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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 157 KB, 316x316, Silent_Hill_video_game_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10153230 No.10153230 [Reply] [Original]

Cinematic games are more fun than arcade games, that's why they won and arcades died

>> No.10153237

Arcade games are often terribly designed, with blatant bullshit sections to squeeze your coins. "get good" isn't an argument. Those sections don't become less bullshit, your ability to tolerate and navigate that bullshit gets better.
Collateral: Arcade games didn't die because people wanted long experience at home, they died because people's tolerance for that bullshit ran out. The most popular games right now are basically arcade styled, in that they want to be short hop-in-hop-out experiences. Fortnite, people get into a match, shoot people for 10 minutes, get killed, get into another match, shoot for 15 minutes, etc. The difference is that they don't have to deal with some boss that is vulnerable for a single frame, jumps out of the screen, and lands with a one-hit kill smash that hits everything on the screen.
When people got sick of the bullshit, they turned to long games because that was the only alternative available at the time.

>> No.10153262
File: 206 KB, 800x640, Doghouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find your use of Silent Hill ironic considering how arcadey it feels honestly. The original SH games were designed to be completed multiple times with players discovering new little bonuses each playthrough, and it's especially most prevalent in SH1. For most people the narrative of SH1 will seem obtuse and cryptic on their first playthrough, where they probably miss a number of memos and get a bad ending, encouraging the player to restart and further explore the setting. The ten star ratings also give a nice little incentive to play well and learn the game, even giving the bonus of giving you the most powerful weapon in the game if done.

>> No.10153294
File: 84 KB, 197x300, ran_touhou19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcade-style game design is more popular than ever though, dumb moviegamecuck.

>> No.10153307

Holy shit for real playable ran?

>> No.10153331

he probably means you get "quiet time" to wander around and shit in games like SH unlike arcade games with action 100% of the time. i was especially relieved after finishing the nightmare school, like WEW that was some real shit

>> No.10153365

Fun is subjective and cannot be quantified.

>> No.10153372

Fun is literally objective, quantifiable, and it's called dopamine.

>> No.10153919


>> No.10154135

yeah it's called mobile gaming now. it's designed to milk you just like arcades. and it makes devs millions and major reason why gaming is dead now

>> No.10154253

How are zoomers this retarded?. Dopamine is a fucking shitty buzzword that doesn't mean what you think it does.

Dopamine is not the why, but the how. It is physical phenomena that represents what you, as a human being, find pleasurable. "Uhh it's dopamine bro!" is only valid if you're a midwit reddit user who thinks he's smart.

>> No.10154489

this nigga needs some dopamine

>> No.10154504

It's the how and the why, calling it physical phenomena is testament to that.

>> No.10154510

arcades died because home machines became as good as arcade hardware. are you special?

>> No.10154514

Hyperbolic statement.
There are a few games where your statement is correct, such as T2 arcade by Midway
That game is genuine bullshit but,.in general most arcade games are pretty fair as long as they run on default difficulty and the owner or overseas publisher didn't fuck with the settings.

>> No.10154516

They were never at odds, and they're only opposites in your turd for brains.

>> No.10154518
File: 32 KB, 420x443, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going after serotonin from comfy puzzle and tactics games

>> No.10155762

I honestly think there's a little bit of truth to that, in that some design conventions are cheap and tiresome, thus the more varied evolutionary directions of home gaming grew to be refreshing and welcome to some, but really, it's primarily like the second anon I'm replying to says.

This is basically it. In 1987, there wasn't that much on home consoles which could compare to the hottest and newest arcade games, while in 1997, you were seeing some pretty damn good home ports and comparable console originals (as well as those sorts of games which you just can't realistically accommodate in an arcade setting). You didn't have to go to some public locale and wait in line to stand in front of a machine where you fed money into it to play a really cool and flashy game, you could have that at home now and on your own terms, and it wasn't all that expensive.

Sure, the graphics weren't as good yet, but they were more than good enough to look great.

Mobile gaming is like arcade gaming's twisted evil twin. A lot of arcade games really were just cheap and derivative bullshit, but there were a lot which became big hits because they were simply really good games, while the big mobile games now are mildly interactive chore you pay for.

I say that we need less gacha, and more gachi.

>> No.10156671

It's not the why though, not even a little tiny bit. "Dopamine" isn't why you find things fun or pleasurable, you are more than the chemicals in your body. If you think otherwise, well, you're just plain retarded. I'm not joking about that.

>> No.10156743

not really cinematic games haven't won,hence they are mocked just think about gta V as someone said "i can play the game without playing just driving from place to place and don't play the missions since can be skipped after dying 3 times" or the same as the last of wokes it was bullshit LGBT propaganda movie and everyone hated it.
Think about this
>Why nintendo is winning against xbox series and ps5.
the answer is simple because has arcade games (or similar design) on the console hence real fun games unlike those other shitty consoles with movies.

>> No.10156747


>> No.10156765

Silent Hill is such a terrible franchise. The combat is trash. Jankier and less satisfying than Resident Evil. There's only two types of environments. Foggy place and rusty place. The puzzles are often complete dogshit. Completely pathetic voice acting too for a game that wants to be taken seriously.

>> No.10156775

you don't know what the word collateral means

>> No.10156781
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, le harry face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. one of the many plebs filtered by high IQ Lynchian kino

>> No.10156782

Woah! Should post this hot-take to twitter or /v/, you'll get tons of replies!

>> No.10157170
File: 77 KB, 640x951, ql4fw2uw3su51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to solving puzzles with canned lightbulbs

>> No.10157203
File: 22 KB, 914x217, col.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither do you.

>> No.10157341

Well it makes brainlets like you mad so it does at least SOMETHING right

>> No.10157665

the pleb fears the canned lightbulb

>> No.10157754

Online games make way more money than movie games though. And they're arcade don't try to weasel out of this. No one plays fortnite for the story it's moment to moment that matters.

>> No.10157768 [DELETED] 

Cinematic games are for the ultimate midwits
>hurr wanna pretend i like horror, but i dun liek horror movie
>hurr wanna pretend i like gaem, but i suk at gaem
Too dumb for games, too ADHD for movies, so you take in a form of media that is bad at both, but suitable for you. I mean really, whether its Final Fantasy, some horror game, whatever, game storylines are all trite shit compared to the most basic of actual films, and the gameplay in these games is always much easier than gameplay based games

Also, you can just watch game movies on youtube, why even play them

>> No.10157898 [DELETED] 

Sounded better in your head man

>> No.10157904 [DELETED] 

/v/-tier thread

>> No.10159301

>Mobile gaming is like arcade gaming's twisted evil twin. A lot of arcade games really were just cheap and derivative bullshit, but there were a lot which became big hits because they were simply really good games, while the big mobile games now are mildly interactive chore you pay for.
Mobile gaming in its infancy was so fun (Fruit Ninja, iPhysics?, Angry Birds, Spider, etc). So many good ideas applied to touch interface with new gameplay in a different medium. It's such a shame it all became derivative of traditional vidya with the worst business model that ever set foot in videogames.

I've recently played The Walking Zombie 2 and had a blast with it. Wished more mobile gaming was like this.

>> No.10159326
File: 212 KB, 1156x595, ff3~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure it is, and if it makes you feel better about it, I sure am.

>> No.10159495

Is Genshin arcade or movie?

>> No.10159541

TFW no autistic solo devs making modern versions of arcade port type games. I thought for sure some sega spergs would.

>> No.10160058

>plebs are easily duped because they are more impressed by style over substance
Yeah sounds about right

>> No.10160061

>SH but with RE style combat
>including inventory management
So this would have been better /vr/?