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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10153295 No.10153295 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like people only like the NES for nostalgia. Most of the games are too hard and require playing through levels a lot just to beat them. I prefer later systems that have easy games, because I play games to relax, not to be frustrated and have to put work in. Games are meant to be relaxing

>> No.10153302

Play with rewind and do a couple runs. Then you can play for real and enjoy the game.

>> No.10153305

There are plenty of good relaxing games on NES, try Kirby's Adventure or Mighty Final Fight

>> No.10153316

This was my childhood system and I still cant play it, its just too primitive. I typically play snes-ps2 eras.

>> No.10153345

It's impressive the variety of games and genres they released for this compared to everything else. That's why it's good

>> No.10153359

Nah, I'm a zoomer and I love the NES despite having no nostalgia for it.

>> No.10153361

Agree with a few exceptions. I played Castlevania 1 and 3 and Ninja Gaiden back in 2015 or so and it was fun. I have no interest in any other game from the NES though.

>> No.10153367
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Tetris, Donkey Kong, and Dr. Mario are pretty relaxing imo. Probably Gun Nac as well. I think it works better as a handhekl like Game Boy

>> No.10153418

These games and the meta of the times do have their own allures. That said,
>people like this old thing because it's nostalgic

>> No.10153576

>I feel like people only like the NES for nostalgia.
False the console and games were good objectively. I did grow up with an NES but I didn't beat or even play most of the games I ended up beating on it until way later on emulator. The games absolutely hold up as great.

>Most of the games are too hard and require playing through levels a lot just to beat them
The mentality behind the design of games and even the reason we played them was different back then compared to now. These games aren't super difficult either. Its actually more a time issue and the fact people hate ever having to repeat sections in games which I find particularity absurd. Let me give you an example. If might only require around an hour at most to actually beat Mega Man 1 if you know what to do or are good. Even if its a hard game it still shouldn't take you longer than a typical game today. Lets say at worse it takes 8 hours to beat MM1. Well tons of games today are padded with useless filler and shit to collect as well as needless progression systems. All of this padding the length of a shit game to several dozen hours for no reason other than to make people think they got their money's worth. Its all mind tricks, a placebo. There is no way it should take you or most gamers dozens of hours to beat MM1 for the first time even with a lot of difficulty.

Besides this I just find these older games very fun to play through and try to master.

MM1 > some modern shit like Forspoken for example

>> No.10153590

I don't mind doing hard parts over and over again until I beat it, what I hate are the games that make me do the easy parts over and over again too until I finally reach the part I'm having trouble with. That's not fun it's tedious, at least give me proper checkpoints or let me respawn right where I died

>> No.10153601

A lot of old console games have a learning curve where they're difficult at first, but once you know them, they DO become relaxing to play.

>> No.10153645

Yeah, make the whole game hard or let me skip the easy parts
The most revered NES games usually aren't the hard ones.
>Mega Man
Not so tough, especially not the later ones.
The first isn't too difficult, but CV3 can get FUCKED. Why is it so hard?
>Super Mario games
Obviously these ones are pretty easy
If you really want zero brain activity, play this one
Punch in the Konami code and you're in for a good time. It's not so hard that you couldn't beat it without the code but you would need to dedicate an afternoon/evening
>River City Ransom
Classic beat'em up fun
>TMNT 2 and 3
More beat'em up comf
Very easy but comfy
>Bubble Bobble
Come on man, Bubble Bobble!
Possibly the best game ever made
>Dr Mario
It's not Tetris but it's still comf

As a zoomer, I love all these games despite having no nostalgia for them. In fact, I'd say they're all easier than Dark Souls (I can't beat it)

>> No.10153690

I fastrom patched Super Mario All-Stars, and now I don't have a good reason to play NES roms at all.

>> No.10153720

Yeah I agree OP I just cant get into NES stuff except for the marios on the systsem. A lot of the games rely on killing you in cheap ways and the graphical capabilities just arent good enough for me to enjoy looking at, some games even being painful on my eyes. Video games didnt get good until the SNES-Genesis days. I cant dispute how important the NES was but it really walked so the rest could run.

>> No.10153727
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>CV3 can get FUCKED. Why is it so hard?
Difficulty was probably bumped in the US for rental reasons. Try the Famicom version (Akumajou Densetsu), it has better music and it's easier

>> No.10153732

Purely subjective but I prefer the aesthetics of the NES version of SMB3

>> No.10154350

> for rental reasons.

Source: my ass

rental wasn't even 10% as big in Europe as it was in the US (even forbidden in some countries) yet the PAL version of CV3, while being its own version, still has harder difficulty than the JPN version

>> No.10154501

>I feel like a zoomer
I wonder why that is?

>> No.10154651

If playing an easy game is relaxing for you, there's something broken in your brain. If that's the hand you've been dealt then fair enough. Maybe reincarnation is real and you'll get a better brain in your next life

>> No.10154724

This post screams of filtered butthurt.
>Games are meant to be relaxing
Get out of here with this goofy ass shit

>> No.10154727

Because few exceptions aside, PAL is almost always NTSC-U with a few other languages added

>> No.10154742

I just you told it's its own version with difficulty that differs both from the JPN and the US version

>> No.10154782

nes hard levels are overrated. remember that a lot of nes games are just 20 min long

>> No.10154786

>I feel like
Fuck off

>> No.10154846

NES design philosophy from the jump was bringing arcade titles to console without sacrificing too much on quality after the disaster that was Pac-Man on Atari.

>> No.10154929

>Most of the games are too hard

And yet literal children had no problem with them in the 80s and 90s. You just suck at video games.

>> No.10154952

>And yet literal children had no problem with them in the 80s and 90s
I mean that’s just not true, doesn’t chang the fact that OP is a moron

>> No.10154976

The Japanese one is still hard as balls
>better music
I don't like it

>> No.10155007

>And yet literal children had no problem with them in the 80s and 90s. You just suck at video games.
Literally not true.
Here's a question.
Which game produced in the 80's and 90's was preferred by most children: Metroid 1 or Super Metroid?

>> No.10155726
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Trolling used to mean something.

>Yeah, make the whole game hard or let me skip the easy parts
Actually kid, barring games which aren't that long to begin with, I see your logic. There's a lot of NES games which could really have benefited from just a basic password setup for levels, but which just didn't have one, or they had a needlessly fucking lengthy one where you needed to write a goddamn letter to select a level.

The games really weren't necessarily all that hard overall, but having to redo a LOT of shit which actually isn't that tough so you can try the part you failed again, that can be a bit daunting.
Save batteries made the game more expensive, but a simple level select password setup won't, nor does it take up that much space on the cartridge, and it's enough for arcade-style titles where there's really not that much to save anyway.

True. Wild Guns on SNES is pretty tough, but it's short and you can keep trying again once you're out of lives, and once you get the hang of it you get a nice balance of challenge and relaxation.

>> No.10156017

>I feel like people only like the NES for nostalgia.
Then you're literally mentally ill and there's no possible way I could ever tolerate talking to someone like you whom I view as stunted, unintelligent, uninteresting, and insufficient as a person.

In just a few words you've effectively rendered yourself a non-entity in my eyes. That's a rather efficient demonstration of your unpersonhood.