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File: 186 KB, 256x375, Master_of_Darkness_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10141734 No.10141734 [Reply] [Original]

>SMS' answer to castlevania
>6 years after CV1

>> No.10141739

Auster's Descent Into Madness came out too late for the Speccy, it could've saved it.

>> No.10141740

Also, 1992 was a year everyone was getting a genesis so there wasn't much room for this game to sell and be known.

>> No.10141768

Takes time to create a masterpiece, have fun with your bing bing wahoo nez versions.

>> No.10141779

We don't know the developing time of that game.

>> No.10141784

I prefer it over any CV, except maybe Bloodlines

>> No.10141956

Of course you do, auster.
What about Amigavania? or that Speccy fan abortion you always shill?

>> No.10142031

Qrd on auster's obsession with Amiga and Speccy or whatever that is?

>> No.10142042
File: 1.67 MB, 576x360, absolute_kino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or that Speccy fan abortion
unironically superiour to Simon's Quest and any of those shitty boring IGAvanias

Kino af

>> No.10142056

You're literally obsessed retard, I love Nintendo. Kys

>> No.10142061

>console war autism

>> No.10142065

holy based

>> No.10142093

Can you fags remain on topic please?
I personally feel like Masters of Combat also fits the bill since it's a fighting game that doesn't really play like a traditional fighter, would've been seen as an amazing game in 88 or 89.

>> No.10142132

Dragon Warrior series on NES

>> No.10142138
File: 37 KB, 320x240, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asura Blade and Buster are cool fightans, but they were like 5 years behind graphically, you can't expect this to compete with stuff like KoF and SF3, let alone MAHVEL and the 3d fighters.

>> No.10142214
File: 25 KB, 480x360, asura-blade-screenshot12-4167345596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this skull is directly traced from a page in Berserk. Not the first fighting game to trace from manga.

>> No.10142394

lol I'm not, it WAS him: >>10142042
He likely grew up playing only euro computer games and is completely mad that these games of his childhood aren't still liked today, whereas console games are liked.
I guess he targets Nintendo because Nintendo are an easy target to hate if you're a bitter person, and he can also orchestrate falseflags, pitching Sega and Sony fans against Nintendo. He doesn't really like any japanese game anyways.
That's the QRD, if you want to see for yourself, go to the archives and look up any of the following keywords: nintendildo, shiturn, nezz, snezz

>> No.10142421

>lol I'm not, it WAS him:
no I'm the one who said they like Master of Darkness more than almost all CV games. I grew up in Texas. I never owned a ZX Speculum. I exclusively had Nintendo consoles.

>> No.10142427

Well, impossible to know in an anonymous scenario anyway. But auster was in this thread, obviously.