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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10128135 No.10128135 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a no bullshit quick rundown on this series please

>> No.10128140

It really fun

>> No.10128142

contra with smoother animation and more personality

>> No.10128143

1 is great. 2 is great. X is a slightly improved version of 2 (some say downgrade but it's pick your poison), 3 is good. 4 onward things start to get divisive.

>> No.10128145

Designed as a follow-up to In The Hunt, where you play as a tank, then they had the bright idea that you should be able to get out of the tank, and the rest is history.

>> No.10128146
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classic souls like experience

>> No.10128150

Yeah get in front of my car.

>> No.10128157

>1 is doable even if you kind of suck at video games
>2 gives you an advantage with the lag which is like a Matrix bullet time sequence
>X is 2 but trickier with the improved performance and ruins the ayylmao plot twist
>3 starts out great but goes on for way too long
>the rest don't really matter much unless you're a big fan and are hungry for more

>> No.10128167

MS1 is a genuine masterpiece that everyone should play
MS2/X is also pretty great up until the subway trains, then it becomes hot garbage
MS3 and onward is hot garbage

>> No.10128176

The villain is a French-Canadian dictator from New Brunswick that uses repurposed WW2 era Nazi Germany technology. I don't know why, but I find that incredibly funny.

>> No.10128208

the slowdown doesn't make the game any easier, it just feels like shit and drops inputs. just do emulated overclock for no slowdown

>> No.10128221

MS2 is hot garbage compared to MSX. You literally need rom hacks to play MS2.

>> No.10128245

X makes a ton of questionable changes and adds a ton of dumbass gimmicks. There is like two small sections that are improvements and everything else is a downgrade. The main advantage of X besides less slowdown (irrelevant with emulation) is that the AES version finally lets you rebind the stupid fucking Slug Attack so you can finally shoot and jump at the same time, and you can use Vulcan Fix.

>> No.10128258

These right here.

Something to note:

Metal Slug controls extremely well with a Sega Saturn controller on the…well…Saturn. It’s horribly unresponsive and I die way more when I emulate it via MAME while using a Xbox controller so get a good controller!

>> No.10128262

There is something wrong with your MAME settings or you're just retarded. The ports are garbage, the game is best played on arcade emulation so you can overclock CPU to remove slowdown and enable autofire.

>> No.10128263

Button mashing makes me FEEL good.

>> No.10128264

Really fun games with some of the best pixel sprite work ever, really over the top intense gameplay and just all around good games.

Worth your time, with an emulator or infinite credits it won't take you longer than an afternoon per game, might as well try it.

>> No.10128272

then button mash, but it adds nothing to the game. Even if you think 20Hz autofire is "too high" then you can just use like 5Hz autofire so you don't have to mash nonstop, but all Japanese players have been using autofire for all arcade games/shmups for decades.

>> No.10128280

You already ruined the 1cc thread.

Don't ruin this one too.

>> No.10128284

it was one shitposter spamming nonstop about how using autofire is cheating to derail the thread. shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.10128327

No, Xbox 360 has a shitty stock controller that hampers ability when compared to Sega Saturn controllers. I’m not trolling. I can easily shoot and not get hit while on Saturn but not on the Xbox 360.

>> No.10128343

You don't need to play MAME with a 360 controller. Are you fucking dense?

>> No.10128389

Pretty fun with a friend ;w;

>> No.10128432
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You're damn right! Xbox has some pretty stiff controls. I dunno if they're made to be resilient to beer, sheboys, and whatever else you find in some college frat but they're just baaaaad controllers!

>> No.10128436

>best played on arcade emulation so you can overclock CPU to remove slowdown and enable autofire.
Everyone ignore this anon. Autofire is not needed for Metal Slug. Ignore him.

>> No.10128446

No one said it's needed, it just greatly improves the game. You can enable it or mash like a tard, it's your choice. But in either case, you still want to remove the slowdown.

>> No.10128474
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Tiny crippled faggot hands detected.

>> No.10128719

It was at least 30-40 posters against you.

See how I recognised that it was you straight away? Stop it. You're the shitposter.

Fuck off about autofire. Stop telling everyone to use it. Stop defending it so much that you'll derail every thread where you mention it. Get a fucking life.

>> No.10128779

>it just greatly improves the game.
Not really? Just makes people spam bullets mindlessly. Also kinda imba since I don't remember if the devs made the game with autofire in mind?

>> No.10128783

play gun force 2, metal slug 1 and x

>> No.10128805

It wasn't made with turbo in mind, that's why the pistol requires mashing but automatic guns like the machine gun don't require mashing.

Also the faster you can mash, the faster you can kill an enemy, so there is a skill element too. But do yourself and this thread a favour. Stop replying to the turbo autist. He's relentless, he won't let this go. You won't win, you'll go round in circles repeating yourself and getting the same arguments back about how the japs do it, there are leaderboards or whatever, his discord moderator said its fine, he has a YouTube channel so it must be true.

Leave it alone while this thread is still about Metal Slug.

>> No.10128869

You can really overclock it? I don't like slowdown.

>> No.10128873

I want to get into the series. I just saw a YouTube documentary on the series and it was really interesting. No youtuber bs just straight to the point with a lot of facts and behind the scenes stuff.


>> No.10128879

"Tab" menu (by default) > Slider Controls, and find the main cpu option.

>> No.10128886

God I hate gimmicks. I wish there were no gimmicks in games. Some games are just one big gimmick.

>> No.10128889

You really don’t even need to mash that fast. But don’t reply to this loser. He’s one of the worst trolls on this board. Him, the Speccy guy, and the weird Sony dude.

>> No.10128932

what about this version?

>> No.10129074

what kind of iredeemable faggot cares what Japanese players do

>> No.10129081

>Japanese players have been using autofire for all arcade games/shmups for decades.
Not on Metal Slug.

>> No.10129109

The dps the pistol soft caps at like 8Hz. The ""advantage"" of autofire is marginal, it just saves you from mashing nonstop the entire game.

Autofire has been the standard for all games for decades now. Unless you were playing a game from the early-mid 80s and only wanted to compete with the very early players of that game would you ever mash. But nowadays, the standard for these games (even early 80s games) has retroactively been set as autofire is allowed in all contexts, as Japanese players collectively acknowledged how awful of a mechanic mashing is.

Occasionally you get clueless shitters who wander in here and think autofire is cheating, but you can be assured they have zero clears and don't play any of these games at any high level whatsoever

>> No.10129119

These games are all developed in Japan and most of the serious playerbase is in Japan. But in terms of autofire, even western players have been using it for decades for high level play, especially for shmups and arcade games. Only boomer tier garbage like Twin Galaxies (and derivatives from it like speedrun.com that grandfathered the rules in) disallows autofire, although even then they are improving and allowing it for many runs

Yes, vast majority of superplays from Japan/Korea use autofire. Most western players as well are using autofire.

>> No.10129128
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1 is a good meal
2 is a great meal
X is a great meal, but all the ingredients have been jumbled up
3 is a great meal, the portion size is just a little bit too big
4 is the stale, reheated leftovers of the previous three
5 is a great meal, but undercooked
6 is the real 4, a great meal with some questionable seasoning
7 is a good meal, but you're getting bored of the taste

>> No.10129137

3 is mediocre and overall much worse than 4. Just too bloated with too much shallow gimmicks and poorly designed bosses.

4 is back to basics, very solid game more similar to MS1/2

>> No.10129152
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Here we go again. Fuck off and never come back.

>> No.10129163

>check /vr/
>see innocent looking MS thread
>already derailed by the same 2fag(s) defending autofire since their game is designed like shit by default

every fucking time. I'm watching evo.

>> No.10129167

I don't dislike 4 because of the gameplay, I dislike it because it has so much recycled content. But point taken, it really gets divisive after 3.

>> No.10129196

3 wasted so much of its content in shitty side paths that gave zero incentive and no one ever took, and in cinematic sequences where enemies were basically just window dressing. 4 actually got good use out of this content, and unless you have extensive experience with 1-3, most of it will just go right over you. Meanwhile 3 (and X to some extent) tries to milk nostalgia with a bunch of literal copy pasted bosses from Slug 1+2

>> No.10129210

Just no miss cleared Gunforce 2, pretty great game. Better in some ways (60fps, the dual gun system is cool, can navigate up and down terrain like Contra), but is overall not as refined and the level and boss design is lacking.

In The Hunt is even better imo, great game that plays like Metal Slug with a sub

>> No.10129218

>Yes, vast majority of superplays from Japan/Korea use autofire. Most western players as well are using autofire.
Show me a video of Japanese player using autofire in the 1990s on Metal Slug.

>> No.10129256

Didn't either Hiya or Akio said that GF2 was being made in middle of old's IREM collapse? It's a shame, the game has very solid foundations and is very good, the lack of an ending is a clear sign of its unfinished status.

>> No.10129381

I don't care.

Talk about this amongst your discord friends. Nobody here agrees with you or wants to hear what you have to say.

Get a life you fucking loser.

>> No.10129396

Never played MS with autofire myself but I'm all for it. No videogame is worth the carpal tunnel.

>> No.10129401
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>> No.10129405

>tank in the hunt
>the bright idea that you should be able to get out of the tank
man I never made that connection but that makes so much sense

>> No.10129409

Does anyone have the gif where Fio's glasses get destroyed by that one boss in 5?

>> No.10129423

If you don't care then stop sperging out about how autofire is cheating you shitter nonplayer

Check the STG Hall of Records; autofire started becoming very common in the mid-late 80s, and was basically universal by the early 90s. Gamest recorded autofire and non-autofire records. In some games they just combined them and everyone played with autofire.

In terms of actually finding an actual recorded run, any run, whether without or with autofire? That would require a lot of digging and would usually be on some rare superplay VHS.

>> No.10129465

Having autofire pistol makes Metal Slug way too easy.

>> No.10129490

its great, just ignore 1cctards and ms2fag and have fun.

>> No.10129780

You are missing so much of the game if all you've ever done is just brute force credit feed your way through it and move on. The game is meant to be replayed and mastered.

>> No.10129785

Yeah, they even made an almost complete game where you just play as the tank, and then decided it was kind of sluggish (hurr hurr) and not fun in places, so they completely redesigned the game around being on foot and just occasionally getting to ride in the tank for a burst of empowerment.

>> No.10129792

>The dps the pistol soft caps at like 8Hz.
This is not true.

>> No.10129794

Yes, it is. Test it for yourself on any enemy with a decent amount of HP.

>> No.10129802

It's crazy to me how Kazuma Kujo was the one who came up with that idea. Aside from the graphic artist Akio, not many staffers got the privilege of working on both R-Type and Metal Slug.

>> No.10129809

The pistol clearly shoots faster than 8Hz. You are incorrect.

>> No.10129813

you can shoot the pistol faster by crouching.

>> No.10129814

You fucking retards just love to spout your mouth and spread complete unsubstantiated. Just shut the fuck up you fucking retarded imbecile.

Just tested 19.72Hz (2 on, 1 off) vs. 8.45Hz (4 on, 3 off) and got 219 frames vs. 235 frames to kill the big crab in the first level, starting from the first frame he flashes to show damage to the first frame of his death animation.

>> No.10129817

I'm not saying if it's cheating or not, play it how you want. I don't give a shit. Stop ruining potentially good threads with your autism. You know the fire rate of arcade games off by heart, you can't call other people a sperg.

Fuck off with this off-topic bullshit whenever an arcade thread comes up.

>> No.10129827 [DELETED] 

In the later Slug games, yes. In Slug 1 you fire faster while jumping.

For crouching, it's 181 frames vs. 202 frames for 8Hz vs. 20Hz for the same test (big crab in first stage of Slug 3).

>> No.10129834

In the later Slug games, yes. In Slug 1 you fire faster while jumping.

For crouching, it's 181 frames vs. 202 frames for 20Hz vs. 8Hz for the same test (big crab in first stage of Slug 3).

The misinformation some of these morons spread you would think they have never even played any of these games. Saw some dumbfuck earlier try to claim heavy MG deals same dps as autofire pistol.

>> No.10129843

Your emulator and rom version has a cap. Use the uncapped version.

>> No.10129846

zero effort bait. kill yourself

>> No.10129847

dam nthis nigga said u postin cap

>> No.10129873

You are using the vanilla version of Mame and vanilla Metal Slug. There are versions out there without the limiter than makes it more obvious. I could tell you which. But knowing you, I think you probably would enjoy the even higher autofire rate available. Then probably come back here in a few days and start yelling at everyone for shooting too slowly and calling us cavemen or whatever. It's best that you stay on whatever versions you are using.

>> No.10129885
File: 1.13 MB, 932x1165, king_of_fighters_98_um_ol_heidern_by_hes6789-d9us1ek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leona, someone is trying to kidnapp Athena. In order to protect her, we've arranged for you to go undercover as one of her backup dancers. You'll recieve training from the top choreographers in the business, you'll need to watch her 24/7, so we've booked reservations at all the same hotels her group wil be staying, and we've set aside a stipend for you and your team to purchase whatever additional equiment you'll need to see this mission accomplished.
>Marco, here's a pistol. Go liberate North Korea.

>> No.10129893

MS5 needed an improved version a la X. So much cut content.

>> No.10129910

no one cares about some fucking bootleg romhack bullshit. Literally never seen a single clear with it or mention of this anywhere, aside from the one retard (You) who keeps mentioning it and acting like anyone using autofire is playing on this version (that no one has ever heard of and no one cares about)

>> No.10129916
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That's right, Metal Slug threads should be banned if this high level of retardism keeps happening, or this annoying idiot finally gets banned.

>> No.10129925

You see so much blatantly wrong retardation spread in these threads, I feel obligated to correct it. This is the third time you've posted that exact image and sentiment while contributing nothing to the thread.

>> No.10129937
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>> No.10129951
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>> No.10130105

Metal Slug was not released in the West with autofire in arcades. This is a Western website. Not a Japanese website. Talking about autofire is meaningless here.

>> No.10130121

Metal Slug is a Japanese game jackass. Even in the west, autofire is very prevalent today.

>> No.10130127

Metal Slug was not released with a autofire in the West in arcades. If you want to talk about Japanese exclusive things, then go talk about it on a Japanese board. This board is for Western versions of games. That's what the majority of fans discuss here.

>> No.10130132

Autofire has been the standard for ports and emulation which is how vast majority of players are playing it today, and in Japan (where the games were developed and the active community is), the games are all played with autofire, even on PCB, through an autofire circuit.

The autofire argument has been settled for three decades. Stop sperging out about something you know nothing about. You won't actually discuss the games though because you have little experience with them; you just want to cry about autofire because you're a little shitter

>> No.10130149

>playing it today
This is a retro board. We aren't discussing how it's played today. We are discussing how it was played in the 1990s to mid 2000s in the West. For most, that was the arcade cabinet.

>> No.10130156

Are you guys going to keep making the same two posts over and over for a week again?

>> No.10130180

I don't know if you are concern trolling, pretending you are someone else, or genuine. But there's nothing else to be said on the subject of autofire.

>> No.10130181

>This is a retro board. We aren't discussing how it's played today. We are discussing how it was played in the past

This is the dumbest argument ever. This board is about both playing retro games today and the past.

>> No.10130187

We don't care. This board doesn't agree. Stop coming onto every Metal Slug thread and telling everyone to use autofire. You ruin threads with your endless posts.

>> No.10130203

It's the other way around. One sperg keeps spamming nonstop how autofire is cheating

Damn, you really are fucking stupid lol

>> No.10130228

The old school ones with pixel art is great. The franchise lost all its soul the moment they went to 3D graphics wirh the modern games. They also changed it to be much easier and less challenging.

>> No.10130239

literally all of them are 2d except for one shitty obscure spinoff and some cheap chinese mobile game.

>> No.10130271

>literally all of them are 2d
No. You are very wrong.

Metal Slug PS2
Metal Slug Zero
Metal Slug Code J
Metal Slug Awakening

All 3D games.

>> No.10130523
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The original metal slugs were the best. Playing on the Neo geo arcade cabinet at the Arcade brings back a lot of fun memories. It's how anyone should play the classics. Playing with your bro in an arcade with a handful of quarters. Knowing that you only had a few dollars and had to do your best to see how far you could get. Making every quarter count. Great times.

>> No.10130613

Do these autofire """"superplayers"""" even know that you have to count your shots to get a grenade in on the bosses?

>> No.10130691

>IOS games
Literally no one has heard of these.

>> No.10130709

Stop typing literally. You are using the word incorrectly, and butchering the English language.

>> No.10130725

literally nah

>> No.10130786

What are you even trying to say? Count your shots?

>> No.10130826

I want to jump into this argument. I'm not insulting you for using autofire. But each gaming community decides what to accept. The Japanese community like it for their games. The Western community does not like it. This is a Western board and you being here bragging about autofire is pointless. Other Anons have said it too. You should go to where you are accepted if you care that much about talking about autofire. You aren't changing anyones' mind here. Now that's all I have to respectfully say on the matter and I have no intention of endlessly debating you like other anons have tried.

>> No.10130854

Even the western arcade and shmup/run n gun community has near universally accepted autofire. The reason why Japan is seen as the standard is because that's where the games were developed, where the superplayers are, and where the most active scene by far is.

The only scene that hasn't fully embraced aufofire is shit like Twin Galaxies (and speedrunning which grandfathered in the same ruleset), and even then they are loosening that restriction and separating leaderboards. The thing with speedrunning though is that like 99% of it is concentrated in Nintendo games, JRPGs, indie games, etc. Shmups and arcade games are an absolutely minuscule portion of that, which is why no one is really pushing to change the standards since mashing/autofire is basically nonexistent outside of a couple obscure genres, and even then only during a small timeframe from late 80s to mid 90s

>> No.10130861

I still don't understand how the fuck those Rebels have near-unlimited arsenal at their disposal yet you're supposed to be a member of the Regular Army who only has 2~4~6~9 people in total who are capable of successfully fending-off the seemingly endless enemy hordes at their disposal.

>> No.10130913

To max out your score on a boss you toss a grenade instead of firing a shot for the last bit of damage, since grenades are worth more points than shots.

>> No.10130939

Nobody cares about boring score autism in Metal Slug. It's just extremely slow, tedious, and RNG heavy.

In any case, any player worth their salt will have regular fire/grenade buttons and then turbo fire/grenade buttons.

>> No.10130942

>Nobody cares about boring score autism in Metal Slug.
You have evidence to the contrary in this very thread.

>> No.10130952

>Even the western arcade and shmup/run n gun community has near universally accepted autofire.
Not here. So stop talking about it. We don't care.

He's just baiting you. Don't feed him. He does this in every Metal Slug thread. He has a YouTube channel where he uses autofire on all his games and hates when people ask if he can play without it. He goes on a Berserk rant about boomers and button mashing being dumb. Yadda yadda.

>> No.10130962

Some shitter posting some random tidbit about how grenades give more points is your idea of caring? No scores have been posted and trivial shit like that only matters if you're going for WR tier scoring anyways.

Yes, even here most players have. It's one samefag spamming nonstop in every thread about how autofire is cheating baiting for reactions. Even here most players (actual players, not geriatric boomers whose only experience with these games was for an hour nearly 30 years ago) use autofire without a second thought.

>> No.10131279

Nigger, you have the recall of a goldfish. >>10129218 >>10129423

>> No.10131406

One of those posts is mine and neither is caring about Metal Slug scoring jackass

>> No.10131842
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>Set difficulty level to 1
>Enemies suddenly have a reasonable amount of health
Neat. It's too bad some of the bosses get really slow and dumb because of this. A rom hack could probably make a better playing experience.

>> No.10131861

QRD as follows:
you play as the metal slug sometimes when you can find it while runnin and gunnin
imagine if contra was actually good

>> No.10132379

>A rom hack could probably make a better playing experience.
There are numerous rom hacked versions out there. It really depends on what you want. There are versions out there with absurdly fast autofire (which kindabreaks the game balance), or being able to hold multiple weapons and swap between them, or being able to summon vehicles any point in any level via an air drop, or different enemies with changed HP values. It ultimately depends on what you are looking for.

>> No.10132442

Are there any hacks that cut out the shmup sections in stage 5? lol
I just want a MS3 that's as tight as the 1st two ;_;

>> No.10132453

bruh, just use a keyboard. keyboard+neoragex works good

>> No.10132454

You are the one sperg anon. Go back to your discord thread. Nobody agrees with you, and even if they did, this isn't a thread about auto fire.

Just go away and stop ruining cool threads all the time. I personally couldn't give two shits if you play these games with auto fire, or if you use save states or whatever the fuck. Play it how you want. Just talk about the game itself rather than how you play the game. If you want this conversation so much, start an auto fire thread.

>> No.10132458

Imagine needing a "quick rundown" on a fucking run-and-gun.

>> No.10132470

>We are discussing how it was played in the 1990s to mid 2000s in the West
This is extreme reaching and stupid. Nothing of the board restricts us from discussing games or how they were played in the East. Many retro games didn't get translated or brought here, doesn't mean they aren't retro.

>> No.10132473

>still samefagging
please, kys

>> No.10132502

>This is extreme reaching and stupid. Nothing of the board restricts us
The mods do.

>from discussing games or how they were played in the East.
This isn't the thread for that. Make your own thread if you care so much.

>Many retro games didn't get translated or brought here, doesn't mean they aren't retro.
The mods have strictly defined what years they consider retro. That is not modern day games.

>> No.10132505

How can I be samefagging when you already said to someone else "it's just one sperg complaining about cheating"? And they told you that we want you to stop? You have to see that more than one person wants you to fuck off. I don't even think it's cheating, I just also want you to fuck off. I see you in multiple threads. Am I also samefagging across threads too?

You're delusional if you think that only one person thinks you're annoying. You've made hundreds of posts going on and on about auto fire, you've memorised the fire rates of obscure arcade games, and you're a weeb.

You have no redeemable qualities, even though I agree with what you're saying that autofire isn't cheating. I really just think you should kill yourself and livestream it so we can celebrate as a community that /vr/ and the world itself will have become a better place you absolute loser.

>> No.10132518

The year the games were developed determines if they're retro, not the year you played them, you damned idiot. How the Japanese play the game IS relevant to a game developed in Japan for primarily a Japanese audience. It was designed with autofire in mind and the Japanese played it with autofire. Now stop fucking crying and discuss the games. Oh wait, you don't actually even play them, you're just doing your shitposting routine.

>I'm totally not the same person even though I do the same routine every thread, have the same writing style, make the exact same retarded arguments, and regurgitate the same insults!!
Just shut the fuck up and fuck off already you fucking degenerate

>> No.10132549

The mods have defined what years are considered retro with their releases. Metal Slug was released in the 90s in the West without autofire. That's how most of us are talking about the game. How we remember it during its original release. Not how you prefer to play it today on your high end desktop computer with emulation, streaming, and other hacks applied to the game. This is primarily a Western Board. We tolarate some minor discussion about Japan if you make your own threads.

This is not a thread for emulation, discussing imports, Japan VS Western gameplay styles, record keeping, why Japan is better at playing games, why Western record keeping organizations suck, or any autofire debates. Go make another thread for that.

>> No.10132558

Crying 'samefag' sure does work on an anonymous fucking imageboard.

>> No.10132567
File: 243 KB, 340x340, plok_is_absolutely_fucking_livid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bunch of retards, both of you.

>> No.10132572

>open-ended thread about Metal Slug
>but don't discuss anything about Metal Slug except purely what it was like in western arcades in the 90s
We are talking about autofire and emulation how it relates to Metal Slug you fucking imbecile. Autofire is a more than valid way to play the game and has been for decades, get the fuck over it shitbrain. You don't even play the games at all yet shit up the thread with low effort bait garbage.

>> No.10132576

This is not a thread for autofire debates or emulation. Make another thread for that.

>> No.10132581

Then don't cry about the suggestion to play it with autofire and no slowdown you fucking dumbass.

You go in multiple threads about topics you know nothing about and have nothing to contribute, and then post the same lazy bait routine about how autofire is cheating. With the same posting style, same insults, same talking points, and then try to act like it's dozens of people when it's clearly just your retarded ass. Now fuck off idiot.

>> No.10132592

I have no idea who you are talking about or why you are trying to bait me into a conversation about autofire. I will tell you again. This thread is about Metal Slug. Not your personal feelings about autofire, Japan, or this imaginary villain you think you are arguing against. Now stop here. Please leave the thread and make your own thread.

>> No.10132668

>But there's nothing else to be said on the subject of autofire.
They're still going tho. Let's see if it makes it a week.

>> No.10133302

I’m pretty sure they showed off a version at Space World that only had the tank. The consumer response was poor so with like 3 months of development left they retooled the whole game to have the ability to get out of the tank. That’s why every level in the original can be completed in the tank w/o having to exit because it was designed first just for the tank.

>> No.10133437

The fact that you have this argument enough to say "every thread" is all that needs to be said.

Get a fucking life.

>> No.10134332

It's an awesome series. If you ever get the chance to play it on an arcade cabinet, then go for it.

>> No.10134751

>But it adds nothing to the game
That's where you're wrong. Plus some guns won't even work with auto fire in old school run n gun games.

>> No.10134753

>2 is a great meal
My man.

>> No.10134863

I just played through the anthology for the second time. This series is fucking great. Sure some games were better than others but there are no bad games here.

My only complaint was the background art in 6. Were they running low on time? Yuck

>> No.10134872

I like Contra but can't get into Metal Slug because I can't figure out what the intended difficulty is. Playing with no continues feels insanely punishing, way harder than any Contra I've tried, but credit-feeding removes all the difficulty.

>> No.10134882

It simple. Pretend you are in an arcade as a kid, and only have a limited amount of credits. Pretend like you only have 5 dollars (25 credits) and try to beat the game. If that's too easy, then pretend you only 4 dollars. Then 3 dollars. And so on.
Challenge yourself to see if you can beat the game on a certain amount of credits. Don't just give yourself unlimited credits. That's unfullfilling.

If you play air hockey, the tables are usually set to first to 5 or 7 goals. Then the game ends. Period. Same with arcade basketball games. You have 2 minutes to get as many scores as you can then the game ends. Same idea.

>> No.10134884

Credit feed to learn the game to 1cc or restrict yourself to X amount of credits. It's not complicated

>> No.10134971

>Plus some guns won't even work with auto fire in old school run n gun games.
you can set autofire to any amount and have multiple buttons with different amounts autofire. literally zero reason to ever not use it. In some games I have three autofire speeds (mostly just shmups, which are designed to be played like this)

>> No.10134987

Gtfo. No one cares about your autofire obsession. You've been told 20 times to make your own thread if you care so much. You disappear for a while, and then come back here! Are you lonely or something? Stop coming back to our thread.

>> No.10134995

When someone posts blatant misinformation, I correct them. Simple as that.

>> No.10135006

I'll rather pretend im one of those old guys with a fat pile of coins and packs of cigarettes

>> No.10135064

Great memories playing the first one in the backroom of a pub when I was a kid. In hindsight the owner was a legend as there were always excellent games in the two cabinets he had set up in that back room. One cabinet had a steering wheel and pedals and had Radmobile, which was the first appearance of Sonic the Hedgehog in any video game. Radmobile was later swapped out for Badlands which I loved too. The other cabinet had Street Fighter 2 Turbo which was later swapped for Metal Slug 1.

>> No.10135082

>or have multiple buttons
By trying to simplfy a "problem" you're creating new ones by making the game more complex than it needs to be.

Not everyone wants to play the game the way you do.

>> No.10135089

I would never suggest credit feeding. All my 1cc clears were on real hardware and off real money. Play enough and you should figure everything out organically.

>> No.10135101

No you should practice with save states and tool assist that way you can more 1cc faster

>> No.10135115


>> No.10135123

One of the first realistic accurate arcade ports for a console. That's why I think it did well (other than gameplay)

Never understood why they don't port more arcades I'm guessing it's a licensing thing

>> No.10135176

You've posted your opinion on autofire too much in this thread. Go correct someone else. There is no shortage of people you can argue with in other threads.

>> No.10135339

>real hardware
>real money
>no autofire
>no tools
>no save states.
You sir are based. A true champion of what it was like to meet a champion player of the arcades back in the 90s and 2000s.

>> No.10135405

>I'll rather pretend im one of those old guys with a fat pile of coins and packs of cigarettes
Then you would be player mahjong or video poker

>> No.10135834

Based. None of that emulation shit.

>> No.10136220

>literally zero reason to ever not use it. In some games I have three autofire speeds
How much of automation do you actually need? It's hard enough justifying autofire at all, but here you are having multiple autofire speeds on different buttons. Why even bother playing the game? You might as well just use AI to play the game for you. All you need to do is sit back and watch.

>> No.10136426

You're an idiot and have zero experience with these games. A rapid autofire speed is for pointblanking, and lower autofire for zako. These games are brutally hard and designed around autofire. You literally don't play them and have zero clears so just don't blurt out nonsense

>> No.10136467

Incoming blasphemous post
I liked the drivable enemy vechicles in MS4

>> No.10137439

>These games are brutally hard
Metal Slug is not brutally hard.

>and designed around autofire.
Metal Slug is not designed around autofire.

>> No.10137482

The post you were responding to wasn't about Metal Slug smoothbrain. And yes, Metal Slug is hard which is why you have never cleared it.

>> No.10137486

>And yes, Metal Slug is hard
Maybe if you stopped using autofire you would actually get good

>> No.10137489

3 days 18 hours so far

>> No.10137548

What you just said makes no sense, you mouthbreathing smoothbrain.

>> No.10137575


>> No.10137586

I have no-miss clears in all the Metal Slug games (yes, autofire of course), so that is not a concern for me.

>> No.10137623

>no-miss clears in all the Metal Slug games
>(yes, autofire of course)

>> No.10137634

I hope everyone that posted in this thread dies violently very soon.

>> No.10137653
File: 134 KB, 496x619, 1624720886236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame that such a good game had discussion killed by a bunch of retards.

>> No.10137661

>Metal Slug is hard

>> No.10137685
File: 302 KB, 610x521, MetalSlug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10137829

Metal Slug is one of the most fun games I played as a kid. Why would anyone want to rob themselves the experience of beating it? It's not difficult or anything so autofire or save states aren't needed. It's a great game to play with a friend. I haven't seen an arcade cabinet in many years but if you find one then I highly recommend trying it. I played many hours at my local convenience store playing it.

>> No.10137840

Has 3 become more controversial in recent years or something? I remember it widely being considered the apex of the series and it's always been my favorite, but I see a lot more people considering it a low point now.

>> No.10137842

post no-miss clears

>> No.10137873

The praise Slug 3 gets is so superficial it's actually embarrassing
"the sprite animations are great!"
"the final level is soooo big!"
There is absolutely nothing this game does better that the previous two already did.

>> No.10137878

One schizo.
Above this post.

>> No.10137880

I like that it's a twitch run n gun that plays like the best of that genres arcade lineage while still having the scope, variety and playfulness you'd expect from a console game. You can play a dozen runs of that game and still discover new things because there's so many forks in the road and secrets in every level, and that's a much greater incentive to get me to replay and get good at a game than the promise of a big score.

Its a blending of two worlds that makes it better than the sum of its parts.

>> No.10137914

Game is trash compared to 1 and 2. Bloated as fuck, spongy enemies, so many long boring shmup sections, shamelessly copy pasting bosses from previous games, questionable boss design, shitty paths that are poorly balanced with zero incentive to take them, tons of gimmick bullshit, final chapter is so dragged out, anticlimactic final boss.

If the whole game had the design of stages 2-4, the level 2 zombies had lowered HP, they rebalanced some of the shitty side paths, and Sol's yellow projectile attack was improved to not be impossible to react to, then it would be on par with Slug 2. Unfortunately stages 1 and 5 both kinda suck and that's 70% of the game.

>> No.10137929 [DELETED] 

>Can I get a no bullshit quick rundown on this series please

basically people at Nazca Corporation were clearly fans of Dominion Tank Police:

>> No.10137930

Ms2 and 4 sucks

>> No.10137936

>Can I get a no bullshit quick rundown on this series please

Basically people at Nazca Corporation were clearly fans of Dominion Tank Police:


>> No.10137937

Post a no autofire run.

>> No.10137938

I bet australia-kun is behind this retardation.

>> No.10137941

Filtered. Go basedface over the shallow spectacle of 3

>> No.10137943

shut the fuck up

>> No.10137948

Assblasted samefag.
Autofire is cheating btw.

>> No.10137972


Hot Dance and Cherry Moon is a better intro song:

But I still like that English Dub Tank Police intro.

>> No.10137983

Really interesting, I knew some history about Nazca or SNK going into bankrupt soon after 3 was released but no idea why, so basically arcade died to home/portable consoles and the company didn't have success moving to it.

>> No.10137991

Dont bother arguing with the types in this thread. They have long forgotten what its like to have fun playing an arcade game as a kid and have broken down all experiences into purely route memorization and claiming you haven't truly enjoyed a game until you beat it on one life. Very similar energy to speedrun scizoids.

>> No.10138674

>They have long forgotten what its like to have fun playing an arcade game as a kid
Not that anon, but I honestly think some people in this thread never got the chance to play it as a kid. So they are really resentful deep down. They never got to experience the joy of playing this in arcades and playing it on a Big Red MVS cabinet. So now as a adults they try extra hard to claim their "way of playing it" on emulation with speed runs, autofire, no hit, whatever...is the more fun and superior. Heavily over compensating.