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File: 18 KB, 666x149, Compile_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10093771 No.10093771 [Reply] [Original]

Compile never went under and kept Puyo Puyo; What changes?
>In before Nep wouldn't exist.

>> No.10093781

Madou Monogatari being popular, Arle in Smash and /vr/ united in peace.

>> No.10093834
File: 496 KB, 953x1200, 1589174496741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compile rules. all hail compile!

>> No.10093848

Arle in Aleste.

>> No.10093869
File: 246 KB, 1453x2048, F0qv-skaMAEfwGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Nep wouldn't exist. Truly the worst timeline.

>> No.10094009

>this game is so long they included a "short mode"

>> No.10094410

>/vr/ united in peace.
Nope, that one's impossible no matter what you do

>> No.10094484

>But Nep wouldn't exist. Truly the best timeline.

>> No.10094485

Didn't even the read the whole two lines of the OP. BAKA

>> No.10094490
File: 1.41 MB, 320x240, the true meaning of inti.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inti Creates makes Guardic Zero

>> No.10094493
File: 46 KB, 300x90, Smash_Remix_Character_Select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arle in Smash
Say no more fammo

>> No.10094497

Not before Lip, you nig.

>> No.10094508

Arle with a Puyo Puyo Sun inspired moveset? Sign me the fuck up.

>> No.10094539
File: 45 KB, 320x320, smug_arle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin Lip
The Chad Arle

>> No.10094550

The people behind that would be working at alt-future Monolift Soft or Konami by now

>> No.10094586

Nintendo wouldn't hire them, nether would a Maegawa/Umezaki lead Konami because thats the Konami we will get in that time line.

Nintendo however will mostly be the same with some hardware changes for the better, main line Pokemon wouldn't be yearly and no censorship for games aimed at otaku (Fire Emblem, Xenoblade).

>> No.10094604
File: 31 KB, 320x447, purplepuyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10094607
File: 99 KB, 192x384, 1589506195922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You meanie.

>> No.10094807


>> No.10094885

Got me beat, I wouldn't have a number to dial.

>> No.10096134

It would've probably been discontinued by this point OP, maybe ended off with a weird eroge visual novel or something

>> No.10096138

He's right though, Lip makes more sense in Smash

>> No.10096275
File: 1.81 MB, 3011x5000, arle_smash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. The first two Puyo games came out on SNES, whilst the third and fourth entries came out for the N64. Puyo is just as "Nintendo" as Panel de Pon.

Also, Arle would have the more interesting movepool. The fuck would Lip even do?

>> No.10096527

Puyo made them (and later Sega in our timeline) too much money, if anything Puyo will remain unchanged since the 90s rather then being redesigned in 2003.

>> No.10096549

That sounds fantastic, we truly live in the worst timeline.

>> No.10096664

Puyopuyo was a really big hit though.

I like the old designs more, but I don't hate the change in style, it's nice in its own way.

>> No.10096884
File: 240 KB, 1729x967, EBtIffjXYAE7M3X.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columns' goddesses are better than either of you little whores.

>> No.10096932
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1414, columns_angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10097906
File: 434 KB, 560x700, unknown4869314800aecd814c92a6cb7c8beab6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Doppelganger color

>> No.10099943
File: 1.07 MB, 958x718, puyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never would have had to be exposed to the shit that is Puyo Puyo Fever and the franchise would have stuck around much longer. At least the originals are timeless. Fuck you Sonic Team!

>> No.10100762
File: 592 KB, 3455x3429, 08fa1b5fb21ffabb760e5315756f166a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played Fever yet, what's wrong with it?

>> No.10100769

Arle in smash? more like smash Arle

>> No.10100774 [DELETED] 
File: 757 KB, 1001x1001, lewd_arle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10100789

if Compile never went under, that would've meant the STG division stayed within the company. Butterfly effect resulting in Raizing to never have formed as a company.

>> No.10100801

Since this is a impromptu Puyo thread, I wanted to hear you guys' opinion on Puyo Puyo~n.
Tried it today (Dreamcast version) and went from "Holy shit this game is beautiful" to "holy shit what were they thinking" by stage 12, god what a slog, very unfortunate.

>> No.10100805

Raizing/Eighting will still exist, it's Milestone that wouldn't exist.

>> No.10100970
File: 69 KB, 242x356, Totally not Arle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Raizing devs decide to re-join Compile after their company goes bankrupt and we keep getting awesome shmups from Compile
Best timeline.

>> No.10101010
File: 144 KB, 768x768, 0ea74425-055a-49fb-9f2e-225ab5f64f7c.f132c4f7ac95bff99c381154a0226dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're now known as Eighting and they just got done with this, Eighting spilt off from Compile for unrelated reason to Puyo.

>> No.10102331

Yes, Lip is pure and unmarried. Arle is a pure slut who pleases Dr. Robotnik for Mean Beans.

>> No.10102571

Looks like a Shining Force 2/CD character.

>> No.10102625

No, the first Puyo Puyo came out on the Famicom Disk System & MSX, the second came out in the arcades, & the third, (which was pretty much exactly the same as the arcade game,) came out on the Super Famicom & Mega Drive. The Super Famicom version became Kirby's Avalanche on the SNES & the Mega Drive version became Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine on the Genesis.

>> No.10103774

I kneel.

>> No.10103990

The good:
>The new characters are cute and fun.
>The music is good.
>The new special puyo types are both fun and interesting. This and Puyo Puyo Tetris are probably Sega's best additions to Puyo Puyo.

The bad:
>Fever mode is a shallow spectacle. It's essentially a tutorial that interrupts normal gameplay. It's swingy and feels arbitrary. In some modes it's mandatory, although I've read the DS version makes it more optional.
>The artstyle is really incredibly tacky, but despite this became the standard for the series going forward.
>The story and writing are a huge step down. Of course Compile's stuff is the best but Minna de Puyo Puyo (Sega's first entry) was fine. A real shame considering the characters themselves are good.
>The characters have different stats and characteristics, so you can have an advantage or disadvantage depending on who you pick.
>The translation is fucking atrocious. Do you want to know what they translated Diacute to? Are you ready? I'm gonna tell you. Diamond Cute

It isn't unplayable or anything; at its core it's still Puyo Puyo.
It's got to be one of the worst games in the series though.

>> No.10103993
File: 650 KB, 600x847, unknown0362efe3649b72c8b8de887b23a9850d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to beat Kikimora.
I keep coming back to the game every few months, a little stronger each time, and I get Batan Kyuu~'d by the broom every time.
Any advice would be appreciated.

>> No.10104004

Are you good with 5-chain stairs? They're great for the old puyo games, since they're fast to build and generate a decent amount of garbage puyo.

>> No.10104013

How is this compared to MUSHA?

>> No.10104050

Thanks for the advice.
I usually struggle to make stairs longer than 4-chain.
I can do 5-chain but it takes me so long by the time they're ready to fire I'm taking damage.

>> No.10104097

Don't give up, keep making stairs and you'll soon get the hang of it! The DS fames have great School modes if you haven't played them already, they actually helped me visualise chains more clearly after going through it and endless mode for a while.

>> No.10104104


>> No.10105843 [DELETED] 

fly awayeeeeeeeeeeeeeee