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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10136873 No.10136873 [Reply] [Original]

Is it lucrative to stream older games? How much money can it generate per stream?

>> No.10136887


>> No.10136896

what a retarded thread

>> No.10136897

maybe if you're a decent speedrunner? not sure if anyone would watch someone just play casually

>> No.10136903

For fuck sake this is what /vr/ Summertime Edition is? If you'll excuse me I'm going to bite my own fucking taint off.

>> No.10136906

The best way for most men is to
>stream often and regularly
>be attractive
>be "amusing," either straight up humorous or at least personable
>be somewhat good at the games you play

There are other ways to be successful, but the above are going to be your best bet of success. Regularity will always be the most important factor for every content creator in terms of long term success. Once you develop some sort of fanbase through regular content production of at least medicore quality, then you can focus more on upping your quality game.

>> No.10136923

I hold multiple speedrun world records and let me tell you I rake in dozens of dollars per year

>> No.10136943

streaming is never going to be "lucrative" for you no matter what you do. at best you'll peak at getting some beer money every month. might as well accept that right now and stream for the fun of it, if indeed it would be fun for you.

>> No.10136958

Do it for fun or don't do it at all. You will never get enough money to live from it, unless you do it for years and get very lucky.

>> No.10136975

Unless you have an audience already, you're not making money without some hardcore astroturfing or already streaming not retro. Just getting the privilege for monetization on most big streaming platforms is a huge up hill battle.
But at best, it will be >>10136943 , unless you want to go down the /vt/ route, but that's more for, you know...
And even then, you're getting beer money. You're not making a living on it at all.
>B-but big streamers
For every big streamer, there's a billion streamers of varying quality (Some pretty damn good even) who don't make a living on it.
tl;dr: Streaming as a primary career is not happening, retro or not.
t. Occasionally streams games, watches others stream games.

>> No.10136980

Are you cute? Can you wear a wige, make up and kneesocks pantyhose?

>> No.10136983

The industry is 100% who you know. Twitch partners have access to analysis and outright cheating tools that common streamers don't.

>> No.10137002


Now that would generate some lucrative streaming income.

>> No.10137010

You will never be a popular streamer, you aren’t as interesting or funny as you think you are, everyone can’t be an epic e-celeb who gets rich and doesn’t have to work anymore, let me crush your faggot zoomer dreams for you now

>> No.10137246

It's not really so much luck as much as it's having a community, a constant schedule, and a personality of sorts.
If you're good at acting, have good communication skills and an interesting personality, then yeah, you could probably make beer money. If you have mild autism, you're not going far. If you have full on autism, you're going nowhere and at best might have 3 viewers, all of which will probably not engage with you, maybe you'll have one talk to you and say shit, but otherwise, nothing.

>> No.10137326

I was going to stress this but you beat me to it. Be regular, I'm not going to say it's the only factor to success but if people can't rely on getting content when they expect it, they'll stop tuning in. You still have to be enjoyable, but a decent and regular streamer will get more views over time than a sporadic but good streamer.

Other than that, try and find a niche. You want to generate content with fewer competitors, something people can't really get elsewhere. If you can't answer the question of, "Why do people want to watch my stream," without hesitation, you don't have a shot.

>> No.10137331

Well the main advantage is that it's niche, which means you'll have an easier time building a small audience if you're good at the games, entertaining, knowledgeable, consistent, and well versed in SEO.

On the other hand. Fuck off this ain't the place to talk about this.

>> No.10137340

I made about $500 a month streaming at my peak, but that was because I was actively speedrunning randomized retro games and doing well so I developed a viewerbase around that. I'd say that was about the point I had to sit down and start asking myself if I seriously wanted to keep growing and try and drive up income to make it something I could live off of or just accept that was the limit and some extra money every year was nice.

I ultimately decided that if I tried to turn it into a job, I would eventually get desperate to protect my income stream at the first sign of it dwindling and would be completely beholden to my viewers. I thought back to a friend of mine I know who drew art for a living and how most of his commissions were some of the most vile, debased requests that he had no choice to accept because that's how he put food on the table. Obviously I wouldn't wind up in the exact same situation, but after a time I would be chasing trends trying to net more fans for more subscribers and they would be the ones who dictated what I played and when.

Instead of trying to expand, I just kept doing what I was doing and over time my viewerbase dropped out. At a certain point, I hit a critical limit where the chat was empty and the last remaining people stopped coming, so I stopped streaming outside of tournaments and didn't participate in them as much as I used to.

>> No.10137367

Step 1) find a niche that hasn't been filled that you are knowledgeable about
Step 2) Make short well-edited videos about that niche
Step 3) if/when you reach 1k subs, start doing livestreams
Step 4) get money and free shit from retards

>> No.10137372
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>Is it lucrative to stream older games?
Absolutely not. You probably need around 500~700 viewers to hopefully gain enough small tips over time to make it worth it. Happens to be in the retro tab that is a MASSIVE streamer. You can easily name the very few people that hit that. Everyone else is lucky to break into double digit viewers, none the less in the hundreds. You'll be in a niche category competing against established people with plenty of others that have their own gimmick that stands out. Don't ever expect it to be lucrative. But hey, maybe in five to ten years you can make something out of it.

>> No.10137384

Problem is if it's too niche and specific you'll have tons of views at first because no one else is doing it but then very quickly you'll either run out of content or people will get bored. I've seen lot of channels explode and get around 500k views per video then after only 3 years have a hard time reaching 50k views on a video

>> No.10137405

$0 if you're going into it with this mindset, and it's not about the games. A streamer's role is friend simulator. You probably lack the skills/looks to be one.

>> No.10137435
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>Translation: You need a gimmick, likely one that involves gambling
You're welcome

>> No.10137457

This, if you're just going to game, you're going to fail, you have substance and talk about something, maybe have an avatar of sorts. People watch others play games not for their gameplay but for the person playing (Exception being a speedrunner). For many people, they sign on to funny man streaming because of his attitude, or vtuber stream because cute anime chick or occasional furry, and for a lot of weirdos, this is their one time where they have a friend to talk to or hang out with... and unless you're willing to sell your soul to the algorithm or sponsors, you're not getting more than tens of viewers if you go the route of showing yourself on stream or having a vtuber.
Also selling your soul to sponsors generally means playing non retro shit, no self respecting brand is going to sponsor some guy playing boomer shit when Billy is right there playing fortnite.
So no, it is not lucrative to stream older games, and if you think it could be, you're fucking retarded and in the wrong mindset. The best you're going to hope for is some dudes to talk to about retro games and life, but if you dive in right now, you're suffering alone.

>> No.10137475

People have watched me stream sega saturn games and talk about them.

>> No.10137483

>Exception being a speedrunner
Yes and no. I've seen world record holders have less viewers than people in 4th or 5th place because as you said, charisma is more important

>> No.10137680

Please kill yourself.

>> No.10137689

>Just getting the privilege for monetization on most big streaming platforms is a huge up hill battle.
this is the only thing you said that was wrong, twitch affiliate monetization only takes 3 concurrents and 50 followers which is nothing really
to OP or anyone thinking of streaming, if you can't reach affiliate within three months of starting streaming, just give up any hope of making money, because you're never even going to make it to the beer money level

>> No.10137694

>It's not really so much luck as much as it's having a community, a constant schedule, and a personality of sorts.
there are countless streamers who have all that who do not and will never replace their day job with streaming.
it's luck. anyone who disagrees is either naive or lying to themselves

>> No.10137703

Just depends. Are you personable? What kind of content, just playing games no commentary or what?

>> No.10137704

retro streaming is absolutely not niche. it draws smaller viewer counts than titty streamers and vtubers but there are hundreds upon hundreds of retro streamers

>> No.10137710

Not enough Morrowind roleplays. I wanna see a modded roleplay of a gwar salesman, who sells skooma on the side. Fuck I'll make the quest it's just retarded to play your own quests. Any takers?

>> No.10137712

it doesn't depend. the answer is a flat no

>> No.10137715

Yeah it does depend, it definitely helps if you're interactive and funny. Dipshit

>> No.10137719

no, it does not depend. retro streaming is not lucrative. period. doesn't matter who you are.
now go be all butthurt about being contradicted elsewhere, this site is for adults

>> No.10137757

Well the hobby is niche, even if there are lots of people trying to make money streaming it.

But you've got a point, there's a lot of competition and not a large enough audience. So the solution is to put another niche on top of the niche. All you need is like a thousand people to be into it and nobody else to be making quality shit for it. Boom, easy audience so long as you're making something good consistently. Then you expand it and build your audience slowly.

Probably better to go for videos rather than streaming though. Not much you can really do unless you're very creative. But desu a person who wants to stream games for a living probably isn't very creative.

>> No.10137768

Just because you won't become a millionaire doesn't mean it's not lucrative.

>> No.10137834

if you're good at it you make beer money at best as several have said in this thread. if you're mediocre you make nothing.
streaming retro games is not in any way lucrative.
you are a complete fucking retard.

>> No.10137845

Depends, do you have that same feminine lisp that nearly every other "streamer" has?
A smooth and manly voice will grab, and hold, both the male and female viewers attention.

>> No.10138245
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>Is it lucrative to stream older games? How much money can it generate per stream?

>> No.10138394
File: 127 KB, 829x676, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont expect to make much.
also most big streamers were already popular from somewhere else before getting into streaming.

>> No.10138410

Another thing that might set you apart is wearing nice clothes, since every streamer seems to be in shorts and graphic tee

>> No.10138415

I wanted to make essays, tutorials, 1cc videos, animations and etc...but life happened. But I never thought about fame, I always post my videos without monetization

>> No.10138530

This story right here, that the lions share of the website is dead is utterly insane to me. Thousands, maybe millions of people streaming to absolutely no one. Do they talk to themselves the whole time? Do they wait till someone comes in and then pretend they were mid conversation? Imagine waking up day after day and doing this circus act to absolutely no one, the existential dread must be screaming from deep down every time.

>> No.10138579

You also put yourself beholden to a platform. You’re always at risk after putting a lot of effort in to finally see a trickle of money and the platform tightens their requirements and lowers your share.
>btw iirc when I checked for MoM let’s play a few years ago there were only two of them and the larger one was getting under a hundred views

>> No.10138585

The illusion of making it as an e-celeb is, maybe, one of the darkest moments in human history.

>> No.10138626

It's never going to be an actual job unless you have a fuck huge audience that donates to your shit, and reality is that not many people watch retro streams outside of meme randomizers... and even then it's still not lucrative.
So no, it's not lucrative in the slightest, stick with your day job.

>> No.10138636

>Is it lucrative to stream older games?
>How much money can it generate per stream?

>> No.10138639

That shit is basically why I stopped streaming, my commentary wasn't engaging, shit went wrong and I'd get angry, and no one (not even friends) would come in. It is like broadcasting your schizophrenia.

>> No.10138640

I never worried about this so much, I always figured if I really got large I'd just launch my own website and stream from there. A lot of the big names could easily do so because they've hit a point where word of mouth is going to push them over needing a platform.

A streaming website isn't like a game store you have to install, people just click a link in their bookmarks folder and they're right where they want to be. Furthermore, you can add features you can't have on standard sites, so you can further push your brand if you wanted to.

>> No.10138751

>The illusion of making it as an e-celeb is, maybe, one of the darkest moments in human history.
it really is,trannies getting paid to talk about fucking video games,the casual porn of onlyfans,fucking tik tok,im old enough to remember a time when being on the internet 24/7 was a nerdy thing back when there wasnt everyone glued to the internet via social media and the websites themselves were these very personal space,but it all became so shitty so quickly,at least i have the internet to thank for a lot of the religious text i read so at least there is some good to it.

>> No.10138754

20% of the creators have 80% of the audience is nothing to be shocked about. Its the same across everything. It's the parents distribution.

>> No.10138762

The desire to be well-known for being proficient at (or at least a voice for) your personal hobby to a group of people who are in tune with your zeitgeist. To be who you want to be on the internet and have a crowd to shoot the shit with. Maybe even make some acquaintances you can chill out with online, if people outside your home are far too normalfaggy to have the same interests as you.
Sad, ain't it.

>> No.10138767

It's no different to "I'm going to be an actor/musician/writer" and its not an illusion if you really know what you're doing. Getting to the 0.0001%? That might as well be an illusion. But making a living? 100% possible. People have had the delusion that they're going to be famous since time immemorial.

Now if you're pissed that people can make money entertaining people doing something you dont think is entertaining, then get pissed at the people who are entertained, not those trying to entertain.

>> No.10138771

Anywhere between $0 and $11 dollars per hour

>> No.10138781

im pretty sure making a living solely from internet content to make a living requires much more luck than actor/musician/writer unless you are a really attractive woman ready to thot it out and even then,im pretty sure more people make a living from just one of those 3 things than there are that make a decent living on the internet.

>> No.10138789

Most streamers on Twitch are definitely absolute nobodies by a massive margin, but I think it's worth considering at least for a bit how hard Twitch has been ran way into the fucking ground over the years, it's really not a good platform for streaming.

>> No.10138812

It really doesn't though. It requires skill, knowledge, competence, and consistency. Qualities that 90% of people don't have.

>> No.10138817

>making a living? 100% possible
Unless you're willing to sell your soul, not really, and even then, you're lucky if you make as much as a minimum wage job.
If you want it to be a job replacement, expect it to require as much work as a job, expect to stream a lot and having to act for the virtual camera.
That is, if you can even make money, reality is that no one watches retro streams besides Mike Matei, you're going to have to dabble in non retro shit, mostly current shit like Fortnite, some souls like, etc. And unless you're vinesauce, you're not making anything off of streaming retro shit outside Nintendo franchises like Mario, Zelda and Metroid.

>> No.10138820
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i stream me playing this for 24 hrs. I earned $10000 last month lol

>> No.10138827

>has to play Fortnite
Oh no! My soul!

You're pretty melodramatic aren't you anon?

Anyway, if you're the type of person that has to do things your way then it'll go one of two ways. You won't "make it" but you won't care regardless. OR you'll make it because you're creative, competent and consistent so you found your niche.

Better to try and fail than never try at all.

>> No.10138837

Genuinely, a lot of people are really just streaming for/with one to ten friends or something, it's just a way to hang out online, usually with no illusions of success or anything. I guess also there's those who use streaming platform to run their D&D and other tabletop games online, and an audience or money isn't the point in any sense, it's just the tool which that small group of people uses to play, and that kind of stuff really is the best value most people can hope to get out of streaming their games and stuff.

Of course you have a lot of clueless goons hopelessly and thoughtlessly hoping to get a slice of the big streamer pie and they get no real results at all, usually they give up after some time.

For streaming in general, sure, someone personable and with talents can make some alright money if they really dedicate themselves.
However, dedicating yourself to retro games only is not going to be even remotely easy or even really viable, that's going to be a hard sold niche to the majority of viewers. That's not to say you can't stream retro games, that's not unheard of for established streamers and vtubers, but it's not the majority of what they do, it's more an occasional thing.

Perhaps if you're a damn good and personable showman who just gets and maintains people's attention, you could make a decent career streaming just retro games, but you're probably not, so you probably won't, and it's an uphill even if you are.

Yeah, I believe luck is a real factor, some things are or aren't just out of plain fluke, but if you're completely dull and uninteresting you're not going to hold any kind of audience or make it as any kind of actor, that'll never happen. Nobody who ever made it any kind of big as some sort of showman or actor just got there through dumb luck, all of those people had something actually going for them and they kept getting people coming back.

>> No.10138850

Expect to play modern shit like fortnite and whatever soulslike is the current one regularly. Retro isn't going to be your main content, unless you already have a presence on youtube for retro content (Which I assume the average person reading this thread doesn't), and even then I've seen people with that kind of presence struggle getting views.
Just because some random dude with more hair dye in his head than brains makes a decent amount streaming vidya, doesn't mean you should throw away your fast food job and expect to have streaming to pay your bills.
I'm going to assume the average person in this thread is probably an autist who has difficulty making conversation, so getting to the point of even getting monetized (which at best you're making soda/bottled water money) is not so much an up hill battle as much as it is a smooth, lubricated metal wall at an 89 degree angle. If you have trouble communicating, I'm sure you'd have trouble acting for the camera and having charisma.

>> No.10138853

>If you have trouble communicating, I'm sure you'd have trouble acting for the camera and having charisma.
Often true, but for some it's just a million times easier opening up online than it is IRL.

>> No.10138858

At best it's going to be broadcasting your schizophrenia, which no one will really watch unless... again, you have an audience already. No one will watch your stream, no one will watch your vods, or even really comment. And unless you blurt out "NIGGER" for some reason, not even twitch jannies will care.

>> No.10138860

>At best it's going to be broadcasting your schizophrenia

You've already said this, and I think you're just making excuses for the fact that you're not entertaining and are weird.

It was never going to work... for (You).

>> No.10138862

And if you don't have an established audience somewhere else like youtube, it's not working for you either.
The only way it would remotely work is if you just bite the bullet and play not retro, which obviously wouldn't make you a retro streamer.

>> No.10138982

I'm not trying to be a retro streamer. But if I wanted to do it. I could do it. Also if you're not on other platforms then you're an idiot anyway. That's a strange caveat to have. Many streamers upload clips to YouTube and use social media too. It's one of the main ways you boost your brand.

But I'm a musician, I make my living being creative. That's why I would be able to do it, because I could apply my creativity to this and build a niche that nobody else has built. I wouldn't just put a camera feed in a corner while playing Shatterhand and screaming FUUUUUUCK every time I died while thanking cumprincess93 for the donation.

Streamers in general are devoid of creativity. That's why so many fail. I refuse to acknowledge luck, since even if it is a factor I can't control it. I focus on what I can control.

>> No.10139001

>But I'm a musician, I make my living being creative
yea im sure those wedding gigs pay well but how is that solo project going ?

>> No.10139013

Hahaha, well wedding gigs can be a couple of grand a pop. But I make money from my original music, it's my sole source of income.

You just can't imagine success can you? That's why you failed.

>> No.10139016

whats your artist name,lets hear if its good.

>> No.10139020

Why would I do that? I don't care if you believe me or not.

>> No.10139028

that sounds like something someone who has nothing to show would say.

>> No.10139039

If you say so. I don't post my music on any personal social media or 4chan. I just don't do that. I don't want my personal opinions to be connected to my music.

And more to the point, even if I did post music, there's no way of proving its mine. I could post anybody.

I don't do that for any reason, least of all to prove myself to some retard on 4chan. Believe me or don't. I don't really give a fuck.

>> No.10139101

seethe cope and dilate wedding gig retard,you play other peoples song to make a living.

>> No.10139112

Look, someone has to prove their argument in this thread.

>> No.10139114

>streamer threads

So this board is just /v/-lite now complete with its zoomer broccoli hair mutts huh

>> No.10139130

I watch this guy called Sega Saturn no Ken
he is all those things but doesn't get much over 15 watches. He is pretty funny to listen to though.

I'll mostly only watch retro streams if they are a camera pointing to a crt.

>> No.10139167

Okay well what I said isn't contingent on how I make my money, it's just relevant. If you decide not to believe me, that's your business. But argue with what my point was.

If you're creative and competent, you CAN make a living streaming retro games. If Mike Matei is the bar in your opinion, then it's not difficult to do better.

>> No.10139192

There are some really good streamers I follow, who often only get like 50 viewers in a stream.
Chances are you're not going to make incredible amounts of money, unless you get very lucky. That's just how it goes.

>> No.10139201

there are thousands of people on twitch with all those qualities who make a few bucks a month streaming.
luck is 100% a critical factor and you're an idiot if you believe otherwise.

>> No.10139209

>Sega Saturn no Ken
Do you want to suck his dick?

>> No.10139213

No there aren't. They don't know what they're doing if they can't build an audience. If they just stream and don't do anything else to build their audience, then OF COURSE they're not going to get any substantial viewing numbers. You have to do lots of stuff to build an audience, you have to really know what you're doing, you have to know how to market yourself.

Luck is only a factor if you don't know how to take control.

>> No.10139216

>>How much money can it generate per stream?
more like $5-10 per stream. That's about what I make

>> No.10139217

Most important factors for effectively streaming to pay your bills:
1. Luck
2. Networking with popular streamers
3. Be part of a group of streamers
4. Marketing
4. Be either funny or a lolcow

>> No.10139225

you don't have the first clue what you're talking about
there are so many creative, bizarre, left-of-field things on twitch it's unreal. the vast majority of them make very little
you sit at the very peak of the dunning-kruger curve on this. I kinda want you to try streaming just so that your failure teaches you something

>> No.10139227

larping faggot confirmed

>> No.10139228

Such as?

>> No.10139230

>No there aren't
there most certainly are
enjoy shaking your fist defiantly at a reality you can't accept. the just world hypothesis is bullshit btw

>> No.10139232

You got me. I'm definitely going to post my music on 4chan just to prove a point. That's the smart thing to do.

>> No.10139239

start with Leslie Tanner and work your way to the more obscure shit from there

>> No.10139240

Well there's more to it than content. That's my point. It's not enough to make good shit, you have to be able to market yourself, you have to be very VERY good, you have to be consistent, and you have to find a niche that isn't overcrowded.

That's just a snippet of what's needed. Luck is only a factor if you don't know how to take control.

>> No.10139241

no you're not, because you have produced precisely zero music ever
btw if you really didn't give a fuck you wouldn't be responding to every callout with your petulant bullshit

>> No.10139245

you're one of those insufferable armchair fill-in-the-blanks who thinks they have it all figured out while knowing nothing about what they're talking about
luck is 100% a factor no matter who you are or what you know, nobody makes it to the top of the streaming pile without getting lucky. not even (You)

>> No.10139285

Yeah, you're so right. You got me fella, I've never made any music. I just LARP on 4chan to get all that anon clout. Also pretty much every interaction those site is petulant. You trying to prove that I'm not really a musician is petulant. What's your point?

Luck is just ability to spot opportunities and take advantage of them. Opportunity always comes along eventually if you show up, and being able to spot and take advantage of it is the distinction between someone who is "lucky" and who is not.

If you keep looking down imagining that it will never happen, then of course it's not going to happen, you won't notice the things the opportunities that happen in front of you.

There are so many things you can do to make it happen it's not even funny. But why am I even bothering? I'm on the homeland of the doomer. You just can't imagine that things could be better. You work your shit job that you hate and instead of doing something that you enjoy and pursuing that, you make up stories as to why it's not possible. Most people I've ever met are like you, so it's not surprising. But I refuse to let anything get in my way. That's why I make money doing something I love, and you're here saying that's not possible.

>> No.10139296

Eh, the idea is kind of unique (for streaming anyway), but the execution is shit. Like most streamers.

Also a wacky idea isn't enough, it has to be a GOOD idea. That's also not enough, it has to be done really well. That's also not enough, you to bring your a game every time. That's also not enough, you have to be able to market it.

I said it was easy, but it's only easy if you're competent, which for 90% of people makes it really hard.

>> No.10139329

kek, you are absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.10139348

I have a main income, so if money doesn't matter I want people to watch me play games. I enjoy the ESL randoms in chat. I don't use voice or video so no cringe shit. I vet people into my own community. But yes, it is lonely 98% of the time.

>> No.10139373

>it's only easy if you're competent, which for 90% of people makes it really hard.
What an insufferable faggot you are. 100% you are an underachiever who has accomplished nothing of note in life, and you cope by pretending to be superior to most people.

>> No.10139402

Yeah I must be to try to convince you losers that something is possible.

Stop projecting.

>> No.10139420

stop replying in this thread I made it just for kicks

>> No.10139432

Not projecting, I just know your type. Only unfulfilled nobodies have such obvious seething contempt for the common man paired with a superiority complex. Actually successful people, having succeeded in their goals and attained their desires, generally have a better view of their fellow human beings.

>> No.10139450

>How much money can it generate per stream?
Probably 0$ unless you're Vinesauce Vinny or something

>> No.10139469


>> No.10139484

What like the WEF? They clearly have respect for the common man.

People who are 120IQ and below are basically chimps who can talk. Sorry to break it to you. But we need people like that, society doesn't function without these people because they can operate heavy machinery.

>> No.10139531

Every post you make further solidifies the fact that you're a bitter, unfulfilled nobody. Maybe use that imaginary >120 IQ you tell yourself you have and elect not to dig yourself deeper with further reply.

>> No.10139537

get a fucking job

>> No.10139550

how is it not a good platform for streaming?

>> No.10139552

Speedrunning and having a good stream dialogue is what gets me to stay in a stream.

>> No.10139554

Stream koei strategy games, the zoomers will love them

>> No.10139571

You think I'm egotistical but you seem to think that I give a shit what you think about me. We're just having a conversation. I don't care if I change your mind, I don't care what you think of me. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to me.

There's no hole to dig any deeper, you're just an anon on 4chan. You call me an underachiever but I know that you just have some shit job that you hate, that's why you're seething at the truth which is that even above average intelligence is actually not all that intelligent.

Most people are like cattle, just walking around not seeing anything for what it truly is. They're just watching the shadows in the cave, not realising that something is actually casting that shadow and there's a whole world beyond it. When I said 90% of people are incompetent. That was me being nice. It's more like 99%. The fact that society somehow continues is a fucking marvel, you want to talk about luck? THAT'S luck.

Oh, and this is why I don't post my music on places like this. Last thing I want is for my audience to somehow see these comments. I'd love to rub your nose in it, but I'm smart enough to self-preserve.

>> No.10139594

>you seem to think that I give a shit what you think about me.
Yeah you really dispelled this notion with that four-paragraph rant.
Didn't read it, by the way. Go practice your covers, I'm sure there's a wedding this weekend.

>> No.10139602

That took about 30 seconds to type. Why do you think I care about what you think just because I'm responding to you? Everything I said is true and has nothing to do with me. Are we not having a conversation? Because if not I don't see the point in replying to you anymore.

>> No.10139637

>That took about 30 seconds to type
Not that you care what anyone thinks of you or anything

>> No.10139660

Okay so we're not having a conversation anymore?

Fuck off then. I'm not going in circles with this, you're boring now.

>> No.10139771

Twitch takes half your sun money. It’s a better idea to develop a YouTube channel with your face and brand.

>> No.10139961

lmfao shut up faggot, you're a loser who larps as a successful musician on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.10140058

Who's the real loser? The guy who makes a living doing what he loves? Or the guy who can't even imagine that it's possible?

>> No.10140076

the guy pretending to be a career musician while claiming that he totally like for real has the secret to guaranteed twitch success
actually maybe it's the guy who claimed half a dozen times he doesn't care what people think about him yet keeps returning to the thread to offer limp-dicked clap backs to every single post directed his way
oh wait it's both, aka (You)

>> No.10140101

I don't see why you don't believe I'm a musician just because I enjoy petty arguments on the internet. I mean don't we all? Isn't that why we're here? Isn't that why you joined in? I'm keeping this thread open and sticking around to see who else has a pop. Such as yourself.

There's no secret btw, it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain. Be great, be consistent, be there, be forward, be ready. All the things you probably already know. The same "method" for success at literally anything else.

Don't act like you're not doing the same thing. You're arguing with me about shit that doesn't matter and you can't prove just the same as I am with you.

At least I can stay on topic and don't move on to psychic detective bullshit 90% of the time. The majority of the responses I've gotten have been attacking my character, not my point. Haven't you got anything worth saying?

>> No.10140172

>The majority of the responses I've gotten have been attacking my character
so? I thought you didn't give a shit what anyone thought of you.
before you respond, use that 90th percentile brain of yours and consider whether retorting with "I DON'T care what anyone thinks!" for the 8th time actually achieves what you intend it to.

>> No.10140201

99th percentile*

And why do I have to care about something to notice it? I'm saying find a new routine. Try actually staying on point. You're arguing with me because you don't agree that it's possible to make a living on twitch (despite lots of people doing it) and anyone who does achieve it is just lucky.

It's such a defeatist mentality that you've probably given up trying to argue for it because you don't believe you can win. Just like how you don't believe I could possibly make a living through original music, and you don't believe that people can earn a reasonable living by streaming.

What do you believe?

>> No.10140214

nobody ever said it's impossible to make a living streaming. people said it takes luck in addition to talent and drive. which is of course true, making it in any kind of entertainment requires all of the above and only a fool or someone incredibly naive would disagree.
it is however impossible for you to make a living off your music, because you're obviously borderline retarded, so any music you have ever made undoubtedly sucks shit. and not in the interesting way that makes for a spectacle, but in the bland, boring way that characterizes the vast majority of bandcamp albums by other nobodies who also went nowhere.
all that said, I don't even believe you can play or indeed own a single musical instrument. your larp needs a lot of work if you want to fool people with it, quite frankly

>> No.10140226

You're arguing with someone who gets off on negative attention, stop it

>> No.10140239

> Is it lucrative to stream older games?

If you’re an attractive young woman? Yes.
If you’re not an attractive young woman? No.

>> No.10140248

>show tiddies
>ramble about games
>simps appear
checks out

>> No.10140252

Luck doesn't exist.

Luck is just who can take advantage of the opportunities that come their way, and guess what faggot? People can make opportunities happen. You don't have to just sit on your ass twiddling your thumbs waiting for it come to you.

Soundcloud rappers and band camp nobodies are a fantastic example of what I'm talking about. Even if they manage to make something good, what do they do? They upload it and hope an A&R man comes and finds it, they'll get a record deal and be touring the world before they know it. Except that doesn't happen. You have to get people to come to you, and you do that by spreading as far and wide as you possibly can. You make it so as many different people see you as possible, and when they see you, then see you at your best.

Lucks got nothing to do with it.

Close. I enjoy petty arguments, but what I really get off on is how many people try to prove me wrong but just can't. I know what I'm saying works.

And everything I'm saying is true, so there's the added benefit of knowing that this will never get through to you. I can literally give you losers the keys and you still won't be able to drive. I get to rub it in your face. You look so far up that you think you're looking down again.

>> No.10140263

>Luck doesn't exist.
lmfao, absolute retard confirmed

>> No.10140269

>Luck doesn't exist.
This fucking goomba-ass motherfucker won the life lottery of being born in the 1% of the human population that has access to clean water, food, internet and the luxury of videogames all at once and thinks luck isn't real.

>> No.10140283

Yeah, I see your point. I mean, I thought I was doing pretty good in life, what with six figures at a job I love, a happy marriage, owning a home and two cars, etc. But you've shown me that life is so much more than that. You've shown me that if I grind really hard and whore myself out all over the place, I could be just like you: a mediocre nobody through whose fingers success will forever slip. Thanks, weird anon!

>> No.10140295

It doesn't.

That's called circumstance, and it can be overcome.

Why don't you dox yourself on 4chan to prove it?