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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1009678 No.1009678 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /vr/, I'm from /v/ and getting tired of all the bullfuck on there. Mind if I stop by and ask a few questions?

Why do you play oldschool games?
Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
What's the one game you keep coming back to?

>> No.1009713

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they are fun. Arcade style games appeal to me most: fast paced action, easy to pick up, difficult to master. Also, I like pixel art and low fidelity art and music.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Both. Modern games appeal to me, too.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I like to play games I have played before, and I also like to explore new ones. However, my favorites are generally the ones I've played before.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Super Smash Bros. is the big one. Mario Kart is another favorite.

>> No.1009723

Well strap yourself in and get ready for the ride because this boards turning into another /v/.

Also I play old video games for nostalgia, but mostly because of a lot of em had a real insane difficulty level and I try to challenge myself.

Its not just nostalgia, they are better plain and simple. They were original, geuinly difficult and innovative. They created a lot of neat fatures and set the standards for alot of things in video games now. But today all they do is try to make the graphics better than the last game. its no longer about story or innovative features, lets just throw a quick call of duty together, lets call it Call of Duty World Tour and We'll base it off world war 2.

And I play a lot of games from my childhood but every single day I discover new games that I never played as a child, whether it wasn't my kind of genre at the time or I had overlooked it.

And I keep coming back to Sonic the Hedgehog, the original. I have played it so much that fly through it like its nothing.

>> No.1009727

As far as the second question goes I should mention that I don't hate modern day video games, there are a lot of games I love for the Gamecube, PS2 and PS3. I justb feel retro is better.

>> No.1009730

I played a game from 1998 and its the most fun I've had in years. First time I've played it, and I am on my 2nd playthrough and still loving it.

Modern gaming is shit.

>> No.1009757

New games aren't even a challenge it seems. Its just a bore of go from point a to b. Like sure the landscapes and stories can be nice but not putting in any effort at all just turns me off new games for the most part.

>> No.1009762
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>Why do you play oldschool games?
Why not ?
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
If the game is good, then I play it. Also, I like how the 2D had to deal with limitations, such as the color palette for the PC98 for exemple. It really worked our imagination. Nowaday, games look too much the same.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I tend to play games I never played or never finished.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

>> No.1009770

I did.

>> No.1009768

Stop playing overhyped sandbox game where "YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING".

>> No.1009789

I watched a kid playing a Pitfall hack on youtube.

He thought the game was buggy because it would "freeze" every third time he died. He had no concept of "game over".

>> No.1009804

Its pretty much any game in this day and age. If you saw the Xbox one conference then you too will see that its no longer about a great great storyline or fun, innovative gameplay. It is all about Call of Duty and graphics.

>> No.1009816

Can't just be nostalgia. There's not much overlap between my favorite retro games now and my favorite games back then.

>> No.1009824

I agree totally.
I'm gonna play Dragon Commander, Rome 2, Routine, but after that, fuck me. I guess I will finish some older games, such as Yu-No.

>> No.1009826

>Why do you play oldschool games?

I'll play any game that I come across, modern or not, regardless of genre. If you mean prefer, it's because of the variety.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

Not necessarily better, but just more varied in mechanics, setting and design. It's not nostalgia, because I can play games from the 80's/90's for the first time and be enthralled. Just tried x-com: ufo defense last week and I can't put it down.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

My favourites are ones that I grew up on, but I mostly play games that I haven't before. Sometimes I'll go back to a classic and play it for a while, but it's maybe once every couple of months, unless it's one of my two favourite titles.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

It's a tie, I can't decide between them. Descent and Starcraft. Descent is just an amazing game. Gameplay, ambience, graphics, level design, it was just a fantastic game. I'd love to play competitive descent, but it's deader than dead, so there's nothing for me there, and I never got the chance to play it online as a kid.

Starcraft is just one of my favourite multiplayer games of all time, and I keep logging on iccup to play occasionally, even though I'm fucking awful nowadays. It's fun, fast, hard, and deep. The campaign was fun, and did it's job to get me to log onto bnet, but it's UMS, community and 1v1 was what made it last so long for me.

>> No.1009828

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're good games.
Especially when there's no modern equivalent.

>> No.1009835

>Why do you play oldschool games?
To catch up with the hundreds of awesome underappreciated games that I've never had a chance to try when I was younger. Also to finish games that I've tried, liked but never finished.
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Nostalgia only applies to about 2% of the retro games I play. Many of the others I haven't even heard of beforehand. Fate: Gates of Dawn is my new favorite RPG, it's from 1991 and makes everything else released since then look like completely lazy shit, especially these "RPGs" from the past decade.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Master of Orion 2

>> No.1009837

>Especially when there's no modern equivalent.
This, since it's all about third person shooter nowaday.

>> No.1009847

>To catch up with the hundreds of awesome underappreciated games that I've never had a chance to try when I was younger.
That feel.
>The first time in the 90', the golden age of vidya, you also discovered the fucking INTERNET where you can even DOWNLOAD GAMES. Also, "hey, remember your old genesis ? Well, with this software, you can now play all the genesis games you wanted to play back then, for free."

>> No.1009856


>Why do you play oldschool games?
I don't specifically play old games. I play games that interest me, and some of them happen to be old. A good game is a good game, regardless of when it came out.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Neither. Some games are good, some are complete dogshit.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Most of the games I played were terrible. I missed out on many fantastic games.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Serious Sam

>> No.1009858

I didn't say all modern games were like that you fucking derp. it just seems most of them seem to be headed that way and even the ones that dont are still too easy

>> No.1009861

>"hey, remember your old genesis ? Well, with this software, you can now play all the genesis games you wanted to play back then, for free."
magic still hasn't worn off for me after all these years

>> No.1009889

Well personally it's all about playing good games. I play new vidya more than I play retro vidya, but if a game is good I'll play it. Retro vidya per individual game seems to be a better experience for me in that it may be the same game but there might me a thousand or a million different ways to play it (primarily referring to Roller Coaster Tycoon and Sim City 3000). Newer games are a whole whole whole lot more restrictive. I know that there are creative games like Minecraft and the whole lot, but just on average games tend to be linear as hell and I hate that. Call of Duty is a prime example of extremely linear gameplay. (Call of Duty 2 attempted more open-world design and while I still love and praise Call of Duty 2 that's a story for another day.) I have no desire to
pay $60 for a six hour game I might ever play through twice when I can go pick up an older game for $20 at the absolute most and put in hundreds of hours.
And then there's the nostalgia factor too, yeah.
I got into the whole Call of Duty scene a while back and even got flown out by a company to San Francisco once, so it's not like I'm one of those people who naysay modern games because they're modern.

>> No.1009971

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
It's a bit of both, honestly. Playing games on an old console/computer sort of brings you back to that time period in a sense. Reliving the past is the closest thing we have to time travel. When it comes to graphics, some games had amazing visuals for the hardware they were displayed on. Developers would find workarounds for technical limitations, and the game could look fucking amazing. Not only that, but modding took less work when it came to sprites and older maps, and more games were designed to be modded. Hell, people even sold collections of mods. Today's games can be good, but it's hard to find the gems in a sea of shitty games that are more focused on being realistic rather than being fun.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I replay games quite a bit, although sometimes I'll find new games that kick so much ass I have to obsess over them for a while.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
It would have to be several series, the ones I started out with in my quest to explore games. They would be Duke Nukem, Monkey Island, and pretty much any of the old Apogee platformers.

>> No.1009973

Am I the only one who can't replay a game ? I always get the feel "bah, I already played it".

>> No.1010026

>First question is related to the second
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I feel that in many aspects they were done much better.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
The second. I grew up rather poor, but now I have access to all those sweet games I missed. People say if you stay playing older consoles that you're playing the same thing all the time, but it's really quite the opposite unless you have a problem. Gems like Terranigma were almost never played for example.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
I guess Sonic 3 complete or Pokemon Crystal (a special edition made for no trading of course) are the ones I keep coming back to. Don't ask me why.

Also >>>/q/ for these surveys. So polite sage.

>> No.1010059
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>Why do you play oldschool games?
Why do people play video games?

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I do feel that they were better back then, or at least much more were better back then because of their design philosophy. When looking at action games the game would usually if not always pressure the player thus the player was pretty much always doing something with very little dead space in which all the player does is watch what is happening or having a few minutes to travel from one location to another. You are constantly platforming, avoiding enemies, and killing enemies while you progress.

Technically they are shorter games compared to these days, but the great action games trimmed the fat to the point in which all you play are the good parts.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Shinobi III was amazing and I thought it was going to be fairly average at first when I was playing the first level. Though I personally don't have a favorite game since genres can vary so much that one genre can't do what another genre does well.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Rocket Knight Adventures

>> No.1010068

I often can't as well, especially JRPG's. Even some games that have many routes I don't replay them to see what are in the other routes.

Some games do really click with me and I do find myself playing them a few times a year.

>> No.1010070

>Why do you play oldschool games?

Because they are fun, and a challenge

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

A mixture. The new zeldas are not nearly as challenging as the zelda1 or links awakening

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

Megaman 3 has and will always be my favorite

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

see above

>> No.1010098

I play older games to play the games I always wanted to play and never did, to experience the games that people talk about with reverence, and to replay the games I had as a kid to master them as an adult since I never really beat many games as a kid. I play alot of games I never played but will replay the ones I owned before too. As a kid I had a NES and went straight to playstation about two years after it came out. So the SNES and Genesis are like playing the games I could only play at a friends house. I also play modern games. Some games have gotten better with time. Others have gotten worse. I feel like rpgs and shmups have gotten worse. But the FPS have gotten better up to a point. I miss having ten plus weapons at your disposal. Also I miss pinball. And 2D sprites. A good platforming action game could never make it like it today like it used to. Plus older games are harder and give you a bigger sense of accomplishment. Even easy on most games then would be hard mode or hardcore today. The games I come back to are the original Sim city on PC windows 95 editing, gradius 3, jackel and captian skyhawk on NES.

>> No.1010130


>Why do you play oldschool games?

Same reason I play any other game, to have fun.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

On the whole, games were better back then. I don't think every new release is automatically a pile of shit, but I would say that there's more good retro games than good modern games.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

I do make an effort to try out new games, but my favorites are definitely ones I grew up with like Command and Conquer.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

Perfect Dark, Command and Conquer and Deus Ex. PD is pretty much permanently jammed in my N64 until I find a new game I want to buy.

>> No.1010136

>Why do you play oldschool games?
I play all good games, /vr/ or modern. Of course, "retro" always constitutes everything ever released except the last few years, and thus there are more good games released in the past than recently. But these days, less people put in the effort because the guys at the top learned how to game the system for more profit than releasing good games could give them.
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Higher production values.
More effort put in by developers.
Development directed by people who know what the fuck they're doing, as opposed to people who have never touched a controller in their lives. (or at least people who focused on fun)
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
All the stuff I like the most is recently discovered. I actually don't like most of the games I grew up with.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
There's no "one" game in this category. I guess that I racked up the most time on Quake 2 and 3, and still do. Don't ask for a duel because I'm stuck on wireless with 400 ping at the moment. But I'd gladly do it if I could.

>> No.1010139

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because nobody knows how to deal with the shit that's going on in today's industry. "nostalgia" is our only defense mechanism, it's only natural to come back to the very same games that got us into vidya in the first place and to seek out others similar to it. Hence "going through the backlog", it's only a delay, sooner or later people will get out of their bubble, realize just where they are, how vidya is and probably do something else with their lives but for now they just want to live this delusion in bliss and happiness.

>> No.1010140

>Higher production values.
I've got some bad news for you.

>> No.1010145

modern games aren't interesting. they all play it really safe, there's no innovation or new ideas. 90% of the games that come out are first person shooters that are "atmospheric" with a cute girl that follows you around and nothing interesting other than that.

>> No.1010152

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
A bit of both, mostly because I think they were better, developers had to work with a more restrictions so focus was on gameplay primarily and not graphics. Also the games were much more challenging than today's.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I rarely play games I've already played, I try to go through the ones I've heard are good but never played as a kid. It's a long list though. My fav game is Mega Man 1 though that I played as a kid.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Mostly non-/vr/ games like the GC Zeldas that are really nice and relaxing to play through.

>> No.1010154

I usually feel like that but end up doing it anyway and having a good time. Like, I have Star Control 2, Myth, M&M 6, Ultima VII on my backlog and I'm halfway through a handful of JRPGs, but... well, fuck it, I'll just play System Shock again.

>> No.1010169

>Why do you play oldschool games?
because I love authentic 2D sidescrolling platformers
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I don't necessarily think they're better, but certainly more enjoyable and less labourious than your average FPS
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
my favourites are the same as they've always been, but I enjoy trying out 'new' games too
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
several, on several different formats

>> No.1010167

Older games are better, and there are zillions of them waiting to be played. Why not play them?

>> No.1010191

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're enjoyable, same reason as any other game. The age of a game doesn't really bother me. Sure early 3D doesn't tend to look great, and early games in a series might have less refined controls, but I can get over that pretty easily.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I like older and modern games, but I think the industry as a whole has gotten worse in the last few years.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I'll come back to a game I really enjoyed, but I'm always looking for something I haven't touched before.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Can't narrow it down to one, but I come back to my favorite platformers the most.

>> No.1010192

star control 2 can beaten quickly if you use a walkthrough,

myth depends on your skill level and a little luck,

M&M6 and UVII(black gate only?) will probably suck up all your time if you go for all the optional quests.

>> No.1010229

>Why do you play oldschool games?
It's more of a matter of preference. I just don't really care for modern game design and accepted I am not the target audience for most games anymore.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

Nostalgia is a no. If there was a game that I enjoyed as a kid but turned out to be a turd(Fighting Masters for the Genesis) then I usually hate playing it when I go back to the game years later. But I do think they were better then, budgets were no where near as inflated and people were willing to target a niche more often than they do now. There was also a really good growth of development in technology during the 90s that helped games from feeling stale as opposed to this current gen of games. Of course I won't deny there were copy cats trying to cash in on Mario, Sonic, and Street Fighter 2 but they were usually their own game as opposed to now where a lot of series that had an established fanbase decides to completely change what made them good to cater towards the larger audience.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

I play both games I liked as a kid and newer ones.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

It's a tie between Streets of Rage 2, Sonic 2, or Bionic Commando on the NES.

>> No.1010238

...thanks? It's not as though I don't know what they're like, I've played them all at one point or another and think I'll enjoy them. I just can't force myself to give a shit enough to start.

>> No.1010241

The reason I play old games is because those genres don't even exist anymore. Side scrollers, beat em ups, 2D fighting, top down action... hell, top down anything, it goes on and on.

>> No.1010387

>Why do you play oldschool games?
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

Both, I suppose.

There certainly is a nostalgia component, but I also can't stand the massive amounts of dumbing down, hand-holding and nickel-and-diming horseshit that came after 6th gen.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

Mostly stuff I played back in the day, though I'm certainly not adverse to trying out things I may have missed on.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

Several... though if I had to pick just one, it'd probably be the original Castlevania.

>> No.1010710
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>Also to finish games that I've tried, liked but never finished.
Downloaded this yesterday because I remembered I used to play it as a kid but had no idea what was going on. The game is actually quite easy.

>> No.1010718

i totally agree with your reason for playing old school games.

>> No.1010757

>Why do you play oldschool games?
They're fun and cheap, and I don't like 3d/FPS.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
The games just seem better, I guess?

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I don't feel any desire to play games I grew up on (which would be Atari 2600 and Colecovision games, maybe a few NES). I mostly like SNES and PS1 games, which I never played until a few years ago.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
There's not really one in particular.

>> No.1010817
File: 35 KB, 425x350, tumblr_m1s3e3qVpU1qhy6c9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're fun. I play video games from all eras.
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
The demographic has changed, and now games must cater to the lowest common denominator. Games are being dumbed down and it's really painful to see. The handholding is ridiculous.
There was more heart in games back then. Development teams were smaller, and made by people with actual passion for video games. Nowadays the teams are huge and impersonal, and a lot of the people working on them likely don't give a shit. It's all about maximizing profits now.
These are some pretty big factors. Overall I'd say yeah, games were better back then. That isn't to say I don't like modern games, as there are plenty of good ones, but the amount of bullshit is staggering.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
The glory of emulation is that in seconds you can go download and play any game you might have missed back in the day. I'm always trying out new old games, and I love it.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
I like my SNES library.

>> No.1010838
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I play them because I'm drawn to them. I've tried over and over to get into new video games, but it's just never taken.

I enjoy the concept of just having a little system in the floor, and a handful of games to pass the time.

I also like the music in old games much more than new ones, if the new ones have music at all.

I like the weirdness of 90s Japanese games, both the cute kind and the grotesque.

I like being about to power a system on and be playing in about 5 seconds.

Just a few thoughts. I'm really tired of explaining or justifying things like this. Years ago I might have written an essay, but I guess I'm just getting old and want to stop thinking about playing games, and just play the damn things.

/vr/ has been pretty good for that too. Not as much navel gazing on this board.

>> No.1011070


>Why do you play oldschool games?
I play both old and new games. I play old games because some of them are still great today, and still among the best in their respective genres.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Its not nostalgia, but i also don't think games were so much better back then. They were more varied, more original, more challenging, but there were far more truly awful, unplayable broken games back then, so i would not call them better. In the end, it all depends on genre. For example, Gran Turismo 1 is truly an inferior game to GT5 or 6, Tekken 1 to Tekken Tag 2, NBA Live 95 to 2K13, Driver 2 to GTA5(i don't have to play the game to know that), Mario Kart 1 to Mario Kart 7(nostalgiafags may disagree with this one but they are wrong)...
But some games, like Full Throttle, Heroes 3, Jagged Alliance 2, SOTN, Metal Slug... Are still amongst the very best games one can play in their respective genres.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I primarily play games i never played before, or played as a kid but never beaten.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Its hard, but If i have to choose just one that would be Contra Hard Corps.

>> No.1011132

>But today all they do is try to make the graphics better than the last game.

I'm sick of reading bullshit like this! GRAPHICS WERE ALWAYS VERY IMPORTANT! EVEN MORE SO THEN NOW!

>> No.1011190

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're still good.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?


>Do you primarily play games you already played

No, these days I primarily play games I haven't played. Specifically, games that I avoided back then due to my naive attitude.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

I'm not really going back. More like going forward. Discovering old shit.

>> No.1011212

Most of the games I play I play for challenge. I love the rush of adrenaline against when doing something difficult.

Old games cater that type of play style. There is no filler. All the content in game is either a challenge or some tool to you can use to overcome the challenges.

Actions have meaning. Health doesn't regenerate and dying actually means going back a great distance, some games didn't have continues so you needed to master the entire game in order to not use up your limited lives. Power ups were essential to find and keep.

And most importantly the games are hard. When playing an old style game you don't go in with the mindset "ill beat this in a few hours" you may NEVER beat it. Each stage is harder than the last. You keep going and going until you've done your absolute best whether you win or lose its still a blast.

I play a mix of games Im familiar with and old ones.
I like to replay old games that I could never beat as a kid just to see if I can do it. If I've already mastered a game I might make up a challenge (no subweapons) to make it harder.

>> No.1011238

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because I was born just late enough to miss most 16 bit or earlier games but I'm still interested in playing them.

Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
It's not so much that old games are better but that they are purer in a sense. Most old games are usually quick to pick up and just play. No waiting around for 30 minute long cut scenes to finish or having to just follow a game's linear path. There's a real sense in older games that the player is in control and not the programmer.

Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Currently I'm working through my backlog of games never finished but even after that I'm still going to try out other games that I've never played.

What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Call me what you want but I consistently go back to the N64 Zeldas.

>> No.1011243

I agree with this. I love how in 10 minutes you can set up everything and already be in the middle of a challenge harder than 99% of the "challenges" you face in modern games. Ghosts n Goblins series are a perfect example of this. Everything is solid, fluid, no waiting, it's pure content. And it can either take you weeks, or a few minutes if you're good enough. Not many games are like that anymore. In a lot of games (both old and new) the "challenge" isn't actually challenge, there is no skill required, it's just leveling up until your character is strong enough (most RPGs are guilty of this). The Souls series were truly a breath of fresh air due to the fact that they broke this rule. You could have a SL1, no magic, no nothing character and still beat it with enough skill and patience. That's what modern games lack in my opinion.

>> No.1011262

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're great and cheap. There are great games today, too, though I don't think as many. The technology is massively improved, but it's become much like Hollywood: stay safe, and build what will sell through ads and to the lowest common denominator.

Cheap is the biggest part of it, though. I have a massive collection of games, and old games are very easily emulated. If I wanted to spend all my free time playing new games, it would be more of an investment.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Nostalgia is part of it, but a very small part.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
It's probably a good 50/50.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
There isn't just one. Mega Man 2-3, or Super Mario Bros, though, are four games that I will frequently turn on just to kill a little bit of time. Super Metroid, Doom 2, Yoshi's Island, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask are games that I make a point of playing through at least once a year in full as almost a religious experience.

>> No.1011274

Old games were made for gamers. New games are made for people who don't like video games, and that's why they emphasize story and have had challenging gameplay replaced with time consuming chores.

>> No.1011279

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because either they're still really good or because I never played them.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
No, there are tons of good games in every gen.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I mostly play games I never played.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Super Mario 64 and Valkyrie Profile. They are truly masterpieces.

>> No.1011298

Retro also has the advantage that there has been more time to sift the good stuff from the shit. There's the same amount of shit as today, it's just been mostly identified.

>> No.1011314

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because, due to their challenge and greater penalty for failure, they are more exciting to play and more rewarding to conquer. Most modern games are more interested in telling me a story and consuming as much of my free time as possible, and that's not what got me into gaming, overcoming great adversity and the sense of accomplishment is what got me into gaming.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I don't play them for the nostalgia, I play them because they're still fun games, but the nostalgia does make them that much better experiences.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I mostly play games I already played because there wasn't much that I missed out on back in the day.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
There's not just one game. I keep coming back to games that are challenging and of high quality; games such as Battletoads, Ninja Gaiden and Zelda II.

>> No.1011316

>Why do you play oldschool games?
They're free, and there's a finite list of which games are any good so there's less of a risk of wasting my time with sub-par vidya.
Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I was born in early '95, so I wasn't really around for those games. The first console I ever experienced was a PS2.
Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
See above.
What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Super Metroid. It's a good game, despite the intense dickishness the developers forced upon their players.

>> No.1011352
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>Why do you play oldschool games?

Me? I'm an emulation junkie plus I don't have that much money to blow anyway.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

Well, there's the whole lack of DLC and not having to deal with draconian DRM. That's always a plus.

Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

I tend to go all over the place. Tetris one night, Donkey Kong Country the next,you get the idea.

What's the one game you keep coming back to?

Do remakes count as retro? No matter, I may as well plug this one while I'm still here. Oolite. Its main appeal is the thousands of mods floating around. You too can fight a team of Cylons or Space Invaders while flying a Millennium Falcon

>> No.1011380 [DELETED] 

sauce on your pic?

>> No.1011389


>> No.1011390

Jk. I love seeing younger people enjoying retro games.

>> No.1011404

He could be 18 easily

>> No.1011410
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Everybody will probably answer the questions, and not comment on the other's answers, but anyway

>Why do you play oldschool games?
I prefer them over the new ones

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Besides nostalgia, games were more simple and charming. I find that movies are loosing their 'charm' as they are becoming too much like movies(you heard this a thousand times), and also because of the forced online interaction and endless updates.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I, ofcourse, play my childhood favorites a lot, but also add to my favorites some games I didn't grow up with but really enjoyed.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Mainly Sega Genesis and PS1/N64 games

>> No.1011446

I play retro games because my backlog extends that far back. One day I'll clear it out as long as we discover immortality before I die.

>> No.1011459

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Several reasons, but mainly because games being old doesn't make them bad, it just makes them old. I also enjoy the look and feel of older fps games, which you just can't find these days... remakes aside..

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
There are tons of games released today that are just as good as they were back then. Nostalgia is only nice for me when the memory matches reality and the game is still enjoyable today (looking at you Tenchu 2 and your horrible controls).

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I have a few games that are always in rotation (Fallout, Unreal, Thief, etc.), but for the most part I like to play games I've never played before.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Unreal Tournament

Some of us are actually here to share and converse.

>> No.1011603

In some games. There are ones I keep getting back every now and then and having a lot of fun every damn time.
Perfect Dark is my favorite. After ten years of playing, I just saw earlier this week my brother blasting an enemy with a grenade launcher, sending him rolling down a ramp. Many laughs were had. 11/10 replay value. Modern games don't have this factor anymore, and despite liking a lot of them, I miss the "punch" older games packed.

>> No.1011604

>Why do you play oldschool games?
basically because I like playing games that aren't fps. If you want to find a good rpg or platformer you're going to have to look back in time a bit.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I like what was offered at the time. i just like the sidescrollers and the top down angle more.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I try to play a lot of new games. of course i like to go back to the classics from my childhood but not as much.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
the one game i keep coming back to isn't even retro. Final Fantasy X is always a good play for me.

>> No.1011669

When I'm playing a scenario-based game (i.e. Civilization, HoMM...) as opposed to a story-based one, I never have the issue.

>> No.1012071

>Why do you play oldschool games?
I didn't have a chance of playing or beating a lot of games back in the day beause no money or skills. So I play what I missed back then.
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Same with first question.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I do play games I played as a kid, but now I can beat them, yeah. My current favorite retrogames are ones I recently played though.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Shatterhand and the classic Castlevania before Symphony of the night. Also Donkey Kong Country and Mario All-Stars.

>> No.1012082
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>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're fun, simple and sweet. I love arcade style games because they are the purest of what a video game should be.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
They just appeal to me is all and some of it is nostalgia. I like some modern games.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I don't have 1 favorite game. I have too many favorites to pick just 1.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Donkey Kong GB but I've played that game since I was a kid. I still have the same cartridge from when I was like 5 years old and I've played it forever and never get tired of it.

>> No.1012103

I like mostly JRPG but I don't feel like paying for a console such money for playing like 1 game that I like that gets localozed. Emulators lets me play old translated games in my computer easily. I still own a SNES but back then it consoles were not so expensive.

I also like when I save a game and I don't need to wait a eternity for it.

>> No.1012118

>Why do you play oldschool games?
They have a unique style and great music. when I play an old game, sometimes it feels like I'm exploring something that has been lost to history.
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Mix of both really. A lot of game makers had a different mentality back then.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

>> No.1012152

>Why do you play oldschool games?
it's fun

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Mega Man X.

>> No.1012213

>>Why do you play oldschool games?
>because I love authentic 2D sidescrolling platformers
hi-fiiive brother
Although I do love the fantastic graphical output that is possible today with hand-drawn assets, and was absolutely thrilled playing through Rayman Origins. There just aren't enough solid 2D platformers being made, even though they have the potential to make them better than ever. But with both DKCR's sequel and Rayman Legends are coming out this fall, so it is a good year for us scrolling action fans.

>> No.1012226

I find it interesting how many people that frequent this board don't like FPS. It's one of my favorite genres and I enjoy almost every "style", from Doom and Quake to Half-Life and MOH Allied Assault. The early 2000s were a great time for shooters in my opinion, but even I'd agree that they've gone to shit now with companies being afraid to step away from regen health and cover because collecting health is "dated" or some shit.

>> No.1012315


Yeah. 90s FPSes were absolutely incredible.
Modern FPSes are a huge kick in the dick.

>> No.1012347
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>Why do you play oldschool games?
It's fun, challenging, and keeps me out of trouble.
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Kirby's Adventure, always puts me in a good mood

I'd love to see more 2D shmups made, though.

>> No.1012349


>Why do you play oldschool games?
The fisrt reason is my PC didn't suport all that new games, so I emulate the shit out of all the games I want to play for free and with no requirement limits.

The second reason is, because of the first reason, I learn to appreciate the pieces of art (iI'm not talking THAT serious about the vydia = art) the old games are: the performance, the ideas, the orginality, the difficulty... The new games are OK yoo, but the old ones have more balls.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Games were so much better back then. And a lil bit of nostalgia.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

>is your favorite game now one you never grew up on
I declare guilty

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

Super Mario Bros, Ice Cimber, Clu-Clu Land, Castlevania Aria of Sorrow

>> No.1012361

There are a couple reasons for me. It's cheap, so I'm playing what I think are great games for 15 bucks as appose to being a penniless, obsessive preorder mongler. In many cases I think the games are just better. This is a blanket statement that can't possibly be used as a rule, but the mid 80's through all of the 90's was definitely the golden age of vidya.

Whether it's nostalgia or not depends on the game. If you still happen to have your 14-year-old save files for, say, Simcity 2000, it's a blast to the fuckin' past.

>That third thing
Both. When I was a kid I was heavily into strategy, and still am, but now I play a lot more console titles. I never owned an SNES, but now it's my primary system.

>The one game
There really isn't one, but if I had to call it, it might be Earthbound. I could just as easily say SMB 3, Simcity 3000, Rollercoaster tycoon, etc. etc. but that's why I say there isn't just one.

>> No.1012421

>Why do you play oldschool games?
I find them fun and relaxing.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
There's an emotional attachment for sure but if there's a game I remember being awful it still is awful. I don't really think games on the whole were better back then but it was certainly a different culture. I lost touch with it all around 2004 and now I can't seem to get back in. Some time ago I got given an xbox360 with Bioshock, GTA IV, Star Wars Force Unleashed and Oblivion Elder Scrolls IV. I enjoyed them all to an extent but it was a totally different experience and it did nothing for me. It was worn out and it redringed on me so I just sold the games. My girlfriend has a Wii and I haven't enjoyed anything on that other than Lego Games. I'm thinking about getting a ps3 as the ps4 is coming out soon and trying again.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Usually I'm playing stuff I'm familiar with because I don't play that often. I am now in the process of playing those games I saw in magazines or in the shop that I wanted but never got.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Spyro 2

>> No.1012435

I started playing games around Amiga 500 era and enjoyed my Nintendo and Sega Genesis very much. Jumped to PC after that and missed pretty much everything from SNES up.

Now, I like nice and shiny modern graphics. However that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the beauty of games like Chrono Trigger, which pretty much blew me away with the way it looks - and this happened few weeks ago.
I was also kinda impressed by Harvest Moon and the fact that you had control over your surroundings - like I said I missed SNES. GBA also surprised me at how much power it must have packed for it's time. There are many very fun and versatile games well worth playing.

There are many modern games that are kinda like the old games, made in say, flash or HTML5, especially now with both being very accessible. But that's the problem.
Back then, even making a Bubble Shooter game was relatively hard. They had to put effort into it to ensure that it's actually good and so far as I've seen, they have been better than their modern clones. Even puzzle games have better music, better characters ( despite being almost irrelevant to the game ) and better artwork ( it's DIFFERENT due to being pixel art but being pixel art doesn't make it bad or dated artwork - it just makes it different from say, vector graphics ).

But to get to the point, just because retro games are old, doesn't mean that they're bad. Just because their resolution and color range is tiny, doesn't mean the graphics suck. Those two things tend to be the first ones you pay attention to and label game as old and therefor not worth playing. But the stories and music can be just as impressive as in modern games. Gameplay mechanics might be a bit clunky from time to time but that's the case in modern games too.
Once you can get over the prejudice, you'll find that old games have some really good games too, plain and simple. It doesn't have to have anything to do with having nostalgia goggles or being a retro fanatic.

>> No.1012469

Why do you play oldschool games?
Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?

Newer games seem to be lacking a charm older ones had. I mean, look at the NES or PS1 libraries, and at times it seems like devs started throwing anything they could out there to see what would stick, where they could make great offbeat games and even let a lot of the bad games have some kind of curiosity to them. I guess I love how varied retro games at least seem to be instead of the modern day of everything being so samey. Even though I rarely succeed, the challenge is great too. Nothing gets you motivated to beat a game like the game itself fighting back ferociously.

Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?

Used to be the former just because of how daunting it is to look at a list of system ROMs, but the last few years i've forced myself to get away from that (though mostly because I went more towards PC gaming and wanted to see what these classic PC games were like (i.e. Deus Ex, Quake/Doom/Douk/Wolf3D) and to finish games in my backlog instead of starting new ones recklessly)

What's the one game you keep coming back to?

I could list probably 10-20 platformers or RPGs (Honorable mentions to Mario 64 and especially Sonic 3 & Knuckles), but there will never be a game I go back to more often than Tetris Attack. It's the one game I can always throw on and just chill out and enjoy for a while, no matter what's going on. Never leave that game without a smile and a warm feeling.

>> No.1012493

1. I like good games
2. No, yes
3. No, yes
4. Nothing, I keep discovering more and more old games I want to play

>> No.1012596

>Why do you play oldschool games?
I simply play what I want to play. If I Feel like playing Donkey Kong Country or a JRPG, I just start playing it. If I FEEL like playing a modern game, I will play that too.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I feel like old games were better, just because developers made games THEY wanted, not what they felt would make them the most money. Ironically, this made better games.

Modern games CAN be good, It's just that very few studios choose to ignore the money train. Gravity Rush and Bayonetta are example of great modern games.

>Do you primarily play games you already played?
I'm always buying new games. This means I'm always playing something new. But again, I just play what I FEEL like playing. I often feel like playing something I never tried before. I often enjoy that.

>> No.1012827

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because there are a lot of them I like.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I actually don't think games have been getting worse. Lots of games I like are recent releases. There are just a lot of older games I like too. Doesn't seem odd at all to me.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Combination. I love to go back and replay my favorites and try and figure out as much as I can, but I do like to pick up new things now and then.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Pretty much the Fire Emblem series in general.

>> No.1013046

Game consoles were actually more expensive back then considering inflation, sounds like you only play old games because you're too stupid to figure out how to pirate on current consoles and like to savescum with savestates.

>> No.1013074

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because there's quite a lot of amazing games out there there were released before and I couldn't play it because I wasn't born then (20 years old). Why wait for great games to be released if I can dig back in time and find amazing gems of gaming.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I can't say it's nostalgia, I'm 20 years old and didn't experience most of the games I play nowadays back when they were released. So yes, I believe games were better back then, and that's what motivates me to discover new ones.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I replay my favorite games quite a lot, but I'm always looking at new stuff to play and add to my favorites.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Donkey kong land. If I could add another, Mario Land 2 (Huge GameBoy fag).

>> No.1013076

I know it's just a typo but that sounds incredibly funny.

>> No.1013079

I play both retro and modern games. I simply like playing good games, and there are many good retro games. I rarely come back to games I already played, but I am fond of the zelda games so sometimes I do challenge runs on those.

>> No.1013090

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Old games just have a certain charm that new games lack. I really can't put my finger on what it is inparticular, but I really like it. On top of that, I don't have the money to buy new consoles/games and my computer is pretty bad.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Certainly some of it is nostalgia. I also feel some games were better back then, although there are many improvements in newer games. It's a double edged sword - I miss some of the technologic improvements of newer games, but I feel as if older games were just made better.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Actually, mostly games I never had. Most of my favorites are games I didn't play until the last 6ish years of my life. Thank you emulation.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
The ONE game? Hm... I really can't choose. At college we have an N64, a Dreamcast, a Gamecube, and an Xbox 360 as well as a computer dedicated to emulation and general entertainment The Xbox and Gamecube get fairly minor use as compared to the N64 and Dreamcast.

>> No.1013106

NO WE HAVE GOOD ARM GRAPHICS, WHICH MAKES FOR A BETTER GAME AND A BETTER GAMEPLAY FUN" -Modern jack the mack from infity ward at da conference.

>> No.1013124

This sums up my feelings on popular modern games, they care more about improving things that literally no one cares about.

>> No.1013190

refer to

>> No.1013283

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because they're good games
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I'm 19, the only /vr/ related games I feel nostalgic about are Spyro and Crash. I don't hate all modern games, but every year the number of new games that appeal to me gets lower and lower. I think that deep down all good single player games are puzzles instead of movies that pander to people with inferiority complexes.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I like playing games I missed because I was too young, but I give the Spyro and Crash games a play every now and then
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?

>> No.1013432

>Why do you play oldschool games?
To catch up on games I never got the chance to play as a kid (I'm 18). Mostly to either 1: form an opinion on a classic game or one that has a cult following, or 2: to understand a game series to prepare me for new releases (MGS and Metroid for example).
>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Some of it is nostalgia. N64/PS1 games and arcade space shooters (not sure if that's the right name) give me a huge nostalgia-boner. PS2 games do too, but since I'm not the kind of PC/Dark Souls babby from /v/, I don't care if a game has shitty graphics, if the story and gameplay is interesting, I'll play it., This leads to me generally thinking of PS2 games as 'new' (because I don't vomit when I see bad graphics like a spoiled brat who thinks their mommy should get them a better PC to play dawk sowls on) when in reality they're pretty old.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
I was a poorfag as a kid so I only ever really played around 15 games, and most of them are shit, so I would say that most games I play I didn't grow up on.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.1013774
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Not gonna answer in the form of your questionnaire, but ill give my opinion. Video games of today have lost a large part of what used to make them good. The heart is gone. Years of cutting corners for profit has taken away all that was good in video games. Things you used to get from playing a game are now locked away behind real money walls. Used to get secret levels, extra characters, all sorts of cool shit just from playing, now you get 2 maps for 15$ in the latest SAME GAME WITH NEW NUMBER, where all that matters are graphics. Gameplay, story, everything else about most video games are being ignored because top tier graphics end up using most of a games funding these days.

Sure there are a few gems that still get made on newer consoles, but there are just as many quick money grabs. Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games, Diablo 3 is an abortion used to cash in on the good name of Diablo 2 and Blizzard North (RIP), but it looks pretty! Who gives a fuck if its fun.

Also I feel many Japanese games lost a large chunk of their magic when ironically Japan illegalized magic mushrooms.

Super Mario Bros 3 is one game i can play forever, though my emulator is loaded with many games I could never have obtained as a kid, due to being left out of game purchase choices until I bought my own system and games (lets face it, I was 10 in 1998 and N64 games were not cheap, and before that I just played whatever my dad was playing for the NES or SNES)

Pic slightly related, one of the best SNES games, the 92 file is missing only block houses, the other 2 are all exits with block houses done last.

>> No.1013791

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Fun, which applies to videogames as a whole.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
I was born in '94 so I'm only nostalgic about 5th gen, and part of 6th. I do feel like games were better back then, but that's not to say there are no good games now.
>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Games I played as a kid are definite staples, but I'm open to ones I never even touched or heard of.
>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
A few: Paper Mario, Rayman 2, Pokemon RBY, and Mario 64. I can happily replay any of them since they were such big parts of my childhood.

>> No.1013816

>block house

>> No.1013851
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Alright someone on 4chan agrees with me! But seriously I don't hate modern games, I am just not the guy they want any more and accept that. Kinda like how the Genesis and PS1 era was not for the people who grew up with Atari. Every few generations there is a shift for who stays and who goes and I guess it was my time to go.

>> No.1013870 [SPOILER] 
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>Kinda like how the Genesis and PS1 era was not for the people who grew up with Atari.
What makes you say that? Are you talking about the games themselves or the whole mindset behind the marketing/etc? Because the 16-bit era has my favorite consoles and games ever (Hell, it's what I grew up with), but I still adore my VCS. I really think it's something more than that. The games HAVE changed. There's honestly no reason to play them; almost every game is a 20-30 hour hallway with narrations to tell you what to do and cutscenes not everyone cares about. There's still a few diamonds in the pile of feces, but it's impossible to miss. Games have changed, and it's all about rakin' in the dosh now.

>> No.1013887

>Because it's all I know. I grew up in the 80's and have never played anything after ps2.
>Games today seem needlessly pretentious. Even (especially?) the shitty ones. Whereas old school games like, i don't know, galaxian are more or less one screen with one objective but regardless of how good you get at that one objective, the game is probably going to kick your ass in the end.
>A little bit of both i guess
>Mega Man

>> No.1013898

I guess the marketing. I just noticed that during that era a lot of people who played games during the start of the Atari era were not that interested in the 16 bit and 32 bit era. Though that could have just been because I knew different people than you did.

>> No.1014352

>all good single player games are puzzles instead of movies
Excellent point

>> No.1014372

Kinda reminds me of Sword of Mana. Shit ton of cutscenes. Probably more cutscenes than actual gameplay as compared to Final Fantasy Adventure on Gameboy, where its straight forward hack n slash action with few cutaways.

>> No.1014375

Well there is some truth to that. People grow up, and as they grow up they lose interest in video games, because in life its like this, video games are childrens playthings and you discard them among other things with age, you mature, get a girlfriend, join sports and go to college where you will learn to become a successful business man with a wife and 2 kids.

Then there are people like us who never grew out of video games, maybe we have lives and do shit, but we could never let that part of our lives go, and while this is all happening your childhood friends move onto bigger and better things and you never see them or talk to them again, only to reminisce about the past and how much fun you two had together playing Mario Kart and Streets of Rage.

>> No.1014376

Better graphics don't make a better game, deal with it and move on.

>> No.1014387

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Well I wanna say mostly because of the nostalgia I feel towards the games of the past but I also just think most of em are fun and simple. In this day and age everything is plot and storyline and good graphics, something the graphics even get in the way of the story (in terms of game devlopment). People hope the graphics will impress you so much that you will overlook the crummy plot. Games just didn't do that back in the day.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Pretty much answered in question 1. A lot of it has to do with nostalgia but feel games were a lot more fun back then. In the early 2000's the good xbox, gamecube abd ps2 games were obscure so I only ever heard or read about crummy throw away titles like ATV vs MX, 50 cent or one of the hundreds of wrestling games. Sure there were great GC titles like Super mario Sunshine, Tales of Symphonia and platformers like Jak and Daxter but at the time I felt that there just weren't enough good titles to justify playing any of it at the time so I felt video gaming was facing a stalemate. Finally with the PS3 I am getting back into modern gaming but I still feel retro is better.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Its a mix of both, I play a lot of my faves from my childhood like Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario World but as I grew older I got into rpg's and now I play a lot of retro rpg's that just didn't interest me as a kid.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
Gotta be Sonic and Knuckles, there was a charm to it back in the day and there still is, from the catchy music to the nice level design I feel it reallt captured Sonic as a platformer and I can't get enough of it.

>> No.1014918


That's not related to what that guy said at all.

>> No.1014934

>Why do you play oldschool games?
Because there were a ton of good games produced in the past that I still haven't played yet, or would like to replay eventually.

>Is it nostalgia, or do you feel games were so much better back then?
Neither. Retro games do have positive qualities that most modern games don't, but modern games have their advantages as well. It's mostly that there were great games made back then that I haven't played yet, and I'm not biased against games based on age.

>Do you primarily play games you already played, or is your favorite game now one you never grew up on?
Mostly new stuff. I'm currently going through the PSX, since I never had one as a kid.

>What's the one game you keep coming back to?
The only game I've played multiple times recently isn't retro.