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10090442 No.10090442 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think of it /vr/?? I loved it. But I have to shamefully admit that I never made it trough the damned sewer level.

>> No.10090453

I loved playing the Milennium Falcon stage at game stores. Never bought it, or even felt the need to rent it.

>> No.10090484

One of the best games for the N64. Better than OoT and Mario 64.

>> No.10090492

That game is what got me interested in Star Wars as a kid, adored it

>> No.10090501

Simultaneous kusoge and kino

>> No.10090692

I also love this game. it is true that at times it seems a little empty and short.

But I think it's the game with the closest atmosphere and vibe to the first three movies.
So we have to love it since we find ourselves in the same mood as the Empire Strikes Back.

>> No.10090697

I was surprised the pc port is dog shit. One of the rare instances where the limitations on the 64 gave it a better overall experience. They added these slick cutscenes if I remember correctly and it’s awful and distracting. Like if you took out max paynes story boards and just put in game cutscenes. Anyway great game. Janky as hell but coop is fun and creative!

>> No.10090891

it's a shame that nobody makes a romhack of this game to resume the story of the comics (it's in parallel to the game)

>> No.10090964

It’s iconic because it was one of the better launch titles for n64, so everyone played it. Also, Star Wars was on the upswing in the 90s and huge with kids. As a game, it’s ok most of the time. Some of the levels like sewer and coruscant are frustrating, and some like hoth and the skyhook battle are pretty amazing. Controls combined with the camera can be janky, especially with the jet pack. I always enjoyed Gall spaceport the most, even though boba fett was tough unless you were using one of the better blaster upgrades.

>> No.10091226

wasn't really a launch title
came even after wave race

>> No.10091236

One of my favorite Star Wars games. Always played it in first person mode.

>> No.10091243

The fresh score is what makes this game unique

>> No.10091271

I beat it during my teenage cheat era.

>> No.10091392

Most of the music is from the movies, especially ESB. They used the songs really well, especially the menu music (love the start of it).
I love this game, but its really flawed. I think if they focused more on the FPS aspects and less on building a bunch of gimmicks, it could have been the "goldeneye". One of the worst video game stages ever is that stupid bike race stage, especially on the hardest difficulty.

>> No.10091608

Played it a few years ago. I was having a blast, then got the jetpack and the jank made me drop the game. So you can say I was filtered I guess

>> No.10091748

i played it a lot despite not really liking it that much past the first level. never beat it. im not sure i ever beat the level in the junkyard or whatever.

>> No.10091914
File: 2.54 MB, 1280x960, coruscant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Art Deco design of Coruscant in this era's depiction of Coruscant. It demonstrates Sheeve's reign was benevolent and industrious.

>> No.10091950

Rented it early on, then a few years later in the late 90s I went on a huge SW kick and made a point of hunting the game down, picked it up for cheap and played the absolute shit out of it
They certainly wouldn't be able to add much from the novel, basically some Luke stuff. Dash is a total cunt in the novel and then just kinda dies

>> No.10091965

>not hearing the ridiculously good OST in the final battle
what the fuck anon beat the game you absolute shitter

>> No.10092594

I really like it. The battle of hoth level was the foundation for the Rogue Squadron games, and actually, it dates back to Super Empire Strikes Back on SNES, but on N64 the 3D controls and graphics were fully realized. Seeing/playing that level for the first time in 1996 was absolutely amazing and I still think it looks great.
The on-foot levels are more of a mixed bag due to some early 3D 3rd person controls that aren't as responsive or tight, but it makes up for it with some really cool levels and enemies and bosses, and set pieces all overall. The whole game really has a cohesive thing going on with the narrative and the way the levels are designed, and how they look.
Sometimes, playing on 1st person is better than playing 3rd person, depends.
The bike level is just not good but it's just 1 level... still annoying.
The swers level is often the most infamous but I think the second to last level, Xizor's palace, is the actual most annoying level in the game, and has the most annoying boss fight.
Skyhook, the last level, is amazing though, and ends the game on the high note.
OST is also amazing.
It does feel like a 4th entry from the classic movies.

>> No.10094637

>What did you think of it /vr/??
It's fucking amazing.
>But I have to shamefully admit that I never made it trough the damned sewer level.
Just use cheats, or do what I did back in middle school, and give it to some other kid to beat it for you.
>I loved playing the Milennium Falcon stage at game stores.
There was no Millennium Falcon stage.
I have no idea how the music turned out so good. Ord Mandell, the boss music, Xizor's Palace...
>Xizor's palace, is the actual most annoying level in the game, and has the most annoying boss fight.
I just saved the disruptor ammo for that and unloaded on it.

>> No.10094894
File: 27 KB, 474x203, th-2038505041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool how Lucas added the Outrider into the New Hope special edition. Star Wars really peaked in the 90s-early 2000s in terms of EU lore/love for the franchise from Lucasfilms. Even Coruscant, the capital planet, was adopted by Lucas from the EU. Better times.

>> No.10094903
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute gem. Incredibly atmospheric game for a N64 title, even the main menu and its sound effects are imprinted deeply in my mind. Top tier level design and I love that transition between the sewers and the Imperial Palace. Boss battles are great too.


>> No.10094915

LF's biggest lie is that they hate the EU and it was never serious. Disney fucked up by letting LF delete the EU and LF fucked up by being wholey uncreative and not focusing on creating new EU content like how Marvel still makes their comics.

>> No.10095031
File: 71 KB, 381x520, dv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU lore was canonized by Lucasfilm. None of the books, games, or card games got published without it getting vetted, sometimes by George Lucas himself. Sure, the timeline isn't perfect, there are some weird contradictions in parts of the EU. But the love was there, they tried to work with small creators and create a universe with thousands of years of canon. As soon as Disney announced the EU retcon, it was over.

>> No.10096714


Playing the demo of the Hoth level was one of my best memories growing up. I'm pretty sure in fact it was the first thing I loaded up when my Dad let me get a 3D accelerator.

Personally, I think that the flying is great, and the 3rd person shooter parts are not so great. I was filtered by the cliffs level - don't know if it's a PC version thing, but if you land facing the wrong way you slip off the cliff edge you've just landed on into oblivion.

>> No.10096773

I read the book. The scene where Xizor seduces Leia with his hypnotic pheromones....DAMN.

>> No.10096834

My favorite Star Wars game still. If you don't think the variety this offers captures what makes the action in the original trilogy so special then you just don't get it. It was technologically limited due to being such an early fully 3D action adventure game, and probably too ambitious, but it's got it where it counts. It gets Star Wars and fits in fine with the OT. Don't care if not canon. Dash rules. Simple as.