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10121973 No.10121973 [Reply] [Original]

This game is so somber. Playing it makes me depressed.

>> No.10122101

The thumbnail makes it look like Tidus has a big dong

>> No.10122118

game was made during Square's highest point and during its lowest, latter being that internally trouble was brewing regarding the merger, and its rather tragic tone hits harder as a result imo.
Good game though, but yeah, its kind of sad as well, especially on a concept level.

>> No.10122141

More like Rikku is trying to feel up his sword.

Which really should have happened, they absolutely has more chemistry between them than the main couple.

>> No.10122151

His internal monologues and narrations are actually very well done, both in acting and writing. It lends a sober, melancholic fish out of water perspective to all the inner workings of Spira.The scene where Yuna does the sending ritual in Kilika is specially effective.

>> No.10122248

once Rikku joined my party my progress slowed way down because whenever I'd see her in her battle pose I'd get the urge to go jack off

>> No.10122824
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>> No.10122845

I have it on my phone. It works great on a emulator and has great music.

>> No.10123075

Is X-2 good? This one is a lot.

>> No.10123265

I really love how aquatic it is

>> No.10123295

it's only good if you see it as a light-hearted spin-off. if you look for a proper sequel or a jrpg with a good story you will be disappointed.

>> No.10123317

They fucked up Yuna and Rikku's face which triggered me so I never played it, I've heard it's alright

>> No.10123339
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I never figured out how to use this guy.

>> No.10123352

I never used him, that said Ronsos make the best blitzball players

>> No.10123357

he's supposed to be half warrior half mage, but this kind of half assed setup never worked in a jrpg. it doesnt work in his case either.

>> No.10123368

I thought I took a wrong turn on his sphere grid or something.

>> No.10123376

you are supposed to jump on another sphere grid soon or later because the one he starts on is a lot smaller than others.

>> No.10123448

with the right sphere grid setup, he makes for a good Yuna replacement that isn't Summon focused.

>> No.10123742

If you like Spira, Yuna, Rikku, really intricate character management, and gratuitous fanservice, you'll love it.
If you hate all of those things you probably won't like it.

>> No.10123782

Honestly I feel like Yuna's part of the grid is just the best. The Holy spell seems better than every single black magic spell put together. Sure it's expensive, but it deals so much damage and it works on everything. Then on top of that she can heal, cure status effects, and hand out buffs. And that's just the abilities, her stats are top-notch too.
Tidus's section was a workhorse for me as well with the Haste-related spells, and I got a lot of use out of Rikku's speed and item theft. Everyone else felt like they were behind unless they got a really good equip or I detoured them out of their section.
Lulu seemed especially weak. Not only is she fucked as soon as you stop running into enemies without elemental weaknesses, her path forces her into the middle of Wakka's, which is a fucking desert for her. I honestly got more use out of Kimahri than her, which is kinda sad.

>> No.10123792

>Lulu seemed especially weak. Not only is she fucked as soon as you stop running into enemies without elemental weaknesses
same. she's slow as fuck, dies easily and never deal enough damage. at least auron is a tank, hits hard and never goes down. plus he's cool.

>> No.10123970

I feel like I used Lulu a lot. At least early on. The beginning part of the game has a lot of characters that are clearly designed to be killed by one specific character.

>> No.10123995

I LOVE the battle system in this game and I wish more had used it. I’ve never been a fan of the active time battle system in the older Final Fantasy games. If I have to look through menus, I want to have time to sit and think about it. I like that I don’t feel rushed playing FFX, but it’s a little more complex than simply “your turn, then their turn.”

>> No.10124012

That's the point. You are in a world of constant Death were the Party Leader who is Yuna btw is marching to her own demise.

>> No.10124021

If you liked FFX Battle System you should play Mega Man X Command Mission and Blue Dragon. They both use a similar battle system to FFX with Blue Dragon being made by Sakaguchi himself.

>> No.10124040

Thanks, I have no familiarity with Mega Man spin-offs and I had never heard of Blue Dragon. I’ll look into them.

>> No.10124063

>Mega Man X Command Mission
This is a pretty good one. I think my brother's got our old copy of it somewhere.

>> No.10124297

I had the GC version of Command Mission originally; is the PS2 version better?

>> No.10124309

same, and blitzball was a pretty cool concept that they had added in for this game.

i feel like a lot of the final fantasy games have that mopey emo kind of vibe though, or at least some of the characters are always mopey as fuck.

>> No.10124361

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is another one with that kind of battle system

>> No.10125095

It truly is one of the most depressing games I've ever played. Which is a good thing because that is what makes it stands out so much.

>> No.10125131

the ending is kino...

>> No.10125156

Lost Odyssey uses it too. It's pretty much a staple for Mistwalker.

>> No.10125535

fun combat/character-job management
sort of awful everything else, including music

>> No.10125584
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I want to touch Rikku's bottom without her permission.

>> No.10125610

Is this game really that melancholy? The screenshots make it look like a tropical vacation. I don't know if I want to play a sad game.

>> No.10125868

It is consistently depressing from start to finish. Just a very sad tone.

>> No.10125879

Mostly teenage daddy issues drama, hard to take seriously.

>> No.10126016

only somber thing is how fucking boring the game is and how shit the writing is. jrpg niggers are the worst

>> No.10126062

are you talking about the phantom dancer of Dota? you just use your skills and confuse your enemy with your clones

>> No.10126103

The game tries to tell a deeply emotional and impactful story, but it falls completely flat as they did a more or less 1:1 translation of the script so everyone behaves like an autistic automatron and you end up with laughably bad scenes like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tEfNzcQcuh0&pp

>> No.10126116

I get the opposite, Spira makes me feel cheery and peaceful. The story can't overcome the beautiful scenery for me.

>> No.10126163
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Chrono Cross is a better beach sea side JRPG that does similar things with the plot. And /v/ and /vr/ seem to dislike that game a lot.

My sides

I feel this way. It's the first FF game that disappointed me. Loved 4 and 7 to 9 but X is the one I can never finish. I tried to 3 different times. I hate blitzball and dislike Tidus. The supposed plot twists that you're presented with further down the line didn't hit me at all.

>> No.10126178


>> No.10126179

>electric guitar
>water based architecture

>> No.10126184

Didn't those "active" battle games also have the option for "slow" battle? I think Chrono Trigger did.

>> No.10126207

pink because healers are gay niggas

>> No.10126246

Wtf did you just say to me? "Pink" put the band Aerosmith back on the map. They would be nobodies without me!

>> No.10127176

They had an option called Wait that would stop the ATB clock whenever you open a submenu like magic or items.

>> No.10127194

It's a good RPG on its own, I beat it. I didn't like it nearly as much as FFX though, it's unsatisfying as a sequel.

>They fucked up Yuna and Rikku's face
in-engine they look fine it's only in FMV cutscenes they had those super-Asian faces, but that was true in FFX too.

>> No.10127217

I dunno, what's all that bad about it? The intonation and delivery is fine imo, I can tell what every character is saying and how they're saying it makes sense. I've beaten the game so I know why Rikku was trying to kidnap Yuna and why she quickly joined the team when she was beaten. I know why they're hiding her Al Bhed heritage from Wakka. It's pretty typical for Japanese media for the characters to use over-the-top body language and reactions

>> No.10127221

>If you like Yuna
Then don't play it because it sure ruins her character. Yuna's entire appeal in 10 is that she's a somber priestess on a path to commit a ritual suicide. In 10-2 she's a bimbo. I don't see how you can like both characters, it's one or the other isn't it. They flipped her 360

>> No.10127375
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10/10, all time favorite game. No shame.
I particularly like being able to see the attack turns and how moves can affect it. I think it helps to emphasize strategy rather than having the speed stat be this hidden stat that can completely destroy whatever plan you have.
>Is this game really that melancholy?
Very much so. The game does a good job blending a very lively tropical world with the melancholic tone.

>> No.10127389

Combat is decently fun. Nothing like X but fun. Nothing else about the game is worth your time though. Watch the opening cutscene. If you're still on board after that than you might as well just go ahead and give it a shot.

>> No.10129097
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Tidus is a bonafide hero. It takes something to greet oblivion with a high five. Welcome to the true man's world. 2.5 is a shame.

>> No.10129170

It's the last game that feels like a Final Fantasy to me. Everything afterwards feels like a western game with some Final Fantasy elements tossed in for fan service, like taking Skyrim and adding chocobos and moogles.

>> No.10129414

The main plot leans into the melancholic/melodramatic, but there are also a bunch of happy and silly moments. In that sense it's like most Final Fantasy games.
If I was to rate all RPGs I've played on a scale of 1-10 based on how depressing they are I'd give FFX a 3 or 4. If the tone is the only thing stopping you from playing it I say go for it. You might be surprised by how much you like it.

>> No.10129509
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The story of FFX as I see it is that Yuna's commitment to sacrificing everything is shaken when she meets Tidus. Tidus is the only character who sees Yuna as a person first and a summoner second. Even Lulu and Wakka have convinced themselves that they're okay with what she's doing because it's "her decision", as if Yuna wants to die for the sake of Spira. Of course she doesn't want to do that, she's just willing to do it so nobody else has to.
Tidus's desire to help her leads other characters to his point of view. Cid and Rikku (who shared Tidus's viewpoint but in their own way weren't respecting Yuna), Auron (who was waiting for Yuna to change her mind), and eventually the whole team. Of course, he ironically ends up doing the exact same thing he spent the whole game trying to stop Yuna from doing.
In FFX-2 we see how Yuna has changed as a person because of these events. She's both more and less confident than before. She's decided to try and start living for herself instead of exclusively for the sake of others, but she also no longer has a strong purpose to strive for (until the plot starts).
Tidus has had such a strong impact on her that her character in this game is in many ways a fusion of the characters of Tidus and Yuna in FFX. She dresses more like him, speaks more like him, she carries his sword (btw I think this is the coolest most romantic thing ever). She even still talks to him in her head. She's changed a lot, but it's clear she's still trying to figure out who she really is. It's an interesting place for her character.

If the only version of Yuna you're capable of liking is how she was at the start of FFX, I think you missed the point of the story. You're putting her in the same box everyone but Tidus did.
She's a person, and should be allowed to grow and change and live for her own sake, at least a little. She's earned that.

>They flipped her 360

>> No.10129523

>This game is so somber. Playing it makes me depressed.

More of this, less comfy posting.

>> No.10129526

you're giving X-2 too much credit.

>> No.10129552

I try to go into games with an open mind.
It's a bit silly to say "Oh, this one part of this game is bad, therefore the whole game is bad."
A big game like Final Fantasy will have hundreds of people working on it. Final Fantasy X had 3 different directors. With that many people involved obviously some parts are going to be good and others bad. You can't expect two, three hundred people to all be perfect at the same time.
X-2 is obviously a flawed game but there are a lot of things to love about it. Personally, that's all I ask out of an RPG. You might say my standards are too low, but if I'm having fun that's good enough for me.

>> No.10129652

Doesnt's Tidus literally say he's overcome with melancholy and feels the urge to cry seeing Yuna do her summoner's ritual

>> No.10129871

The whole liberation aspect of her character post-Sin might've been the starting point for the game's development and it might've even worked. Sadly the game just does a horrible job at it, partly because they have no idea what the fuck Yuna's arc is supposed to be now so they just throw everything they can think of. If she already starts off adventurous than what are we building up to?
If even Nojima, fucking Nojima, was skeptical about a sequel, maybe it's best to listen.

>> No.10130351

The best way to use him is not to use him at all. The developers knew this, which is why the only fight in the game where you need to use him is the only one with level scaling and lets you draw 99% of his blue magic from the bosses.

>> No.10131562 [DELETED] 
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>In FFX-2 we see how Yuna has changed as a person
>religion is dissolved
>Yuna turns into a whore

>> No.10131821

like clockwork

>> No.10131912

It took me ages to finally get around to playing FF10 and I was honestly pretty miffed about the overall experience. I don't mind the plot too much, and the voice acting doesn't annoy me as much as some people, but these problems hurt the game for me in particular:
>dropping the world map
>turning most areas into glorified hallways
>Cloister of Trials dungeons
>shitty late game combat balancing that's way too focused on abusing Aeon overdrives
>some of the most tedious side content in the entire series

>> No.10131924

>shitty late game combat balancing that's way too focused on abusing Aeon overdrives

I like the game and agree with the other points you have but this one is just wrong. I've done many runs where I don't even touch Yuna so the aeons are trash and the late game is still easy enough. The only real fight you may struggle in is Seymour 3, but get shell or items that give shell and it's easy. This is just a skill issue on your end.

>> No.10131982

Well duh, you've played the game tons of times and probably have optimized Sphere Grid paths memorized at this point. That's not a skill issue - that's an avid replayer vs. first time player issue. Nobody's gonna know that shit on a first run unless they've got friends who've played the game a bunch of spend half of their playtime researching shit and following a strategy guide. From what I gather, though, grinding Yuna is considered the path of least resistance for everything except end-game super bosses, which I gave up on cause they were just boring grinding checks for the most part.

>> No.10131986

Aren’t the sphere grid paths pretty straightforward? It looks daunting at first, but it’s pretty clear where you’re supposed to go.

>> No.10132000

It's simple, but you still have room to fuck up. Especially with Khimari.

>> No.10132014

I really agree w ur first two points. It was jarring at release not having an overworld and I’m sorry, running through multiple corridors and iirc u have to go back and forth a lot at some points, was just grating. Great story music graphics and gameplay but just falls way short for me after 6,7,9

>> No.10132052

wooooowwww bro, if you made this up I am very impressed. That is super insightful. Why didn't I think of it before?! I will pray that God comes into your life in a great way

>> No.10132150

Besaid is probably one of the comfiest places I can think of in gaming

>> No.10132171

My first playthrough I also ignored Yuna. I thought the aeons were cheesy when it came to battles, so I just ignored her. When I do use her, I rarely use the aeons at all, instead just making her a Lulu with better base magic and easier access to holy. The game really isn't that hard without aeons. This is a skill issue on your end, not the games fault.

Also the original sphere grid is straight forward with divergent paths for customization. They literally lock you into 1 section per character until you discover the key spheres. Again, this is a skill issue on your end.

>> No.10132179

Well, I'm for one glad I wasn't the only one who's joking made that connection.

>> No.10132184

>The game really isn't that hard without aeons. This is a skill issue on your end, not the games fault.
It's not so much hard as it is just bullshit and annoying. Like, I can't call boss fights like Seymour or Yunalesca fun, balanced, and/or well designed. They're just frustrating difficulty spikes that feel like something you're supposed to cheese your way through - not satisfyingly tackle with tactical smarts and mechanical know-how.

>> No.10132194

dude its true though. I seriously doubt that the creators intended it, but art has a way of describing truths beyond our comprehension. That was how andy warhol got famous. He was a literal retard and the public appreciated his art in the sixties because people were becoming more and more retarded and vapid. sloppy illistration, but you catch my drift

>> No.10132321
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>> No.10132367

X-2 does mirror some aspects of society, but I think it's more of a light commentary on how developed societies...uhm...I-I can't think of a word for it, but it's something to do with once tragedies like war, Hiroshima, 9-11, etc. are over, we change, happiness ensues, the Baby Boom -- you get the idea, but that's all thrown out the window pretty quickly in favor of a melodramatic J-drama adventure and the power of love.
X-2's probably the gayest game on Earth is what I'm trying to say and should never have been made.

Not sure what it seeks to comment on in terms of Jap culture specifically, but that's what I got out of the whole thing anyway.

>> No.10132375

You're missing a lot if you're just focusing on the somber themes.
There's hope, humor, friendship, bravery, silliness, love, duty, etc.
Facing a near invincible enemy does give it serious tones.. but watch past the credits.
The whole point is to put you on an emotional roller coaster and give you an unforgettable experience.

One of the top 3 games ever made.

>> No.10132380

The art style is so f'n cringe. I simply cannot get past it.

>> No.10132524

>"so heckin' effin' cringe"

>> No.10132597

Al-Bhed run circles around the Ronsos. Literally. When I was younger and facing the Ronso team I'd score once and then spend the rest of the match herding every Ronso into a tight circle like a border collie.

>> No.10132628

I never got the complaint for the overworld. More often than not it's just an empty space for random encounters. Even if you can reach some area ahead of time there won't be anything to do in it. Plus when you officially leave the pilgrimage path you can explore some optional areas in the map on the airship or explore older areas.
>shitty late game combat balancing that's way too focused on abusing Aeon overdrives
That's more of a you issue. It's certainly the easier thing to do. Start fight, summon aeon with an overdrive you already grinded beforehand, unleash it, repeat for following aeons. But you really don't need to. Some late bosses will even insta kill an aeon to specifically avoid the player abusing them.
How is that even possible? Everyone has a pretty strict path to take, Kimahri being the exception that gets to choose someone else's grid path. It's only when you reach the "end" of their path that you're giving more freedom to double down on another class. Like Auron's grid is very strength focused and when you reach his end you can move onto more speed from Tidus' grid or maybe magic from Lulu or whatever the adjacent grids were.

>> No.10132629

>His internal monologues and narrations are actually very well done, both in acting and writing.

This is something that no one ever mentions or brings up. The contrast between monologues and his voice work in actual dialogues is so surreally different that it fucks with my brain in the worst imaginable way

>> No.10132636

Its one of those games that make you feel nostalgic as fuck for it even on the first playthrough. I don't rate it very high as a video game for many objective reasons but as far as >soul and atmosphere go, this is PS2 era at its peak

>> No.10132638

>How is that even possible?
i think the international version and the pal offer an optional advanced grid where it's more easy to get lost but also grants more freedom and bonus to veteran players.

>> No.10132646

I remember playing with both versions of the grid and even then I don't remember it being some absurd difference. Most splits in any given sphere usually just amount to a couple of extra nodes, not some massive departure from the intended path. There's the Level 1,2,3 nodes if you do want to make some massive departure but IIRC those are incredibly rare.
What I'd sometimes do is just dip into another character's path for some specific spell. And the game lights up the player's path so getting lost is impossible.

>> No.10132673

Yes, I feel like the only person that has ever pointed that out. It's like no one played the fucking game, in all those years I've never seen anyone mention it. He sounds so much more mature and introspective during his internal monologues, you can truly feel Tidus hams it up around other people to keep them cheered up. It's so glaring that the fact no one ever mentions it makes me question if most people are sentient or even alive.

>> No.10132675

It's annoying to play without a guide. There's a fuckton of missable stuff that you need to get the actual ending of the game, and it's certainly not worth playing through more than once.

>> No.10132689

People who played the game know how Tidus is hiding behind a chipper attitude. People who didn't just shitpost about AHAHAHAHA
Shame really. Personally I always thought the voice acting was perfectly suitable but I can understand that some of the delivery can be less than perfect due to the VAs trying to sync up with the animation. Might be why the inner monologues are better, the VA isn't rushing or slowing a line to match the lips.

>> No.10132698

NTA but its not an idiosyncrasy of Tidus. Its all the characters who have equally terrible voice acting compared to the monologues. Which means that either they had a different director for monologues, or the same director wanted intentionally everything to be terrible.
Again, surreal is the only word that comes to mind. As a kid you could maybe even not pay too much attention, first voiced FF and all. But nowadays its jarring as hell

>> No.10132705

Even nowadays I don't think it's some awful thing. If anything I think it's gotten worse over the years because the higher level of detail on models makes even good deliveries come across as odd if the character isn't perfectly in sync, which they rarely are.

>> No.10132707

Most of the voice acting sounds absolutely fine to me. I don't even like the game that much, but voice acting isn't one of its major flaws.

>> No.10132712

I'll never understand this meme opinion. The voice acting is fine across the board. As it's been mentioned, some of the pacing is sacrificed for the sake of lip sync but other than that it's alright. MGS and Soul Reaver were outliers at the time, you couldn't expect every game to sound like them, even the big ones.

>> No.10132720

Just because you don't understand something it doesn't mean its not true

>> No.10132723

>people seriously discussing the ENG dub

>> No.10132828

>I never got the complaint for the overworld. More often than not it's just an empty space for random encounters.
It presents the idea of a globe-trotting adventure way better than just picking points on a map. Flying around the world map on an airship and finding cool side content was one of the best parts of the older titles. I would've been way more forgiving of the map menu if the game compensated for it with intricately designed locales like in Grandia or something, but most areas in the game are just boring, winding hallways.

>Plus when you officially leave the pilgrimage path you can explore some optional areas in the map on the airship or explore older areas.
Oh boy, I get to retread hallways and get dropped off onto tiny, isolated parts of them to pick up random treasure. So much fun!

>> No.10133041


>> No.10133287

I really liked Wakka, he’s my favorite.

>> No.10133321

>More often than not it's just an empty space for random encounters. Even if you can reach some area ahead of time there won't be anything to do in it
I don't understand how people DON'T get that overworld is the soul of JRPGs. Let's have 2 identical worlds but one is an overworld and the other lets you select locations via a menu. In the menu game you boot up a game, take a glance at the menu and you know exactly where you can go. There's no exploration, you see the list. In FF10 quickly click through the map to find "secret" areas and there's that, you know everything there is to know about this world. In an overworld game you don't know what locations are there. Doesn't matter that it's the same list of locations, you don't know that it is, behind that mountain could be anything, and to find it out you need to spend healing items and time to go and explore. Most likely you won't, most likely you'll walk away from that mountain still not sure if there's something behind it or not. See how with overworld you have a world of mystery and exploration and with a list you don't?

>> No.10133893

We accept your concession.

>> No.10133909

>See how with overworld you have a world of mystery and exploration and with a list you don't?
Let's not pretend world maps aren't 99% empty immersive landscapes that are there to pad out the game time.
Wild Arms 3 at least tried.

>> No.10133925

Can't imagine you can elaborate on why with that basic jargon of an opinion.

>> No.10135716


>> No.10135723

FF8 feels really depressing to me

>> No.10135726

Before I knew what masturbation was I used to look up Rikku art to get a boner

>> No.10136056

It's about taking your love interestto be a ritualistic sacrifice because everyone keeps dying

>> No.10136273
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>> No.10136281

Yeah it's a really nice contrast. Not a perfect game or anything but still one worth playing. Worst case you can shitpost about its flaws, best case it's a new favourite.

>> No.10136302
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>> No.10137998

Having no imagination is probably necessary for enjoying retarded drivel like final fantasy

>> No.10138015

Agreed, Nomura games have very alien directing. Weird how visual novels without budget in the same era had great voice direction.

>> No.10139848

He's a blue mage but with a humongous cool down so he's nowhere near as useful as other game's blue mages and you'll just have an overall weaker physical unit than other choices.

>> No.10141229

This thread made me want to replay FFX despite all the shitty negative things about it.
PS2 real hardware or the PC remaster? Those are my options

>> No.10142060


>> No.10142261

ps2 for OG, non-plastic surgery faces
PC for the mod that replaces every song with a Tidus laugh MIDI rendition

>> No.10142323

You use him to get steal so he can farm a bunch of level 3 key spheres from Biran/Yenke, letting you open up parts of the sphere grid much earlier than usual
Also you don't get any of his overdrives before the Biran/Yenke fight since he can learn most of them from that fight, and every time he learns one he fills his overdrive gauge, letting you do the fight much faster.

>> No.10142352

Well, it is a game about accepting death.

>> No.10142607
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>> No.10142646

The new content in International/HD doesn't really change too much, so you can feel free to go with whichever you think looks nicer.
Pretty much all the new stuff is just "postgame" content that is way harder than the final boss and is just there to give people trying to 100% the sphere grid something to do. Unless you're really interested in that there's no real loss in playing the original.

>> No.10142682

FFX International on PS2. Every other suggestion is wrong.