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10132939 No.10132939 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think enough people talk about how radically different the console gaming landscape would look if Nintendo followed up on making the SNES CD with Sony.

>> No.10132945

Based on the specs it would have been their version of the Sega CD/32X. An overpriced piece of shit that was barely more powerful than the base hardware and with load times.

>> No.10132948

>and with load times.
This. I prefer carts.
>but muh FMVs!
we were deceived.

>> No.10132957

The only difference is that Nintendo had the clout to get a Rondo Of Blood port, and maybe it'd reach the West in a non-shit form for a first impression.

>> No.10132960

yeah shittier
nintendo needed a lesson in humility

>> No.10132965

>he thinks companies are characters from some TV drama or something
Yeah! that Nintendo guy.... he was an asshole. Sega was always the good guy (the japanese one!)

>> No.10132972

True, also I talk like this

>> No.10132973

I didn't mention sega at all
Sony were simply much more accommodating towards 3rd party developers

>> No.10132979

>some TV drama
It's Netflix series, and yeah nowadays people treat real life as if it was one, and treat things like ideologies or gender as if they were fictional characters with lore and fight over what's and what's not canon.
Basically, normies are now autistic, but in their own normie ways.
The modern era is hell. If you care about culture and society at least.

>> No.10132985

In all honesty, having like Mega Man X with a redbook audio soundtrack and some fancy added effects or anime cutscenes is pretty much my platonic ideal of a video game so I'd take it.

>> No.10132986

>Sony were simply much more accommodating towards 3rd party developers
I dunno, but Sony Computer Entertainment always seemed assholeish to me.
One of the most interesting developers of the early 3D era were Exact, who made Geograph Seal on the Sharp X68000, and Sony acquired them for the PS1. They did the first 2 Jumping Flash games and the Ghost in the Shell games, all pretty great, innovative and with a unique approach at 3D gameplay, with lots of personality.
Then Sony just dismantled them, and took a few of their talents to work on unremarkable projects in SCEJ/Japan Studios.
I know they did the same kind of shit with other dev groups.
As for being more "accomodating", sure, but that's because they were trying to penetrate the market and had the means to do so.
People on english-speaking forums always speak about how "Sony gave blowjobs to 3rd parties, nintendo was literally hitler" but when you read japanese devs interviews, most of them say working with nintendo is nice, and many of them don't like Sony.

>> No.10132995

I think it would have mostly ended up like the Sega CD, SNES games with CD-quality audio, tons of FMV games and a small amount of games that actually used the improved storage space for gameplay. Keep in mind the Sony SNES-CD was actually less powerful than the Sega CD.

Maybe AVGN would have made a video about it like the other commercially-failed consoles and add-ons.

>> No.10132997

seek help
how the fuck did you get all that from such a simple statement about nintendo

>> No.10133000

This is complete heresay, but SCEA was supposedly pretty strict about what they'd publish in the west in the early days of the PS1 - they only wanted more impressive boundary pushing stuff and denied plenty of 2D games and RPGs. FF7 being a huge hit changed that for RPGs at least....
3rd parties abandoning Nintendo during that time probably had less to do with Nintendo being assholes (even if that were true) and more to do with the expensive and restrictive cartridge format.

>> No.10133002
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Just imagine Secret of Mana but as a CD game like it was originally planned....

>> No.10133003

It could be nintendo or any other company, it's just funny when people romanticize corporations and companies as if they were a human individual.

>> No.10133040

If that were true you wouldn't have spent much time here.

Yes it would be different. Better? Likely not.
I like Nintendo stuff as a rule but strong competition often results in better products

>> No.10133051

I think Nintendo jilting Sony and creating their own worst enemy in the process is a pretty cool narrative.

>> No.10133056

Nintendo/yamauchi were so schizophrenic.
>work with sony because they present interesting audio tech to you
>love the tech so much you reach out for a partnership for cd
>they develop hardware, prototypes, proof of concepts while you do nothing
>one day yamauchi realizes he has a philips cd player at home, has a mental breakdown
>literally gives philips the rights to make a mario and zelda game
>proceeds to ghost sony
>sony takes over the game industry for decades
>goes on for so long you're forced to leave the console business, only make portable gadgets
>fail to grow internal teams so you have these prehistoric fleshbags being your only producers

>> No.10133189
File: 119 KB, 720x540, three-hands-n64-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I would've liked to see. Instead we got the N64. Oh well

>> No.10133202

I hate the n64 so much *because* I love the SNES so much, so I fully understand. The NES and SNES have given and continue to give me so much gameplay. The MSU-1 hacks, while hovering between cool to mediocre to downright stupid, are about as close to a what if window as we can get.

Fuck man, what could have been. at least we have a million 20fps vasoline smeared collectathons.

>> No.10133253

You didn't need a CD. The base SNES could have done Rondo. Hell, even the "FMV" was mostly just still frames with mouth flaps. Add text instead of spoken dialogue and you've got a nearly identical port. Konami probably had an exclusivity deal with NEC that prevented a straight port to any other console.

>> No.10133342

Yamauchi literally didn't play games or even bother experiencing the decisions he greenlit iirc. We're talking about some dude who went and purchased an American Baseball team and never even bother going to one of their games, ever.

>> No.10133363

This is a gross mischaracterization of what happened. Both Philips and Sony were trying to get CDs to become the defacto standard in the video game industry because they created the format. Nintendo investigated the technology and backed out for various reasons. There's nothing salacious there. They did their due diligence and just didn't like what they saw. Besides it would have been too late. Ben Heck's teardown of the PlayStation prototype revealed little more than a stock SNES stapled to a bog standard CD player. It was nothing but a format change. NEC did that with the PC-Engine CD in 1988. Sony delivered a worse product than the Sega CD that would have released in 1994 at the earliest. Nintendo would have been retarded to agree to that.

>> No.10133389

it's not Yamauchi's fault. it's a story of royalties.

At the time Nintendo was considered the most expensive in terms of royalties, around $14 per game. (Sega was at $13...).

The contract negotiated by Nintendo and Sony's lawyers, gave Sony $21 in royalties on everything planned for the Snes Play Station, games, movies, karaoke, interactive CDs, while Nintendo had their usual $14 only on games.
So Yamauchi made sure not to honor the contract. But after that it was necessary to replace Sony.
but who ??

Nintendo turned to Philips thinking their CD player was as good as Sony's. except not actually.

>> No.10133395

>The contract negotiated by Nintendo and Sony's lawyers, gave Sony $21 in royalties
Nintendo still happily pays macronix for their memory so it's doubtful paying sony's known and proven price for playstation ($9) that would be the problem.

>> No.10133412

The issue is that Sony and Philips were both aiming at entering the gaming market. Philips already did it earlier so Nintendo would risk using a direct competitor's format. Sony was going to enter the market regardless of what Nintendo did. Look at the system's name. "Sony PlayStation." Sony owned the PlayStation brand name, not Nintendo. They weren't going to just manufacture Nintendo's CD drives for their consoles and then call it a day. Nintendo is historically a shrewd company and they sniffed out the scheme.

>> No.10133413
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This. People shit on the idea of a CD addon because of Sega and the FMV games memes but NEC did pretty well with the PC Engine CD addon in Japan and redbook music and voice acting in a good 8/16 bit game is pretty soulful

>> No.10133415
File: 70 KB, 320x240, Mario's_Wacky_Worlds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of Philips, I still think it would've been cool if we had gotten Super Mario's Wacky Worlds. I'm surprised no rom hack has aimed at recreating it, maybe with MSU-1 audio as an added bonus.

>> No.10133435

>The issue is that Sony and Philips were both aiming at entering the gaming market
That's false. Sony wanted nothing to do with it and the only guy that was in on it was Kutaragi. He was opposed by the entire board of directors and went off and did things in secret anyway which almost got him fired numerous times but he became a darling of Norio Ohga late into the production of the SNES sound chip. Ohga gave Kutaragi special approval to the chagrin of everyone else at Sony. When the SNES CD plan fell through (it was an attachment and a stand alone console, similar to sega and JVCs relationship.) Kutaragi wanted to enter the console business but had never gotten Sony's approval - the plan was to use the snes cd/playstation platform to springboard into it but that fell through once Nintendo abruptly killed the deal.

There was no "scheme" from anyone but Nintendo who ignited Ohga's spite, gave Ken an entire branch, got him out of Sony corporate and partnered with Sony Music who fast tracked the PlayStation project as a new platform. They then went on a tour enticing basically every developer who wanted to work with 3D graphics, offered them the greatest deal for media production in gaming and also gave retailers the biggest cut of any console manufacturer.

Nintendo are the bad guys in every instance of this story unless you believe all competitors to Nintendo are bad guys.

>> No.10133527

The N64 had it's moments but to me growing up, Nintendo wasn't *just* Mario and Zelda - it was also Mega Man, Castlevania, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy etc...all series that were poorly represented (or completely left off) the N64. I had an N64 and I could never shake the feeling I was missing out - something I never felt during the NES or SNES era.

>> No.10133537

There is no way FFVII would have been as widely popular if it had been a clone of FFVI

>> No.10133556

>unless you believe all competitors to Nintendo are bad guys

Yes that’s what the majority of here and /v/ believe actually

>> No.10133571

I'm not defending Nintnedo but they were just protecting their own interests since Sony would get all the profits from anything to do with the CD portion of the Nintendo PlayStation.

>> No.10133594

Proof: reiji asakura's, revolutionary at PlayStation.

For Yamauchi, Sony was a component supplier. they asked Sony for 60 million sound chips for the Snes, they paid 60 million sound chips.
So Yamauchi was expecting a vendor contract and just paying for X million CD players.
For Macronix, Nintendo pay for the cartridges, that's all.

Except that on the side of Sony the guys saw themselves as partners. So Nintendo had to pay for the CDs and in addition to the royalties from Nintendo there were the royalties from Sony.
Ken Kutaragi, you know the developers of Playstation 1-2-3, didn't believe in the Nintendo-Sony contract because he found it too unequal.
So for the Snes Play Station contract, Sony claimed $21 in royalties. When Ken Kutaragi took over the project to make the Playstation, he was asking for only $7 in royalties.One of the main reasons many third-party publishers left Nintendo ($14) and Sega ($13).

CDs cost less to produce than cartridges. imagine the price of Snes-Play Station games!! $28 more expensive than Playstation games!

>> No.10133595

gender doesn't exist mate it never existed,just because a jew scientist says it exist it doesn't mean is the truth.

>> No.10133679

Also Castlevania shouldn’t get nu-versions released

>> No.10133862

That's the explanation of how it happened but not really contrary to Sony entering the market regardless of the SNES CD. People tend to paint it as if Nintendo made their own monster but Sony was going to launch their own machine regardless specifically because of Kuturagi.

>> No.10133889

Or there were no bad guys and each company was doing whatever was in it's own interest as companies tend to do. Remember that the whole Sony and Philips deals were being worked on while the SNES was pretty dominant and a lot of CD machines were struggling. The only people who would argue that it was blatantly obvious CDs were the future are relying on hindsight. From Nintendo's perspective what they were doing was working and when you're doing something that's working you stay the course. They looked into CDs because it'd be corporate malpractice not to at least investigate new technology but what Sony delivered, an SNES stapled to a CD player with no additional hardware or capabilities to speak of, wasn't a worthwhile endeavor if you're sitting there looking it over in 1993. Had the thing come out we'd have gotten a bunch of Sega CD ports and a few new games that would now fetch $2000 because they'd have sold like ass.

>> No.10133905

>Except that on the side of Sony the guys saw themselves as partners.
Not exactly. Yes, they were trying to "partner" with Nintendo but what that leaves out is they were trying to "partner" with everyone. Their ultimate goal was to make CDs the defacto standard for every video game console. Nintendo was the company they'd have the closest ties with because they were already a supplier but they'd have been making money off of everyone. Let's not paint Sony as if they didn't have their own interests.

>> No.10134183

>Nintendo are the bad guys
Is this a reference to this post?:

>> No.10134208

Agreed at least for once the Japanese consumer is to blame instead of the West

Siding with the PS1 over the N64 was a terrible mistake

>> No.10134254

Yeah they should have just gone with the console with less games, totally missing ENTIRE genres popular in Japan because uh……..Nintendo is le good !! Those stupid consumers should have just gone with the worse option because I said so.

>> No.10134265

The N64 didn't do that poorly in Japan. It did "poorly" in comparison to the west where it did much better but even in Japan it was in a statistical tie with the Saturn and several games broke a million.

>> No.10134272
File: 1.98 MB, 1314x736, Good shit m8.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grew up with both N64 and PS1

>> No.10134483

And yet they learned fucking nothing, obviously.

>> No.10134553

I never bought an N64 console because they only created that console for 3 handed people. They never designed a two-handed controller for the majority of the population.

>> No.10134606

You mean like msu1 rom hacks

>> No.10134625


>> No.10134673

Wondering what Capcom intentions with Super PlayStation before port over MS-DOS?

>> No.10134875
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Mega Man X has always been one of my favorite SNES games, it's weird but also kind of funny to think the series continued on both PS1 and Saturn but not N64. Same with Street Fighter.

I had both as well, they are honestly both great consoles for different reasons. I probably preferred N64 as a kid but as an adult I prefer PS1 by kind of a large margin lol.

>> No.10134912
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>I probably preferred N64 as a kid but as an adult I prefer PS1 by kind of a large margin
I had an N64 as a kid and nowadays I think I might prefer the PS1 but it might have something to do with the PS1's library being almost endless. The N64 has some god tier games but it doesn't take too long before you've played all of the good games and you get bored of the console. I still think the N64 Zelda games are better than anything on PS1 but again, if you told me I can only have one console for the next ten years I'd probably choose the PS1 just because of how big and varied the library is. It's so big that if you played every good game it would be years since you played your first one and it would feel fresh after all the other different games you've played. You could basically play the PS1 almost infinitely and never get bored of it, as opposed to the N64, even if it has god-tier masterpieces like OoT, MM and SM64

>> No.10134913

Worked for MM8

>> No.10135202

would've gotten destroyed by the saturn and 3do. still would be by far the best 4th-gen CD system.

>> No.10135539

PS1 is so much better when not using og hardware. Forgot how boring long load times were.

>> No.10135554

You mean the same game but with cd quality music?

>> No.10135574

>Nintendo now owns the PlayStation consoles forever
>Games would cost triple what they did
>Everything would be aimed at 10yo kids
>No blood, sex, gore or violence allowed
>Mario, Zelda, and many more

Sure glad Sony went their own way

>> No.10135662

And that wouldn't be good enough? There's also a ton of cut content in the game and I wonder if it would have been fleshed out more if it were on CD. The entire Sage Joch questline feels very rushed in particular.

>> No.10135754

I have mixed feelings about this. While it worked out for the PS1, I can't say I feel the same about Sony's other consoles. Possibly both companies would have benefited from it in the long run. Nintendo gets better hardware, Sony gets more and better sofftware

>> No.10135780

Well that’s just bullshit
But I’m glad to see people still think they are “mature gamers who enjoy mature games for mature people” because they don’t like Nintendo

>> No.10135838

Did you know Turbo Graphics 16 had Sherlock Holmes first?

>> No.10135952

You know current PlayStation games are more censored than Switch right?

>> No.10135996

Probably the difference between the PC Engine's CD success and the Sega CD's relative failure (like other CD based devices at the time) was that for the PCE it was a shrewd business decision to try and focus on CDs due to licensing deals at the time. By encouraging devs to release on CD they effectively made the market for enhanced regular games. Whereas what devs working on other platforms were doing were making "CD games" specifically, trying to take advantage of the technology because if they just wanted to make a plain old regular game they could release on cartridge.
NEC by going half cocked ironically had the more successful CD add-on where everyone else failed to justify their pursuit of technology.

>> No.10136000

Sony is basically a 100% western company right now, isn't it? Nintendo is still japanese.

>> No.10136013

Yes, and how did that happen? Because Nintendo got so utterly butt fucked by Sony that they were forced through repeated generations of failure and replacement of many big powerful people at Nintendo to reconsider EVERY policy they had.
If Nintendo hadn't had this rude awakening it's exceptionally likely we'd still be living under the oppressive content regulation of N64 era Nintendo.
Sony are making the mistake that Nintendo made 28 years ago, thinking they were so important and so irreplaceable that they could use their influence to shape the gaming landscape for "the greater good." Sadly Sony aren't having as hard a time of it as Nintendo was so I don't expect them to see the error of their ways any time soon.

>> No.10136039

You’re in a new goyslop era where somehow, someway, Nintendo is the least censored and least by the numbers slop developer of the current big 3.

I say this as an outspoken Bing Bing critic: Nintendo is unironically the “least bad” of all modern console companies currently.

>> No.10136064

You're talking like this is a new phenomenon. Look up Variable Geo. Look up BMXXX. The fucking Gamecube version was uncensored while the PS2 one had a bunch of cuts. It was a stupid game regardless but Sony was always more censor happy. Nintendo had it's moment but they got over it the second Sega assfucked them with Mortal Kombat.

>> No.10136153

Yamauchi was a stubborn old bat. Sony likely would've made their own console sooner-or-later and Nintendo likely would've done carts on N64 regardless of the SNES CD's existence. Only real difference is that the PS1 likely would've come out a bit later and been more powerful or they would've just started with the PS2.

>> No.10136201

I think the wii u era forced them in this position somewhat?

>> No.10136394

The market leader tends to become more family friendly in order to cast the widest net and not offend anyone. Back in the 90s it was Nintendo in that role with Sega being the upstart, looking to steal a piece of the pie by coloring outside the lines. You saw this in network TV at around the same time. The Fox Network was brand new in the late 80s and challenged the established NBC and CBS with a bunch of shows that were more crass like the Simpsons and Married With Children. Once Sony became the market leader they adopted Nintendo's old role and Nintendo turned into the Sega, looking to hit corners of the market that Sony won't touch. Though it's narrowed a bit in terms of what gets censored. Sony lets God of War do whatever the fuck it wants but censors Doki Doki Literature Club. If something makes money it gets a free pass. It's the niche anime shit that gets clobbered.

>> No.10137856
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>censors Doki Doki Literature Club
That game specifically was available free and uncensored straight from the developer's website.
It's the retards that bought it on Steam/PSN/and what not that are making the censorship worse by buying the censored version in the first place

>> No.10138260

Who fucking cares? What the fuck is the point of this shit? How fucking detached do you have to be to make a thread, not just about irrelevant gaming history, but ALTERNATIVE history??
>w-what if company A did B instead of C...

jesus christ what a fucking waste of board space.