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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 1200x675, FVnwmCmhWX9Z33oHww7MTf-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10144027 No.10144027 [Reply] [Original]

No arcade stick discussion; I'm talking about a controller in your palms.

When is scooting your thumb two buttons across more convenient than pressing a trigger/bumper you're already holding onto?

>> No.10144086

It's only Bill Gates' xinput that has forced the 'ether/or' dichotomy we are discussing. Why not have more use out of the controller? It's surely an obvious answer? And for those who want to keep it more simple, use a NES pad. Games can be afforded more innovation with more buttons. And this doesn't necessarily have to be at the expense of ergonomics or simple controls.

>> No.10144121

>Why not have more use out of the controller?
Okay but you can extract more use from your other fingers. Plenty of controllers now even have ring and pinky buttons

>> No.10144132

When has there ever been needs for more buttons?
Even in PC games, none needs more than 10-14 buttons at a time, and that's a device with 104 buttons.

>> No.10144143
File: 137 KB, 2000x2000, dualsensep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take the dualsense pill. use two fingers on shoulder/trigger and you have easy access to much more buttons.

>> No.10144158

Why is it an OR sitation for you? Why not both? Never understood this reason of thinking.

PC games have to be controller friendly too, thus 'limiting' the control scheme.
However shortcuts for weapons/skills is a big one for more buttons.

>> No.10144162

Go play Starcraft 2 and tell me how many of the 104 buttons you used in a game. And that's a PC only game.

>> No.10144170
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Because the DS4 works fine for the majority of games I play. Maybe I'll switch if they ever do an anniversary version

>> No.10144176

Fighting game players could probably make good use of a controller with three shoulders on the right. Maybe even four.

>> No.10144215
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>> No.10144246
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>> No.10144259

Discussion is about adding 2 buttons to a controller, counter argument:
>Name me one PC game that uses all 104 keyboard buttons

>> No.10144261

Designs like those also make controllers increasingly more complex to use properly. Forcing more fingers to be used adds complexity without (much) added value.

>> No.10144286

six is only useful for stinky nonces who play fighters

>> No.10144290

you can't go wrong with either, they are very similar.

>> No.10144291

Would have been neat to play ffxi with this and have easy controller macros.

>> No.10144294

My point is that the amount of buttons currently on controllers is more than enough. Even a gaming device with no lack of buttons struggles to use more buttons than a controller already has.
Typer Shark Deluxe

>> No.10144304

Games evolve with the number of buttons available, look at e.g. Zelda from the nes with its 2 action buttons all the way to botw where even the l3 and r3 have unique functionality assigned to them.

The n64 was effectively a 6 button controller and OOT was still starved for more button inputs, they could not even afford to have a dedicated jump button any longer.

>> No.10144343

some roguelikes use every letter key twice or more, and it's easy to run out of inputs playing sims

>> No.10144382

Who you calling stinky, son?
We can't all smell like Japanese women..

>> No.10144495

Literally ANY action game would benefit from 2 more buttons. They have to be standard on the console though or else they just end up being redundant buttons.

Kingdom hearts, metal gear solid 5, Devil may cry 5. Those are all great examples of games where you can do so much shit, 2 more buttons would have been great.

>> No.10144523

Fuck that casualized trash, in broodwar if you aren't using at least 20 buttons then you are D rank. Don't even get me started on MMOs or old school SIM games.

>> No.10144638

Starcraft 1 is console casual trash. Literally on the nintendo 64. Don't need more than 5 buttons.

>> No.10144675

How is it even useful though?

>> No.10144747

Nah. Get good you fucking faggot.

>> No.10144983

>without (much) added value.

>> No.10145067
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This feels like a trick question, anyway my favorite configuration is probably the 3-button as seen in Genesis and 3DO. The TurboGrafx 2-button is nice for shmups as well.

>> No.10145078

>Noooo why take the elegant solution when we can also do it the hard way.
Fucking retard, sounds like these faggots that defend tank controls in shit like megaman legends

>> No.10145102

Yeah you're a fucking scrub.
Also, mml only has tank controls if you pick control type B. Idiot

>less options is elegant!
Shut the fuck up. 2 extra buttons is not too complicated. Every action game would benefit from 2 more buttons.

>> No.10145406

i just got a saturn controller and can't get used to it. it feels too small ad the LR placement feels off as do the extra 2 buttons

>> No.10145425

Most genres have consolidated functionality into so few buttons, the only ones that use all the buttons on the controller anymore are fighters (arcade holdover) and autistic shit by people like kojima. the vast majority of video games have a couple spare buttons.

>> No.10145447

The thumb is controlled by a bigger part of the brain, other fingers have a super simplified control scheme

>> No.10145457

>less options is elegant!
That was about adding 2 face buttons vs extra triggers what the other guy was hinting at.
Same numer of buttons added, just a different location.

>> No.10145468

I've never played a Saturn, but something about that controller looks extremely comfy. It's been a long time since I've held a Genesis controller, but I remember it being a bit bulky. I was a child, after all. That one looks nice in comparison.

>> No.10145507

four buttons + triggers is obviously better for ergonomics, but the 6 button genesis controller is pure soul anyways

>> No.10145794

lmao using L1 and R1 is way less ergonomic than hitting an extra button next to the others.

>> No.10145803

Scooting your thumb from A to C is less ergonomic than pressing the shoulder button your other fingers are already hugging

>> No.10145807

it has never been comfortable to rest your fingers on the shoulder buttons on a PS1 controller.

>> No.10145846

Skill issue, plus dualshock isn't the only 4 button controller in existence
In any case, we have ring and pinky buttons now; what makes 6 face buttons superior to these?

>> No.10146005
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For the most part I prefer to use shoulders over 2 extra face buttons. Ideally I'd want both though, I'm still pissed off at retrobit for ruining the opportunity to make what would have been many people's perfect controller (6 buttons plus triggers, plus Saturn's dpad) by going for shitty joycon-style sticks.

>> No.10146024
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Prototype for comparison. Much better imo.

>> No.10146581

any good 8-way pad controllers with 4button, preferably wireless? ds4 is still the god controller imo but want to see if a sega-style pad makes super metroid speedrunning any better

>> No.10146617

Ironically Logitech F710. Yeah it's memed to death, but it is what it is, 8-way dpad 4 buttons wireless.

>> No.10146629

wow I’m an idiot, I only knew about the f310 and didn’t know there was a wireless version – thanks anon

good thing it’s affordable enough to just give it a try, but fuck is it ugly

>> No.10146659

how smol are your hands opie?
the distance between the A and Z buttons on a saturn/genny controller isnt that much more than the B and X buttons on a SNES controller. plus, the genny controller was designed in a way that made it very comfortable to lay you thumb mostly parallel to the rows of buttons, such that i could easily press C with the joint of my thumb, then quickly press either B or A with the tip/meat of my thumb while hardly moving my grip at all

as for
fighting games
it was the arcade standard for FG controls, and using shoulder buttons for fierce attacks always sucked ass

>> No.10146695

to add to this, some of my friends who were more into MK and SF used to hold the controller where their right hand was "upside-down" so they could use their pointer/middle/ring to always be covering A/B/C. similar to how you would play on an actual arcade cab. very very fast, and you simply cant do that if you need to use shoulder buttons

>> No.10146723

it wasnt as bad before the analog sticks on the DS controllers imo
having to keep your thumbs on the sticks, with two fingers for each trigger was always a pain in the hand. usually id just use my pointer fingers for both R1/R2/L1/L2 respectively while keeping my middle fingers under the controller for support. but then that kinda fucks up the whole point of having two triggers

doesnt help that the controllers themselves are made for nip hands

>> No.10147406

Were you friends trolling you or were they really retarded tryhards?

>> No.10147452
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MMO controls might benefit from 54 button inputs.

>> No.10147465
File: 10 KB, 249x166, Bombsaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the Bomberman one. Equal button size and really comfy shoulders.

>> No.10147560

I think most Saturn games don't even use all 6 buttons. I would rather have the 6 nutton controller be an optional secondary controller that player 2 can also be forced to use

>> No.10148448

this one is really good 6 face buttons + 4 triggers should be a standard.

>> No.10148517

Never, because you're not supposed to use the right hand thumb on a 6 button controller.

>> No.10148525

Get the 3D pad instead.

>> No.10148532

>retarded tryhards
i mean i did say they were really into fighting games, no?

>> No.10150018

You said they were into console versions of MK and SF. That would mean not really into fighting games at all.
But they still could have been trolling you. I do it all the time. When talking with some quite the retro gamers I love saying shit like "the snesz version of street fighter 2 is the best version of the game evar". Then watch as the NPCs all circle jerk in agreement. Then tell them I was just fucking with them and they say they were only pretending to be retarded. It's like /vr/ irl.

>> No.10150024

I honestly prefer the 3d controller

>> No.10151569

no wait
how about... 8 face buttons

>> No.10151594

In anons defense, SC1 on the N64 was a miserable experience and essentially a meme. The proper way to play is obviously on PC with mkb.

>> No.10151950

It feels quite nice in the hand. Better than the genesis 3 or 6 button version imo.
But the buttons being different sizes makes me rage so hard. I hate it.

>> No.10152142
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Hold my beer.

>> No.10152184
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I didn't realize until I got a genesis style controller for PC that the ABXY buttons match the xbox layout.

>> No.10153607
File: 63 KB, 710x600, 710px-Xbox-Duke-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duke technically had the C and Z buttons too

>> No.10153619

Damn I didnt know they made these in OG color.

>> No.10153632
File: 472 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_9398-1-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the Big 6 instead. Was originally going to recommend the Model 1 Saturn controller but then remember these exist

>> No.10153646

The USB Big 6 has L and R buttons too

>> No.10153981

I was going to buy the Genesis 6 button controller but so many people memed te saturn as the best 2d controller ever and an evolution of the genesis one that I decided to go for it but now I regret it.

>> No.10155724

I like the idea behind 6 button controllers. They obviously lead to more options for controls in gaming. They don't even have to do it like Sega controllers either since Xbox OG had six buttons with two of them being small black/white buttons.

>> No.10155912

Why even have all those buttons
Genesis needed it for 6 button fighters and more complex games
Saturn had 3D without camera analog
N64 had no camera analog
What game have you ever played that needed more than the standard 4 once the 2nd analog stick became the rule?
It's just more confortable, less cramped, easier to locate by touch, easier to accomodate the analog stick on a confortable position

>> No.10156564

>They obviously lead to more options for controls in gaming
How to additional face buttons give you more options than additional shoulder buttons?

>> No.10158113

A DS controller with 6 face buttons but only triggers (no shoulder R1/L1) would be ideal for me. This would be similar to the Saturn one, but with analog sticks.
I should probably look into >>10146005

>> No.10159652

If you like smashing your thumbs into each other, yeah.

>> No.10159915
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I never have my thumb hang past the end of the sticks so it'd be physically impossible for my thumbs to touch even when both sticks are facing together. I'm hoping 8bitdo will notice people's complaints about the tiny joycon sticks and release their own with proper sticks (picrel was just an April fools joke).

>> No.10160036

This basically looks like if Sega and Sony decided to do a merger back before the start of the 5th gen to take on Nintendo. Imagine how different things would have been today had Sega decided to take Sony up on the partnership after Nintendo screwed Sony.

>> No.10160128

Theoretically they would if they existed today assuming a controller also has four buttons. I guess I should have specified that. As for games back then though I can think of fighting games being better if you play with the Saturn controller vs say PS1 or N64. I could also imagine some more action heavy 2D games might be improved with such a controller.

If you ask me I think MS should have brought back the black/white buttons by now in addition to having the four face buttons, triggers and bumper buttons. Some games have to use dpad for hotkeys and there is plenty of games now where your character has all these powers and it would benefit from more buttons to actually use them. Imagine Devil May Cry for example it could be improved with how many buttons it uses during gameplay.

>> No.10160135

>I can think of fighting games being better if you play with the Saturn controller
Why though? Why is scooting your thumb from A to C more convenient than pressing L2, which your middle finger is already hugging?

>> No.10160160

i love the 6-button layout because i can both play the "regular" way with my thumbs and if the game requires fast or multiple inputs i can turn my right hand around and play with three fingers on the face buttons like an arcade stick

>> No.10160268

The way I used to play fighting games with a pad isn't with thumb over all the face buttons I'd play with my fingers over the buttons. So some might say why not just use a fight stick? To that I say I prefer the dpad movement and smaller controller size compared to the stick. So Saturn's pad really gave imo one of the best controller setups for the genre. There is a reason why we see fight pads in this style with some even being very close to the Saturn in shape.

>> No.10161112
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I would have liked to have seen that outcome. As a Euro (Brit) I'm particularly curious because over here it was Sega that was top dog for consoles in gen 3 and 4, and in gen 5 when Saturn flopped it was Sony that most moved to, not Nintendo. If Sega had partnered with Sony to make something instead of the Saturn then it would have made a killing here. But instead most Euros if you asked them would probably tell you they weren't even aware of the Saturn because it did so poorly.

If you want to see a real-world example of controllers made in a Sega-Sony partnership though, picrel is a real thing made for the PS2. It's bizarre seeing the PlayStation logo on a Saturn controller (also the embossed labels above the buttons to show what they map to on the PS2 is a nice touch)

>> No.10161124

Sega saturn controller is the best controller ever made

>> No.10161142
File: 85 KB, 756x1008, playstation_sega_controller_1672552446_f8e5bdca_progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also made a wireless dual analog controller, picrel. Its overall shape and d-pad look like a strange hybrid between a Saturn and PS2 but sadly they didn't go for a 6-button layout.