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File: 121 KB, 540x446, Duke_Nukem_Zero_Hour_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10095965 No.10095965 [Reply] [Original]

Zero Hour > Time To Kill >>>>>>> Land of the Babes

>Zero Hour

Closest thing we ever got to a Duke Nukem 3D sequel, literally built on DN3D engine and game code but with dynamic lights and 3D models. Gameplay is pure Duke. Only drawback is how huge and empty some levels are with long walking sections into emptiness, which was a common flaw of the entire era

>Time to Kill

Duke Nukem goes Tomb Raiding... Combat is only serviceable but the game is still tons of fun because the level design and art style is genuinely good, and the game doesn't take itself seriously. It's still really silly to see Duke mimic all of Lara's moves including the girly sommersault and strafe jumps. Fun game overall but now I just wish I was playing Tomb Raider.

>Land of the Babes
Time to Kill, but replace the fun levels with shitty ones (out of 14 mission there is only like 3-4 decent levels), tons of gimmicky shit (3 underwater levels, gas level, turret sections), muh story, cutscenes and objectives that take itself WAY too seriously; and more challenging combat but which ends up being too messy for its own good. And the game is a lag fest. Not a great game.

>> No.10096018
File: 3.45 MB, 1305x1584, Duke Nukem Zero Hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10096038
File: 2.22 MB, 960x1200, Duke Nukem - Time to Kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10096053
File: 2.20 MB, 960x1200, Duke Nukem - Land of the Babes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10096170

Pretty much this you got everything right though I can't get past how unsatisfying the combat is in Time to Kill (another thing it shares with Tomb Raider)
Eurocom followed Zero Hour with 007 World is not Enough on N64 on what is likely the same modified Duke 64 engine and N Space made Danger Girl on the same engine from Time to Kill

>> No.10096235

>Eurocom followed Zero Hour with 007 World is not Enough on N64 on what is likely the same modified Duke 64 engine

Really? I find that hard to believe but I gotta check this out.

>> No.10096271

>and N Space made Danger Girl on the same engine from Time to Kill
Also used for Die Hard Trilogy 2, TPS styled levels straight up look like a reskinned Time to Kill.

>> No.10096401

Still don't understand how ZH is on the build engine. It looks nothing like other build games. Did they do a modified version or what the hell. How does that work

>> No.10096404

/vr/ mythology, along with it being good let alone better than TTK

>> No.10096406

For Duke Nukem 64 they modified the renderer to be polygonal 3D, that game already had 3D models and dynamic lights and fog effects included.

Zero Hour is by the same devs, runs on the same engine, they just upped the count of everything (3D models, dynamic lights, fog, etc) but it still runs under Build and even Duke Nukem 3D code, all the sector effectors are the same and you can even see sprite work, sector shadows, etc

it's not mythology, some modder have decompiled the game and the map files can be looked at and edited in the same editor as for Duke Nukem 3D. On TCRF you can see Zero Hour still have tons of unused DN64 assets.

>> No.10096414

in short, think of how with EDuke32, Duke Nukem 3D supports polygonal models, dynamic lights, and has a different 3D renderer. DN64 and Zero Hour were the same thing except done much earlier.

>> No.10096506

Isn't it here a first person view chest for Zero Hour? You can actually make it a FPS game. It just needs gun models.

I think it's actually at like 70% decompiled so I don't think we should be surprised to see someone do a proper first person conversion for the game

>> No.10096516

yeah the FPS view is unlocked by beating the game

>> No.10096605

It does look like a Build game. Don't you recognize the geometry and movement?

>> No.10096614

>Eurocom followed Zero Hour with 007 World is not Enough on N64 on what is likely the same modified Duke 64 engine
Doesn't sound like it
>IGN64: Have you applied anything learned while making Duke Nukem: Zero Hour to The World is Not Enough N64?
>Eurocom: Not technology wise. We learned a lot just from the experience in designing Zero Hour -- it was very helpful for us. But it's an entirely different engine.
Would be really fucking cool though. Perhaps they lied?

>> No.10096616

>Perhaps they lied?

Ken Silverman and Build aren't credited in Zero Hour...

>> No.10096652

That doesn't say much, except the fact that Ken obviously didn't work on the game. Eurocom might've thought that crediting 3D Realms is enough.

>> No.10096815
File: 118 KB, 861x677, 2044072008135100-DE54A3217AFBFD1063CE3EE01BF1766E_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10097231

Used to love playing multiplayer Zero Hour with friends on the Cashing In map, shaped like a dollar sign, bouncing the plasma shit off the walls and racing for the BFG weapon in the middle of the map

>> No.10098062

Why hasn't anyone ever remade Zero Hour? The map files use similar formats to other BUILD titles, and you'd just need to reimplement the scripting and enemies and weapons.

>> No.10098173

People who were interested in making mods like that either moved on to making source ports or moved on entirely.
Just wait until current ZH decomp project will be done for someone to make a source port, or more likely add support to either Rednukem or BuildGDX.

>> No.10098718

I'm surprised that Nightdive hasn't done anything like this. I'd play a Nightdive port of ZH.

>> No.10098726


Zero Hour > Time to Kill >>.. Land of the babes

Zero hour kinda makes me wish there were more n64 games like it in general. i mean; third person run and gun with some platforming elements. Time To Kill was a straight up Tomb Raider clone, and not a bad one. It's alright. Land of the Babes; sorry but I felt it was the worst one.

>> No.10098772

Fuck zero hour. Shit was unfair. I know I suck dicks but godamn this game made me rage

>> No.10098796

great game

>> No.10099047

Best post. TTK is the patrician choice; only in that game you can become a Roman legionary AND a medieval ass-kicker. The level design is stellar and made with jetpack in mind. Weaponry, and by extension the fact you can upgrade it, is satisfying as fuck. I will never get tired of burning or reducing pigs into gibs. Catchphrases are undoubtedly the best out of the entire bunch (excluding DN3D of course)

>> No.10099103

the jetpack is tons of fun to use in TTK that's for sure

>> No.10099364

>Danger Girl
>Die Hard Trilogy 2

are those games actually good or is it more shit like Land of the Babes?

>> No.10099732
File: 1.20 MB, 1006x755, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how unsatisfying the combat is in Time to Kill
I liked it

>> No.10099795

Zero Hour is more conventionally good than TTK, being straight up the sequel that Duke 3D fans always wanted and not a Tomb Raider clone with stiff controls.
I personally love TTK more too though, and would even argue that it got 3D Realms style better then ZH somehow, being somewhat similar to Shadow Warrior, despite being on an entirely different engine and platform.
Both games are good.
I haven't played either, but Danger Girl looks decent (and the main heroine is pretty much how I imagined Bombshell from Duke), while DHT2 looks like a very weird schlocky game, but in a charming arcade way.

>> No.10099941

The footage for Zero Hour looks pretty interesting. I was disappointed at how rigidly Duke moved in Time to Kill compared to Duke 3D. Zero Hour seems much more loose and fast compared to Time to Kill.

>> No.10099949

Yeah, you can play it with keyboard and mouse on an emulator.

>> No.10099976

I was upset when i got zero hour and the only way to play in first person was with a janky code.

>> No.10100151


Best I can get is a janky as fuck dual stick setup that has inverted aiming.

>> No.10100174

Where is Duke Nukem Time to Kill?

>> No.10100214

I don't remember exactly how, but I could just map mouse and keyboard in Project 64 (might've needed a certain plugin). You can just bind looking around to the mouse movement axises.
Aside from jank in menus, it played fine, as if it was a PC game.

>> No.10100251

I remember trying that out with Perfect Dark, probably the same method. IIRC it worked well but it was annoying to setup.
I still couldn't get into Perfect Dark though.

>> No.10100920

Did Land of the Babes get any good coom?

>> No.10100937

Zero Hour feels at all nothing like any build engine game. Best 3rd party duke game tho.

>> No.10101029

>he didn't get a supernatural ability to feel the sectors of a Build engine game from playing those games a ton in youth
Best 3rd party Duke game is Manhattan Project though.

>> No.10101085

Time to Kill's greatest detriment is the awful controls. There's no autoaim like in Tomb Raiders, and the manual aim system sucks balls.

>> No.10101087

>inverted aiming
That's easily customizable on emulator.

>> No.10101108


>> No.10101130

>unsatisfying the combat is in Time to Kill
Did you just not get any explosives??

>> No.10101165

time to kill is my favorite out of the three

>> No.10101193

I used to play Zero Hour and pretend all the babes I was saving were girls from my school then after a few levels I would roll dice to decide which of them I slept with and which hole I fucked them in and imagine those scenarios until I would masturbate myself to ejaculation then I'd play more Zero Hour and repeat the process.

>> No.10101584

dangerously based

>> No.10101609


>> No.10101647

And you still do this today right? Thinking about the same girls?

>> No.10101650
File: 226 KB, 1079x722, Screenshot_2023-07-25-16-01-35-79_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hope there's autistic fans with programming knowledge

>> No.10101681

actually not because iirc aiming is only inverted when using the button for manual aiming

>> No.10101686

wait, people actually mess with the speed setting when they play? This looks so fucking dumb, like I'm watching Bennie Hill

>> No.10101852

>Ken Silverman and Build aren't credited in Zero Hour...

from what I can understand, 3D Realms may have given Eurocom the source code for Duke 3D and they made a new engine compatible with Build maps. I think it was confirmed that Zero Hour uses the DN64 engine, or is an updated version of it. Zero Hour also uses a lot of textures from DN64 as well. The game was always like a 7.5/10 to me for the console. But it is a third person run and gun for the N64, which the N64 doesn't really have a lot of. There's Shadow of the Empire (hybrid, but counts), Jet Force Gemini, Sin and Punishment (kinda), Winback, Army Men : Sarge's Heroes (?) and Duke Nukem Zero Hour. The game does have analog = look and cbutton's move/ strafe control scheme, which makes it pretty good to control. The some of the levels are a bit unmemorable. But, still a solid 3D run and gun. You'd think the N64 would have had more games like it. Not just Duke Nukem themed. I like both Duke Games for the N64.

>> No.10101863
File: 486 KB, 1334x971, duke_nukem_zero_hour-110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from what I can understand, 3D Realms may have given Eurocom the source code for Duke 3D and they made a new engine compatible with Build maps.

It was confirmed by modders that it really is Build engine code and Duke Nukem 3D code, but with a new renderer. Like I said, it's just like EDuke32 running in Polymer.

I could show countless examples within the game that show it really is Duke3D engine, but the most telling is probably how when you can see several floors at once, the upper floor is always made of either sprites or 3D models. That and all the Duke effects are in there like transport elevator (elevator that teleports you to another part of the map to simulate having several floors one above the other), the elevator shaft you jump down into in the first map also has a teleporter effect mid way through (you can clearly see the transition if you look down as you fall), just like the vent shaft you fall from at the start of Hollywood Holocaust, flickering sector lights or sector lights that get lit/unlit as a doom-style ceiling down opens/closes, etc etc

>> No.10101882

>It was confirmed by modders that it really is Build engine code and Duke Nukem 3D code, but with a new renderer. Like I said, it's just like EDuke32 running in Polymer.

yeah, that's what I said. They made it using the Duke Nukem 3D source code. But it was retooled to take advantage of the N64 hardware. The PS1 Total Meltdown uses almost a straight port of Build, as it looks identical. Though obviously the textures and tiles had to get a big downgrade, some of the maps did get edited, with mirrors removed in spots for performance issues. The game runs like shit. Of course the Saturn port is a completely different engine. Duke Nukem didn't do to bad on the 32bit/ 64 bit consoles.

>> No.10102425

To be exact, they made it based on DN64 code, which they made as well and had similar stuff on a smaller scale. But yeah.

>> No.10103876

It's 62% right now and expect it to slow down, because stuff that is left is more complex.

>> No.10104448

Duke Nukem Collection when? Probably Gearbox being dickheads keeping something like this happening.

>> No.10104470

Monkey paw.

>> No.10106107

That seems very unfortunate.
But it would be interesting to see the technical side of that.

>> No.10106570

>could show countless examples within the game that show it really is Duke3D engine, but the most telling is probably how when you can see several floors at once, the upper floor is always made of either sprites or 3D models. That and all the Duke effects are in there like transport elevator (elevator that teleports you to another part of the map to simulate having several floors one above the other), the elevator shaft you jump down into in the first map also has a teleporter effect mid way through (you can clearly see the transition if you look down as you fall), just like the vent shaft you fall from at the start of Hollywood Holocaust, flickering sector lights or sector lights that get lit/unlit as a doom-style ceiling down opens/closes, etc etc

yeah, you can definitley tell that the maps in Duke Nukem 64 are laid out on a grid in 'chunks' like the original Build game. Build, you could not physically stack areas over each other, but you could fake it using some stealth teleporter like things. The best example is any pool of water. When you submerge yourself under water you just teleport to another location on the grid. But the N64 game is rendered in polygons with 2D bill boarded sprites and a new polygon boss.

>> No.10107441

> Build, you could not physically stack areas over each other

That's a common misconceptions, you can stack as many areas as you want and they don't even need to be on a different Z level, the only limitation is that you can't see two overlapping sectors at the same time. hollywood holocaust already has that. Teleporters are used more for conviniency than anything else.

>> No.10108671

I love how Time to Kill plays a demo of the game over the menu, like DN3D and other FPS games.
Even though the extra loading is annoying.