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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1013091 No.1013091 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/. I have been wanting to play snes games for a while now (was born in 94 so never got the chance as a kid) and I was wondering, what is the cheapest handheld emulator that can play SNES games properly?

>> No.1013093

whatever you do, don't get a psp. anything but that

>> No.1013097

I used a PSP, it doesn't handle some SNES games, and most of the ones that do work have slowdowns in parts. I don't have any other handheld emulator to compare it to besides an Android phone, but they seem to work better, just don't have any keys.

>> No.1013102

That is what I was planning. Why is that such a bad idea?

>> No.1013108

Do to money issues I can't get a smart phone any time soon.

>> No.1013112

Most SNES games on the PSP have slowdown, a lot of frame skipping, or simply don't work. They basically force as many games as they can to be playable through speedhacks which aren't really accurate at all. I'm not someone who has to have the most accurate emulation, but the SNES emulation on PSP is pretty bad.
Everything else works pretty well, except for N64.

>> No.1013109

It emulates SNES badly. You will need something else for that.

>> No.1013121

I was tempted to try some Chinese emulation devices, but there's a few different ones and I'm not sure which is worth the money. There's also the Pandora, but it's pretty damned expensive.

>> No.1013125

I got a phone that I believe can emulate. How much are basic controller attachments for phones?

>> No.1013129

You may want the GCW zero when it comes out. I hear it is good, but I do not have personal experience with it.

>> No.1013131
File: 192 KB, 550x366, gp2x_wiz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get GP2X Wiz

>> No.1013134

Hey OP
PSP - It's fine for the most part but you will have issues with some games. Donkey Kong Country stands out as a game with way too much slow down. I actually have two PSP's right now. I have converted their use as a PS1 emulator which I connect to my TV. One from RPG's and one for Shmups. Works awesome for that purpose. Both PSP's are 32G full. Emulators don't seem to show up on screen that well for me.

In the same time, I wonder why it has to be portable. If your looking to simply wet your feet with some games then I say you buy a usb joystick and emulate. Fast, easy and very cheap.

If you want a TV experience then I suggest a softmod Wii. This option may be the easiest and cheapest at this point.

There are tablets and other hand helds made just for emulation, I have never tried them so I can't tell you if it's worth it or not.

Personally, I say you get a Wii for your emulation, unless you have a PC that's ready to hook up to your TV? You can also buy decent SNES or NES usb joysticks as well.

>> No.1013141

Well I have pretty bad ADHD and so I figured if it was portable I would have some to do on the bus and I would be forced to sit down and play the fucking thing.

>> No.1013143

Any idea how much they cost? Couldn't find it on their sites.

>> No.1013147

What is the best emulator for phones any way? Is there actually a difference between phone emulators and normal ones?

>> No.1013154


What is your price range? You can find GP2X Wiz on ebay easily. I wouldn't pay more than $100 for it

>> No.1013160


and here is where you can download emulators for it. Look under Most Downloads:


>> No.1013159

I was hoping for something around 60$.

>> No.1013171

Yes, you have to call the video game characters and tell them what to do. Fucktard.

>> No.1013173

Then you need to save more money, kiddo

>> No.1013174

Thanks. What is Mario's number?

>> No.1013209


>> No.1013215

>If you want a TV experience then I suggest a softmod Wii. This option may be the easiest and cheapest at this point.

Do this OP. It's the best thing you can get. Console games play better on consoles.

>> No.1013216

It's on the back of your SNES, if you have one of those.

>> No.1013219
File: 13 KB, 584x439, nintendo-repair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.1013226


Really what this guy said. You're not going to find anything portable that cheap that can play SNES games decently. As far as buying a controller for your phone, I would first see if your phone can actually install a SNES emulator and run games well before looking for one. I use the steel series Free controller on my SGS3 and it runs like a dream through n64 games at 720p. The Free is far from free though, and you could find a controller for a lot cheaper but the Free feels great and has a much higher build quality than the cheap Chinese controllers.

>> No.1013228

How good is the emulation on Nintendo DS once you have R4 cards for example?
...and I guess big plus you can play (older) DS games as well

>> No.1013239

a used Xperia Play can be had for less than $60 on ebay

>> No.1013245
File: 169 KB, 774x868, play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1013248

some games run fast (stuff like earthbound, DKC, mario world, etc.) but the screen resolution is too low to show everything

>> No.1013484

You'll need a Supercard DS Two to properly run SNES games. The only usable SNES emulator on the DS is very weak.

>> No.1013494

Okay? have fun with outdated hardware and uncomfortable button layout..

>> No.1013495

"usable" is a strong word..

>> No.1013525

>I have been wanting to play snes games for a while now (was born in 94 so never got the chance as a kid)
I was born in 94 and I still have my snes