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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 8 KB, 320x139, nintendo-n64.front.master.1591878256408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10102249 No.10102249 [Reply] [Original]

It causes Playstation and Sega fans to randomly bring it up and start seething while insisting it is a failure

>> No.10102253

>Vasoline, fog, bad framerate, missing entire genres wholesale


>> No.10102257

the Nintendo ShittyFagour is for children who can't play mature games for mature people, such as myself.
I don't think Segabros fear it, it's mostly Sony fans doing console war shitposting, and most of them weren't even alive back then, it's /v/ kids doing retrospective console wars, but most people on neo-/vr/ started with PS2 or PS3

>> No.10102259

No, you don't understand, Parkinson's textures are actually heckin sovlfvl

>> No.10102295

What games on PS1 and Saturn match the progression of Mario 64, 007, perfect dark, Pokemon stadium 2, OoT, Star Fox, MK64, Smash remix (do PS1 fans even get mods?) Custom robo, Mario golf+tennis?

>> No.10102296

Outside of shitposts I don't think it's so much fear as it was disappointment. Nintendo lost big 3rd party support they enjoyed during the SNES days (evident in its abysmal jrpg lineup) and suffered from shittier or less feature-ful "64" versions of games (Ridge Racer, Destruction Derby, etc) or outright slop (the infamous Superman, Clay Fighters, etc). The tiny library overall that was reflected during its whole life with the dripfeed trickle of worthwhile games being released. Considered worse hardware at the time than the PS1 and burdened with the extremely limiting cartridge factor compared to disc. Its celebrated library today is 99% 1st party games. It's controller isn't soulful, it's fucking stupid. Expansion slot on the controller was a stupid idea especially when the slot is shared by both rumble and memory card. It deserved to be shit on and still does despite the several very bright gems worth playing.

>> No.10102308
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>Why is it so feared?

>> No.10102312

Can you delete this? It goes against my propaganda about N64 not having 3rd party games worth playing.

>> No.10102315

OK real gamers, why are 64 kids seething today?

>> No.10102318

It was great but the cartridge costs absolutely fucking decimated it's potential.

And apparently publishers couldnt wait to jump ship from Nintendo. They acted like tyrants for years or so it goes.

>> No.10102326
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>> No.10102330

unironically, everyone with a 64 simply enjoyed the cool games it had. you only have to step this thread to find PSfags hating how it uses cartridges not cds or w.e. shrugs

>> No.10102341

>3rd party support
Another term for shovelware

>> No.10102343
File: 43 KB, 355x500, mario-45204-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will offer an alternative perspective. Nintendo's 2D/handheld consoles have been better than their 3D ones, historically. Where else are you going to find Secret of Mana, Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X, Link's Awakening/DX, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, and the mainline Pokemon games? N64 just didn't have it. It's still a fine console none the less. I still have my childhood console, spent many hours playing Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, DK64, Gex, Wave Race, Mario Party, Smash Bros, and of course Super Mario 64.

>> No.10102379

The troon fanbase is extremely obnoxious.

Same reason everyone hates mlp.

64 troons are the people who just want to play the same 5 games for the rest of their lives. They're easily amused midwits and naturally this makes them goyslop consumers in other areas of life. They have nothing interesting to say because there's nothing left to say about the only 5 games they've ever enjoyed, yet they continue to blabber on anyway. This is what makes them so hated, it's obnoxious to blabber endlessly about the same old boring shit we've all heard a million times.

64 troons then project and assume the ps1 enthusiasts just replay mgs and ff tactics over and over, but actually the ps1 enthusiasts are novelty seekers always looking for a new "hidden gem" to unearth. There's always a new ps1 game getting translated, or one that flew under your radar because Sony was shooting games at you like bullets from a gatling gun.

We are not the same.

>> No.10102386

Sony weren't making the games though. It was 3rd parties that betrayed Nintendo that made 99% of the good games on the Gaystation

>> No.10102389

What games on PS1 and Saturn match the progression of
>Mario 64
Ape Escape had twin stick controls
>007, perfect dark,
Pieces of shit for faggots that never played an fps on pc
>Pokemon stadium 2
Irredeemable garbage. Literally did nothing new, just a shitty and slow version of the regular games.
1 game
>Star Fox
Mediocre, not even top 5 rail shooters that gen
Crash was better. Also, how about a real racing game you dumb fuck.
>Smash remix
Tekken 3
>Custom robo
>Mario golf+tennis?
Zero innovation

>> No.10102390

Doom 64 and GoldenEye shit all over every console FPS of that entire generation, in fact they're better than anything from the following generations too

>> No.10102393

Who cares

>> No.10102396

Ape Escape was never good

>> No.10102397

Said the fat lumpy goober looking Nintendo virgin who hasn't played any pc fps and is just repeating retard shit

>> No.10102412

Nintendo 64 had very limited support from third-parties and had nothing or almost nothing to offer in several genres: rpgs, tactical games, beatemups, realistic or semi realistic racing games, VS fighting games, rythm games, survival horrors, narrative games, pinball games, 2d shooteumups, 2d action games... The fact that most games were made by a handful of companies also meant you would be watching the same aesthetics and genres over and over.
People like >>10102341 would just pretend they didn't like video games anymore unless they were made by Nintendo, but this isn't healthy and made them often just sad and angry.

>> No.10102417
File: 22 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.3012566382_3qw6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realistic or semi realistic racing games
I don't know what do you mean by "realistic", but N64 is famous for having a lot of racing games though. It's one of the genres it does well.

>> No.10102427

"Feared"? You flatter yourself too much. It got BTFO by PS1 in sales everywhere. Only in America N64 was relatively successful, and it still got outsold 2:1 by PS1 (and btw—a lot of this success was due to Goldeneye, not Zelda or Banjo or whatever). In Japan it got outsold by the fucking Saturn (!), and in EU, half of the population probably doesn't even know what N64 was. Unsurprisingly, it's all American onions slurpers who shill N64—the same crowd of youtubers who drove the SNES game prices to $150-300.
N64 is simply over shilled. I don't even mean this in a sarcastic way: it is THE most overrated Nintendo console. SNES is shilled, but it still had stellar 1st and 3rd party games; GC had way fewer good games, but it's at least acknowledged to be a "black sheep". But N64? It has barely 20 good games to speak of, but it has been praised to high heavens by the choir of journos and tendies—to the point they themselves started believing it is some sort of GOAT console, and they """won""" some console war and everyone is jealous of them.
Don't get me wrong though—I acknowledge that SM64, OoT, GoldenEye and so on were good. But what N64 didn't have was… anything else. It had no RPGs, no fighters, no SHMUPs, nothing like MGS, nothing like Silent Hill, nothing like SotN, and so on. Everyone played the same few games on it. And if you dig past the well-known classics, all you're gonna find will be Buck Bumble, Jet Force Gemini and crap like that.
Moreover, there's a reason why 3D platformers died, and why OoT had few real clones. Surprise—turns out not that many people cared about games like these in the end. It is not shocking at all then that GC failed so hard, because it was just N64 pt.2, and everyone already switched to PlayStation by then. Once GoldenEye was no longer relevant, neither was Nintendo's console. Shocking, I know.
So I guess you can continue shilling N64—I just don't know who cares at this point.

>> No.10102431


Gayest thing you’ve said all hour, but you’re a 64 fan so you’ll surprise us again in another hour

>> No.10102434

Please tell me this is pasta.

>> No.10102438

I've never been so disappointed in such a blatantly overshilled racing game. Cars have never felt worse. Somehow N64 had so many racing games and almost all of them are trash. Maybe it's because they're almost all American developed.

>> No.10102439

search the archives and find out

>> No.10102441

>N64 has no racing games!
>No, yeah, it had many of those
>Uhhhhh.. doesn't count!
If you want to shit on the N64, at least do it right. Omit mentioning racing games next time, mention some other genre that the N64 is actually lacking, like I dunno, dating sims (even though Getter Love is pretty fun)

>> No.10102443

I specified in plain English console FPS. Are you okay?

>> No.10102448

>not a pasta
damn, you just typed all that out now? fresh pasta arrived, I guess.

>> No.10102450

>>N64 has no racing games!
It's 1/5th of the library retard, nobody has ever said this you fucking child.

>> No.10102451

>I got btfo so it’s pasta

simply epic

>> No.10102457

I'm actually kind of neutral on this, I don't care much for 5th gen in general, more of a Saturn fan if anything. I just thought it looked like a pasta.

>> No.10102461

Follow the thread, an anon mentioned the N64 was lacking in genres and mentioned it had nothing or almost no racing games. Then I posted saying it does, but he sait it "doesn't count" because of course he'd say that. It is a console war thread, after all.

>> No.10102465

I'd have never posted if you didn't throw out that garbage world driver game. There's a reason it's 7 dollars on ebay. Nobody wants it.

>> No.10102486

seriously, these guys are so cringe

>> No.10102490

Not propaganda, library numbers don’t lie, dilate all you want and try to slide the thread it doesn’t change reality

>> No.10102504

and what did Shitendo make other than Mario and Zelda slop?

>> No.10102516

>Mediocre, not even top 5 rail shooters that gen

Name 5 so I can go play them

>> No.10102607
File: 392 KB, 600x613, 1662595400474814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it was mostly just a secondary console for people. i shit talk it (mostly tongue in cheek) but i did adore the ~5 god tier games it had

>> No.10102618

>Starts an N64 thread talking about the PSX and Saturn just to bait console warring
Rent free.

>> No.10102634

I'm so glad my parents got me a PS1 for my 7th birthday instead of N64

>> No.10102638

It has the bad 3d games of that generation. Even at 15fps and Vaseline smeared. Saturn and ps1 do everything else better.

>> No.10102647

Not him but Sin and punishment and panzer dragoon (play pc port) are the only ones I can think of. Unless you want light gun games. Both n64 games run drastically better on wii vc as well.

>> No.10102686

from what i always hear, people talk mad shit about the N64 these days because they believe all the greatness was just imagined nostalgia from the past and it wasn't that good, but they don't realize that it looks like shit now because they're trying to plug it into their HDTVs.

it was a very common console back in the day, so those people i think account for most of the shit talk. the games look great on the right screens, and they play great if you're not too retarded to use more of the controller than just the thumbstick. (most are too retarded though, and just flail around with the thumbstick for 2 mins then rage)

>> No.10102732
File: 510 KB, 1016x764, rakuga001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The N64 has gems but it never mattered because you could pick any 5 games out of the top 20 and they will last you a lifetime.

>> No.10102773
File: 38 KB, 490x560, Gruntilda_Winkybunion's_Lair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D action platformers and 90's FPS games are my favorites, so it feels like the N64 was specifically made for me.

>> No.10102794

> perfect dark

10 FPS slide show

> Pokemon stadium 2

Glorified expansion pack to a handheld game

> Custom robo

Solid 7

>> No.10102802

tell me you've never played perfect dark without telling me you've never played perfect dark

>> No.10102850

I’ve played perfect dark pal, notice how I didn’t go in on Goldeneye, because that game absolutely holds up.

Tell me how I know you probably played the cleaned up Xbox Arcade version, because the N64 version does drop into slideshow territory when there’s a lot going on screen.

>> No.10102975

>Will last you a life time
I bought all the top sellers on launch. OoT, Mario 64, Banjo and so on. Beat them and then never played them again as there was little point. AKI wrestling games were the only ones that really stood the test of time.

>> No.10103001

The people who say those last a lifetime are always speedrunners, you can tell by how they talk. Ignore them, the mutilation will soon begin.