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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10086540 No.10086540 [Reply] [Original]

I need to get excited about playing games. I've had a rough day and I'm having a hard time cheering up. I want to play a nice game to distract me for a while but I have no will to do anything but be a mopey sad fuck. Please givee words of encouragement, anecdotal comfy Vidya stories, your own ups and downs with games. All are welcome to discuss their positives and negatives that correlate with videogames in this thread

>> No.10086551
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I'm gonna be honest with you, just play Ocarina of Time. I know it probably gets tiring hearing about it, and maybe it seems stale if you've already played it all these years, but it has a strangely calming and soothing quality. There's something the gameplay that will heals your fucking soul, man.

>> No.10086581

I've played it 5 or 6 times. I just got an overdrive for my n64 and I was going to give Majora's mask a go, but from what I hear the time limit makes things much more frantic than oot and I'm looking to chill. The game Ive been putting off lately is "it came from the desert" on Amiga. it also has a time limit, but unlike mm it's more so just missing different bits that give it replayability. I might boot up oot and go fishing for a bit. I also recommend you try it came from the desert. It's got an eerily creepy calm vibe that you can sink right into. It's not action oriented, but has a unique non point n click, point n click detective vibe going for it. Of you're into that.

>> No.10086669

Spyro the Dragon colored my dreams as a child

>> No.10086689

Playing them works. Really. I find that dwelling on it just leads to overthinking instead of actually doing it. Just pick something that sounds fun and play it. Close your browser already.
I should do that myself, actually.

>> No.10086704

You need the rest of your life in order to enjoy games. Stop making me read your blog and either fix your shit or kill yourself.

>> No.10087386

Pick a Mario 64 hack and go at it.

>> No.10087413

In college I went through a really horrendous breakup and spent about a week locked up in my room playing King of the Fighters 2006, Final Fight Streetwise, Ultimate Doom on my PC and watching all of Yu Yu Hakusho.

It was an awful time in my life I'd never want to relive but I have a weird nostalgic affection towards it nowadays.

>> No.10087569

Gayest thread on /vr/ right now

>> No.10087571

quit being gay. seriously.

>> No.10087576
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play super mario bros 2
or else he will come for you

>> No.10087685

Just stop playing video games for a while
Get another hobby that you enjoy
It might be a month, a few months, a year or even more before you feel like gaming again
but you will have other things you enjoy doing so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.10087994

I have a similar feel. I had just lost everything in a fire and got stuck in a small mountain town for winter. It was a blizzard for most of the winter and I didn’t have a job, money or really anything. I had gta5 on 360 and Pokémon emerald on a ds lite my older brothers friend left in a beat up travel trailer he was letting me stay in. Those games brought me through absolute rock bottom depression and started seeing black ooze dripping from ceiling n shit. Not a good time, but I remember Pokémon emerald very fondly.

>> No.10088209

He can also try jungleChase VR, as it'll help him explore different planets and animals which I believe will help him reduce stress by calming the mind and body.

>> No.10088224

I can't believe how big this map felt to me as a kid.

>> No.10089856

Really, i remember feeling that way after leaving the forest for the first time, but after exploring it over a few times it seemed good, like not too big but not too small.

So, I was reading up on a little game called martian dreams. It's an offshoot Ultima sci Fi game. Obviously it's based on mars but it also involves time travel and interesting historical characters. Seems highly compelling for a good atmosphere to soak up. Another comfy game to get engrossed in is star control 2. Still one of the greatest sci Fi stories in a videogame.

>> No.10089905


>> No.10090469

Would the extracted Master Quest work on an everdrive? Maybe it’s a good way to experience OoT in a different way.

>> No.10090539

I bought a PS1 and the discs of Final Fantasy 7 on Gamestop back in February 2020 and I played it for the first time. On the day the Covid lockdowns started for me, I escaped Midgar. By May, I finished the first disc.
When I started playing on the second disc, I found out it was scratched to where the party members wouldn't load in during a fight. I had a temporary solution to this where I would tap the console's lid and it got me up to Mideel, but I realized that was a bad idea and my method stopped working anyways.
I stopped playing for years until I bought a complete copy on ebay this past December. In June, I started playing the game regularly again, and I got all the Huge Materia pieces, saved Cloud, raided Midgar, beat the Weapons, and beat Sephiroth in about three weeks.
It really felt like I completed a chapter of my life, and I'm glad that I was finally able to finish it after so long. It's not my favorite game, but it is the most fun I've had with a game in a while.

>> No.10092545
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i know lots of /vr/ cats feel it’s overrated, but this games atmosphere just is always a comfort or pick me up for me. from the happy go lucky feeling of the bright yellow menus to the slick almost noir vibes of the graphics, to the simple stories of people trying to advance in their passions in racing, it’s a fun, cool game that makes me feel fun and cool while playing it and sometimes you just can’t ask for a better experience than that,

>> No.10092568

the fuck is this thread

>> No.10092681

a nice thread with people actually interacting like human beings

>> No.10094823

Play the most basic and simple Game u have, some wonderboy or smb should do the did

>> No.10094880

>I have no will to do anything
games vs all other media are defined by doing. if you want to do nothing, put the tv on

>> No.10096261 [DELETED] 


>> No.10096269 [DELETED] 
