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10126347 No.10126347 [Reply] [Original]

so what company made the absolute worst decisions in the /vr/ era? simply put, who was run by the biggest retards? I guess Sega takes the cake with the whole SoA vs SoJ drama, Saturn mismanagement and so on (or you could blame it all on Bernie, I don't care). Square is definitely up there too for betting all their money on Spirits Within. Any other histories of companies making retarded decisions?

>> No.10126350

whichever company made the consoles I didn't have as a child

>> No.10126352


>> No.10126363

Sega, but for a different reason. I think their biggest mistake was sniffing their own Arcade fart too much. Their Saturn strategy was "Well how do we do More Arcade?" despite that being very much undesireable in the West. Their Dreamcast strategy was flailing hopelessly trying to make long-form games and lacking the experience they could have had if they spent the Saturn time doing more than arcade games. Other companies already got the workflow and roadmap and budget management skill while Shenmue took a long ass time and a giant pile of money (that Sega didn't have).

>> No.10126364

did they do ANYTHING right past 2600? i dont even count them because unlike Sega that kind of lost it, Atari seemed like they never had it in the first place.

>> No.10126369

The ST computers were popular in Europe, for what it's worth.

>> No.10126372

32x, shiturn, the list goes on...

>> No.10126379

1st. Atari. Nobody else comes even close.
2nd. Sega. Almost disappeared forever.
3rd. 3DO Company. Let out a long, loud fart, then vanished.

>> No.10126382

maybe they focused on Japan way too hard? VF2 was really big in there and really put Sega on the map in the country. and arcades were still relevant in Japan too. Sakura Taisen also was very Japan-focused, when they really needed something for the West. so I get a feeling like they were way too desperate to get a share of their home market, while they forgot about the Americans.

>> No.10126404

>3rd. 3DO Company. Let out a long, loud fart, then vanished.

I feel like Trip Hawkins and the 3DO company had a lot of good ideas with the 3DO. The console itself was pretty capable hardware for its' release, and the idea of licensing the hardware out was a good one in theory. But, there were too many other factors that hindered its' success. Expensive launch price being one of them. I consider this to be one of the better attempts at launching a new console, Sony withstanding.

Atari seemed like they were doing pretty well in the 80's and early 90's as mostly a computer company. The Lynx is still a cool piece of tech. But the Jaguar was a big misstep too.

>> No.10126413

>the idea of licensing the hardware out was a good one in theory.

This is one of those concepts that makes more sense now than it did back then. Nvidia, AMD license out their GPU tech, ARM licenses out their ARM CPU's, I hear Intel may start licensing out their CPU's to other manufacturers. The 3DO concept could work as a SBC style system. The OG 3DO has an ARM CPU in it.

>> No.10126430
File: 2.03 MB, 3720x1720, Atari-Jaguar-Console-Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprits Within is a good bet simply for the magnitude of that one decision. It's not like they were struggling and had to bet big. Squaresoft was one of the biggest publishers and even had a lot of growth ahead of it but decided to blow it all up by jumping to an entirely different medium and business model.

Pretty much. Like >>10126369 said, their computers were competitive and they probably could have succeeded had they transitioned to IBM compatibles in the 90s. Leaving consoles behind and pushing a line of Atari computers to compete with Compaq, Packard Bell, and Dell, it might have worked out.

Really Atari's problem was they were notoriously cheap. Even the original VCS had a lot of corner cutting going on. It was a rudimentary machine even by late 70s standards. It worked out because there wasn't much competition and Atari had some competent game designers but if you look at all their subsequent machines they wouldn't stop penny pinching even when it didn't make sense. The 7800 barely had any sound. They needed to stick an enhancement chip called POKEY into the cartridges to give the games music. That's for a system that was slated for a 1984 launch and came out in 1986. The fucking Jaguar didn't even have a proper shell. They didn't bother with connectors. The expansion port is just a giant hole in the back with the bare PCB sticking out.

>> No.10126437

What about NEC?
>They released the PC Engine way too late in America, bungled with a game (Keith Courage in Alpha Zones) that didn't appeal that much to Americans. It had to fight against the Megadrive and Snes, whereas in Japan it managed to stablish itself because its main rival for a while was the NES.
>They later released the PC-FX without a polygon graphics processor. Because the PC Engine had been a popular console among weebs, they went overboard with anime games and didn't release anything from flagship series like Bonk or Bomberman.

>> No.10126443

Spirits Within literally bankrupted Square and is the reason Enix bought them out. All that money they made with those explosive FF hits, flushed down the drain for a movie no one saw and a "virtual actress" no one wanted to use the license for.
So whenever someone talks about Square no longer following Sakaguchi's vision, spare me. His vision killed the company and is responsible for being what it is today.

>> No.10126449

Amiga the money was basically embezzled by management.

Nothing tops sega but nintendo did lose 2 generations in a row and in some ways they were worse than sega with the Gamecube even if people retrospectively think its cool, it wasn't at the time..
Microsoft also never really won a generation so despite that they never achieved what sega did. Sega did beat Nintendo in all regions at different times which even sony and ms stuggle to do.

3DO can do near ps1 graphics if programmed right, too bad by the time the good stuff came out the ps1 was released.

Some of the jag games sold 50k carts and they didn't overspend too much on it so I think it was not too bad for them.

>> No.10126457

Another issue with Atari is they never fully understood or wanted to deal with third parties. Granted, as a company they were the first ones to be burned by the idea when Activision launched and started making games for the VCS, much to Atari's chagrin. But they kept operating as if they could go it alone and people would flock to their machines just for Atari's own games. They behaved as if they were Nintendo during the N64 era except without the actual competency to back it up. You'd think they'd have tried to at least get Mortal Kombat on the Jaguar, right? But instead they just made their own shitty imitations. Atari's best game at this time was probably Primal Rage. They did have a few notable third party games like Rayman but really they only barely dipped their toes into that space. The Jaguar actually would have been a great machine for arcade ports that couldn't be done on 16-bit systems from Capcom and SNK but I don't even think they asked.

>> No.10126460

It wasnt just competency that let Nintendo survive the N64/GC era, but also that they had a massive war chest that ensured they would stay afloat until they could get their shit together.

>> No.10126461

>Even the original VCS had a lot of corner cutting going on. It was a rudimentary machine even by late 70s standards.

In the 1970's Pong machines were still the norm. Atari did cut a lot of corners with the VCS, but they had to, to fit it in the MSRP price point they were aiming at. 1977, the Apple II was a new computer. Jack Trammel was also notorious for cutting corners too. he did carry that into the Atari computer era of the 1980's and early 90's. Even the Atari ST had cut corners to make it cheaper than the Amiga. The Jaguar was plagued with cost cutting measures. Even though the Tom and Jerry chips were pretty impressive.

>> No.10126463

It's a shame nobody told him no at least when it came to the Hawaii studio. If he wanted to make a movie, fine. But someone should have told him that either they use the resources they have or they contract an outside studio like Pixar or ILM. They'd have been able to survive a flop had they done it that way. It was breaking ground and hiring a shit ton of people on their own dime that fucked them.

>> No.10126470

This is the correct answer. SEGA had issues for sure but Atari was a complete mess, possibly before Nintendo even showed up

>> No.10126484

The 3DO Company, NEC, Atari, LJN, Philips, Bandai, SNK, Ocean... Plenty of companies that made nonsensical decisions yet OP picks SEGA out of all of them.

>> No.10126494

atari makes sega look competent

>> No.10126505

He must have had some kind of executive control that made his decisions un-vetoable because there's no way everyone else was as high on their own supply as he was and didnt think that nothing could go monumentally wrong here.

Funny thing is AC, while a retarded, terrible movie, made bank because at the end of the day it was what people wanted TSW to be: a big dumb action movie with FF characters we already know and like.

>> No.10126531

>Another issue with Atari is they never fully understood or wanted to deal with third parties.

In Atari's case; from what I can understand, the original plan for the VCS was to release only 12 games total. Instead of the typical Pong machine with its 20 variant Pong games, the VCS would have 1KB interchangeable cartridges where each game would be unique. The VCS was such a hot selling that Atari continued making games for it yearly. Activision was founded by former members of Atari who were tired of never getting credited for their games. They found out that they could just release VCS 'compatible' games without Atari's consent, and did. Which lead to third parties being a bit out of control for Atari. yeah non-licensed third parties followed Activision's lead. Coleco, Mattel, 20th Century Fox, etc. The third party situation was very much unplanned, so Atari didn't know how to deal with it. When Nintendo got into the gaming industry, they made sure that any third party that wanted to make games for their console would have to go through all sorts of licensing agreements and be limited to 10 games a year and Nintendo would get a cut, any retail outlet selling unlicensed NES carts could have their inventory supplies pulled away from them. Nintendo locked down third parties as Nintendo exclusive. Basically because of the way Atari did things, Nintendo paid attention and tried to clamp down third parties as much as possible on their hardware.

>> No.10126557

i was gonna say sega but this is a better answer. 3DO and NEC also tried their best to fuck up their chances with some dumb choices.

>> No.10126563

Atari was so bad, people forget they existed.

>> No.10126583

Isnt current Atari not even actual Atari, it's just Infogrames rebranded?

>> No.10126596
File: 27 KB, 616x347, SNES-PlayStation-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't Sony's Playstation brand only exist because Nintendo decided to back out of their deal?

>> No.10126625

That's the popular story but the reality is that Sony had it's hands in the gaming industry for a long time and was always going to launch it's own console whether or not Nintendo accepted that deal or otherwise. The Nintendo CD was something of a scheme Sony employed to hook Nintendo into the CD format which Sony co-created with Philips. Nintendo smelled bullshit and backed out, rightfully so because the alternative would be Nintendo eventually competing with Sony AND paying it for the privilege of using the format.

>> No.10126631

>3DO can do near ps1 graphics if programmed right, too bad by the time the good stuff came out the ps1 was released.

The 3DO generally specialized in FMV, animation overlay and it also does quadrilateral polygon rendering like the Saturn.

Space Hulk was a cool tech demo for the machine:

uses sprite enemies, but they animate so well and are pretty high resolution. the jaguar came out really close to the 3DO and had games that looked like this:


the one thing is that the 3DO seemed to struggle with hardware scrolling. It can do it, but games like Gex really had framerate issues. Street Fighter II turbo lacked the extra parallax of the arcade game. So did Samurai Showdown. I heard that Crystal Dynamics did those ports.

Need for Speed looked cool for its day, but still felt a little rough around the edges:

Overall, EA did put a lot of support behind the 3DO early on, which did help the console. But even EA had to abandon the 3DO. I think Trip Hawkins said that when he heard the Sony $299.99 pricetag, he knew the 3DO was basically over. But at that point, their were working on the M2 hardware that was suppose to leap frog the PS1/ Saturn and N64. But that hardware was cancelled and 3DO went third party.

>> No.10126659

Seems if they went with CD and appealed to 3rd parties like Sony did, they would've come out ahead. But it was old stubborn Nintendo, so no chance of that ever happening.

>> No.10126676

Well let's take a quick cliff notes for each relevant company because I'm not going to pretend anyone gave a shit about the CD-i or shit like that
>Released 3 Japan exclusive consoles that were basically rebrands of the same thing, and sold like shit
>Master System was a worldwide flop outside favelas
>Genesis actually won the war in the U.S. and was fairly popular in Europe. Irrelevant in Japan
>Saturn was a worldwide flop and was losing so much money that the company wasn't actually making profit because all the revenue from their arcade games was just going to cover it's losses.
>Dreamcast was stillborn and never made profit
>they turned into one of the worst 3rd party devs.
Tough to beat this, but
>Went from being the fastest growing company in history, to basically out of business in 10 years.
>Completely unprepared for success. Constant lawsuits, departures, infighting, and buyouts
>extreme overrealiance on the 2600, and then complete failure follow ups
>Had success in the PC market but cratered it within a few years
>Lost billions of fucking dollars. Twice
These two are neck and neck for the #1 spot. Honorable mentions
>Poor public image. Most people, to this day, still find their games extremely childish and simple and intended for a very young audience
>Screwed up the PlayStation
>Tried to start a moral panic over video games when they started getting outsold by Sega
>Total disregard for market trends
>Never adapted to the constantly changing landscape of PC products
>Almost went bankrupt in a laughable attempt to become the next Pixar studios
>Their existence

>> No.10126682

if Nintendo invented CD, they'd sell them to 3rd parties for $10 each, only allow them sizes up to 300mb and keep the 700mb discs to themselves. so I'm kind of glad those merchants didn't lay their hands on it

>> No.10126701

The Atari ST was as popular as the Amiga.
However by the fact that the damn thing didn't even have a DMA and a decent video chipset it scared off everyone

>> No.10126726

There is no way they would have won over third parties even with CDs. People forget but Sony entered the industry the same way Microsoft did: they bought everyone off. Sony co-published Final Fantasy VII, footing the bill for the marketing budget which was at the time equal to the development costs. Nintendo couldn't have done that even if they wanted to. Squaresoft was going to walk no matter what.

>> No.10126745

Square Enix with their Management-via-Fortune-Teller is pretty incredible.

Most companies wouldn't have survived that kind of management bullshit

>> No.10126756


>> No.10126773

>The Atari ST was as popular as the Amiga.

The ST was also popular here in Canada, as I knew more than one person with them. Also, I think jack found a way to corner some of the market in Canada, as I remember walking into local department stores like Wolco and seeing Atari ST hardware and software in the electronics isle. Commodore kinda blew it with the distribution of the Amiga in Canada.

>> No.10126781

Were Atari's computer line even the same company? I know there was some fuckery going on where certain elements that were technically Atari didn't really interact with other parts of the brand. Like the Atari making arcade games wasn't the same Atari that made the Jaguar.

>> No.10126796

>Were Atari's computer line even the same company? I know there was some fuckery going on where certain elements that were technically Atari didn't really interact with other parts of the brand. Like the Atari making arcade games wasn't the same Atari that made the Jaguar.

Yes. Atari computers were made by Atari Corp. Which was mostly the Tramiel era. Atari was purchased by Warner Communications , which lost money on Atari. So Warner split Atari into Atari Corp (hardware) and Atari Games (arcade) . I think Namco owned Atari Games at some point. Midway bought Atari Games. San Francisco Rush era stuff was Midway/ Atari Games. WB Interactive bought most of the Midway properties including the Atari Games properties. Atari Corp went under after the jaguar, was sold to Hasbro. Hasbro sold it to Infogrames.

>> No.10126826

They hardly even did the 2600 right. That controller redesign is one of the worst decisions I’ve seen a company make

>> No.10126831 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 252x357, Midway_Arcade_Treasures_Deluxe_Edition_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Midway bought Atari Games. San Francisco Rush era stuff was Midway/ Atari Games. WB Interactive bought most of the Midway properties including the Atari Games properties. Atari Corp went under after the jaguar, was sold to Hasbro. Hasbro sold it to Infogrames.

Midway Arcade Treaures vol. 3 includes San Francisco Rush:
And other Atari Games arcade emulations/ ports. Midway owned Atari Games. But I think WB owns almost every IP in these collections.

>> No.10126843
File: 52 KB, 355x500, 6194FVY826L._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10126796 (You)
>Midway bought Atari Games. San Francisco Rush era stuff was Midway/ Atari Games. WB Interactive bought most of the Midway properties including the Atari Games properties. Atari Corp went under after the jaguar, was sold to Hasbro. Hasbro sold it to Infogrames.

Midway Arcade Treaures vol. 3 includes San Francisco Rush:
Primal Rage
And other Atari Games arcade emulations/ ports. Midway owned Atari Games. But I think WB owns almost every IP in these collections.

>> No.10126879

What game is this? Shenmue?

>> No.10126915

>What game is this? Shenmue?


>> No.10126950

Uh, nobody has mentioned NEC who followed up the PC Engine / TurboGrafx with a horrible FMV based machine that played actual games barely any better than a Philips CD-i. They could've been a contender but bet it all on interactive video which absolutely stunk in both theory and execution.

>> No.10126986

the issue of nec was that they did money by hardware and had to pay hudson a license fee, making them do a shit ton of addons which no one wanted and made the console look weaker and costly than it was, even more in america where they told people that they needed to have all of the addons for the real experience.

>> No.10126993

The PC-Engine was really a minor part of NEC's entire business. Video games were a side hustle so whatever problems they had weren't severe.

>> No.10127134
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They're still a household name synonymous with video games despite being 100% irrelevant in the industry for at least 30 years. The fact that they can't even bank off their name and struggle to exist at all is pretty hilarious

>> No.10127165

They're under new management now and it looks like they might turn it around.
That name recognition may be helpful.
Gotta say, I always liked their logo.

>> No.10127171

Valve tried and failed to do that with Steam machines. The console market is just too set in stone right now.

>> No.10127314


>> No.10127331


>> No.10127412

>Valve tried and failed to do that with Steam machines.

Steam machines was way to premature to take off. The biggest problem with it was that Valve was relying on Linux client of Steam back when it had almost no library of games. Linux video drivers were not great. Believe me, I had the earliest betas of Steam on Linux. I also had the first betas of Proton. Steam deck is basically Steam Machines done right. Steam deck is basically built around the Proton compatibility layer. proton was a fork of Wine-VKD3D.

>> No.10127415

which one?

>> No.10127629


>> No.10127773

Jack tramiel killed Commodore and Atari.

>> No.10128240

What did they do even? I thought they only made shitty games and that's it
same. or do you mean Pippin and Wonderswan?
I thought they just made a one-off video CD player and never entered gaming seriously.

>> No.10128267

Bandai is unique in that they are so absurdly rich that their failings couldn't even slow them down. They legit own, with no exaggeration here, like half of the entire Japanese entertainment industry in their merger with Namco. I'm pretty sure the only corporation bigger than them in Japan is Toyota.

>> No.10128298

LJN wasn't really a bad decision maker. They ran a pretty lucrative business farting out licensed games. Sure it went belly up but it was run of the mill failure, its business model no longer able to sustain itself. They didn't do anything monumentally stupid as far as I know.

>> No.10129050

>Sure it went belly up

I thought LJN was purchased by Acclaim? Right after the founder of LJN sold the company, he opened a new company called THQ, and THQ was essentially LJN part two.

>> No.10129251

NEC, they decided to pander to a niche thinking 3D games wouldn't have any success and anime styled FMVs were the future.

>> No.10129342

All of them, the name is forever cursed

>> No.10129349

To be honest they were lucky the japanese didn't enter the console market in the west earlier, i mean they were already conquering the arcades long before the NES.

>> No.10129357

Ah you're right. Good call. A lot of those companies were all the same kind of operation. LJN, THQ, Acclaim, Ocean, etc. C-list publishers that rarely ever put out good games but what they did put out was typically a licensed product of some sort. It wasn't really bad decision making in the spirit of the thread. They knew what they were.

>> No.10129439

Steve Jobs not giving a shit about gaming and treating the few developers who did make games for Mac was a pretty fucking bad idea in the long run. Obviously Apple is monolithic company and Mac computers are outrageously popular, but can you imagine if they took gaming seriously and actually put up a fight against Microsoft?

>> No.10129451

>only allow them sizes up to 300mb and keep the 700mb discs to themselves
When has Nintendo ever done anything like this? I hope you get over your irrational Nintendo hatred some day, Anon.

>> No.10129456

Sega Neptune

>> No.10129534

Dude, you do realise they actually did a similar thing? There was a post from some anon here about Square and Nintendo's cartridge policies. So Nintendo literally had bigger size carts… They never allowed 3rd parties to use. To keep their own games technically superior. I'm not even sure they themselves used those in the end.
And it's well known that Nintendo sold carts at a markup, so they always made profit even if a game failed. Moreover, let's say your game is expected to sell 300k copies. They force you to buy 600k carts and then return then if they're not used.
I mean, I grew up with Nintendo games and they will always be special to me. But I also realise Nintendo were absolute merchants, and they got away with things that would get them sued to hell in a different business, if they were in USA.

>> No.10129572

100% honest question, how are they turning it around? Is it with their new VCS thing?

>> No.10129617

I had trouble with 4chan's captcha bad-gateway'ing earlier.
Anyway: I was trying to suggest Sierra under Ken Williams' mismanagement but now I'm going to do with Infocom.
Those guys had a market of interactive-fiction nerds and were perfecting their craft in that domain. The Enchanter series, Hitchhiker's Guide, Trinity.
But then Infocom decided to horn in on... business software. After failing at that, they sold their brand to shit like "Return to Zork".
Interactive-fiction got a second-wind in the latest 1990s but it was done by fans, not by Infocom, because Infocom was basically a brand and not a company anymore.

>> No.10129986

>Ah you're right. Good call. A lot of those companies were all the same kind of operation.

LJN was founded by a man named Jack Friedman who passed away in 2010;. But LJN originally made the WWE/ WWF figures that were popular in the 1980's and some 'realistic' water pistols. I guess they shifted gears to making games in the 1980's, and would pick up well known licenses and outsource them to developers like Rare, Atlus, BITS, Arena, and the other usual suspects. Most of these games were made on short dev cycles with not a lot of Q/A. many of the LJN games sold really well, even if some have bad reputations. Acclaim bought out LJN in the 90's. I am not sure the details. I would assume to get the LJN licenses and name brand. Maybe the offer was good? But Acclaim did use LJN as an alt-brand and would even dump some of the 'not so good' Acclaim games under the LJN label. But Jack Friedman basically formed THQ after selling LJN to Acclaim. Maybe he sold LJN to start fresh? THQ lasted for a while up to the "let's Draw" debacle. Jack created Jakks Paccific after THQ, which went back to just game related toys and wrestling toys.

>> No.10129992

Interesting stuff. Jakks Pacific was pretty active in the plug and play market. They weren't even especially bad. Seems like Jack Friedman found a niche and just kept at it for his whole career. Kudos to him.

>> No.10130010

Namco is small compared to the other companies they own. Sunrise, Actas, Lantis, Sotsu, Plex, Banpresto, basically guaranteeing them full rights to Digimon, Gundam and Love Live, the list really goes on. You're bang on with them owning a LOT of entertainment rights and IP though. I'm sure the only things cockblocking them from total domination are monopoly laws.

>> No.10130027

>Jack Friedman

he seemed like a pretty solid business man all around. People would question the quality of LJN games at times. A lot of it seemed just like short dev times. THQ was successful from 1990 to about 2011, when they went bankrupt from Just Draw tablet. THQ was brought back and THQ Nordiq. LJN was pretty successful for him. LJN really went down with Acclaim.

>> No.10130136
File: 79 KB, 857x559, 1672326438980263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think that Saturn is alright, now I know it's kinda garbage

>> No.10130254

The worse mistakes:
Sega - pixel mesh transparencies, ugly quad 3D, terrible architecture.
Nintendo - no additive blending, tiny RAM, forced AA, no RGB output, terrible architecture.
Sony - wobbly 3D, not enough RAM for CPS2's Vs. ports.

>> No.10130314

It was the Japanese consumer more then anyone.

I know a lot of 3rd party wanted to jump ship from Nintendo but the N64 has just gutted and completely devoured the PlayStation in hindset.

Sqauresoft PS1 games have aged the worst among all retro games. Absolutely dreadful.

>> No.10130493

The N64 was like Nintendo cursing their users to roam the desert for several years.
Nothing or very little in terms of jrpgs, tactical games, strategy games, beat em ups, VS fighting games, narrative games, rythm games, 2d action games, survival horrors, infiltration games, shooteumups, 2d platformers, realistic car games. A library that constantly repeats the same characters and aesthetics.
People would pretend they never liked video games, only the Nintendo brand. They never liked any genre except for those available on N64, paint me surprised.
And then GameCube comes and those who aren't good enough at double-thinking get shivers. More years of pretending you're having fun when you are tired of having only a handful of good games? More years of buying games that don't attract you because there's not enough variety? More years without all those genres and companies that you used to love when you had your snes, nes or megadrive? More years of attacking and hating everything that isn't made by Nintendo? I'm outta here, said a lot of people. Gamecube was a failure precisely because the N64 had resulted in so many of its users always being envious, sad, bored and frustrated.
These years, having a Nintendo console is not such a horrible experience because they have more third party support and their libraries are more varied. But the N64 is one of the most disappointing consoles ever, and I don't care about what revisionists say.

>> No.10130550

Nintendo inadvertently causing the Playstation 1 to exist was likely the most retarded thing the company ever did. Bonus points that they did that so the cd-i could exist

>> No.10130564

>Steve Jobs not giving a shit about gaming and treating the few developers who did make games for Mac was a pretty fucking bad idea in the long run. Obviously Apple is monolithic company and Mac computers are outrageously popular, but can you imagine if they took gaming seriously and actually put up a fight against Microsoft?

Steve Jobs was't part of Apple for a decade.He returned in 1997, and even killed projects like the Pippin, because he saw it all as bloat, I guess. Apple computers were just adapting OpenGL to their OS for hardware rendering. Halo made its debut at MacWorld 99.


>> No.10131000

"Nothing or very little in terms of jrpgs, tactical games, strategy games, beat em ups, VS fighting games, narrative games, rythm games, 2d action games, survival horrors, infiltration games, shooteumups, 2d platformers, realistic car games. A library that constantly repeats the same characters and aesthetics."

Same old garbage spewed man who gives a shit about genre tags? There is very little on PS1 in those genres to sink any time into. Hardly anyone gets PS1 ODEs. N64 has entire communities with high levels of engagement across more then a few games. PS1 is one of the worst consoles to revisit. There is absolutely nothing on it. Revisiting PS1 requires just being a nerd for the era and history. N64 is literally still actively played.

That's before you compare hardware quality itself too

>> No.10131095

>Hardly anyone gets PS1 ODEs. N64 has entire communities with high levels of engagement across more then a few games. PS1 is one of the worst consoles to revisit.
must be nice to live in your own reality where you are always right

>> No.10131403

The issue here isn't really Sega focusing on Arcade stuff, it's Sega of America backing the wrong horse, then having no western focused software ready for Saturn in time. So the only software they could rely on while they tried to catch up was Japanese software. Which in Japan those arcade ports and arcade style first party efforts were still popular and selling. Imagine if instead of focusing on 32X Sega of America instead put that effort towards having those games ready for Saturn's US launch. Now you'd have Saturn launching with some western focused games like Doom along with some good Japanese arcade style games.

>> No.10131408

Bernie a good boy, he din do nothin

>> No.10131409

What did Atari do that was worst than Sega?

>> No.10131410

>but can you imagine if they took gaming seriously and actually put up a fight against Microsoft?

the horror

>> No.10131464

they helped to completely kill the video game industry by saturating the market with terrible products

>> No.10131469

There were also many startup 3rd party game studios at the time that had no idea what they were doing business-wise making games for the VCS, intellivision, and 5200.

>> No.10132035
File: 1.19 MB, 2557x1801, ElYmajdX0AIhVpM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ah you're right. Good call. A lot of those companies were all the same kind of operation. LJN, THQ, Acclaim, Ocean, etc. C-list publishers

Ocean came out of the micro computer scene of the UK. But they seemed to mostly move to Nintendo's consoles. Back pre-1991 or so, Nintendo had those contracts that prevented third parties from developing on competing consoles like the Genesis/ Mega Drive. Which lead companies like LJN, Acclaim, and others to create secondary companies for publishing Sega games. Acclaim had Flying Edge. LGN had Arena (?), Accolade had Ballistic. Most of these publishers would usually collaborate with the the same development studios, like Beam Software, BITS, Probe, Rareware, etc. At some point in the early 90's most of these publishers would just grab a license and try to outsource it to some third party developer.

>> No.10132583

Why are there so many retarded fucking IRRELEVANT "HISTORY" THREADS on /vr/?

Talk about fucking GAMES you stupid zoomer dipshits. Who cares about this utter trash?
>omg if x did y then would a=b or c=d????

Fucking soulless fucking mongoloids obsessing over meaningless nonsense because you lack the ability to emotionally connect to a video game.

>> No.10133084

Because retro games are video game history. Face it, you grew up and got old and the things you loved are a mystery from the past to the world which kept moving without you. Why get mad that people want to ask questions about it?

>> No.10133563

This is one of the most interesting and informative threads on the board right now. There's literally no reason to bitch. Do you need another Oot thread? Really, nigger?

>> No.10133631
File: 43 KB, 966x969, sonic cd ominous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint it fucking baffling that to this day, we can still place sega in the middle of Atari and fucking 3DO, yet SEGA still exists in a significant way? How can anyone fail upward like they have and still have a company? un fucking real.

>> No.10133998

Yeah, at first glance it looks like there were a shit ton of publishers back then but in reality there were like half as many because it was all just different imprints. Then Nintendo stopped enforcing those limits so the imprints became unnecessary and on top of that there was a bunch of consolidation as certain publishers got bigger and absorbed smaller studios, so it's like there was a dividing line in the 90s where beforehand you had all these names floating around and after it became a fraction of that in the blink of an eye.

>> No.10134195

>They never allowed 3rd parties to use.
What about resident evil 2?

>> No.10134614

the Tom and Jerry chips have hardware bugs though. it's impressive that they exist at all but they really weren't as good as something like SuperH. the most impressive part of the Jaguar to me is the Object Processor.