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10139917 No.10139917 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Sonic Adventure 1 have such a unique style and feel that has not been seen in any Sonic game before or since? It was just the right blend of edginess and attitude mixed with classic Sonic soul. Why did Sega abandon this style so quickly afterwards?

>> No.10139931
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I don't know what style you think is there but not in SA2, maybe you can elaborate.

If it's the implication that Shadow was some shark jumping moment into animu edge, I will disagree because I really see no difference between Chaos and Shadow in terms of being things that feel more anime than what came before, only in that Shadow is a bit more generically so

>> No.10140000

Game Execs and modern audiences dont care for aesthetic and good visual style. Why do you think themed stages dont exist in games anymore.

>> No.10140003

SA1's rough edges give it a lot of charm. Its UI and animation isn't as clean as future games, but there's a lot of neat little details and stuff to interact with. It feels like a game that was full of ideas

>> No.10140073

90s 3d games were new and experimental instead of streamlined corporate garbo

>> No.10140126
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There are a couple of reasons for this, I think one has to do with SA1's roots on the Saturn. It began as a 3D Sonic RPG for that console using the earlier low poly models and retains some of that style. The other theory has to do with its story. SA1 is basically the direct sequel to Sonic & Knuckles, so a lot of its themes are present in the game, from Angel Island to Ice Cap Zone to Sandopolis (sort of). SA2 had a slightly more realistic approach and more urban settings, but SA1 still carries a similar style to the Genesis games while doing its own thing.

Both answers are correct. SA2 took the more realistic elements of SA1 and pushed them further (not necessarily in a bad way either). They are similar in a lot of ways without being identical. I think that's maybe what makes them both special.

>> No.10140170

Sonic Adventure has always been the real Sonic 4

>> No.10140173
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>> No.10140193
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>> No.10140194
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The early 2000s Sonic style had so much soul. They basically achieved perfection only to throw it out and instead reuse the same shitty Sonic 4 render forever, turning Sonic into a safe, generic corporate mascot.

>> No.10140195
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You know, I never looked at it that way, but it makes sense. It carries a lot of elements from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, plus it has a lot of music (including the prototype bonus theme) from Sonic 3D Blast on Genesis. It works as a successor to S&K and a brand new 3D game at the same time, something no other Sonic game has really done (maybe barring Sonic R)

>> No.10141281

This is exactly how I feel. Feels like they tried to make Sonic into Mario rather than sticking with what made him unique.

>> No.10141290

Much longer development cycle compartively to the rest of the series. I don't think any Sonic game since has come close to its development time other than Frontiers. That plus the fact that they went all in on making it a juggernaut of a 3D title after what happened with X-treme and the lack of any mainline game on the Saturn.
SEGA abandoned the style since they were nosediving financially, and literally couldn't afford to make anything with as much scope as Sonic Adventure had (Especially due to the likes of Yu Suzuki having them by the balls pouring what little money they had into developing Shenmue).

>> No.10141302

Late 90's had this whole aesthetic going on that was all obsessed with Mayan Pyramids and water and shit.
Early 00's in comparison seemed to be more into it's dank ass urban environments, and goth influences.

>> No.10141307

It's like, 2 years.
Now, 2 years development cycle was an eternity in 1997, but still. Even Sonic Forces got more time.

>> No.10141316
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I'll trade you a Knuckles for a Sonic

>> No.10141317

wasn't Tails already a baby in Archie Sonic?

>> No.10141326
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Great aesthetic there retard.

>> No.10141350
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That is pretty much what happened, specifically in the 2010's. I still don't know why they do this. There's so many other SEGA games they can pull influence from like OutRun or After Burner (or I guess Super Monkey Ball if we are talking about current games) but instead they just try to be like Nintendo all the time.

>> No.10141380
File: 145 KB, 500x706, Sonic ruins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA1 is one of my favorite games of all time, and it has a "mystical" sort of feel that no other game has ever given me. Mystic Ruins and the ancient civilization plot definitely help with that. 10/10 OST too.

>> No.10141384 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 480x270, will_sonic_ever_stop_making_games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that 2006 is the real SA3 and I'm tired of pretending it's a bad game somehow

>> No.10141404

This but unironically

>> No.10141421

SA1 faces had a great squash-and-stretch dynamic. All they needed to do was sync it to the dialogue better. But Sonic Team always throws good shit away instead of polishing it, so they gave them boring humanlike mouths in the sequels.

>> No.10141449
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>> No.10141484

Maybe you played the DX soulless version of Adventure 1 and that's why you compare it with SA2? They use the same models, but they don't fit with the areas at all.

>> No.10141491

Becaues that "blend" was just the reminsunce of classic Sonic before the design change at the time, with the actual intended direction Japs wanted to push with SA2 onward, until 06 killed the series

In other worlds, SA1 was just an accident, it was never something Sonic Team wanted. It was going to be a fucking RPG ffs and likely far more like SA2/Shadow if the Deadcast wasn't dying so fast they had to release what they had instead.

>> No.10141561 [DELETED] 

Is this just going to be a Adventurewank thread of a thread that actually discuss the points OP was trying to make (likely and excuse to nostalgiawank over being a seething 2000s kid now?)

This era was Sonic was a point of contention of trying to stay relevent so his "coolness" was forced and not natural anymore, more like unhinged and tryhard, and that's why it bit them in the ass with ShTH and Sonic 06, including those storybook games, all being 40 metascore trash.

I feel like had they not tried to replace something no one asked to be replace and stuck with original look of Adventure based on Jam it would have made for a more timeless transition into 3D that didn't need to pander to Japs what so ever and be like what Metroid Prime is to Sonic instead of fucking Other M was to Metriod, that's where we've been like since.

>> No.10143169 [DELETED] 

It's a bad game. Sonic and Blaze segments are the only good portions. Everyone else is bad.

>> No.10143319
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>> No.10143326

I still don't understand why this cobbled-together free asset store school project is praised so much. Is it just cope?

>> No.10143330
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Shut up you dumb zoomers.

>> No.10143402

dx models are actually significantly different from the SA2 models, both battle and the dc version

>> No.10143435
File: 37 KB, 480x360, UGlTVlRwcWuRpUkNHWEE-3479761751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays the shitty dub which was and still is influenced by the shitty 90s marketing mentioned in the same post
>bitches about mischaracterization

>> No.10143446

Always assumed it was just to appeal to jap kiddos.

>> No.10143452
File: 123 KB, 1024x819, DQEvjq7XkAABS2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Sonic Adventure Christmas wallpaper from the Sonic Team website in 1999.

>> No.10143456
File: 730 KB, 1920x1080, Sonic Christmas 1999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernised 1920x1080 version

>> No.10143471 [DELETED] 

I've only played Prime and Super but I bought Other M a few weeks ago bc I've been using my Wii a lot again and it was awesome. Idk why everyone shits on it , it blends 2D and 3D really well

>> No.10143493 [DELETED] 

Sonic Battle is SA3

>> No.10143506 [DELETED] 

its bad and i say that as an unironic 06 enjoyer. it just simply is not fun to play, but everything else that isnt the gameplay is pretty good. people play it because they like the aesthetic or the story and not because they actually like how the game feels. because it feels like dogshit.

>> No.10143527

That's actually a brilliant translation, idk what you're trying to prove by attaching that image

>> No.10143530

This is pure soul and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.10143731


>> No.10143860 [DELETED] 

>and it was awesome.
You clearly never liked Samus if you stomach that trash.

>> No.10144810


>> No.10145208 [DELETED] 

Sonic Advance 3 is SA3.

>> No.10145225
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>> No.10145297 [DELETED] 

Not that anon but Samus, like many game characters, is mostly an audience surrogate. I don't particularly care for the character but the metroid games are a lot of fun.

I get that Other M isn't what you like about the character but Metroid Fusion was the first Metroid game I completed and Other M's characterisation of Samus matches up with Fusion so I really don't have a big issue with Other M from this perspective.

>> No.10145579 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1124x848, The_ARK_Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow's game acted as a direct follow up to SA2. Pretty much it's the "& Knuckles" to SA2's Sonic 3. You can even ride in the mechs from SA2 and it has Big Foot/Hot Shot as regular enemies later in the game

>> No.10145620

It's still scandalous how shitty the textures of SADX are in comparison to the original. In what way is it enhanced other than increasing the polycount of a few character models?

>> No.10145628
File: 25 KB, 287x346, ChuChu_Rocket!_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamcast had a cool vector art style

>> No.10145632
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>> No.10146631 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 1200x941, Episode Whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uninspired debate we're having here.

>> No.10146641 [DELETED] 

Other M plays like a piece of shit prototype of Ninja Gaiden 3 (coincidentally), so much, japs went and play Super Metroid.

This. I wouldn't be surprised if this loser tendie hasn't played much other action games to be wowed.

>> No.10146650

this looks great. imagine thinking this looks bad

>> No.10146662 [DELETED] 

Metroid Blast is did TPS Metroid better
Other M is like nu-Sonic where they failed to mesh classic 2D and new 3D elements together so much.

Another example is fucking Pokken Tournament where they straight up rip from arena fighters for a terribly executed mechanic as a desperate attempt to push the game to esports.

>> No.10146679

Dimps sprite work destroys anything the original genesis sonic crew did for years

>> No.10146690

dimps' sprite work is always too big for the screen. it "destroys" the original by sacrificing playability

>> No.10146693

There is so much SOVL in both of them though


>> No.10146698

Contrarianism isn't a substitute for personality.

>> No.10146705

it's not even contrarian to like sonic adventure. it's been a popular game for multiple decades now.

>> No.10146708
File: 3.57 MB, 498x498, stop-it-get-some-help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People. Can. Have. Different. Opinions. Than. You. Without. Being. Contrarian

>> No.10146849

Popular /= good
Autism is popular these days is that ok?

>> No.10146858

Popularity determines whether or not an opinion is contrarian, you illiterate. it was a fucking two sentence conversation, and you still can't follow? jesus kid

>> No.10147513

Agreed. Thank god for p06. I genuinely love 06's level design. But idk Heroes feels like such a non-entity in the "adventure era"
Shadow is a cool SA2.5 imo. Vaguely like sonic CD

>> No.10147517

technically true

>> No.10147981

Well sure for the most part but just because you don't like something popular doesn't automatically make you contrarian. It has to be seated in the notion you're only opposing said thing because it is popular, you can not like popular things for an almost infinite number of reasons but most people do tend to be contrarianism for the sake of rebellion instead of nuanced inspection and judgement based on your own tastes and beliefs

>> No.10148049
File: 183 KB, 656x853, 1684001061088013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of elucidating your own point you decided to bloviate sophistry. Why not enjoy things for what they are rather than what you expect to be better?

>> No.10148258

Thinking the face warping is anything but terrible is a contrarian stance.

>> No.10148294

Quality and enjoyment are independent.

>> No.10148780

Dreamcast Sonic Adventure 1 isn't the original version of the game. The Japanese version (that came out a year earlier) is even more janky and it has a bunch of differences.

>> No.10149386

>Why not enjoy things for what they are
Because there's more than enough games in history, let alone other Sonic gameplay styles I prefer, even within Adventure era, to enjoy shit like 06.

This is always the Sonicfag cope, you HAVE to enjoy x Sonic game because... because you have to, ok? This always happens because 99% of the time this is the "only game of its kind" in your eyes because you don 't play enough games to know better.

>> No.10149390

B-B-but muh narrative...