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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10153628 No.10153628 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst game released by the best publishers? Nintendo, Capcom, Squaresoft, Konami, etc. What is the single worst game they shit out that has no business bearing their name?

>> No.10153637

ocarina of time

>> No.10153638

None of them really got bad until gen 7 or so I think, same with EA and Activision (though that may have started sometime in gen 6). Honestly retro gaming just wasn't really plagued with the kind of nonsense that affect so many modern games, at least imo

>> No.10153647
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>> No.10153648
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Clu Clu Land is an absolute turd of a game. Not all of the black box NES games were gold but Clu Clu Land is quite bad.

>> No.10153665

It's hard to say without knowing all of the Japanese exclusives. Games generally didn't get localized if they flopped in Japan so we only got the best of the best. I'm sure there's some PC-88 or MSX game that fits the bill. King's Knight is probably the worst Squaresoft game to come out in America though it's not THAT bad.

>> No.10153712

Atari used to be THE best publisher and they made arguably the worst game of all time.

>> No.10153735

Yoshi's Story is utterly pathetic when you consider it was made by their key staff.

In my experience, their stuff is consistent. Nothing jumps to mind immediately.

I dislike plenty of their games. I don't like FF8 or FF12. I don't like the Saga series. I don't like the Seiken Densetsu series. I don't like plenty of their misc titles. This is more personal. I have no idea what to say.

I'm not the biggest Konami fan ever, but a lot of people seem to agree that NES Metal Gear and Castlevania 2 are mediocre.

>> No.10153740

I see your Nintendo selections and I raise you Urban Champion. It's an NES port of a Game and Watch title. Not even a popular one. The gameplay is easily some of the most basic and boring on the NES, and it was made and published by Nintendo.

>> No.10153753

>Nothing jumps to mind immediately.
Bruh, Street Fighter 1. Even for its time it was jank shit. The 6 button layout only came about because of quickly the pressure sensitive 2 button layout wore out.

>> No.10153847

MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge by Capcom
NFL Football by Konami
Pokemon Channel by Nintendo

>> No.10153907

The Front Mission light gun game was kind of jank. Maybe one of their really early, pre-FF games is bad. But, I just went and looked through Square's games again, and I've played 75% of them or so, and they're all good to great.

>> No.10153910

I didn't play it.

>> No.10153918

Street Fighter 2010 and NES Strider are probably worse than Street Fighter 1. Street Fighter 1 was attempting something nifty for the time. Meanwhile Street Fighter 2010 and Strider just plain shit the bed despite not doing anything that we hadn't seen on the NES already.

>> No.10153926

>The Front Mission light gun game
That exists?

>> No.10153934

Do ports count? PS1 X-Men vs. Street Fighter is an embarrassment.

>> No.10153936

No. I have no idea why I said light gun. I meant the side scrolling one. Gun Hazard.

>> No.10153937

Urban Champion is fun as shit as a drunk game with your buddies.

>> No.10153939
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The correct answer for Konami is Roller Games. It has multiple sections where the game outright cheats. A truck slams into your character from behind, the pot holes on the opening stage suck you in, you will fall through platforms because of the terrible hit detection etc etc. It has nothing to do with the arcade version, either, the plot actually makes the Metal Gear games seem grounded by comparison

>> No.10153945

How in the world? Game's very soulful and not even that hard.

>> No.10153950

Here's some gold kind sir ex dee exdee

>> No.10153960

for Konami double dribble even if it was ok for the time. Saw a konami genesis game for sale, turned out to be Hyperdunk, good graphics but its just another sports game. I've never liked goonies but it has some fans. Frogger on gameboy is not that bad a version but its worse than the arcade and gets boring quick. The games on the konami gb collection series have 2 good games each and 2 cheaper not as good games.

I think capcom got a bit sloppy during 16 bit, final fight 2 is a bit weaker than the first one. I think they even had a bad nfl game.

Square probably has some bad licensed game in japan

nintendo - mario picross, seems too basic. The super scope games are weak too.

EA has some really lazy games like might and magic on genesis and zany golf.

>> No.10153982

That resident evil light gun game that didn't work with a light gun. Unless you live in Japan or the commie bloc, then you can use a guncon.

>> No.10154241
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>It's hard to say without knowing all of the Japanese exclusives
This. I'm following a youtube channel where the guy plays every single Famicom game ever in release order and most people have no idea just how much Japan exclusive shovelware exists.

>> No.10154346
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Picrel is undake30 (a monte carloesque matching game) and whilst it was a promotional release and prize giveaway (some fucking prize), it was also a Satellaview game which means I wouldn't exclude it from being one of the worst games, even if "free" (you still bought a Satellaview, retard). It is entirely playable, which is important for a game.
Dig a bit deeper into any long running large multimedia franchise and you will find shlock like this, Mario/DK is no exception. They have some of the shittiest low effort arcade machines for multiple decades (Mario Kart Arcade GP titles are fine, but not great either).
Their foray into Japanese PC gaming was horrid, but that was headed up by the 80s shovelware incarnation of the eternal bee. Their western attempt was a lackluster bet on edutainment. Time Machine (CD version) didn't leave me entirely depressed as it was peak SMW shovelware, but it definitely doesn't impress as a game or educational material and it's port to console are atrocious.
It had some shit pinball machines, a few slot machines and the usual gamewatch (not Game&Watch) trash. Obviously I exclude shit like Print World or the sewing machine title as those have a very specific purpose. NP Picross mario editions aren't very strong either, but the way NP releases work are important to note and again the game is entirely functional and fine if you like Picross.

At the tail end of the 90s, they got a bit more careful and the games from then on were at worst just (gimmick) shovelware (think the olympics games, which are Mario Party without the Party) with the exception of the shitty Mario Party Arcade machines and some DSi apps.

>> No.10154731
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>> No.10154778

> Konami

Adventures of Bayou Billy
No, not because AVGN said so. It's a fantastic concept ruined by retarded difficulty crank and mediocre level design. Should've been developed and released for arcades

>> No.10154808

E.T. isnt that bad desu, it's just a bit clumsy. there are far worse games out there, especially on the 2600 itself. E.T. was nowhere near sssnake for example.

>> No.10154824
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Resident Evil Survivor
Pic related, a mediocre racing game with awful handling

>> No.10154834

I liked Crimson Tears not saying it wasn't with some jank and bosses later on can stunlock but it's still fun. ^-^

>> No.10154842

>listing nintendo as the first in a best publishers list
This board is sickening. Everything Nintendo released after NES and gameboy is average at best.

>> No.10154850

>The 6 button layout only came about because of quickly the pressure sensitive 2 button layout wore out.
bullshit that zoomers like to repeat, pt 372627
the 6 button layout was always a cheaper cab option for operators who didn't want to shell out for the deluxe with the larger footprint and pressure sensitive pads

>> No.10154871

Zoomers always do this. It's frankly infuriating.

>> No.10155000
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Enix made this stupid thing. It probably counts.

>> No.10155021

Nintendo: Mach Rider
Square: FF 2
Capcom: Mickey Mousecapade
Konami: C The Contra Adventure

>> No.10155357

That's basically every Japanese developer that's been around since the late 70s/early 80s, but is it really bad for what it tries to be? You need to livestream it for us, anon.

>> No.10155363

Most things are. Drunks have no standards.

>> No.10155442

Reading about it makes it sound good but I don't want to set up a pc88 emulator and learn Japanese to find out first hand.
>Koei released the sequel

>> No.10155501

>Bayou Billy
I remember playing it a few years back and thinking a good game is hidden somehwhere inside but yeah not good. Ended up reselling it fairly quick.

>> No.10155679

GTA trilogy Definitive Edition

>> No.10155694

the mario party series as a whole has to be some of nintendo's most consistently terrible work

>> No.10155842

Namco released a fuckton of arcade games so I'm sure there are some stinkers but Tower of Druaga is pretty shit conceptually. It plays fine but it's the worst kind of quarter muncher, being straight up unwinnable if you don't know what you're doing and of course there's no real way to know what you're doing.

>> No.10155992

Urban Champion for Nintendo

>> No.10156052
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Fuck you I liked it

>> No.10156081

Holy shit get good

There is nothing wrong with Roller Gamer, it's a fun game, it's perfectly functional, the controls are tight, musics and graphics are good. There is nothing wrong with the hit detection either. You just got filtered because it IS a hard game and because you can't comprehend isometric point of view

>> No.10156134

Mario 64

>> No.10156207

is a good game you just suck at it only or hate lolis....kill yourself in this moment!!

>> No.10156217

I'm hard pressed to find a single bad /vr/ game from Namco to be honest.

>> No.10156362

Chrontendo is still going? I thought he stopped, or at least slowed to a glacial pace, due to family issues.

>> No.10156374

Didn't this dude make Luigi's Bathhouse?

>> No.10156469
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>Chrontendo is still going?
He uploaded a video 2 months ago but I was talking about another channel:

>> No.10156672

I love Chrontendo and have been following it for over a decade. He started a patreon a while ago which I actually donated to because I thought it would speed up his pace a bit but it’s still pretty slow. His recent Final Fantasy III review is probably the best single game review he’s ever done and his acknowledgement as the high point of the NES/Famicom left me feeling a bit wistful. I’m hoping he sees through the rest of the library.

>> No.10156690

I wasted my allowance back in the day on Battle Chip Challenge...

>> No.10156723

The hardware couldn't handle it. All of the marvel games are compromised on psx. They did what they could with what they had. That said, I played the shit out of that crappy version and while it was disappointing, it was the only way to play the game at home at the time. I never understood why Sega decided not to bring the saturn version over to the west.

>> No.10157004
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3d world runner is probably the worst sqyaresoft game I've played. it's not bad, just kinda basic.

>> No.10157037

Maybe after the first 3 but they are pretty unassuming minigame collections. What makes you say that?

>> No.10157049

Yeah Famicom is pretty rough. Has some really cool JP-only games and a ton of garbage

>> No.10157058

>Nintendo: Mach Rider

Why Mach Rider is a bad game? It's basically a combat version of F1 Race with additional modes and track editor.

> Capcom: Mickey Mousecapade
Capcom was a publisher. Game is made by Hudson Soft. But it's okay game with lots of ambition, for a licensed Disneyshit especially.

>> No.10157190
File: 30 KB, 314x317, Castlevania_Adventureboxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania Adventure for the Game Boy. Tons of slowdown, no subweapons, you lose powerups when you get hit, pixel perfect platforming, bad hitboxes. The WORST part out of everything is how slow you move. It's so slow that the developers knew you would be unable to move through certain areas without getting hit so they give you invincibility power ups for those specific spots like they knew it was a problem but just did a band-aid fix. The music is pretty good though.

>> No.10157191

The Saturn was toast in America by the time it came out in Japan. We're talking November 1997 which would have meant that there'd only be about 20ish games left to release in the west, and that's assuming they managed to get it out almost the same day. Publishing not just X-Men vs. Street Fighter but the RAM cart accessory along with it was just too big an ask given those realities.


If you sort by release date you'll see just how anemic the Saturn release schedule was by then. There were only seven games published in 1998. The last five in such low numbers that they're all like $1000 a piece today.

>> No.10157339
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It would be passable as a standalone game from unknown shovelware developer, but it's nowhere near Capcom's base quality level.

>> No.10157404

No idea. Dont play them.
Street Fighter 6, Final Fight revenge
Idk. Chrystal Chronicles remake perhaps.
Most castlevania games were dogshit

>> No.10157434

>setting up a pc88 emulator
There is very little effort involved and this game is likely a booter. Not that it is much of an issue if it wasn't, because most gamesets have pre-installed mountable HDDs for the PCxx games that don't.

Relatively recently a PC98 emulator got texthook support (by its original dev), I wasn't aware of any other that JP PC emulator that did, but a quick search shows that someone did get interested in copying the effort to other Japanese PC emulators. Now there's a texthook fork for X68K, PC Engine CD, FM Towns and PC88.
Now I doubt you are that interested in a loli gore game, but I'm sure this information might help you play games you were interested in as this basically opens up the entire Japanese home PC library to people who don't know Japanese, though some games running special interpreter engines might not work as nicely and kana only games will likely cause your translator to make some extra mistakes.

I doubt I'll be able to talk much more about Japanese games regardless, but I hope people can find some enjoyment going through older games even if a lot are quite janky.


DL link if it's blocked for guests

>> No.10157447
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Neat. Dekinai-chan loses this round.

After reading
>Password room
>... the player must type a Japanese word in order to wake her up ... The game provides hints to the player.
I was more reluctant due to the language than setting up an emulator.
But that could solve that issue.

>Password room
>A sleeping girl is lying on a bed, and the player must type a Japanese word in order to wake her up and have her take her clothes off. The game provides hints to the player.

>Now I doubt you are that interested in a loli gore game
Right. Of course not. I just wanted to see it for the historical aspect.

>> No.10157448
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>accidentally left in the full text
It's over.

>> No.10157454

This is /vr/ so retro only.
Most of the pre-Final Fantasy games were shovelware.
Outside of /vr/, it would either be Left Alive, The Quiet Man, Balan Wonderworld, or Daikatana.
Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels.
Outside of /vr/, it's almost definitely Devil's Third.
Metal Gear on MS-DOS. It's even worse than Metal Gear Survive.
Outside of /vr/, it would be eFootball 2021.
The US version of Resident Evil: Gun Survivor with no light gun support. And also the German censored version of Resident Evil 4.

>> No.10157457

I do remember a PC88 emulator that allowed for copy paste text input, I am not so sure if this one has that, but otherwise you can probably take it really slowly to type it out and maybe use google-fu to find a guide with the word.

>> No.10157695

Capcom would have to be one of those early ports for the NES that were developed by Micronics.

>> No.10157703

Either FF8 or KH1

>> No.10157732
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The remake on the PC engine may be one of the best games on the console but the original was fucking bad even more considering it came out on the arcades meaning that you will have to experiment quite a lot spending God knows how much money, was beatable thanks to Japs coming together and helping each other out.

>> No.10157742

>Most castlevania games were dogshit
People always recommend the GB games but those may be of the most shitty ass games on the console, wtf with that.

>> No.10158208

because I can't think of any other nintendo franchise as consistently bad

>> No.10158215

It's a meme game but Top Gun on NES is a pretty abysmal Konami game. Silent Service was published by Ultra which was just Konami's alternate imprint and also kinda sucks balls.

>> No.10158351
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I was going to say Capcom Fighting Jam but I just KNEW some fucking contrarians here would say that piece of shit was great and I was just filtered.
So I chose a game no one likes.

>> No.10158361

Yeah I hate the fuck out of this game.
Got it when it was brand new as my 2nd game boy game and holy crap was I disappointed.

>> No.10158379
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The real answers are going to be relatively obscure. Wasn't this version of TMNT literally unbeatable?

>> No.10158463

Probably Donkey Kong 3 WTF was that
Cruisn' USA for N64

Mega Man something, take a pick out of the crap they were churning out monthly on PSX, PS2 and GBA
Street Fighter the movie the game

I just hate jrpgs idk

Contra for PSX

>> No.10158470

Castlevania Adventure was crap too

>> No.10158474

Great games.

>> No.10158482

Great fm track on system with no dedicate soundcard

>> No.10158487

Donkey Kong 3 is a good game though.
But hard as crystal coconut

>> No.10158493
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>What is the worst game released by the best publishers?
Everything Nintendo has released since the Gameboy and NES era has been incredibly mediocre.

>> No.10158525

Are you talking about Donkey Kong 3 or Donkey Kong Country 3?

>> No.10158538

The European version (hero turtles) was beatable iirc, the American version wasn't.

>> No.10158573

I'm not going to say it's a good game but I didn't hate it. The forced over the top grittiness makes it almost feel like some sort of self aware parody at times. Kind of fun in a mid 2000s time capsule sort of way.

>> No.10158615

Yes but it also handles like complete garbage, looks like garbage, shits on every character from the old FF games, etc

>> No.10158646
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The Bouncer is pretty bad for a Squaresoft game.

>> No.10158649

>the best publishers? Nintendo,
Nice bait.

>> No.10158652

Its kinda interesting as a in-between stage between something like Shenmue and Yakuza. The new single player in SF6 kinda also feels like it. It also has a arcade beat em up mode which is mildly entertaining.

>> No.10158765

Yeah. I bought it for my friend who had a PC but not an NES as a kid because it was in a discount bin and didn't find out until years later the reason it was so cheap was because it had an impossible jump.

>> No.10158783

Donkey Kong 3 on NES.
The one with Stanley the Bugman.

Adding him as a protagonist was the most controversial decision about that game, if that was Mario, the game could get more successful and more... you know, Mario-related.

>> No.10158793

Is the Wii remake any good?

>> No.10158810
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>no one posted this for Capcom

>> No.10158885
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>make a thread about worst Nintendo game once
>add "inb4 some edgelord says ocarina of time"
>have a good thread with good serious responses
>someone else makes a thread
>some edgelord immediately says ocarina of time

>> No.10158965

Disliking Ocarina does not make you an "edgelord", nor does disliking the N64 make you a "console warrior".

>> No.10158976

Its ok to dislike ocarina, but anyone calling it the worst thing nintendo ever made is clearly trolling, even if you don't like the game you can still see why others do.
Or do you honestly think its 100% the worst thing ever made by nintendo?

>> No.10158978

Yeah wii remake is fun

>> No.10158994

Zelda The Reddit Waker
Dino CriShit 1
VagTranny Story
Castlevania Circlejerk Of The Moon

>> No.10158996
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unironically better than pic related

>> No.10159018

>Metal Gear Survive
if it had Kojima the cocksucker name on it you faggot will call it a masterpiece just like you did with Death Stranding which shared many similarities with Survive (both are glorified walking simulators)

>> No.10159021
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I love every single game you add "reddit" to, and there's absolutely not a single thing you can do about.

>> No.10159024

Trying too hard

>> No.10159036

it's an NROM game so I'd go easy on it still if it had a 32k instead of a 16k ROM it could have had more content

>> No.10159038
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we know, you're a contrarian faggot who will force himself to like anything just to smite someone for badmouthing your favorite website

>> No.10159040

I don't like Nintendo games, so I don't know if it's the worst thing they've made objectively. However, it's definitely up there, just because of how obnoxious the fans are for constantly putting it on a pedestal as the "best game ever", when it isn't even remotely close.

>> No.10159048

How can he do that? Many of them are untranslated or require some weird gadget that is not supported by emulators.

>> No.10159051

The Mexican Runner took 3 years to play through 714 NES games (the entire licensed US library plus some PAL games but not including unlicensed stuff) but the Famicom has over 1,000 titles.

>> No.10159062

it's 1,050 cartridge games plus 212 FDS games

>> No.10159067

There was a Japanese site with a "beat all Famicom games challenge" but I think they cheated and used save states or something.

>> No.10159078

isn't the SNES library even bigger?

>> No.10159081

I'd like to see him play Championship Lode Runner. Most people can't even beat more than two levels of that.

>> No.10159089

it's 1,780 games total but I don't know what the Japanese library is. probably close in size to the Famicom one. still there are a shitload of RPGs and also at least 30 horse racing sims.

>> No.10159092

That sounds painful. The NES has about 50 excellent games, 150 tolerable to decent games, and then the rest are barely functional garbage.

>> No.10159097

says the guy who hasn't even played those 50

>> No.10159098

Says the guy who's played too many of the barely functional garbage.

>> No.10159109

nobody wants to play Muppets Chaos at the Carnival or 1942 but it had to be done for the sake of completeness. also the Famicom library is worse than that even.

>> No.10159132

I don't mind babby games like that or the Sesame Street ones because you can get through them in 10 minutes. What I really fear and dread is stuff like Might & Magic

>> No.10159147

no that was the DOS PC port

>> No.10159158

some of those early Square JPC games were pretty fucking bad

>> No.10159173

Then imagine playing through all the sports stuff. Imagine that TMR had to do all four Bases Loaded games and play through an entire 80 game baseball season four times.

>> No.10159174

But thats just you loathing on a game because of the fanbase behind it, you are no different than the people you resent.

Go outside and touch some grass

>> No.10159218

Star Fox Adventures. Miyamoto was probably DRUNK AS FUCK, or both that and aloof in terms of his mood when having Dinosaur Planet Asset Flipped into a Starfox game. The Fallout 76 or Assassin's creed Unity of Nintendo.

>> No.10159234

Making it a Star Fox spinoff was a little goofy but there's nothing inherently wrong with the game itself. Certainly nothing that would make it a dumpster fire of a game.

>> No.10159236

Come to think of it, Star Fox Command and (not retro) Star Fox Zero are better contenders. Those games are pretty fucking rough.

>> No.10159263

Personally I would have rather he not spent 10 videos on The Miracle Piano Teaching System which isn't a game anyway.

>> No.10159306

Technically King's Quest V on NES would be one of the worst Konami games but they just published it and it was developed by Novalogic.

>> No.10159325

I could do without Clu Clu Land myself.

>> No.10159331


>> No.10159357

Some brave soul will do the entire SFC library, God willing.

>> No.10159360

I'm curious what he had to say about Tom Sawyer. (^:

>> No.10159390

>It's a meme game but Top Gun on NES is a pretty abysmal Konami game
Also why was that game so stupidly popular? Those cartridges are way more common than they need to be.

>> No.10159403

Genesis Sunset Riders aka oh we'll only put this in a 4 mbit ROM while the SNES port gets 8 mbits as a huge fuck you to Sega owners.

>> No.10159409

Silent Service, too. They seem nearly as ubiquitous as SMB/Duck Hunt. It makes some sense with Top Gun being it was a popular movie but I guess Konami really overproduced their Ultra branded games. TMNT is also common as shit but that was legitimately a hit.

>> No.10159410

The Minish Cap easily worst Nintendo release.

>> No.10159416

That and Ghostbusters. Wherever you'd find NES games in a flea market or used game store you would without fail always find 20 copies of Ghostbusters, T&C Surf Designs, and Top Gun.

>> No.10159610


>> No.10159614

King's Knight

>> No.10159617

it was. i don't know how he managed to do it. i sure couldn't.

>> No.10159620

the Famicom library has a lot more barely functional garbage especially early stuff from 85-86 when third parties were still learning the hardware.

>> No.10159634

what, you don't like all the bad board games, business sims, and licensed anime crap?

>> No.10159637

right, so 1262 total Japanese titles. god that's brutal.

>> No.10159651

As that anon said I'm not sure how Chrontendo can actually beat every Famicom game. Even if he knows Japanese some still require weird un-emulatable peripherals like those games that had a bar code reader.

>> No.10159653

I love how /v/ has completely flipped its opinion on godhand. No matter how much you whine, its still a fantastic game. git gud and stop being a bitch.

>> No.10159660

I hated MGSV for being unfinished, pretentious dogshit that unironically made MGS4 look competent and well-written. Never bothered with Survive because it was the most blatantly lazy asset flip I’ve seen until R3make released. Then Death Stranding releases and shows that kojima absolutely has zero fucking idea or interest in actual game design and would rather use his studio as an excuse to hire d-list hollywood talent to try and pretend he’s the next tarantino. kojima is an ideas guy first and foremost and can’t write coherently to save his life unless its just copy and pasting into dialogue whatever wikipedia article he read that week.

>> No.10159705

I forgot about NFL football, christ. People who haven't played a lot of GB games probably think the Castlevania games on GB are konami's worst. They have no idea how bad NFL football is by comparison.

this, cluclu is a good game, urban champion is just a shitty wannabe karate champ.

fuck right off before you talk shit about mario picross
I've heard that this is fine if you play the Japanese version. Anyone who can confirm this? Konami was notorious for fucking up localization in the 80s, including changing game balance, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did it here too.

this, anyone who shits on ET as the worst game ever has 1) never read the manual, 2) never given it an honest try, or 3) has never played a spectrum.

koei had a few big sex games in the early days IIRC. Didn't they make "Do Dutch Wives Dream of Electric Eels"?

if Capcom is any indication, then you should check their wonderswan games. Cap put their D team on that system it seems, though they are infinitely more playable than Sammy's WS games

see comments above regarding NFL football

the whole design was around sharing knowledge with other players. Evaluating druaga without the elements of player collaboration would be like evaluating the grateful dead exclusively by their top 40 hits, rather than for their fandom and live play legacy. It's a case where the community is as much a part of the game as the game is itself.

>> No.10159709

Even the Japanese beat all Famicom games challenge cheated by using save states and whatnot. Also I don't think more than 5 people in the world can beat Championship Lode Runner.

>> No.10159729

>koei had a few big sex games in the early days
That was when it started out Sierra-style as a husband/wife duo in their living room and they prefer to honestly not discuss those very early days of the company.

>> No.10159730

you say that like it's a bad thing. NES as a whole had decent baseball games.

that's classified

good choice, though not the most horrible I have played, definitely not good and probably the most awful square game. Knightmare is so much better as to be insulting.

hey thanks for reminding me, my new Capcom suggestion is Wily and Light's Rockboard. That game fucking blows.

just buy the peripherals then, what's so weird?

/v/ doesn't like godhand anymore? I mean, I suck too much to beat it, but I can still recognize how much fucking ass it kicks. What made them turn into huge faggots?

>> No.10159738

Stranding is a pretty fun hiking simulator.

>> No.10159743

Seriously that was the win condition for Bases Loaded. Play an entire 80 game season. Then do it again three more times. Though I think the worst NES baseball game was Roger Clemens MVP Baseball, it was from 1991 and looks like a 1985 C64 game. Made by the geniuses at Sculptured Software.

>> No.10159768
File: 36 KB, 876x814, 887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was for my beat all NES games challenge, and I used random.org to draw a list of numbers randomly. it's a work in progress and will have 714 games like TMR's but no PAL stuff NTSC only which means the 675 licensed US games plus 39 random Famicom titles or unlicensed NES. RPGs marked with an asterisk as i'm using TMR's "5 games between RPGs" rule and Power Pad titles and possibly Arkanoid will be skipped as I do not have the requisite items to play those with. also Miracle Piano Teaching System will not be included.

>> No.10159770

I've played the GB version of Roger Clemens but not the NES one. the display from multiple angles is p re tty cool, but I haven't played enough to gain an appreciation for how it plays. Just remember it being really hard. NES much similar? I dunno much else about sculptured software, though I feel like I played something bad from them.

>> No.10159778

Sculptured were a bunch of smiling hardworking Mormons from Salt Lake City and yes most of their games were bad.


For some reason The Empire Strikes Back isn't listed although they also did that one.

>> No.10159784

>has to start off with a Sesame Street game
Oh dear.

>> No.10159786

oh that's where i heard their names, jack nicklaus golf and robin hood were pretty good imo. some absolute shit on that list too. funny how that works.

>> No.10159787

Did he beat Transformers Comvoy no Nazo? That would be proof of how much chest hair one has. Me, I couldn't even get past the first level.

>> No.10159792

>For some reason The Empire Strikes Back isn't listed although they also did that one.
Came after LucasArts had trouble dealing with Beam Software who did the first SW game on NES so they switched development of ESB to Sculptured. A lot less travel distance or cultural differences arguing with Aussie bogans who insisted they didn't know what good vidya was.

>> No.10159796

press the big black button to move little bird!

>> No.10159802

>Aussie devs
have they ever made anything that wasn't banter?

>> No.10159812

They got a beta of SW back from Beam, didn't like it, and sent someone down to Australia to supervise and make sure the game was done satisfactorily so development of ESB and ROTJ on SNES was done by Sculptured instead.

>> No.10159819

Beam also did the NES Three Stooges and there's a funny story about that game. The lead programmer complained that they had to alter some of the coding because the sprites in the pie-throwing minigame would disappear as the PPU warmed up. Basically the code loop was only refreshing the OAM table every 8 or so frames and it wasn't enough to prevent the sprites from decaying so they had to modify it to refresh more often.

>> No.10159830
File: 311 KB, 1280x800, Sesame Street Big Birds Hide and Speak-1280x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These had some cool digitized sound clips in them.

>> No.10159836

MM3 is the first game here that's actually worth playing.

>> No.10159839

Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum is one hell of a shitpost game.

>> No.10159852


oh and using this for the game numbers

>> No.10159854

oh they were Beam software! I didn't realize they were aus. I played their itchy and scratchy minigolf once. That wasn't bad. Nightshade wasn't bad either. Holy hell though, they're responsible for those fucking back to the future games. Christ.

>> No.10159864

not even /v/irgins liked Reddot Hand
>inb4 but muh old paint memes drawn by one autistic loser and spammed by 3 or 4 fags!!!
we laughed at them back then just like we laugh at anyone who says Reddit Hand is good now

>> No.10159879


yeah this is a very very Australian shitpost/bantz kind of game in its general look and feel

>> No.10159909

It’s not, HORRIBLE horrible

>> No.10159917

you're so full of shit it's unbelievable. so this is what /v/ is like now. Truly amazing. 下げ for you stupid fag

>> No.10159942

Daikatana? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10159979

I only played God Hand because everyone on /v/ wouldn't stop telling me how good it was and how it was the best PS2 game ever and that if I just gave it a shot I'd understand, over and over again.
I don't think there used to be a single person on /v/ who disliked God Hand. Not everyone thought it lived up to the hype, but I can't remember anyone ever hating it or calling it a bad video game. It's been a while so I might be forgetting a few people but it really was that popular.
(BTW it is a really fun game and I do think everyone should give it a try, especially nowadays when you can emulate it for free.)

>> No.10160020

>this, cluclu is a good game, urban champion is just a shitty wannabe karate champ.
Urban Champion is like a proto Smash Bros with two drunk football hooligans. You're trying to knock each other off the stage and the environment attacks you like when you have to stop fighting when the cops drive by.

>> No.10160038

It's every FC/NES game and just a short capsule review of each one.

>> No.10160043


>> No.10160060

it's a typical Western developed game in their odd fascination with trying to replicate real world physics

>> No.10160073

I loved MGSV's gameplay even if the story was disappointing.
Also, Kojima himself greenlit and produced MGS: Social Ops, a Metal Gear gacha phone game that bombed so horribly that they never released it outside of Japan and shut it down before MGSV came out.

Square Enix still holds the rights to it for some reason, even if they sold off Eidos to Embracer Group.
They also still own Gex.

>> No.10160103
File: 243 KB, 265x200, 887655547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled up part 10 or whatever it was which had Rescue Rangers and started getting PTSD attacks from the music.

>> No.10160156

Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is up there as one of the worst Capcom titles of the cartridge era.

>> No.10160196

The worst Nintendo games probably some Mahjong shovelware.

>> No.10160264

that shouldn't even count

>> No.10160271

Has anyone played the entire Game & Watch lineup? I'm sure there's a stinker or two in there.

>> No.10160390

It's just the new Trashure posting from some newfags trying to get an easy reaction.

>> No.10160410

Watching a guy currently going through every Nintendo published game and the G&W titles are extremely solid for what they offered. The only two i would say are low points are Pinball and Blackjack since they are very generic lcd game content and nothing fitting the rest of the feel of the series.

>> No.10160416

Urban Champ is weird cause its like a nes remake of Boxing game&watch which itself is likely based off of arcade Punch-Out, even being nammed as such in some regions.

>> No.10160448

>because of the fans
opinion disregarded completely. Only low IQ retards care about a game's fandom. Triple so when it's a single player game.

>> No.10160953

I'm pretty sure Chrontendo was also only covering NTSC releases not PAL stuff and there are any number of PAL exclusives.

>> No.10161246

The fact you feel compelled to be a contrarian gaylord and call it the worst just because it upsets you that too many people praise it too highly is more pathetic than any nintendo cultist nonsense, and you should know how high a bar that is to clear.

>> No.10161259

>Then Death Stranding releases and shows that kojima absolutely has zero fucking idea or interest in actual game design
you're a clueless paste-eater who probably ragequit when you didn't get given a gun in the first ten minutes, if you want to shit on total ignorance of game design death stranding ain't it
also not retro

>> No.10161685

Pretty sure he is covering everything, but playing english versions when available as an option, be it official or fan translation.

>> No.10162020

PN03 is awful.

>> No.10162392

There's a resident autist who's made multiple threads about it and gets mad when you criticize the game for what it is: A mediocre rushed game
Even the devs admitted it was rushed

>> No.10162585

Didn't they stick the sex appeal in at the last minute just to trick people into buying the thing?

>> No.10162613

The development section on the Wikipedia page make it seems like Vanessa was the protagonist pretty early in development but it might be leaving some things out

>> No.10163416

Everyone thinks it was a mistake to turn it into a Star Fox game, but I think that aspect turned out pretty well. I like to imagine an alternate universe where it became a franchise on par with Zelda and we were getting epic interplanetary space flight adventure games featuring Fox and friends.

>> No.10163440

Except that there was no reason to? also it was literally forced in that didnt make any sense.

Ohhh no you cannot use your arwing on the surface because of lame reasons
Ohhh no you cannot use your laser pistol because of lame reasons (but killing everyone with the kungfu stick you just found is not a problem)

It didnt fit

>> No.10163650

There's another PS2 beat em up that uses this game's engine and I honestly would rather play Streetwise than whatever it was called, I think Beatdown?
Namco made their own best em up around the same time with a similar aesthetic but I hear that one did particularly better.

>> No.10163704

i tried to play it but got bored before it started

>> No.10163716

>when you consider it was made by their key staff.
You're so close to realising how bad nintendo really are post NES/Gameboy.

>> No.10163767

I thought this game wasn't too bad, it was definitely really unfinished (it's like there's some memory issue, visuals and music glitch out sometimes) but the level and enemy design under it is mostly pretty good for a Castlevania. I really like the knights and boomerang guys from the final stage, the orb spitting things are also nice even if annoying due to the game's mechanics. I think the arcade Haunted Castle is worse, that game is a nightmare to beat and just isn't fun nor particularly interesting.

>> No.10163776

Not even one time..

>> No.10164158

It's made by Capcom and way better than the DS games

>> No.10164347

It's not that crazy given that Star Fox does involve traveling around to other planets. Star Trek has a long history of sending the Enterprise crew into completely nonsensical scenarios like a Wild West planet and stranding them there for the duration of the episode. Star Fox Adventures isn't deviating from this concept all that much. Regardless it has no business being mentioned as Nintendo's worst game. There are waaaay worse games they published, like Animal Crossing Amibo Festival.

>> No.10165904

Mario's Wrecking Crew for NES.

>> No.10165939

>Nothing jumps to mind immediately.

>> No.10165996

They only released this half assed game to fulfill their contract to Nintendo