid them.

The real problem is speed up options on rpgs. Being able to grind 20 levels in 3 minutes breaks the entire balance of the game.

>> No.10154095


>> No.10154102

But running around in circles and grinding for 2 hours takes more skill?

>> No.10154128


>> No.10154205

>I know that it technically makes my playthrough no longer legit
>that entire wall of garbage

Unironically kys
Jesus christ, you insecure little twat
There was no reason to post this garbage fucking thread.

>> No.10154449
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More power to you I guess
I personally rarely use emulator tools like save states or fast-forward
Mostly for longer games that lack saving or have some shitty password system that forces you to kys to see it (Like Castlevania II or Metroid)
Usually I would look for a place fitting for a save room, like near the Chozo statues or in churches

Hard, bedbreaking, lovey-dovey hand holding, baby-making sex with Megumin, all day long until her womb is flooded with baby-making milk and she is guaranteed to get pregnant, marrying and raising children together with Megumin