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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10152326 No.10152326 [Reply] [Original]

I find a sense of magic in collecting and playing retro vidya, but I also feel like consooomerist child, akin to neckbeard that collects funkopops. How do I deal with this confliction? I suppose it's human nature to covet material goods and soak up media.

>> No.10152330

>all those handhelds
wtf, seems like you're a retard

>> No.10152331


>> No.10152340

This. The based middle ground between being a coomlector and a hardcore emulationfag is to just own only the games and systems that you will actually play.

>> No.10152341

enjoy the games while you play them and forget that they exist

>> No.10152345

Do whatever makes you happy. Don't let others judge you for it

>> No.10152365

if you like having shelves full of old games, enjoy. i like having cartridges of games i like to play, but that's become a pricy luxury instead of the 5-15 dollar purchase it was 15 years ago. i used to collect retro games until i built up shelves of games that i know ill never play that took up too much space. flashcarts and ODE's saved retro gaming for me.

>> No.10152562

Nobody actually enjoys conforming really hard to fit into society, it just offers advantages and safety in numbers. People will be secretly jealous of your freedom, even if they think your specific hobby is lame.

>> No.10152575

Who cares, just don't show that pussy repellent to women and you'll be fine. Only the thirdies on this board seem to seethe over it for some reason.

>> No.10152586

Get flashcarts and mods for all your systems. That way you'll never have lingering regret in the back of your mind every time you drop two hundred bucks on a piece of rotting plastic with a colorful label on it.

>> No.10152606

>I find a sense of magic in collecting and playing retro vidya, but I also feel like consooomerist child, akin to neckbeard that collects funkopops

That's because you are bro

>> No.10152635
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Just collect what you want nobody is going to attack you for it

>> No.10152691

Just dont give a shit, tard

>> No.10152738

You're just a hoarder.

>> No.10152761

Keep the stuff you actually use and sell the rest. If you use none of it, then it might be time to consider a new hobby
You're really proud of that drawing, aren't you, anon?

>> No.10152891

It's AI.

>> No.10153030

Most people on this board are man child faggot. They have flamewars over whether one type of SNES graphics is better than another; actual arguments over what port of Mario Golf is better -- N64 or Gameboy color. the stereotypical angry 90s nerd you see in cartoons that you didn't think existed anymore.

If you enjoy games and aren't that much of a faggot, you're fine.

>> No.10153389

Who gives a shit what they think? Why are you such a fucking wuss about what women think who the fuck cares? Are you trying to BE a woman? Lol

>> No.10153410

Games are art. You have a fine art gallery my friend.

>> No.10153437


>> No.10153440
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>Do whatever makes you happy. Don't let others judge you for it

>> No.10153447


>> No.10153472

Its no where near as bad as collecting funko pops. At least you have taste.
But really you are still filling your house with crap you dont need. Dont ever compare it to funko pops though. You are better than that.

>> No.10153501

>The based middle ground between being a coomlector and a hardcore emulationfag is to just own only the games and systems that you will actually play.
Honestly, it just looks weird when you see a picture of someone's collection and they not only have duplicate games, but also duplicate consoles.
It's pretty obvious that you don't use or play most of these things, and you aren't selling them, so...?

>> No.10153512

I mostly just collect for what I'm interested in at the moment, which are gamecube and switch games. I have an N64, PS2, GBA & 3DS as well, but I'm not as interested in collecting for them at the moment. I just wish they weren't as pricey, but at the same time, I like collecting for the shit I actually want to play, or the games from my childhood I never owned until now.

>> No.10153520

>collecting loose game cartridges
Just put the rom on a flashcart. I don't see the point in owning a physical game unless you also have the box and manual

>> No.10153527

Rom could be corrupt at any random point and then you're fucked.

>> No.10153538

>Rom could be corrupt at any random point and then you're fucked.
If you have it saved on a computer then you can delete the rom off of the flashcart and put it back on the flashcart.
Wa la!

>> No.10153540

Saved. But seriously whats onions with liking things and dismissing others disapproval of said things. I thought that was the chad thing to do,wouldnt it be numale being crippled by a meme made by the very same person its mocking?

>> No.10153542

I'll be honest... I just want cool physical stuff in my garage. It's why I have real servers when I could just use a VM.

>> No.10153608

There's no confliction. You ARE a neckbeard consoomer. That's what being a collector is. You might enjoy it, buying things, nostalgia, and interacting with those things in a nostalgic way all tickle your dopaminergic systems. The first thing and the second thing aren't mutually exclusive.

There's nothing wrong with playing games, in the same way there's nothing wrong with reading books or watching films. There's also nothing wrong with owning things either. But when the ownership, the nostalgia, and all the ancillary shit that surrounds the hobby becomes too big of a part of what you're doing, then your priorities are no longer in the right place.

>> No.10153641

NTA, but it's not dismissing other's disapproval that is onions. It's acting like everything is subjective and every opinion is equally as valid as the next. It's also acting like nobody ever has a point when they complain about something.

Like this for example. If you enjoy collecting games, then good for you I guess, but it doesn't change the reality that there are better things you can spend money and living space on than a boxed copy of Little Sampson for the NES, and that maybe, just maybe the people who say it's a waste of money might just have a point.

>> No.10153642

>t. virgin

>> No.10153710

Video games are a primary object enjoyed for their own sake whereas Funko Pops are a secondary object for which all enjoyment is secondary; it just reminds you of something actually enjoyable. Plus they're ugly as fuck.

>> No.10153730

You don't need the plastic to enjoy the video game though. So you can make an easy argument that the enjoyment of collecting games is secondary enjoyment as you put it.

You could get a flashcart or use emulators without losing anything.

>> No.10153742

nta, but videogame cartridges are the original things from which the ROMs were sourced, so there's the authenticity factor involved with owning them. Whether or not it matters to a person is just how they're wired.
I'm sure some people have a genuine affinity for FunkoPops, but it does feel like their entire value for some buyers is rooted in the "gotta buy 'em all" aspect and their tangential relationship to other things (that isn't to say there aren't game collectors who compulsively buy piles of crap for the sake of it).

>> No.10153748
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You're only a funkofag if you don't actually play the games you buy. If you beat them or at least play them a couple hours each you actually like playing games and you buy them for a reason. If you buy them just "to have" and never play them then you're a fag

>> No.10153785

What I do is keep my games in containers in the closet. The more game stuff you have on display, the worse it looks. A CRT with a single console can look classy if it's done right.

>> No.10153852

Anon, I've a crap ton of handheld as well: gameboys, ds's, and psp's. Accumulated all from repairs though, saved them from being trashed. Kind of gotten attached to them as a result though...

>> No.10153860

It can be enjoyable to have variants of handheld consoles, especially if you can get them for cheap. My original GBA from back in the day is the most authentic way to play a GBA game for the first time, but if I'm playing in bed, it's more convenient to use an SP.

>> No.10153915

Yeah but they've been separated from that source now. The "authenticity" thing is another secondary component that's not playing the games.

I'm not necessarily saying there's anything wrong with wanting to own physical media. I'm just saying that owning physical copies of games are a secondary component to the enjoyment. So that anon's argument isn't all too solid.

Owning games and playing games are just two different things these days. When I get more living space, I will most likely get a small collection of curated games and consoles, I'll also get a bookcase filled with my favourite books, a few shelves with my favourite films, and a collection of my favourite vinyls. But honestly it'll be for decorative purposes, and if something is too expensive, then I won't get it even if it is one of my favourite pieces of media. But then again, I'd also probably prefer to keep a more tasteful decor and spend my money on things that will give me something I can't get for free.

This is 4chan so everyone gets caught up in the extremes all the time. But the truth is that one side is right about some things and the other is right about some things.

>> No.10153974

>no aes games or arcade boards
focus on collecting these. they're more expensive and harder to find. this will help slow down your coomlecting while still letting you indulge occasionally

>> No.10153983

that's still just your opinion

>> No.10153989

>A CRT with a single console
also it's just a practical thing. how many consoles can play at once anyway? if you allow yourself only one console hooked up at a time you just might finish that game instead of hopping around from console to console

>> No.10154018

>hopping around from console to console
I actually enjoy doing this. I'll typically spend 10 minutes playing a SNES game, then I'll spend 10 minutes playing a N64 game, then 10 minutes on a Neo Geo game, 10 on a PS2 game, 10 on an Xbox game, 10 on a Wii game, 10 on a Game Boy Color game, and so on. I find it to be a very productive use of my limited amount of time every day.

>> No.10154020

So I guess this conversation and thread is over then?

Threads over anons. This guy said we can't discuss matters of opinion anymore since all opinions are created equal and are therefore all as valid as each other.

Fucking retard.

>> No.10154036

Are you samefagging?

>> No.10154041

bottom line is whatever someone chooses to do with their money is their business

>> No.10154061

>arcade boards
There's also the fact that there's a lot of arcade games which aren't actually emulated properly, even if they function in MAME (plus there's still undumped games and undumped revisions). Like there wasn't really proper emulation of Ghosts 'n Goblins boardsets until the past year or two when somebody implemented the original hardware's bizarre color flash glitches in a MISTer core.

>> No.10154070

making fun of consooomer sois can be funny, and yeah there is a certain type of mindless media junkie best summed up with Funko Pops, Funko Pops aren't cool, they do nothing, they're not even real action figures but they're trendy and "cute". It's the sort of thing that sums up the cringy normie element of "geek culture"

but with all that being said let's be honest, people who get assmad about collectors or media fans of any kind are just seething poorfags and people with no hobbies mad they can't have conversations about things, there's really no way around that. they're no different than the little geek who has an irrational hateboner for sports just because they're not included in it

>> No.10154071

Who am I supposed to be samefagging with? The guy I'm arguing with?

Of course, and if they spend two grand on an NES then their business is being a retard.

>> No.10154075

on an NES game*

Fuck sake.

>> No.10154083

There's really nothing to be right or wrong about, it's just preference, and people who seethe about it either way are probably doing so out of personal insecurity. I've owned and collected physical videogames since I was a little kid and emulated stuff before a chunk of the board's zoomer userbase was even born (and I've even dumped many cartridge ROMs and disc images), but ultimately I simply prefer owning legit physical copies of the games I play.

>> No.10154134

>There's really nothing to be right or wrong about, it's just preference
why can't people just like...get this?

>> No.10154202

>I find a sense of magic in collecting
So you're an idiot faggot who collects irrelevant plastic garbage.

You don't belong in /vr/, you belong in >>>/trash/

>> No.10154226

Opinions can be wrong because they can be based on shitty logic or false information or bad philosophy or just plain old stupidity. So there's more to it than that. If what you're saying is true, then discussion on anything that isn't purely objective is pointless.

Wasting money because you just prefer to is stupidity for example. Like I said, I'm not saying owning things is bad, I can even understand why you might want a collection. But if you buy games just because you prefer playing with the original copy, then frankly you're a fucking idiot. I mean you can make an argument for both emulation and original hardware for a few different reasons and have valid points on both sides. You can even make an argument for having a small collection of physical media for decoration or just as a personal sort of shrine to something you really love. But physical media vs a flashcart or roms purely for the purpose of playing the games has only one answer that's not retarded. Especially when you consider how much some of these games cost these days and none of that money goes to the people who made the thing in the first place.

I'm not seething by the way, but nice job trying to mischaracterise. I just enjoy havng debates about certain topics (this is one of them) and having my opinions challenged. But if you want to believe I'm insecure you can go right ahead.

At the end of the day, you're going to do what you're going to do, and I'm going to do what I'm going to do. But I'm happy to accept the possibility I'm wrong about my view and that you or someone else kight present a good argument as to why. Why aren't you able to accept that?

Because that's wrong.

>> No.10154298

What if I only buy physical games I missed out on as a kid but buy them because I fucking love reading the manuals before gaming? Yes I'm a nostalgia fag, being a wageslave with kids means its my escapism and idc.

>> No.10154334

Why not just download pdfs or just buy the manuals on their own if that's the whole reason you're buying the games?

>> No.10154352

I read them first before playing/replaying again, and then play the game. It's like an old asian's ritual of brewing tea in a convoluted way, or a moralfag saying their prayers before bed. It's the ritual that provides the sense of well-being for reasons logical to the partaker and yet inexplicable.

>> No.10154387

Fair enough, I get that. None of that really answers my question though. You can still do all that without buying anything though.