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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10151192 No.10151192 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good hot seat multiplayer games? I'm aware of worms and have been playing heroes of might and magic 3 to death and we want more

>> No.10151208

I think civilization and alpha centauri work with hotseat

>> No.10151223

advance wars

>> No.10151293
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what do you mean by "hot seat"? your examples make recommendations useless, do you just want multiplayer games? just look up any number of LAN games you stupid faggot

>> No.10151320
File: 635 B, 83x55, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I get it. very good, OP.

>> No.10151431

learn how to take a screenshot you stupid zoomer retard

>> No.10151495

>6 posts
>3 ips

I'm IP #4.
I'm going to assume >>10151431 was IP #3
and this guy >>10151293 >>10151320
was IP #2.

Which means
were all samefag

and OP using some weird meaningless term he fails to describe
zoomers really are reaching up their retarded asses for new types of bait threads huh

>> No.10151520
File: 46 KB, 320x200, spoonfeeding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just >>10151320
"hot seat" is an actual term, and is exactly what OP was doing with his shitposting. his are first four posts, not three

>> No.10151528

OP is a fag, to be sure...

But come the fuck on, how have you never heard of hot seat before? Ignorant philistines... next you're gonna tell me you've never heard of play-by-mail.
Hotseat is a multiplayer method for two or more players. Each plays for their turn until it is over, then gives control to the player next in line as determined by the game. It differentiates itself from LAN and similar in being local: the players share the same computer or console, and unlike spltscreen, players are not allowed meaningful input outside their turn.
Hotseat works well in turn-based games like Worms Armageddon, where multiple keyboards and mice are not technically necessary for a multiplayer experience, however it has been used in other ways. Certain early Mario games, for example, had one player controlling Mario and the other Luigi, taking turns playing levels at separate times.
To be clear: "hotseat" is a local multiplayer method as described above, and "turn-based" is gameplay. A game of Worms played over the internet, then, is turn-based. It is NOT hotseat.

>> No.10151535

since the OPs subject matter wasn't that baity (maybe just a /v/ tourist worried his thread would slide or something) I'll suggest
Warlords 1-3

>> No.10151957

Monopoly or Catan

>> No.10151962

Never heard of the term before. I knew immediately what you meant but this definitely a revisionist term for zoomers like “couch coop”

>> No.10152101

it's literally how the mode is called in HoMM menu