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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10133931 No.10133931 [Reply] [Original]

SHIT game that killed 2d beat em ups. What the HELL were they thinking when they designed this boss (gameplay).

>> No.10133953

I had never even heard of this game until the Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle. Somehow I doubt it's the game that killed the genre

>> No.10133957

>Somehow I doubt it's the game that killed the genre

It unironically is.

>> No.10133960

>What the HELL were they thinking when they designed this boss (gameplay)
No way this is written by an actual person.

>> No.10133962

Real issue with this game is that you need to grind coins to get to the true last boss and that's a huge problem for the green plant character.

>> No.10133964

Green is easily the best character in the game. He can infinite from a jab.

>> No.10133974

Not to mention his healing and highest HP. He basically has 3-4 extra life.

>> No.10134064

this bundle has made me a fan of beat em ups. The cyberbots beat em up is kinda fucked in multiplayer though

>> No.10134118

But grinding coins is tedious work.

>> No.10134617


>> No.10135057

that game has shit pacing, levels feel like "rooms" not "scrolling belts", grinding money is a requirement, too many damage sponge enemies, too many enemies with guns, gimmicky bosses that require gimmicky strats to kill, uninteresting enemies in general, enemy combinations barely matter (just kill them the same way), and lastly imo the game is just unappealing visually.

>> No.10135139

How's that? I always thought it was the 3D era with hack and slash games that killed beat 'em ups, but I have no idea why that would be it. So, what killed beat 'em ups?

>> No.10135142

you're retarded, 3D killed bmups
also that boss is easy as shit, so in addition to being retarded, you are also bad at video games

>> No.10135152

stfu Pasky you manchild loser. I saw you crying.

>> No.10135170

The genre was effectively a quarter muncher so arcades disappearing en masse did it in. Plus 3D games that hit some of the same beats like Devil May Cry and Dynasty Warriors took their place.

>> No.10136839
File: 12 KB, 480x360, haggar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier:
Final Fight

High Tier:
Warriors of Fate
Alien vs Predator

Mid Tier:
Armoured Warriors
Captain Commando
The Punisher
Battle Circuit

Low Tier:
Knights of the Round
King of Dragons
D&D Tower of Doom

Busted Shit Tier:
D&D Shadow over Mystara

>> No.10136854

>God Tier: Final Fight
Stopped reading there.

>> No.10137279

Filtered by the most skill-demanding Capcom bmup, huh

>> No.10138956 [DELETED] 


>> No.10139065
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>High Tier: Shitilllacs and Turdsaurs

>> No.10139109

How is avp better than punisher you fucking idiot. Are you fucking serious? Avp is a fucking boring SLOG

>> No.10139123
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for me? Alien Storm

>> No.10139187
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For me, it Anime Convention: The Game.

>> No.10139221

The PlayStation and N64 killed beat em ups.

Nobody wanted to pay full price for games you could beat in literally 40 minutes anymore. When you would get shit like Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy 7 and they'll last you hundreds of hours.

>> No.10139267
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AvP is great. Stop hating.

>> No.10139272
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>> No.10139471

There's something very familiar about that woman's sprites. They were recycled somewhere but I can't quite remember where.

>> No.10139474

When quantity became more important than quality, a sad time indeed.

>> No.10139508
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> playstation and N64 killed beat ‘em ups

gone head and apologize

>> No.10139528

N-no... You didn't! I already told you there was a speck in my eye!

>> No.10139541

>Using kiddie names to refer to whatever I don't like

>> No.10139631

Uhh.... Those games aren't exactly household names. Their sales wouldn't even crack the top 200 best selling on PS1 dude and you know it.

First of all Crisis Beat fucking sucks. Fighting Force 2 literally abandoned the genre and was some generic tps. Gekido is fucking kino as fuck but is an obscure (tips fedora) hidden gem.

Again, there were some straggler games hanging on toward the end but fact is consoles killed the genre.

>> No.10139850

Gekido fucking sucks too they are no good belt scrollers on PS1

>> No.10139864

>The PlayStation and N64 killed beat em ups.
No, fighting games killed beat em ups, which had less content than beat em ups. Your narrative is false, it's simply that beat em ups became "old", and the same thing happened to 2d fighters with 3d fighters, and then the genre as a whole once FPS took over as the defacto vs genre

>> No.10139945

>Nobody wanted to pay full price for games you could beat in literally 40 minutes anymore. When you would get shit like Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy 7 and they'll last you hundreds of hours.
damn I didn't know OoT was the first Zelda and FF7 the first FF

>> No.10139954

Belt 'em ups didn't die they just morphed into Beltroidvanias like DmC, Ninja Gayden, etc.

>> No.10139957

shit genre committed sudoku
sudoku killed all shit genres
sudoku is better than all bert-er-ups

>> No.10139972

Picross was here
sudoku is a loser

>> No.10140024
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Is it just me, or why does walking up automatically make you turn to the right no matter what? If this is normal, it ruins the game for me.

>> No.10140281

>Their sales wouldn't even crack the top 200 best selling on PS1 dude and you know it.
Fighting Force sold well, bro

>> No.10140392

I'm really curious about what the original action racing version of Battle Circuit was like.

>> No.10140508

Faggots of Gape over Captain Commando or Funisher...

>> No.10140520

No, beat Emma simply surely a good genre because they're so fucking mindless. You repeat the same couple combos ad nauseum the whole game. It's such a lazy genre. People want more move variety. Action games killed beat em ups because they've got more going for them. With platforming and stealth and shit on top of that.

>> No.10140876

Anon, 3D is what killed beatemups
they also evolved into character action and hack and slash games

>> No.10140974

>mai quarter muncher

Its that attitude that killed all arcades. Shitty people like yourself that refused to even attempt to play them properly.

>> No.10140993

anon arcade games weren't designed by passionate enthusiasts in order to cultivate a class of video gaming elite warriors capable of 1CCing every game they played, they were designed by corporate suits looking for ways to empty your pockets and fill their own

>> No.10141031

Wow, so much skill.

>> No.10141039

And yet another retarded post from a dumb phoneposter

>> No.10141046

Holy shit stfu retard

>> No.10141052

>anon arcade games weren't designed by passionate enthusiasts in order to cultivate a class of video gaming elite warriors capable of 1CCing every game they played

They were actually. With consoles things gradually started to get dumbed down with cutscenes, easier difficulty, puzzles, backtracking, RPG mechanics etc.

>> No.10141323

>They were actually
No, they objectively weren't. Consoles only "dumbed things down" by doing away with holdover mechanics solely intended to keep kids pumping quarters into the machines.

>> No.10141793

It's good. You are wrong.

>> No.10141818

This is the weirdest cope I've ever heard. Capcom literally had developers doing whatever they wanted on arcade boards during their golden age.

>> No.10141884

>Capcom literally had developers doing whatever they wanted on arcade boards during their golden age
For the purpose of getting people to keep feeding the cab, not to cultivate a race of video gaming ubermensch, no matter how much self worth you derive from being able to 1CC shit on MAME.

>> No.10141914

You have a complete false dichotomy. Arcade games, at least from the publishers people actually give a shit about (Midway is not all arcade games), were made by passionate gamers.
Your nonsense about elite gamer 1ccers has nothing to do with that.
If you get good, even if you put in some credits, you are paying less than the price of a rental. And certainly less than buying a toned down home copy.

>> No.10142130

Again, that's because games like that sold better in the home market.

Who buys arcade machines? Arcade owners who want you to put as many credits in as possible without getting pissed off and leaving.

Who buys home console games? The average fucking retard who need tutorials every five seconds so they know what to do at all times.

Doesn't take a genius to figure this out. They still want to make something good because something good sells better than something shit, but they're catering for different wants.

>> No.10144283
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Anyone else love POW? I love it. The gameplay and sound effects are so satisfying. However... the game suffers badly from missed inputs. That's the biggest flaw.

>> No.10144574

Y'see, it killed the genre because that boss beat him. That's how this works in the autist's mind.

>> No.10144575

I only played the NES version and I remember it being miserable.

>> No.10145293

How do the home-only beat em ups compare to the arcade ones?

>> No.10147362
File: 518 KB, 2384x1732, jeffrey-epstein-mar-lago-club-florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link!

>> No.10147680
File: 415 KB, 500x448, C129E105-E04F-40BC-8C96-E2450172A6D6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punisher should really be higher on the list.

>> No.10147996

Streets of Rage 2 is great, 3 is alright. I'd like to try Paprium but not enough to buy it

>> No.10148067

I'd move all the low tier hack 'n slashes to mid tier and drop Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit to the low tier. Actuall, I'd move Tower of Doom to high tier because it's just so beautifully polished. It's really a piece of art.

>> No.10148127

The monetary incentive that caused a game to get made doesn't make it bad. If throwing a coin at the arcade makes it bad, then conversely throwing cash at the shop makes other game bad. This means ALL games are bad except for some throwaway RPGMaker level. ok let's be honest, they do have SOUL.
someone's RPGMaker/Speedy Eggbert level >>> all your uninspired corporate slop