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File: 151 KB, 1280x720, mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10145825 No.10145825 [Reply] [Original]

how would you rank mgs 1 2 & 3? in my opinion 1 is the best one followed by 3 and then 2

>> No.10145859

Not this thread again.

>> No.10145963

Please explain to me what do you gain from reposting the same topic over and over again? The last one isnt even 7 day old. I really am curious, are you zoomers so fucking addicted that you can't even play a game?

>> No.10146081

If youre going to have the same damn topic again atleast have a fucking opinion that isn't so damn cliche. Jesus

>> No.10146102

The game i like > MGS 1,2 &3.

>> No.10146364

>jannies won't do anything about obvious bot post OPs but will ban posters responding to the bot post for off-topic
Sage for botpost. Otherwise 2-1-3.

>> No.10146559

it's 4 2 peace walker 1 3

5 isn't mgs

>> No.10146586

3 > 2 > 1

2 > 3 > 1

They're all extremely good games. MG1 & 2 are also good. The rest of the series sucks!

>> No.10148519

You're thinking of Zelda spam
1/2/3 for me as nature intended

>> No.10150208

MGS1 is one of the top 3 greatest games ever made. The story was a masterpiece.

3 was fantastic in pretty much every way. More gritty but the gameplay was fun and story was great.

2..... I'm gonna get hate for this but the story was a convoluted mess. You don't get to play as your hero, but rather the most annoying character ever... And you no naked cartwheels after getting sexually assaulted by the president.
People who liked 2 only probably say so because it rides on the greatness of 1.

1 and 3 are the only ones worth playing. And they are well worth it.

>> No.10150336

1 >>>>>> 2 >> 3
2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>> 3

>> No.10150349

>3 best gameplay
That game is menuing half the time and the actual gameplay bits were downgraded to 30fps from MGS2's 60fps

>> No.10150373

>most annoying character ever
He's not supposed to be annoying, this is entirely ENG VA's fault. Jap VA sounds cool, he's supposed to be a Gackt type character who appeals to women and in JP that's what he sounds like. Raiden becoming a cyborg ninja isn't a subversion, that's the kind of character he was always supposed to be. ENG botched this.
>People who liked 2 only probably say so because it rides on the greatness of 1.
Bullshit, I think it's the best MGS story by far but even the gameplay is great. The squad AI mechanics are cool as hell even today, and 3 cut them out in favor of changing camo every 5 seconds and eating frogs. MGS1 had the best bosses but Dead Cell is still cooler than Cobra Unit.

>> No.10150374

2 > 1 > PW > 5 > 3 > 4
Sorry 3fags, but it's the truth.

>> No.10150397

I agree on this ranking entirely, except I hate PW. What's the secret to not hating PW? It's just so barebones, lacking all those little touches that make Kojima's games special.

>> No.10150536

While yes, Gackt is in Final Fantasy to appeal to women, he's still incredibly annoying if you're a straight man, because no one wanted to see Sephiroth get cucked by a lisping faggot.
When it comes to MGS2, I also grew up with the English dub and never thought Raiden as being whiny. He reacts the way a normal person would react to seeing the weird anime shit for the first time. The reason why most people hate him is because they were literal children when they played it and they were mad they couldn't keep playing as Erect Cock

>> No.10150625

Barebones in what sense?
I found that once I acquired the Sneaking Suit the gameplay really improved. It makes your footsteps silent, combine that with the smaller and tighter areas, it plays a lot more like 1 and 2 rather than a crawling simulator. I guess it also helps that I really liked the VR Missions in 1 and 2, so I found getting S rank in every mission to be fun.
Speaking of S ranks, I also enjoyed the boss missions against Tanks/APCs/Helicopters. I can definitely understand why people hate them, but I thought it was really fun to play on a knife's edge the whole time trying to go non-lethal for S rank.
The boss fights against the actual big machines were stupid as fuck though, I don't even consider those mechs to be canon in my mind especially since Sahelanthropus never fucking worked. Upgrading ZEKE was cool though. I enjoyed the whole sense of progression overall even though I usually hate that shit in games. Probably because the game works really well in bitesize chunks since it was supposed to be portable so you don't really feel the incessant grind.

>> No.10150830

Dilate, troon.

>> No.10153106

>I also enjoyed the boss missions against Tanks/APCs/Helicopters

>> No.10153264

2 > 3 > 1
Rations replaced with "sitting down for a while to heal" sucks, it's impossible to run out of stamina, just a waste of time, the first aid shit was cool at first but got old really fucking fast
>t. beat every game on the hardest difficulty

>> No.10154570

3 > 1 > 2
3 is my favourite but all three of them are so good that it doesn't really matter.

>> No.10154572

If I've never played a metal gear game, would twin snakes be a good starting point?

>> No.10154605

you're trolling

>> No.10154619

1 and then the other 2 in whatever order, don't really care.

>> No.10154636

>Barebones in what sense
Level design, AI behavior, gadgets/abilities you have. You can't even carry bodies around, you just zip them out of existence with 1 button.

>> No.10156921

3 > 2 > 1
1 really could've used some more interesting stealth areas. The heliport is the most well-designed stealth section of the game, and it's right at the beginning.

>> No.10157024

this is objectively correct.
And we all know that the selling point of MGS is the story,

>> No.10157072

TTS on extreme with the Game Over if Spotted option enabled makes it way more interesting than the OG game.

>> No.10157115

It's pretty goddamn easy to avoid being spotted when you can easily headshot everyone in first person mode from the other side of the map. The open levels of MGS1 weren't designed with first person aiming in mind and it shows.

>> No.10157219

3 > 1 > 2
MGS2 is better than MGS1 from a gameplay perspective but MGS1 has a better story than MGS2.

it's arguably easier to find the original but otherwise it's honestly fine but a little easy due to the first person aiming. the cutscene argument is silly because they're on brand with alot of the other stupid bullshit the series later became known for.

>> No.10157231

I’m watching a streamer play 4 and the cutscenes were way out of hand. You beat the South American mission, sit with the controller in your hand for like an hour to watch raiden fight and naomi fuck otacon and then the 3rd mission “starts” except now you’re stuck watching Snake chat with Meryl and take a couple codec calls, suddenly “gameplay” where you literally cross a street AND ANOTHER FUCKING CUTSCENE AND CODEC CALL STARTS

>> No.10157441

Hence why 4 isn't even an option.

On the original subject, I'm glad to see that people are tending to be more critical towards MGS1. Growing up it was always hailed as the best in the series even though clearly it's not as good as 2 or 3.

>> No.10157818

5 has the weakest story but literally has the best gameplay in the series.

>> No.10157831

3 and PW have the weakest story. They're just straightforward simple dramas, nothing to them. 5 is clusterfuck of a story but there's a lot of depth and nuance in it that 3 and PW don't have. That's why 3fags tend to hate it, they want a simple tearjerker and 5 confuses and scares them.

>> No.10157864

>but there's a lot of depth and nuance in it

>> No.10157882

>Game Over if Spotted option
makes the game easier

>> No.10157885

Yeah, there's a lot of really cool subtle moments in it. Like how Volgin just fucking dies out of disappointment. How Huey does a little laugh after killing Skullface and how absolutely pathetic that entire situation feels even though that's supposed to be the final boss. Or how Strangelove is killed. How by the end of the game Venom already recruited child soldiers and realized he can't let them roam free so he's now just 1 step removed from using them himself. Those are really cool things, but not in a bombastic cinematic way, they're kind of subtle and if you pay no attention they'll just pass by you. MGS3 fans need everything need to be in their face and spelt out really clearly in a real clear dramatic way. MGS was never about that outside of 3 and PW, it was always messy and you always had to deduce a lot of the story yourself.

>> No.10159143

speaking as someone who favorite mainline metal gears are MGS3 & MGS5 i'm going to say this, MGS5's story is pretty straight forward the most part and what people don't like about the story is...

1.) it's unfinished.
2.) it's mostly "filler" (even though the point of all those missions is to show how cipher influence grew and spread)
3.) people felt venom being a body double was a copout.

...i personally like the story for it's character moments when you're at mother base.

>> No.10159169

4) There is barely anything fucking there
5) what little there is is fucking tapes
V is fun as hell, but its story telling chops are limp dick

>> No.10159248

It's entirely filler. You can cut out the gameplay and the story doesn't change at all. You have to do boring MMO tier shit just to get a poor rehash of MGS2s plot, only this time with more lore rape, how did the MGS3 villains have super powers? Magic bugs! How does that explain The Sorrow being a ghost or The Fury turning into a giant flaming skull? *dial tone*

>> No.10159312

>3fag talking about lore rape

>> No.10159890

that falls into "#1 - unfinished". there was supposed to be at least one or two more acts along with the final boss fight being liquid piloting sally.

hell, adult chico was supposed to be a boss fight that got cut.

>> No.10159902

as i said before the point of those missions is to show how cipher became the patriots with every single mission being connected to them in some way or another.

i'm not goings to act like a snooty priss about it like this faggot here >>10159312 but those missions DO have a purpose at the same time parasites are just nanomachines by another name. they're both plothole filler.

>> No.10160002

You going to cry about The Boss for the millionth time? Even though it's completely consistent with the rules of that universe
My problem was that they acknowledged MGS4 at all. One of the few good things about the Big Boss games was that before V they ignored the Solid (as in Snake) games entirely

>> No.10160090

2 > 3 > 1

Good game but dated. The controls definitely do not feel as fluid as what came after. The pacing is also pretty bad not sure why more don't actually call it out. I don't remember what video I saw but it pointed out how in total there's only I think twenty something guards/soldiers in the whole game not counting alerts spawning in filler or whatever. I think people might often say this one is best because nostalgia and they are very impressed with its attempts at epicness due to the setting, themes and music. All of which are its strong suites for sure.

So much has been said about it that I think elaborating is pretty pointless. We all know what this games strengths are. It pretty much plays about as perfected gameplay wise from MGS1 as you can get. Polarizing game and setting is admittedly not as cool as Shadow Moses but what more can be discussed? This one has the best story for sure.

Again another cool setting though weird. A jungle? In Russia? WTF? Having to eat sucked, having to change camo sucked (but you don't have to change them they say). It still sucked because you are more than likely going to want to change them is the problem. MGS4 had an awesome fix to this problem. MGS3's remake can do something similar and since its MGS which is chock full of goofiness they can just explain it away that Snake changes the camo every time even if you don't physically see him do so. Or maybe even make it just a simple button press could work to and it changes to exactly the right camo you would need any situation. You also got to heal your own wounds. A lot of this game feels like it has unnecessary busy work that doesn't really feel all too immersive to me. Still a great game, CQC is cool. Level design can be amazing in this one. If it weren't for certain annoyances this would be the best one.

>> No.10160453

faggots like you is the reason the series went to shit so fast

>> No.10162798

No, the reason the series went to shit is because loud obnoxious fanboys demanded everything be spoon fed to them. Only a total retard would blame Snake Eater's success for Guns of the Patriots

>> No.10163372

Snake Eater IS ther result of that, 1 dimensional flat chatacters, a star wars tier retcon story and prior to groznij grad nothing even happens, just snake being told where to go and he goes there. MGSfags are fucking retarded

>> No.10163386
File: 189 KB, 240x184, ImmediateWellmadeCougar-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2, ghost babel, mgs3, mg2/mgs1, mg1.

>> No.10163391
File: 232 KB, 2840x2130, 4b94ca14236c21d7ca50b877fa6d198c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put on American flag camo
>Smoke cigar
>Punch commies to death

>> No.10163401

>puts on rainbow camo
>puts commie face paint
>forks a russian nationalist to death

>> No.10163405
File: 255 KB, 500x288, FavorableSickAmericanmarten-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't real life, carl. You can actually do what I posted in mgs3.

>> No.10163773

3 would be such a better game without the camo system
worst case your having to constantly swap on higher difficulties
best case you put on an all around ok suit for the entire game

>> No.10163790

the 1st is still the best, followed by 2
I really don't understand why people like 3, massive pile of horseshit that plays like shit

Objectively the ranking would be 1 > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3