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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 410 KB, 1600x1187, 93233784_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10084264 No.10084264 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10073470

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:


>> No.10084269
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Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9611263/#9611406


FORE/VR/ ALONE (Submissions closed)
Link to BETA1: https://files.catbox.moe/koctdi.zip

=== NEWS ===
[7-20] Episode 2 demo of Doom Refired out

[7-18] Vulkan only GZdoom fork for indie games released

[7-17] Blood Fresh Supply getting a new update.

[7-17] "OCTATE", lost kin dedicates a map to the late Dr. Sleep

[7-15] Babel mod gets tweaks n' fixes with new update

[7-14] Nugget Doom receives 2.0 release, new rendering resolutions

[7-13] Contract Revoked added to Quake's re-release.

[7-12] BuildGDX fork "NuBuildGDX" released by the coder behind Doom64EX-Plus.

[7-12] Palette Studio updated, make palette-indexed sprites in Blender


[7-8] Dehacked universal standard proposed

[7-7] International-doom re-launched as a doom-focused limit-removing no-bloat port

[7-7] UDINO megawad released

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.10084303 [DELETED] 

You one by exactly 1 post.
build > doom i guess

>> No.10084306

Speaking of the book, did it get uploaded anywhere yet?

>> No.10084325 [DELETED] 

Ah shit, Nugget Doom 2.0 seems to have massive performance problems with 400p and 800p rendering resolution, is this supposed to be happening?

>> No.10084330

Is Nugget Doom's performance supposed to tank massively when you enable 4x/8x rendering resolution?

>> No.10084354

yes, since it performs 16x/32x times the calculations required by rendering the game at 200p (by comparison, 400p performs them 4x times)

this is endemic and will hardly go away
what's your cpu?

>> No.10084447


the long road into saner default settings begins?

>> No.10084451
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id a cacadebon :::DDD

>> No.10084465
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Eat plasma, nerd.

>> No.10084480
File: 305 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Hexen_20230721_020612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freylis instantly deleted Korax with a Scorpion round. It's been a while since I've played HeXen, but I don't think that was supposed to happen here.

>> No.10084487

kek. Does that result in any softlocks or anything? I might have to look into it if it bugs the game out.

>> No.10084520

Thankfully no. He's usually supposed to teleport away when you do enough damage, and then some doors open to monsters, but you can blow up every door that doesn't open if you just waste him in the first room.

>> No.10084530

>myhouse leads to Underhalls
>apparently you're meant to finish Underhalls and go back to myhouse
how in the fuck is anyone supposed to figure it out without randomly deciding to finish Underhalls

>> No.10084549

Dude, the whole wad is built around hyper secrets like that. That's why it's a thing.

>> No.10084562
File: 126 KB, 640x400, HexenAllEndings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I think that worked out. Got all variations through SLADE, exported them as PNG and then put together full images for each via Paint 3D. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10084582
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, bully them and abort their children.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10084608

As a fan of non-euclidian geometries, non-linear progressions and as a maker of lame myhouse.bsp and myschool.bsp maps back in the day, myhouse sounds pretty great.

>> No.10084612

Then give it a whirl, you'll probably love it.

>> No.10084641

I'm pretty sure you dont have to do underhalls

>> No.10084661

Underhalls is optional, but it's worth completing it for the sake of getting the SSG and extra ammo and armor.

>> No.10084685

I know Clovr.xyz is still online and you guys game there but I can't reach site to get the instructions
Also, is there a irc or some like that for clovr?

>> No.10084695
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Another spoon question: you guys still game on hl1 and its mods? I'd like a piece of that action too

>> No.10084738
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, Lostc03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a masterpiece.
After Eday I decided to try this with Lost Civ. Despite some tone issues while using project malice it's still been fun and cozy.
>reach map 4 River Valley and see that monster count
>not even halfway through and the cube drops
Cozy's gone.

>> No.10084752

try a vpn

>> No.10084810

I'd love to play old ns1 & 2, vampire slayer, the specialist, etc. Funny to think i played those back in the day and didn't know the last games, that it would be the last - multiplayer is really all about the community. At least we still have sven coop.

>> No.10084820

thanks anon, works, though I have no idea why it would be blocked from my internet provider/country
Does this mean I won't be able to connect from DX1 too?

>> No.10084824

we had an hl1 mod host but it only averaged about 4 people per game + people would talk shit in the thread for some reason and the host disappeared

>> No.10084886
File: 399 KB, 1366x768, rust_mini_b8-2019-09-09-0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, good times when we built a chruschevka on a Rust map with anons...

>> No.10084932

xyz domains are probably blacklisted for you, you can try whitelisting the site. If it doesn't work you're stuck with the vpn I think

>> No.10084962

My thread was beat out by 8 seconds. O well I tried.

>> No.10084975
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230721_181009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you gzdoom, very cool.

>> No.10084986
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>> No.10084997

myhouse is meant to be played with your friends and/or getting hints. It's like an adventure game, where you gotta make shot after shot to figure out the puzzles. But unlike adventure games, if you just follow a walkthrough, you just ruin the mod for yourself.

>> No.10085006

>0 fps
you deserve it

>> No.10085008

>he didn't unlock the time slow down ability
Lol, you keep getting hitscanned. Meanwhile, in the next frame I'm on the other side of the room

>> No.10085228
File: 131 KB, 700x700, DXNW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, got it to work just fine, anyone here interested in DX coop today? I understand some anons already played recently

>> No.10085229

>0 fps
The geometry doesn't look that bad. I suspect it might just be the code in this case. Try running
>profilethinkers 7
during the slowdown and post a screenshot of the most expensive thinkers that show up (they're on the bottom). I recommend binding the command to a key because opening the console may alleviate some of the performance issues and result in a false report. It's best to profile through a keybind without pausing the game. If it's the code being fucky, I can look into it or at least give more details to Mor. Also what map?

>> No.10085247

>Also, is there a irc or some like that for clovr?
There is but it not advertised on the site. I have the software running because I forgot to turn it off. That makes it a secret. irc.clovr.xyz

>> No.10085269
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230721_202256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The map is E1M7 of UDINO.

>> No.10085284
File: 76 KB, 887x1097, Alexander Anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5728 DreadTrooperShotTrail
Holy FUCK. Alright, no promises, but I'll see if this can be addressed somehow. 137 dread troopers firing 263 projectiles that spawn 5700 trails doesn't sound right. Thanks for the screenshot.

>> No.10085309

Ok so the shitty performance is because for some asinine reason the trails do A_CheckProximity, which runs a thinker iterator (ridiculously expensive if done like this). I need to talk to Mor about what this is meant to accomplish and give him a better solution once he gets back to me. Good news is that this is fixable. FPS might still drop to 15-25 from the sheer number of actors depending on your hardware, but it's still marginally more playable than 0.

>> No.10085334
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>> No.10085349
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>> No.10085351

up: old, crusty and soulless
down: modern, pure sovl, designed for smart multitaskers

>> No.10085354

ironic shitposting is just shitposting

>> No.10085362

But I want to play those new games...
Like have you seen that new Star Trek game Raven Software made? It's based on Voyager, but still kinda good. It's kinda like playing Quake 3, but with a real single player mode and not botmatch.
Quake 2 is cool though :-)

>> No.10085403
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>the specialists spent it's last few years turned into a role playing game even though it's a mod about re-creating cool gunfights from movies

>> No.10085459

It fucking did? How?

>> No.10085532

is there a mod that adds LGBT pride or just trans pride colours to the BFG?

>> No.10085534
File: 108 KB, 677x935, Jo Beth Casey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this sorta thing stopped for the most part being true over 10 years ago, at least if we're talking about single player FPS games.

It's kinda funny, images of STALKER 2 with it's minimalist HUD got a lot of people complaining and saying how it's sovlless compared to the slightly more prominent HUD+minimap of the older games.

This is depressingly cynical Rebbitshit. These old fps games we play are great, but I'm not missing out on the good modern games there are up on offer. In fact, playing a variety of games makes one appreciate the classics even more because you're not completely burnt out on only grinding out Doom or Quake. But each to their own I guess.

>> No.10085561

What's the current state on the Perfect Dark decompilation/source port development?

>> No.10085581
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>> No.10085582

>I feel like this sorta thing stopped for the most part being true over 10 years ago, at least if we're talking about single player FPS games.
Yeah but instead of functional minimalism optimized for mouse and keyboard we're now getting gay, corporate minimalism optimized for controllers. I'd almost rather have the screen covered with random shit.

>> No.10085583

Just make it yourself, faggot

>> No.10085595
File: 72 KB, 960x960, 1641043438274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your should take your medication and stop seeing the console boogeyman everywhere dude. If anything, classic doom is more "controller optimized" than keyboard+mouse since vertical aim does not matter outside of the modern ports.

>> No.10085596

Anyone remembers that one DoD/CS copycat mod about wild west gunfights with the hand-cranked minigun?
No I am not talking about Smokin' Guns BTW

>> No.10085603
File: 137 KB, 600x488, rangercomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay niggur

>> No.10085627

The only Wild West mod I played back in the day was "Wanted!" I remember being a real piece of shit with bear traps and dynamite.

>> No.10085638
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>If anything, classic doom is more "controller optimized" than keyboard+mouse since vertical aim does not matter outside of the modern ports.
This would make sense only if mouse turning wasn't hugely superior to analog/keyboard turning.

>> No.10085659

Is there a mod for DooM that allows the player to see their legs when they look down, like modern FPS games?

>> No.10085671

It dawned on me today: it doesn't even really matter. As far as Deus Ex goes, the choices don't impact too much from mission to mission. It mostly just affects when someone's actually dead, or if it's a case of them living to the end, then it's stuff like Paul only having a couple lines in an additional couple of places.

>> No.10085682

So you need to bash your head against a wall for several hours to beat it or else the magic is 'ruined'? Truly cacoward material and not derivative gimmicky garbage at play here folks

>> No.10085684
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please play UT99

>> No.10085686
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For Half Life? I played that game a lot as well when I was on a big wild west kick but couldn't play the actually good wild west games aka Red Dead Redemption 1.

Modern mice? Yeah. Ancient ass ball mice? Pass on that!

That being said, I'm not saying that there isn't any validity in shitting on some modern FPS trends, but I think the most harmful fps trends have been bucked and that there are a lot of good modern fps games out there.

>> No.10085691
File: 3.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1689801109998657.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10085697

Is it like Quake 3 where I'll just get insta-raped by boomers? I haven't played in like 15 years.

>> No.10085703

I play UT99 with a customized set of bots.

>> No.10085710
File: 74 KB, 262x414, 1678148131797606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the server that whoever's running clover.xyz has put up for tonight. All who's on right now is me, and I'm retarded. I have to beg audibly as all the peeps I was gonna ask only have UT2004 installed
That sounds like video games

>> No.10085721

i had a roommate in the military who did drugs in the morning with this kind of music around 7 am

>> No.10085730

haven't been here in a while, is 94 protons done yet

>> No.10085732

>t. gets their panties in a twist when she can't UV-max a map on the first attempt

>> No.10085737
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>> No.10085743
File: 309 KB, 1024x768, nehahra.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10085754

Roleplaying servers sprung up during the mod's lifespan and were some of the last of the servers to die.

>> No.10085757

Okay but do you get to shoot Neelix out of an airlock?

>> No.10085763

I love to see goons in video games doing peaceful and mundane things.

>> No.10085767
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, 166611588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern mice? Yeah. Ancient ass ball mice? Pass on that!
Are you saying you'd rather use an optical mouse over a ball one? I think we all would but that's not relevant, and I'm assuming you're not trying to say a ball mouse would be worse for input than an analog stick.
I need to make sure everything for this is still installed correctly.

>> No.10085778

>classic doom is more "controller optimized" than keyboard+mouse since vertical aim does not matter outside of the modern ports.
This is true. I remember playing through Doom 1 and 2's Xbox 360 port, and it was very comfy.

>> No.10085803

God, you bitch, it's not fucking Eternal Doom, the progression requires some thinking but it's not hopelessly esoteric. It's fine if you just don't like it.

>cacoward material
Why is this a metric people even use anymore?

Solution: turning with mouse while using a gamepad with an analog stick for moving and opening doors.

>> No.10085807

wud fug

>> No.10085809

>it's not fucking Eternal Doom
Of course not, Eternal Doom is actually good.

>> No.10085828
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10085832

As its Friday a lot of in the US only just got off work (east coast). If you're looking to staet a game it might make sense to wait two hours or so til people get settled.
captcha is slow as hell today

>> No.10085879

Contentious statement.

>> No.10085908

Not everyone can have tastes as exquisite as mine.
Like imagine that there are people who think that Hexen is worse than Doom?

>> No.10085910

Any tips, guides, cheatsheets on doom palette manipulation? Like which colors are largerly unused by the game, which ones are easier to mess with, or how to be fast and efficient? My current workflow involves tweaking hues and gradients with gimp and slade, then checking changes within doombuilder.

>> No.10085920

Tangent question, which pwad palettes were the most impressive/enticing for you?

>> No.10085924

NO idea what you actually want. Load the palette into the graphics manipulating program of your choice and go wild.
I still love the Ad Mortem palette.

>> No.10085925
File: 434 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10086004
File: 391 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230721_151737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've yet to try Lost Civ. I'm about to try making Project Malice patches for Unloved and Darkmoon. On the fence about whether or not I should replace enemies like Unloved's chainsaw zombie with PM's axe zombie or try making inherited enemies with PM blood and gib deaths.

I'm also heavily considering adapting HND's Pirate Doom patch for Deathstrider for shits and giggles even though I'm probably not going to play it. Not for a while anyway.

>> No.10086012

kobeni sex

>> No.10086090

Is this doom

>> No.10086113

Is this a TerryWAD?

>> No.10086134

Slight weird thing. Loading PM with Deathstrider, I think, is adding followers to the kill count but they don't show up with Monster in the console, or count if you kill them. Or maybe it's PM_Unfodder, not sure, I put it directly in my PM pk3.

Is Freylis' line about wanting a bolt-action a reference to the Boss Rifle?

>> No.10086138

If the bg music is the sole abrasive thing about this video, I don't think so. Also neat animations.

>> No.10086147

>enough doom
>playing little

>> No.10086252
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, dslc_darkfight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screen black - help
>I'm about to try making Project Malice patches for Unloved and Darkmoon.
Oh man. Unloved is a big old favorite. If you end up making progress and post the patches I'd play them in an instant.
Lost Civilization has been fine but can be very timesinky.

>> No.10086260
File: 11 KB, 161x44, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose the clone of romereo?

>> No.10086262

Here's a tip if you are playing UDINO: skip e2m9, its an awful map that will do nothing but waste your time.

>> No.10086303

>just got off work
Old man

>> No.10086352

Not him, but old fps games have lot of us middle aged fans. We played those games as kid, and they are still great. We are just continuing the hobby, that we started on 90s.

>> No.10086362

>biggest lol feels best
That's quite philosophical statement.

>> No.10086393

No dip. Sounds like you were waiting to bust that one out to fellatiate, grandpa.
Point still being: Old Man. Old Man working in the coal mines on Old Man's time while the kids are home playing Quake: Mjolnir on Old Man's dime

>> No.10086426

>Why is this a metric people even use anymore?
You must not really like this game, if you don't like at least third of cacowarded wads of year. Most of those wads are good and there's always something for everyone every year: gzdoom wads, oldschool wads, hard slaughter or modern "blockbuster" wads. It's a good place to check the best stuff of the year, even though it occasionally misses some greats. But it's always been that way, because taste is ultimately subjective.

(I do also count runner-ups here, because since the last decade most runner-ups have been as good as the cacowarded wads. Who even cares is it runner-up award or cacoward? They still get as much attention.)

>> No.10086447

can we post 2000's frag videos

>> No.10086464

It'll happen to you too.

>> No.10086483

hey anon i was gonna look into this but i cant recreate the holes in the floor bug even though i could before. maybe newer versions of dsda dont have this problem? odd.

>> No.10086492

Most kids are playing Fortnite. Quake and Doom were actually more mainstream than Fortnite now, back in the day. Doom was even played on Friends. I'm sorry you were not able to experience the glory days. Playing deathmatch in school's computer class. Experiencing all games just when they were released and experiencing all the hype. Ah, good days, good days.

>> No.10086495

You forgot to sip anon.

>> No.10086498

No sipping now. I'm just taking a shit before I go to sleep.

>> No.10086501

There's a QWTF frag video I liked that was on google videos back in the day. It had music from The Matrix and Adema's Immortal in it. I haven't been able to find it on youtube.

>> No.10086509

Offtopic but going to a punk rock show myself. No rest.

>> No.10086513

That's cool. Have fun, anon.

>> No.10086523
File: 2 KB, 140x141, 1681872135888793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10086554

>Copyright / Permissions
>WE ARE NOT DAMN LAYWERS! If you use it and don't credit us though, we really will not appreciate it.

>> No.10086764

Idgames' "copyright" policy is honestly retarded. Everyone should be able to use whatever assets they want for their free mods, if the author explicitly claims the assets aren't theirs. Giving proper credit tends to become near impossible for people to figure out. Like, do people even know where the Doomguy with glasses HUD face comes from? Probably not, but they keep using it, and crediting the wrong mod. At least they rarely ever follow that policy.

>> No.10086785

How many of you have made your houses on doom? Currently making my brother's house in doom in a rat's style map.

>> No.10086787 [DELETED] 
File: 1020 KB, 1024x768, nehahra2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10086791
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x768, nehahra2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10086821

A year or two ago I laid it out as accurately as I could but never bothered to texture it. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.10086884

What are your ideas for combat? I think there is a lot of potential for secrets in small crevices and other parts only reachable through teleporting (in my case since it's a rat's map). I also want to make the table a battle arena. It's going to be my second map ever. Good luck on your map, anon.

>> No.10086905

Not him but Archviles

>> No.10086932

What are some good Quake skyboxes? Already seen the Kothic and AD ones a million times.

>> No.10086954

I want to play DOOM with Cheelo's voxel mod and also with PSX sound effects, is that possible? On GZdoom

>> No.10086976

It probably depends on the rooms of your house. I imagine some would better fit as key arenas than others. My house is very small, only a single floor, which makes it very possible in Doom, but also makes it uninteresting and not fitting for Doom combat much. I'll probably just try to make it humorous and teleport a buncha monsters to my frontyard.

>> No.10086990
File: 110 KB, 800x600, chocolate-doom_gdqgfaTJ6H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just in case you didn't know

>> No.10087017
File: 95 KB, 735x557, 1562749448316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird thing
Fixed. It was PM unfodder not taking into account friendly monsters.

>Is Freylis' line about wanting a bolt-action a reference to the Boss Rifle?
No, it's a reference to pic rel.

>> No.10087030

I've never completed Eternal Doom but now I want to. Is this a bad idea?

>> No.10087034

TF done extreme 2 has matrix music in it?

>> No.10087082

Imagine consciously mimicking Q3's ugly-ass HUD.

>> No.10087086

Voxels Doom II release trailer

>> No.10087094

Nonsense statement. Is everyone just supposed to have a friend who somehow figured out the progression or what? Face it, most people simply looked up guides or found it out through some youtuber's playthrough, and that's a fact. Despite that, it's still popular.

>> No.10087108

I keep meaning to play this but I'm too lazy to sit through that three hour movie that prequels the mod.

>> No.10087147

Is Lullaby good or is it one of those artsy schmartsy wads?

>> No.10087153

everyones threshold for what is artsy schmartsy is different. i thought it was alright.

>> No.10087159

There's nothing "artsy" about it, it's just a regular map with very nice detailing and atmosphere. Gameplay is serviceable, nothing groundbreaking but it was entertaining enough for me to enjoy the scenery without getting bored.

>> No.10087172

I made our current apartment as a Doom map to show to gf before we moved in so she knew the layout.

>> No.10087201

weird how making dehacked patches for custom sprites is still an archaic process. no streamlined UI for it
im sure whacked is gorillion times better than what people used to have back in the day but still.

>> No.10087203

Be the software engineer dehacked needs anon.

>> No.10087206
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, minecraft dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i recognize that guy

>> No.10087207

That's because Dehacked is obsolete and I am tired of pretending it isn't.

>> No.10087208

what would you rather use

>> No.10087210

Sure but it's fun to tinker with and some people don't want to work with GZDoom which is fine.
There's Decorate I suppose, then there's zscript. Honestly if you're enjoying yourself don't worry about it.

>> No.10087225

doom tools has decohack which is all about writing code that can be compiled into dehacked.
I can't imagine dehacked itself ever having sensible UI.

>> No.10087235

i'm not a programmer, i dont know how to code.
which sucks because DEH 9000 seems super useful
maybe i'll learn python or something

>> No.10087241

>DEH 9000
Wtf I've never heard of this. I just finished some stupid python app course so I'll check it out.

>> No.10087242

glquake particles look so ugly

>> No.10087243

You don't really need much coding, just writing down frames, durations and what is supposed to happen.

>> No.10087247

its apparently really good, based on the fact that theres mfing smooth doom for vanilla thanks to it (at least only for the weapons)

>> No.10087250
File: 14 KB, 992x769, afrit code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fully functioning monster looks like this, it might be a lot of lines, but it's just calling standard functional.

>> No.10087258

The video was made in 2003. They didn't know any better back then.

>> No.10087271
File: 15 KB, 256x128, eternal switchhunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mixed bag in my opinion. It started as one thing by a Team Eternal, then Team TNT got involved and filled it out into a full 32 level megawad. I think that some levels are really cool, but that there's also some which are not, and the progression can sometimes be very weird and muddled, there are a lot of times where the way forward is basically finding a secret switch or something like that. It can be obtuse and frustrating at times.

Some people find enjoyment in this, that Russian dude who made Epic and Epic 2 famously really loves Eternal Doom, he cites them as inspirations for the previously mentioned works of his. He loves Eternal Doom so much that his nickname is Eternal, and he supposedly holds all the speedrun and UVMax records for Eternal Doom.

The most important thing to mind is that according to some of the level authors, the set is REALLY not intended to be played continuously, and this would make sense because combat can often be sparse, where if you're carrying over supplies from earlier levels, things are going to be a lot less challenging and engaging.

>> No.10087274

Decorate is really easy and straightforward to use, you don't need to compile the code into a pile of unreadable state tables. It would be nice to see something like Decorate but which is appropriate to the MBF21/Boom level and demo compatible.

>> No.10087280

Eviternity-influenced gameplay with nice visuals. It's a cool map.

>> No.10087281

that's not minecraft dude that's master chef

>> No.10087283


>> No.10087297

And vanilla compatiblity is obsolete too, which is why there's dozens of new vanilla wads every year.

>> No.10087337

>that's master chef
Actually, that's Mjolnir Recon Number 54.

>> No.10087340

Ain't it DJ Blaskowitz?

>> No.10087390
File: 133 KB, 1480x747, chickenhead talking about dehacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That helps a lot with implementing DeHacked stuff, but that's still working within the confines of DeHacked patches, if you wanted more features and abilities to play with, that means building onto the pile of crusty hacks which DeHacked actually is, which sourceport devs have expressed a lot of hesitation over, it's a miracle that we got the added stuff we did with MBF21.

DeHacked itself in its vanilla form is an inherent part of Doom, but I really think it would be a lot better if a new format was devised which is easier for the end user to work with and understand, and which is easier for developers to implement and maintain, as well as adding onto.

>> No.10087392

>DeHacked itself in its vanilla form is an inherent part of Doom, but I really think it would be a lot better if a new format was devised which is easier for the end user to work with and understand, and which is easier for developers to implement and maintain, as well as adding onto.

>> No.10087397

That's been suggested, and it's already got documentation and endless examples to look at, but it'd maybe need a bit of modification to work with PRNG, and some functions are maybe outside of its scope. Like, adding new weapons is something which you couldn't do as easily with the less powerful engines, it'd call for a lot of restructuring of shit to accommodate that part.

Decorate, but with some stuff omitted and some tweaks, would genuinely be a good option, I think.

>> No.10087414

I tried to make my neighborhood for Ad Mortem, but it didn't get very far.

>> No.10087415

who's that? are you thinking about Roger?

>> No.10087417
File: 95 KB, 720x720, tumblr_oxvewrjV281qhdie1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087420

Every time this discussion shows up most anons here seem to reach a consensus that what's needed is something as powerful as zscript, as easy as decorate, has dehacked's syntax because that's what people are used to, is demo compatible, is supported by DOOM.exe, optimized enough to run on their great grandad's mechanical watch from World War 2, be compatible with current mods three hundred years down the line so aliens can play modded 94 protons, and most importantly not be made by chicken man because he has no idea what he's talking about, the old fuck. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.10087424


>> No.10087425

>[7-18] Vulkan only GZdoom fork for indie games released
that's nice, even if my PC cannot run vulkan at all i do hope this spawns versions for software or lower end OpenGl versions too (or just use LZdoom but having one focused on game making would be great)!

>> No.10087426

Just make it a case by case basis. Want total control? Zscript, thus GZDoom exclusive. etc.

>> No.10087431

>300 years
That's pretty generous. I thought Chop was waiting for time to eventually loop back around to 0 so it can be released in the year 94.

>> No.10087434

The Unloved patch is done. I think. Unfortunately I couldn't give Unloved's enemies PM gib deaths, but they have the BloodType.


This'll work with anything you can play with Project Malice, not just Deathstrider.

Holy shit.

>> No.10087437

No no no no no no, that's not ideal, GZDoom is terrible. Terrible! But the exact same feature set on Woof is gonna be juuuust right. Oh yeah, forgot about client-server multiplayer support with quantum tunnelling to minimize latency.

>> No.10087443

I didn't know you posted here, Graf.

>> No.10087447


>> No.10087451

Forgot to do the obligatory
>inb4 t. Graf

>> No.10087458
File: 38 KB, 579x431, 5251rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087460

>but the original game's RNG stays so demos can be recorded
>texture filtering option absent
>freelook is actually off by default
Is it really that difficult?

>> No.10087461

Try it yourself and see. I'm not being an asshole but that's the dilemma.
>It can't be that hard
But it is!

>> No.10087462

is getting new updates to the leaderboards can be now customized
>Texture filtering option absent
>It's forever stuck on trilinear.

>> No.10087467

Zandronum as the standard for Doom now and forever.

>> No.10087487

cutscene [0/1] – Toggles whether or not to show cutscenes.

>> No.10087493

>but that's the dilemma.
The "dilemma" is forking from a 20-year-old fork of a 30-year-old engine.

>> No.10087505

RNG is not what makes demos incompatible. If you record a demo with GZDoom 4.10 and play it on GZDoom 4.10, it will play just fine, assuming the correct version of whatever mods you used is respected, if any. The reason compat breaks between versions is because if 4.10 does thing A in one way and 4.11 does thing A the same way but with slightly different numbers that were changed in order to implement something new, that demo will desync, so there's no point in keeping it compatible to begin with. Now let's take mods into account. Assuming 100 health. If a projectile that does a flat 20 damage hits the player 3 times in one version of the mod, he will survive at 40 health. Ok, that works. But if it deals 35 damage in another, the player will die. The rest of the demo is therefore useless. And that's just one simple change in one mod. In an engine whose entire purpose is to allow all sorts of modding tomfoolery, how exactly do you expect programmers to account for demo compatibility? You'd be stuck with the exact same gameplay features forever because any deviation or attempt to improve the API would cause older versions to break, which in turn means modding would never move past its initial stage. So yes, it is really that difficult, because it's no longer even a programming issue. It's simply impossible to do on a conceptual level.

>> No.10087507

That's an issue with how the game calls for numbers.

>> No.10087512

Or you can just get the placeholder PAK that skips it.

>> No.10087513
File: 133 KB, 405x395, aqarius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BTSX team has like, 50-60 people? More than the wiki counts. Less than half of them get their levels accepted.
I just thought that was interesting. Think of all the levels you'll never play.

>> No.10087523

None of what you said makes any sense.

>> No.10087539
File: 740 KB, 940x2322, out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10087540

My house is generic as shit. I wanna make my middle school, now that's a setting for a mod

>> No.10087551

Slightly less garbage quality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKYE7eoICJI

>> No.10087568

Very interesting. What wad is this from?

>> No.10087573

>Hellrider still not updated

>> No.10087587

This isn't really a novel problem, and it's a hassle but entirely solvable.
1) versioning your DSL/config and the engine to support older versions (or make the explicit choice to abandon old versions)
2) build migration tools when dropping support for old versions
3) demos to contain manifests of dependencies, including versions
The problem is it's too much effort for too little reward, it's easier to just keep a big historical archive of the ecosystem and offload the job to end users.

>> No.10087630
File: 61 KB, 616x611, 1578427597689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fellas. I haven't been up to date in a while. Would anyone mnid sharing any notable changes that have been done to Hideous Destructor in the past year or so? I got kinda pissed at the Archvile and blursphere changes.

>> No.10087632

>has dehacked's syntax because that's what people are used to
What? You mean the gobbledigook in the list of the states?

>> No.10087656

Fore/vr/ alone

>> No.10087695

Waifu Anon, i made a very tiny change to my maka map to avoid stuff from breaking on HMP https://files.catbox.moe/4gsszu.wad

>> No.10087696
File: 2.76 MB, 1360x2298, dacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Doom, but GoldSrc. Tried to build my old summer house (to film a spooky UFO encounter there).

>> No.10087727

Shield cores were introduced, replacing spiritual armor. Gives you 1024 points of non-regenerating shield that works the same way as the enemy's. Removes the possibility of suffering crits from bullets until it breaks, completely absorbs electrical and balefire damage, largely ineffectual against fire attacks but will protect a radsuit from being torn.
7.76 recasts are distinguished from standard rounds, they have fairly similar performance on bare flesh but are slightly worse at penetrating armor and slightly better for shield damage.
There's a single shot variant of the rocket launcher now, so you can utilize HEATs without committing to a weapon as big as the full launcher.
The way rockets are fired was overhauled, rocket mode has much lower recoil than before but you now have frontblast to consider.
Revenants were reworked, their projectiles are like semi-sentient drones now that will relentlessly hunt you and shred your armor, then you once your armor's gone.
Player wounds are individually tracked now with variable severity, so getting hit by a lot of small projectiles is distinguished from being hit by one big one. Bleeding is a more significant danger than it used to be.
The player and enemies have footstep sounds now, and enemies will use your footstep sounds to track your known position when you're out of sight.
Scopes and robot cameras got a resolution upgrade. DERPs have a new Line mode that watches one position instead of spinning or moving constantly. HERP panning can also be disabled so it just holds one spot, and enemies can identify and be afraid of its laser.
The dirty windows option was totally overhauled and now serves to allow you to break and cross impassable lines that don't have a midtexture.
Talisman ghosts were reworked, they no longer stick to one target until it dies, nor do they ever get bored and leave.

>> No.10087736

WhackEd is streamlined enough.

>> No.10087761

They are releasing the "lost levels" after btsx 3.

>> No.10087762

I knew about most of these, but wow, footsteps are based as fuck.
Not too sure on shield cores. I remember they were too OP in FreeDoom.
Everything else seems great. Even the Revs. Let's be honest, they were nothing more than push-overs for the longest time.
I'll be picking it back up.

>> No.10087770
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, he lived.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's be honest, they were nothing more than push-overs for the longest time.
Yeah, they were limp as fuck. They're much more on par with their mid-tier peers now, and having a projectile enemy that's a significant threat to your armor is a niche that wasn't filled before. Surviving a hit without armor demands real mastery of the medical system.

>> No.10087771


>> No.10087858
File: 11 KB, 1140x101, waitforfun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes you're the man now anon, let's do this!
Well, I guess it has been awhile since I've updated Dstrider so I'll fix that.
>footstep noises
Is this for all enemies? That's a gamechanger for me if so.

>> No.10087868

The only time the HUD can abort is if the player class isn't DSPlayer, which mainly happens when KEYCONF removes the old player classes and enforces its own. That's likely the case with Unloved. Solution? Nuke KEYCONF.

>> No.10087882
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, edstr_finaloops.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solution? Nuke KEYCONF.
Nuking it like I nuked ED's final boss on accident (I thought it was still in the backpack and was expecting the gungir)
And it works, and you're beautiful

>> No.10087890

>Is this for all enemies?
Most. I think babuins, ninja pirates, boners, and archviles are the only exceptions, besides the enemies that don't have feet to step with. It's a pretty subtle sound though, I wouldn't count on being able to hear a hell knight coming up behind you when you're already neck-deep in carnage.

>> No.10087924

>It's a pretty subtle sound though, I wouldn't count on being able to hear a hell knight coming up behind you when you're already neck-deep in carnage.
That's perfect. I'm concerned more with the quieter times when enemies are moving about and they know I'm near, but are being conservative in playing idle noises.

>> No.10087936

PB and Thy Flesh Consumed do NOT mix.

>> No.10087981

If I had a thing that spawned some random gibs and corpses every once in a while, would I need to worry about performance after long enough?

>> No.10088008

Depends on the number of actors and how optimized they are. You're inevitably going to run into performance issues if you never clean gibs up, but if you code the actors properly you could place like 2-3K of them without any serious slowdown. The player would likely have finished the map by the time performance becomes a concern, depending on the spawn frequency.

>> No.10088023

They currently don't despawn, but I guess having them disappear after 10-20 seconds is a good call.

>> No.10088035
File: 50 KB, 602x682, bloat-b-gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, the proper brutality experience.
an an adjacent note, holy shit the heavy dmr is actually cracked. yeah, let`s let the player one tap barons for the fair cost of 2 rifle bullets.

>> No.10088037

What is the point of that?

>> No.10088051

so limited spawn toggles that don`t even work properly don`t stop me from enjoying my time without having to scroll through a dozen weapons i don`t use just because they are CLASSIC BROOOO HOW YOUS GONNA TOGGLE OFF DA PLASMER RYFLE

>> No.10088052

Anybody got the source assets from Quake? An Anon posted the original LBM files in one of these threads back in 2020 and all the LBM files' dates correspond to the elusive Quake Development CD from 9/4/1996 it looks like they most likely came from there

>> No.10088071

>bind key "use weaponname"
get over that as well? That's how I separate the fist from the chainsaw. It's also similar to how I bind specific weapons in Half Life. I don't enjoy cycling through weapon slots anymore.

>> No.10088090

Comfy vibes.

That's really cute man. Did she like it?

I'll work on it, maybe throw in my house too.

>> No.10088109
File: 3.87 MB, 320x319, hello world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair, i just prefer to keep all weapons on number keys desu. though if i want to switch them around, block selector from the gearbox mod is of solid help.

>> No.10088135
File: 98 KB, 640x1200, 1684450461059191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That and getting in there and changing/getting rid of things yourself is a great way of saying "fuck off" to all that weapon bloat.

>> No.10088250

What wad?

>> No.10088270
File: 3.85 MB, 640x360, UnlovedPMaliceDS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this is great so far.
According to >>10085269 Ultimate Doom "In Name Only"

>> No.10088293

Is criticality considered a hard map or am I just a shitter?

>> No.10088420
File: 60 KB, 811x662, sick shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr? so many more projects become vastly more enjoyable when you realise that you can actually tune them to your liking far beyond any intended customisation.

>> No.10088423

Looks great.

>> No.10088424
File: 236 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088473
File: 15 KB, 320x200, allhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're wondering why this is so low-res then you're not a real vanilla nigga.

>> No.10088493

I don't have anything to show, I realized I hate some of the monsters I made and can't make them better.

>> No.10088517
File: 2.27 MB, 2460x1050, selagoss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fun to have and eat your cake too, improving what you like or changing what you don't

>> No.10088520
File: 89 KB, 800x600, Map11_meet_archie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna say it. Arch-viles aren't fun. I've never had fun fighting one. Every time one shows up it seems like a failure of the map designer. I know it's a "skill issue" but I think we should have all admitted it a long time ago. There's nothing fun about having to cower like a bitch behind a street lamp every two seconds and hope you get the timing right or go on a suicidal death charge in hopes of melting it and forcing you to ignore literally anything else that might be happening in the room. I'd rather fight four pain elementals in a shoebox.

>> No.10088526
File: 3 KB, 224x221, an uncanny fellow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hit them with like three rockets.

>> No.10088535

Incorrect, a well placed archie or two are a game changer that makes you actually think.
Now half a dozen of them, on the other hand...

>> No.10088536

>I'd rather fight four pain elementals in a shoebox.
Fine, i'll give you pump-action for that

>> No.10088543
File: 498 KB, 1920x1200, arcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, for instance, is a shit unfun usage of archviles. A fight that's already hard (little cover and movement room, a mirrored sleeve on the right with the same monsters and an alcove with more revenants above you to the left) made stupid by the severe movement restriction imposed by them.

>> No.10088547

>if corpses nearby then kill him ASA fucking P by any means
>if no corpses nearby then just walk away from him like nigga close your eyes
He requires like 0.5 brain cells more than any other enemy that can't be one-shotted.

>> No.10088549

That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I can't imagine possibly doing that with auto-aim as well.

>> No.10088567
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, 15763492241180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I will find whoever is responsible for translucent projectiles, and I will make him pay.

>> No.10088579
File: 14 KB, 244x202, gitgudzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088617

Doom and Quake should swap Archvile and Shambler. Would instantly improve both games.

>> No.10088632
File: 166 KB, 1280x992, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a feature of the very first source port.

>> No.10088654

I hope this faggot is happy knowing what kind of abomination he created.

>> No.10088783
File: 8 KB, 416x87, broke midi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shantae map anon here, i checked the rentry site for the download and looked at my map but it has the wrong midi (supposed to be the Camel midi.) though on the site it said you fixed it, will it be fixed on the next beta?

>> No.10088787

huh. I thought I went really light on hitscanners because I don't like the nigh unavoidable HP tax and the need to balance it out by spamming medkits like it's a quake map yet there they are well above the average proportion

>> No.10088805

All fixes are made for the next beta, that will happen sometime next week. Hoping that my map/Gob map/both maps get in this time.
Concerning your map, I double-checked the complete mapinfo with those that were included, and my dumb ass didn't question writing
knowing that your map wasn't map01. My bad.

>> No.10088819

Does anyone here have any experience with making custom duke3d maps with the life's a beach tileset?

>> No.10088826
File: 35 KB, 1328x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you do the thing stated in the image? it seems OP is working with vanilla dehacked and he wants to stop PosAttack having the pistol sfx.
>follow it immediately with a sound playing codepointer to cover the pistol sound
wouldnt this change the monster in vanilla dehacked. i guess OP is working with dehextra?

link in case https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/117227-dehacked-low-damage-melee-attack/

>> No.10088906


>> No.10088929
File: 161 KB, 1200x629, dnf200leak_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a mighty DNF2001 ich

>> No.10088998 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 1850x829, shitfuck.wad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your shoebox bro, sorry for the wait

Pump action would be too slow and boring i think, so have a double shotty. You'll set a world record on this one with your skills anyway.

>> No.10089027
File: 345 KB, 1850x829, shitfuck.wad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your shoebox bro, sorry for the wait

Pump action would be too slow and boring i think, so have a double shotty. You'll set a world record on this one with your skills anyway.

edit: just to be safe, longer lasting link
compat is vanilla by the way

>> No.10089029


>> No.10089130

That's what I was looking for! Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.10089162

not archvile hater anon but i thought I'd do a demo for the lulz

>> No.10089169
File: 41 KB, 750x568, 1663524600212738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ending
a quality map

>> No.10089172

Archviles? They're okay
Now, Shamblers? Whole other story
>introduce a hitscan enemy on the same map as the grenade launcher
>ok so I move out of sight, firing and bouncing nades at it with the GL, right?
>lol explosive resistance
>lol insta-deletes you as one of Nightmare's few flaws
>bro just hug me and duck back when I go for a swi--
>did you just back up 3.00001 feet?

>> No.10089191
File: 100 KB, 805x540, [confused HUUH].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know anything about Shamblers
>playing on Nightmare

>> No.10089198
File: 3.91 MB, 640x360, 1683946246378008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same story as >>10089162
pic rel

>> No.10089208

oh shoot i missed the exit

>> No.10089215

Peek around corner, shoot, go behind cover and wait for it's attack to end, repeat until it dies. Shambler is literally the easiest enemy in nightmare since it's attack makes it a stationary target

>> No.10089239

Ah yeah, stay in cover and take pot shots to avoid damage. Ranger? More like Ramirez. Make sure to avoid the Shambler's fire as you run to the White House and stop the Russians in this and many other Call of Duty cover shooter setpieces, because it's either that or shimmy around in a more awkward waltz than the on you did for Freshman Homecoming, when Jenny Mathers could tell you were spinning her around so she wouldn't notice your intense erection.

>> No.10089248

if you're not going to adapt your gameplay then go play on easy instead of bashing your head against a wall and blaming the game dipshit

>> No.10089249
File: 3.87 MB, 960x540, travowed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their biggest and most annoying strength on Nightmare is the "fast monster" attack. If you don't have enough health and armor to take the hit and you're in a bad spot it's just death, and you won't know what a "bad" or "good" spot is without knowing where they spawn.
The archvile also requires you to take """cover""" to a certain degree, so is this just jabbing on hitscan in general or just the shambler?

>> No.10089264

Why has there never been a good 40k mod? One of the biggest mysteries of mankind.

>> No.10089284

The point is that the adaption is also shit, you nonce. It's not satisfying gameplay even when you fight a Shambler in one of the right ways to do it, and that the difficulty of Nightmare is fine beyond it. There's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater just because there's a nutty candy bar floating in it.
It's more focused on the Shambler, because while it spins off from being a hitscan attack, it's annoying in its own way because of the kind of enemy the Shamblers are (attack, resistances, purpose, etc.) and how they exist within Quake, namely because of how they're affected by the Nightmare difficulty as you describe.

It's why I find Archviles less annoying, because of how they telegraph their presence and attacks, how the attack actually resolves (therefore allowing you to limit the amount of "cover" you use), the additional impact they have on combat encounters, and probably because I don't ever play Doom with fast monsters enabled. They're still bitches, but they make it work well enough for them. The Shamblers, on the other hand, are both bitches and fags.

>> No.10089317
File: 3.88 MB, 640x360, travpowed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a draw to making your own worldbuilding/lore and OCs rather than being attached to some other intellectual property. There's also a big draw to the powerfantasy aspect in Warhammer that many are already able to satisfy just through Doom itself.
There's also nothing stopping you from making your own 40k mod, and if that's too much there's nothing stopping you from editing any mod into a 40k thing. Or just get a skin, change the player name, and pretend.
>It's more focused on the Shambler, because while it spins off from being a hitscan attack, it's annoying in its own way because of the kind of enemy the Shamblers are (attack, resistances, purpose, etc.) and how they exist within Quake, namely because of how they're affected by the Nightmare difficulty as you describe.
Cool, yeah we're on the same page. I've noticed more of the modern Quake maps are either more wary with where they get placed or just flat out change how they operate: Shamblers in mods like AD feel more prone to being hitstunned on nightmare, things like Copper get rid of the fast monster nightmare traits altogether.
I liked Travail a whole lot but I think it's a great example of weird shambler use.

>> No.10089319
File: 41 KB, 176x186, tiny smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but feel a bit remorseful that you guys spent time on this tacky thing, thanks for the demos regardless

Seems I was too tryhard with the door trigger, and walls were too thin... public testing for a joke map is something to avoid

Maybe I was just lucky with rng, but just right feng-shui angles render these meatballs harmless, like at the start of your demo. I actually thought it was pretty easy, spent days pondering once about how much D64 improved on monsters and how much I miss it now

>> No.10089429
File: 21 KB, 125x184, PB quad_to_double.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning the quad barrel from Project Brutality to a double barrel. Real rough but it's fun to cut my teeth on this frankenspriting.
>spent days pondering once about how much D64 improved on monsters and how much I miss it now
The painenementals in 64 are some of my favorite Doom monsters in general. Awesome buffs, look weird as fuck, sound unsettling and creepy, great design all around.

>> No.10089446

21 hours later no reply, bumping for potential answer from fresh eyes

>> No.10089479
File: 946 KB, 1920x1080, tesse-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol insta-deletes you as one of Nightmare's few flaws
Opinion discarded. Quake's NM is a perfect game difficulty.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.10089482

>PSX sound effects
Sound Caulking mod? Is it somehow not compatible with voxels? Download ZDL launcher and play around with mod loading priorities

>> No.10089541

Doom niggas will say making terrain for Quake or another BSP game is autistic then do shit like this.

>> No.10089735 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 919x72, 1690080484688257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool. I'd actually been thinking about how I would maybe be interested in Flesh and Steel if I wasn't playing as Solomon.

Oh, and I think the Crash sprites you're using for Samantha was made by someone called Virtue. And if Solomon's sprites were based on the Undead Hunter, that'd be Icytux.

>> No.10089740
File: 14 KB, 919x72, 1690080484688257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool. I'd actually been thinking about how I would maybe be interested in Flesh and Steel if I wasn't playing as Solomon.

Oh, and I think the Crash sprites you're using for Samantha were made by someone called Virtue. And if Solomon's sprites were based on the Undead Hunter, that'd be Icytux.

>> No.10089771
File: 4 KB, 512x512, 1608564041005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>F&S Wraithbro is canon
That is the coolest shit, holy fuck

>> No.10089784

I'll tweak the credits. Thanks.

Dude really needed more love. I used to play with him all the time in the HD days but kind of neglected him in DS. Feelsbadman.

>> No.10089839
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1440, tab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah that kicks ass. and my interest in the setting and lore was starting to pour in recently too. This news is further roping me into things, making me curious about little things like how Wraith and others even got the privilege to be involved with Solomon at all.

>> No.10089843
File: 370 KB, 1920x1080, (484).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089848

The lore for the characters tends to explain how they met. Check out the lore terminal on the flagship if you haven't already. For most of the characters it's just a coincidence. Right place right time and all that.

>> No.10089849

What file is that?

>> No.10089882
File: 299 KB, 425x412, gravewalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solomon's encounters with Time and Magic
This is neat. Also says your connection with Time turns to crap the better you are with Magic. If one is completely void of any connection to Magic, does that change anything with their connection to Time or would things just be "normal"?

>> No.10089892

Just normal, I suppose. Might live slightly longer than average but that's about it.

>> No.10089925
File: 1.02 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20230723_084452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this wad is bretty good

>> No.10090015
File: 1.05 MB, 1004x880, Corzo face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost want to try making a Corzo class for Deathstrider now. Looking at Wraith and Samantha in SLADE, I think I could manage it. Maybe. He won't be a Flesh and Steel character, but he also wouldn't have a battlesuit. I wonder if I can still have him explode when he dies. His death code doesn't have any HND-specific ZScript stuff.

>> No.10090042

Sounds doable. The only "problem" so far with custom classes is that all of them use the same hands, but fixing that is so much work you could actually drop an entire suitcase's worth of any currency other than venezuelan bolivars in my hands and I still would not do it. It'd require separating the hands from every frame of every weapon currently in the mod, then using A_Overlay shittery to piece them back together without any sort of visual aid. And that's not even getting into the details of how to implement the framework for this in the code in any sane manner, or the sheer amount of trial and error required to get the animations to look correctly. This is an occupation reserved for inhabitants of the lowest circle of Hell. No thanks.

>> No.10090070
File: 1.51 MB, 1548x893, tricksntraps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed by an hour, but setting up tricks and traps.

>> No.10090072

Or just make a skin mod and load that when you want to play as that class. It is a custom third party class after all, no need to make special accommodations in the main mod.

>> No.10090083

True, but the lack of proper support is a stain on the whole "moddability" shtick. Still, a friend plans on eventually doing exactly that for Wraith and other human characters. It'll just be a simple sprite replacement for all weapons. Best I can wish him is good luck. He did say he might release the handless templates so there's that. It'd be helpful for people wanting to add their own hands. No ETA, however. Dude hasn't exactly been playing DS much lately.

>> No.10090246

Map name? I want to look at it in UDB.

>> No.10090305

Sometimes I wonder how big a portion of this thread makes stuff compared to how many just play the games.

>> No.10090308

1% make things, 99% play stuff. But creators need players so it's fine. I think Fore/v/er Alone had a good turnout all that said.

>> No.10090315

It's definitely not 1%, there's been really good turnout for a lot of the /vr/ projects, and they always have new blood in them.

>> No.10090323
File: 401 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230723_033654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 100% not going to ask about replacing hands. I know that's unfeasible. Sorta unsure how to do the magic stuff. Like if I just copy and paste the two magic sections in Solomon's file over. Or whatever else I might have to do with the HUD stuff.

I'm not sure what I did wrong, just as a test I had him inherit from Wraith and followed how Samantha's is set up, but he shows up as a crouching Marine in the class menu, is invisible in Chase cam, and plays none of the sounds.

>> No.10090328

Doom, sure. But I think I'm the only VR mapper at this point and the only Serious Case of /vr/ mapper.

>> No.10090330

It's definitely 1% or lower for the 3D games, but most of the discussion here is Doom-related.

>> No.10090334

It helps that Doom mapper and modding tools are just light years beyond Quake/Sam/3D ones. QuakeC is the only real way to mod Quake, whereas Doom has dehacked and its variations, decorate, zscript, etc.

>> No.10090337

It's true, but at least Quake has a good mapping tool now. Can't say the same for Sam, unfortunately.

>> No.10090345

Serious Editor is actually really powerful...it's just a total clusterfuck to navigate. Anon put together a quickstart tutorial for it,
and just LOOK at what you have to do to make a fucking door. Quake doors are made in less than five seconds. Anyway back to mapping. Thanks for letting me bitch.

>> No.10090358

Could you toss me the file for debugging? Not sure what might be wrong. And if all you want to do is re-enable magic, just do -DSPLAYER.FLESHANDSTEEL on the class.

>> No.10090378

Wow, it look like source than goldsrc. It is amazing

>> No.10090385

GZDOOM with low Screen Resolution. And what wad in Screenshot?

>> No.10090389

what dis?

>> No.10090393

so what happened to the project(s)?

>> No.10090398


11/10 made me wish for a CS 1.7.

>> No.10090408


>> No.10090409


>> No.10090413


>> No.10090415 [DELETED] 

Oh wait, I'm an idiot, I just realized the Raise frames would've been wrong. That was probably it. And I'm not sure what to do for his Raise state since he doesn't have normal death sprites.

>> No.10090419

The sprites in a wad file structure need to be between S_START and S_END markers. The mugshot files are considered graphics by the engine so those are fine as is.

>> No.10090426

Also I just noticed something. In PostBeginPlay in the CorzoExplosion1 class, that == needs to be a single =. == is a comparison operator.

>> No.10090437
File: 3.92 MB, 710x400, Nugget Doom 2.0.0 2023-07-23 08-38-22.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A place where discarded Revenants get put back together, using parts from other monsters.

>> No.10090446

Unsanitary. But then, does bacteria go to hell?

>> No.10090448

is that how they make mcribs and mcchickens?

>> No.10090449

It's hot in Hell, everything is sanitized.

>> No.10090520
File: 448 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230723_061148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, I did not know that was required. I think I remember missing something really simple when I did my HD skin too. But that didn't do it. I actually just turned it into a pk3 instead and it works now, including Corzo's death explosion.

Huh. I'm not sure how that would've affected it before. I just copypasted it over.

>> No.10090543

Is it really the tools letting quake/etc down? It seems to me that 90% of doom being easily modifiable is due to the inherent simplicity of doom vs newer engines, and maybe 10% is due to the community reducing incidental/unnecessary complexity via better tools.

>> No.10090601

Not publicly released as far as I know.

>> No.10090610

I was working on a map for each of VR and A Serious Case, but life attacked.

>> No.10090620
File: 14 KB, 194x259, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090685
File: 1.46 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20230721_224509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the flamethrower

>> No.10090702

Are you this anon? >>10088035
What file is that?

>> No.10090707

>Is it really the tools letting quake/etc down?
You could say it's just the lack of really neat and proper documentation for QuakeC. But Quake has had lots of mods in its existence, and comparing any game's mod scene or capability OR ease of capability of modding to Doom's is definitely unfair and potentially erroneous to begin with. But I think it's difficult ENOUGH to the point where if you're going to consider seriously modding Quake, you may as well consider making a game and actually profiting from your work. That's how much harder it is than Doom modding; not that it's a lot, but that the effort can be spent better elsewhere.

>> No.10090715

However I will say QuakeC can be worth it for profit in the longest of long runs considering FTE exists:
along with an SDK built upon it:
Not that anything particularly substantial has been made with FTE yet, but who knows.

>> No.10090716


>> No.10090724

Is a Skulltag, but soulless.

>> No.10090752

Refer to >>10088617

>> No.10090760

Just don't play Quake on nightmare. Classic id even said they don't play Quake on nightmare.

>> No.10090776

You can play Skulltag on Zandronum, dum dum.

>> No.10090786

But you can't bring that era back.
Might as well migrate to ZDaemon.

>> No.10090857
File: 72 KB, 945x960, WITNESS ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me, i was following the daily human routine of going to sleep
i`ve changed it around a bit since the screenie, but so can you, it`s just a decorate file.

>> No.10090875


>> No.10090879
File: 2.34 MB, 2000x1490, udikmeomrxd91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's all because of the complexity of the games worlds. Doom map: make some non 90 degrees walls slap cool textures on them, place a couple of demons. Looks like techbase? Nice. The map is done.
Quake map: now you have to build your walls in 3d and make some cool shapes out of them. With those shapes you have to build cool looking lovecraftian castles, original traps, etc. And it's definitely harder than Doom maps.
Half-Life map: you have to build realistic, but not boring and quite interesting environment full of small details of cuboids, while on strict bsp limitations. You have to make interesting scripted sequences, some puzzles, etc. And it's waaay harder than making a Doom map.

>> No.10090884

>Poor Little Scientist Boy

>> No.10090893
File: 402 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230723_090248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sick. I think I did it? I gave him his own HUD variant and I think I did the ZScript stuff right. I have him inheriting from DSPlayer and copied everything but the stuff that seemed to be for body integrity.

I think he should have some things that differentiate him so he's not just a suitless Solomon, but I'm not too sure what all of them would be or how to do any of them. But this is good for now.

>> No.10090915

>and copied everything but the stuff that seemed to be for body integrity

All of Solomon's stuff above Default, I mean.

>> No.10090921

Thank you. It looks like this because I've got "hires" 512x512 textures and extremely shrinked them. Because of that I've used almost all lightmap memory (and got bloc_alloc: full error a couple of times). So the map really isn't playable and used only for taking screenshots/record staged video.

>> No.10090965

Nicely done. Keep an eye on the commits. I'm currently refactoring the HUD stuff for the classes because in retrospect it's kind of stinky. You shouldn't have to copy two virtuals for such a small change. Likely getting rid of DrawBuddywatch too and implementing that inside the other method.

>> No.10091028

Why people say E1M1 is based on Master of puppets when the riff is clearly from No remorse?

>> No.10091054

>Not that anything particularly substantial has been made with FTE yet
There is that game The Wastes, but nobody seems to be playing it online and it only had 'singleplayer' in the Quake 3 sense, so I found it kinda underwhelming.
Also having looked into Nuclide a bit, it seems to be made by a colossal autiste who has to make his code as complex as possible and is a lot more conducive to making GoldSource/Source style game rather than anything along the lines of Quake or Doom. It really isn't very easy to get into if your only programming experience is QuakeC or another simplified game script. It's kinda like opening up the Arcane Dimensions source code and wondering how the fuck you're supposed to create something new on top of it.
For something simpler in scope, I'd recommend using this and just coding on top of it like you're using regular QC with more builtins: https://github.com/shpuld/sui-qc

>> No.10091093

Isn't Nuclide being made for the HL port to FTE in the first place?

>> No.10091098

Is there some way to reset yourself to "base" items/weapons in modern quake ports, to simulate a shotgun start? An impulse maybe?

>> No.10091102

That's pretty fucking cool.
Console, map currentmapname i.e. e1m2

>> No.10091108

>Console, map currentmapname i.e. e1m2
Won't that ruin episode progression, i.e. runes or other episode state? I should have clarified i'm playing through an episode in a jam where they are designed to be shotgun started.

>> No.10091118

Hmm what episode? Some mods have console commands to give runes.

>> No.10091124

>That's pretty fucking cool.
If only the dev could stay focused on making one game fully working instead of doing everything at once.

>> No.10091161

quoffee & quoffee2

>> No.10091176

You can just skip to the first real map via console...

>> No.10091302

very fun but it ran like shit on my machine at times.

>> No.10091309
File: 41 KB, 680x627, a0220f37a26507ffd261527d219c82dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any really quality maps from any of those RAMP or DUMP projects? At work right now so I want suggestions for when I get home.

>> No.10091313

Decino released his play of map 10 of floatsam, and I have to ask, who would actually consider this shit fun?

>> No.10091376

>who would actually consider this shit fun?
decino. any more brain busters?

>> No.10091381

I think of it like the SMW kaizo romhack scene, an in-group that mostly know each other and try to one-up each other with the weirdest and most challenging scenarios that demand 99% perfect inputs, with little regard for whether or not it's enjoyable to the general public. Except instead of mandatory single frame shell jumps it's strobing GothicTX lights everywhere

my threshold for "slaughtershit" is when pulling the trigger is actively harmful compared to waiting for cyberdemons to kill everything

>> No.10091386

Having played through it on HNTR, I enjoyed maps 01-06 and hated 07-onwards

>> No.10091389

Any decent mods out there for Heretic? Don't know if there's much of a scene around it but vanilla just seems to be a bit bland

>> No.10091403

What do you appreciate more, gameplay or aesthetics?

>> No.10091428
File: 129 KB, 512x384, Wolfenstein 3DGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the preferred Wolfenstein source port: EC Wolf or LZ Wolf for mods/campaigns?

>> No.10091430
File: 962 KB, 1024x768, jam2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10091431

Curse of D'Sparil

>> No.10091459

Cheers M80, will check it out.

>> No.10091473


>> No.10091480

Elf Gets Pissed
Sold Soul
Quest For Crystal Skulls
The Wayfarer

>> No.10091487

>for mods/campaigns
LZWolf for regular mods, Macenwolf for MacWolf campaigns.
But most of the Wolf mods are still basically their own sourceports, usually based on Wolf4SDL.

>> No.10091489


>> No.10091534

speaking of which, I learned the other day that LZwolf ceased development a couple of months ago
the author is burned out and don't plan neither to rebase LZwolf on top of EC 1.4.1, nor to keep adding new features to the current LZ 1.3.999 nightlies

>> No.10091560

Is there no way to make the variations in Universal Entropy purely cosmetic? There doesn't' seem to be a way.

>> No.10091772

SNS is starting up tonight, sorry for no FNF this Friday, I forgot. We're running BTSX with Insanity Survival.

>> No.10091776

Password is bananant

>> No.10091801

Kinda sad, but it's pretty much the only port worth advanced modding for outside of messing with the source code.
Years later, ECWolf might surpass it.

>> No.10091802

I better not see more than 2 weapons per slot this time.

>> No.10091981

play the DUMP3 map with castlevania top floor music, the panic room map, and the quake homage one is fun too. Overall Dump3 was pretty enjoyable, but I cant remember more maps from it

>> No.10092014
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, Port_and_lighthouse_overnight_storm_with_lightning_in_Port-la-Nouvelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electrical equipment

Does the Quake Ranger get all of his weapons at a hardware store?

>> No.10092017

Meant axe not are

>> No.10092045

Engineers' hardware of a military installation.
the game has that rusty utilitarian style to it.
pls be patient i have le tism

>> No.10092076
File: 1.52 MB, 300x188, the-road-to-el-dorado-both[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092086
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230724_030008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092163
File: 96 KB, 900x685, Tidy+cobra_244591_9572166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually never even considered that the nail gun and thunderbolt might be improvised weapons. Maybe the people at the slipgate complex got creative when trying to defend themselves.

>> No.10092164


>> No.10092185
File: 73 KB, 655x524, 1600695164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like Half-life's story, but even if it's expected to be there, it's not that important.

>> No.10092195

(i'm joking btw, i prefer world building to storytelling)

>> No.10092210
File: 89 KB, 821x973, quake_knight_by_catwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine what goddamned crazy ass stuff they're doing in Quake's future where that longed ranged automatic weapon with "armor piercing darts" as per the manual would be considered an industrial tool.

>> No.10092223

I'm gonna list the ones that are worth a playthrough from the first RAMP then (second RAMP has better maps overall but they are less interesting), will probably miss a few since there's a fuckton of maps in it

IMPORTANT: This year of RAMP is full to the brim with shit maps made by the same authors because no submission limit existed, remember their names and avoid them if you feel like finding other fun maps that aren't in this list

MAP25 Neoplasm
MAP33 Diarrhea Street Station
MAP74 Bashibozuk
MAP76 Mostly Harmless
MAP94 Integumentary
MAP108 Prelude to Phoebus
MAP149 Golden Disorder
MAP153 The Meteoroid
MAP180 Rocket Balboa
MAP203 Party Crasher

I'd also check out all of NootsyNootsy and Lazlo Panaflex's maps

>> No.10092230


>> No.10092234
File: 530 KB, 680x577, retributor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm adding bolters to DoomRLA to replace Demolition Ammo weapons, but I can't seem to decide what ammo they'll use. Neither bullets (which the DemoAmmo guns already use) nor rockets make much sense if you think about it but I'm not adding a new ammotype just for them for obvious reasons.
Rockets would make it so that the automatic ones are only really usable by the Marine class, and might make the new guns in general just not worth it compared to regular rocket launchers in terms of ammo management maybe unless you have that one backpack (the one that replenishes a chosen ammotype everytime you pick up ammo of any type)
At the same time, I don't want to make it so that you're over reliant on boltguns. That's already a big problem in DoomRLA unless you play with no class bonus, and it would likely happen here as well if they are to use bullets. One you assemble one, they can take care of basically anything and there's not much reason to fall back to other guns aside from very niche situations. I want the player to have to fall back to shotguns, rotor/chainguns, plasma guns, plasma pistols etc.
So yeah, basically I want to find the sweet spot between never running out of ammo because they're so powerful or running out in seconds and taking 3 levels to fill it up again. I want them to have a place against both chaff and harder enemies, but not so useful that you don't use anything else, so relative ammo scarcity seems like a good drawback.


>> No.10092259

Just make them use 2 boolets per shot to simulate "heavy rounds" and make ammo conservation 50% more important.

>> No.10092279
File: 58 KB, 540x680, 1680926781964916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably just a military flechete rifle and not a tool, but the thunderbolt looks like some kind of crazy experimental prototype. I kind of like the idea that Quake is a prequel to Doom and the thunderbolt is an early, unrefined version of the plasma rifle.

>> No.10092298
File: 16 KB, 800x600, 1625438253352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendations, if you have any particular highlights from RAMP2 that'd be appreciated.

>> No.10092307

Alright, I think he's more or less ready now.

I see you added a bolt-action. Haven't used it yet, but the sprites look dope.

>> No.10092320
File: 89 KB, 640x732, QUAKE Manual pdf 16of23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ammo pickups for the nailguns are called "flechettes" as well

>> No.10092332
File: 83 KB, 600x735, daily_picdump_3975_640_high_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Thunderbolt

>> No.10092340
File: 3 KB, 180x135, nine inch nails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>armor piercing darts
that's just a nail gun(actual name) to rivet metallic pre-built kit bases for fast colonization.

>> No.10092347


>> No.10092351


Where exactly is the slipspace complex? I always assumed it was on Earth, but I guess it could be on another planet or moon.

>> No.10092363
File: 78 KB, 640x732, QUAKE Manual pdf 15of23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoot at not point blank range
What those comments said. Maybe if the range for Quake's nailguns was shit for balls and not so perfect I could more accept it.
Id also really liked the grenade launcher.
>"The hell of it is we have no idea where he's from. Our top scientists think Quake's not from
Earth, but another dimension."
That's all it says about it on the first page.

>> No.10092364

Star Trek Voyager Elite Force was a good game.
No but, you can kill him in the mess hall. https://youtu.be/NmfGeCHOEJg

>> No.10092375

I like to imagine that Quake's Earth follows the same timeline as ours, except with schizophrenic technological advancements where the accepted way to build things is to shoot them.

>> No.10092381
File: 341 KB, 1862x1207, Manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the sky sky is blue so i guess so too
>What those comments said. Maybe if the range for Quake's nailguns was shit for balls and not so perfect I could more accept it.
i mean it's "the future" in a sci-fi brutalist civilization so while the range is bonkers maybe it's intentional to an extent.

what i mean is, ok the game doesn't have range limit to the gun but maybe it's just because it's funnier this way.
as for practical in-world reason to long range it would just be the need for more power to rivet very solid materials even at a distance(because fuck safety anyway).
we could imagine sci-fi tech behind those tool/guns.
they have slipgates...

>> No.10092382

In my Quake is a prequel theory the Slipspace complex is on Earth, but after the Quake event all teleportation research was deemed to dangerous to be done on Earth and it was all moved to Phobos and Deimos.

>> No.10092389

Wahhhhh I just want Quakespasm to have good netcode so I can play new good shit in over-the-internet co-op

>> No.10092393
File: 23 KB, 197x240, 1064226141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10092397

id will probably go for it in the soft reboot...

>> No.10092407

Most new stuff has dogshit co-op support anyway. You'll be lucky if you even get co-op spawnpoints instead of being treated to a telefrag-fest when you load a map.

>> No.10092414

>This Slipspace complex is FUCKED

>> No.10092416

>the shitgate complex is a shitrope

>> No.10092419

But telefrag fests are fun. Have you never played start in DM with lots of bots?

>> No.10092423
File: 973 KB, 3840x2160, G7YA2MpP3L3fWMK3zqX3H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only time I think space is specifically mentioned is in Dimension of the Machine, where Cthon was dug up on another planet by a group of soldiers who arrived in a sun-powered spaceship.

>> No.10092429

Mod where you always have a rum and coke in one hand and if you spill it you lose

>> No.10092434

I just regarded the nailguns similarly to boltguns.
The way I like to think about the Quake universe these days comes from the Warpspasm readme. Gross fun and evil stuff in there.
And that's a 25 year gap by entirely different people.

>> No.10092441
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Sounds like a wario ware mini game

>> No.10092452
File: 312 KB, 512x360, +_cdf4baa1ed0b1407a75f560f05ebb235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 year gap
Ranger confirmed as Dale Cooper, traveling to different dimensions and fighting monsters while trapped in the Black Lodge.

>> No.10092456


>> No.10092459

>telefrag-fest when you load a map
Just did a run with some guys over on /vm/ with 5 people, and that was one of the best parts of that. That, and the friendly fire being on.

>> No.10092471
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>> No.10092561
File: 18 KB, 500x375, 3c4d8c2baaf9f91e642b58dc235ebdb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game you like is going to come back in style

>> No.10092574

sounds like it should still use rockets as the ammo type but not one-to-one, like 5 rockets spent to reload a clip of 10 bolts or whatever
Asking for good ammo balance in DRLA is somewhat of a fool's errand when a marine or scout can kill mid tier demons in 10 bullets

>> No.10092665

QC made the original site a US Military installation on Earth IIRC.

>> No.10092848 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230723_233202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The merchant's inventory is duplicating whenever you finish a level.

>> No.10092906
File: 3.64 MB, 498x631, sendspace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download Sonic Robo Blast 2 v1.09.4 to play some old mods
>Majority of links are fucking dead and not saved under the Wayback Machine
>No push from the community for archival either
Any oldfags happen to have old levels/characters still saved somewhere?

>> No.10093048

I was thinking that. It eliminates the problem of overlapping ammo use with the regular automatic guns, so you can get some use out of those as well, but it doesn't necessarily take rocket launchers out of the equation either, since unlike the DemoAmmo assemblies these guns will largely be single-target, with very minor, very limited AoE.
Eventually I want to add a new plasma gun/cannon to fill the role of a rocket launcher as an alternative. Also still looking for way to replicate meltas, volkites and lasguns

>> No.10093049

fyi fore/v/er alone is going along, it's just that the head honcho is busy irl and almost decided not to do a map himself, but at the encouragement of participants it was decided to wait until he pumps out a map as well

>> No.10093108
File: 146 KB, 1088x896, scrap147_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok! take your time but no need to get overly ambitious. Any map is fine as long as it has a beginning, a climax and an end.

>> No.10093124
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Patch done.

There's also a version of Pirate Doom in there, the updated one for new GZDoom versions, with some actor and sprite name fixes for mod compatibility. Dunno if I needed them for Deathstrider, but I did for some others.

>> No.10093164

I think these are all just characters & Mystic Realm.

>> No.10093171

>Star Trek Voyager Elite Force was a good game.
Too bad the sequel was one step forward two steps back.

>> No.10093236


>> No.10093321
File: 479 KB, 1366x768, spasm0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the plot of the Dimension of the Machine anyway?
Is it humans fly in space in the "solar powered" ships, find some planets where some unknown "ancients" lived, humans build human structures in the old ruins, put hte runes in the electrified cages and try to dig up something HORRIBLE???
So, those "dimensions" and realms we've seen in Quake were just different planets? And the whole bestiary was not Lovecraftian demons, but the local fauna?
Why grunts and enforcers while being zombified still fight monsters sometimes (like Shambler near the end)?
Does this even make any sense?

>> No.10093327

>He didn't play on nightmare
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.10093336

>So, those "dimensions" and realms we've seen in Quake were just different planets? And the whole bestiary was not Lovecraftian demons, but the local fauna?
Yes. Always were.

>> No.10093338

Nah they can shove it up their asses.

>> No.10093351
File: 44 KB, 360x432, Petersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... Petersen... Lovecraft... Unspeakable horror... Why did they do this to the universe?

>> No.10093353

What do I do after I go through all of the official DooM WADs?
Should I go through the Cacowards?

>> No.10093362

Go through the /vr/ wads.

>> No.10093363

Lovecraftean themed monsters is only one branch of Quake's forces.

>> No.10093367

This DnD campaign sucks, Sandy, we haven't even got to fight the dragon!

>> No.10093416

I can't stand pistol starting vanilla doom1/2 maps and I'm not sure why. Maybe its because a lot of it just feels like uninspired ugly corridors and square rooms giving me some dzone vibes (although admittedly the vanilla maps are definitely still better than the usual dzone trash I've been going through recently). "The crusher" was the last drop for me after I fell in an inescapable toxic pit.

>> No.10093419

>He doesn't appreciate a good square room
A plague on your house.

>> No.10093424
File: 144 KB, 408x510, 1efddaae21174a253d165a6b90842905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, between Real Life™ and night work I don't have much free time, and my mapping isn't going as fast as I want. Just know that if I'm slowing down the wad too much, I'll just skip my map. The turnout was big enough that the wad won't crumble with one less map.
Also showing up late to SNS isn't productive, who'd thought.
I am willing to wait a bit for the Gob map however, the screens looked good to me. That and the things Anons keep making things like pillows on the titlepic, I like it.

>> No.10093454

>>This DnD campaign sucks, Sandy, we haven't even got to fight the dragon!
>”anon this is a Call of Cthulu module”

>> No.10093461

>"dragon, dagon, same shit"

>> No.10093484

What? It's not.
Doesn't matter, next session is my time to be a GM, so prepare for a time travel story with katanas.

>> No.10093513

I call dibs on the big one.

>> No.10093527

So DOTM took the entire atmosphere/point of quake, which it's sequels failed to honor, and said "fuck it, lets make this another run of the mill sci-fi story"? These nigguhs be braindead.

>> No.10093531


>> No.10093547

>What? It’s not
dunno what you expected when the creator of Call of Cthulu himself invited you
oh no the poor story of Quake

>> No.10093561
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Well, for me it wasn't that bad while I played it up until very end. Because due to my stupidity I thought all this hi-tech + ancient castles was something else and I was still wondering across Lovecraft dimensions. But at the end it became too obvious.

>> No.10093592
File: 118 KB, 640x1010, Opposing+turkey_382397_9539394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the planet in DotM is unrelated to the realms that you go to in Quake 1. My take was that Cthon was banished to that planet sometime after being defeated in Quake 1, and the human soldiers seemed to be a rogue group who were finding Cthons minions there and capturing then for some reason. They then screw up and unleash Cthon again by accident.

>> No.10093614

Yea, pick whatever interests you.
I can give you some suggestions of most popular megawads.
90s: Memento Mori 1 & 2, Requiem
00s: Scythe 1 & 2, Kama Sutra, Plutonia 2, Alien Vendetta
10s: Eviternity, Valiant, Ancient Aliens, Speed Of Doom (hard, consider hmp on first try), Going Down, Doom Zero, TNT Revilution, BTSX 1 & 2, Sunlust (don't start with this, it's very hard but when you are ready, it is worth it)

2048 units, HFFM and Ad Mortem are essential, but recommending all of our projects is just egoistical.

>> No.10093617
File: 612 KB, 1366x768, spasm0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake story has some style and atmosphere, you know.
It's a good take. But what about those ruins, runes and HORRIBLE underground stuff that, seems to be, sits there since long ago?

>> No.10093636

>>10093614 Great. I'm definitely gonna check them out once I'm done with the official stuff.

>> No.10093657

>Quake story has some style and atmosphere, you know.
Neither of which got hurt at all by DOTM

>> No.10093668

400 Minutes is worthwhile too, and the only reason I don't recommend 512 Lines is because it gets real tough.

>> No.10093685

>oh no the poor story of Quake
It's not about the canon, obviously who cares, it's about the environment/atmosphere of the game which the "story" (setting) informs. It's the unknown, the unspeakable, and the unsettling that make quake feel like quake (along with good movement). Sci-fi quake is like doom without fireblue. Or maybe that's your point - the real unspeakable horror is a doom techbase level where the demons never show up, it's just endless brown techbase and Barny whinging about his uniform.

>> No.10093714

Fuck that, someone comes here asking for recs, I'll definitely suggests works I'm proud of being part of, doesn't mean I won't suggest other people's stuff.

>> No.10093720

Quake “story” is this >>10092381
And then it’s demonic/eldrich horrors with zombies, knights, and chainsaw ogres. It’s pretty loose.
>Or maybe that's your point
Main point is just to relax and not be like >>10093527 and have a spaz attack.

>> No.10093726

I'd say 512 Lines is a unique case where the difficulty is so scattered, that you can actually be excused for skipping maps.
Come back to them later of course, but it's definitely more of a literal buffet than a course-based meal. Fucking food analogies, imagine being so fat you look at Doom and see food.

>> No.10093735

Plutonia 2 has so many dickish design choices like doors never simply being doors, even aside from the difficulty it's very alienating so I wouldn't consider it an essential pwad

>> No.10093746

Quake didn't get good until Scourge of Armagon shown id how to make good techbases in full 3D.
They were so impressed, we got a Quake 2.

>> No.10093765

ROTT Remaster delayed (on consoles, PC version comes out next week)

>> No.10093809
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>> No.10093851

That's the step forward.

>> No.10093865

Does anyone ever use secret helper dogs?

>> No.10093889
File: 712 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20230724_113541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no longer having fun with Eviternity. Fuck anybody who does this.

>> No.10093896
File: 50 KB, 500x708, 7d53216331dcdaf49f0af4114e0d89e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Cthons presence warped the space around him, and his old realm was taking over the new planet he was on. I also think that maybe the game takes place years after Cthon got there, and some of the inhabitants had built things like the pipework cathedral to worship him. Overall I love DotM, and the story is interesting but also vague enough for you to try to fill in the gaps with your own ideas.

>> No.10093902

condition zero

>> No.10093908

I liked new maps, tour of duty and deleted scenes.
They added new weapons and models to the regular CS though, making it unnecessary for MP.

>> No.10093917

>finding out Chthon is actually a Marvel comics creation
I was expecting some more fun backstory than this.

>> No.10094002
File: 527 KB, 1858x1057, Screenshot_Doom_20230724_140905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked and it's still 2 archies on HMP but the imp closets only have 2 each
there's more cells to pick up ahead of time here, like 100 plasma including the weapon, these 2, and the one outside the tele
in any case you will hate cyber barons way more than archviles if you play past map 15

>> No.10094035

Now do it for HMP and HNTR

>> No.10094041
File: 166 KB, 384x256, 1683185636310762.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider enemies are slow in Doom, or that Doomguy is just extremely fast?

>> No.10094046

Hmp, n00b

>> No.10094047

Well, I finished Map13 and going into Map14 I'm wondering how far I'm really gonna keep going with this. It's all this beautiful architecture and such but a lot of areas just seem randomly filled with enemies without much regard to design. Does this massive outdoor fortress area really need pain elementals just to annoy the player?

My fault for playing UV exclusively I guess.

>> No.10094050

I think, it's one of the best of 00s (after Scythes of course).

>> No.10094072
File: 452 KB, 1366x768, spasm0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, maybe let's analyze the game's messagess?
"The rune of the Machinists rends your mind with inscrutable patterns, blueprints of Chthon's design. Traveling beyond echoes of gears and chains, beyond the labyrinthine halls of the engine of pain, you awaken once again in The Machine."

"With the heat of the Rune of Blacksmiths in your hand, You leave the smoldering ruins of this cursed realm behind you. The doomed denizens remaining will be fighting over the scraps of this dying world for some time yet. You hope that by collecting all the arcane runes you may return home, and save yourself from a similar fate."

"As you make it out of the trap-filled and hellish underearth alive, you grab a firm hold of the Rune of the Stonemasons and bring it back to The Machine. You have conquered one of the most heavily guarded and monster-infested military fortifications of the entire dimension and you are now ready for any new challenge that Quake manages to throw your way!"

"From familiar halls and twisting geometry you have seen the world being turned on its head. Leaving this realm of foul worship behind, you feel the bloodlust run through you, like a tremor in your soul. Yet again being a cog in The Machine."

"Exalted warrior from The Machine, you succeeded where the expedition failed. They came from beyond the stars on a black ship powered by captured suns. They found the oldest planet, filled their ship with the inhabitants. You delivered them vengeance. They dug out the ground at the holy site, not knowing how close they came. You hold the Rune of Astrologers, return to The Machine."

"Congratulations and well done! Once again, you have defeated Chthon, the demon of fire and darkness, and the master of the underworld. You have shown great skill in taking down military death squads and hundreds of other ferocious monsters. You are more powerful than any threat Quake can manage to summon. You are the master now. We salute you."

>> No.10094091

HMP is not the easiest of the available difficulties on Doom 1 or Doom 2.

>> No.10094101

I did this in my wad. But there's also a Pain Elemental and a bunch of dead hitscanners for them to resurrect.

>> No.10094114
File: 485 KB, 1366x768, spasm0053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blueprints of Chthon's design
Is Chthon artificial? Someone built it on some planet.
>cursed realm
Like a dimension, right? And those monsters live there?
>military fortifications of the entire dimension
So it's dimension now?
>you succeeded where the expedition failed
Organized expedition?
>on a black ship powered by captured suns
Nuclear power
>They found the oldest planet
Now it's planet
>filled their ship with the inhabitants. You delivered them vengeance.
Humans bad, monsters good?
>They dug out the ground at the holy site, not knowing how close they came.
>You have shown great skill in taking down military death squads and hundreds of other ferocious monsters
Human "death squads"?

>> No.10094165
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>> No.10094173
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>> No.10094193

Any good wads come out lately (not gzdoom)?

>> No.10094212
File: 142 KB, 536x427, imagine being at doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a waste of my time and seemed funnier in my head

>> No.10094215

no no, this is great

>> No.10094230

This is VERY cool

>> No.10094250

Yeah, they are a nice start to get a good grasp of what the community considers good maps gameplay-wise at least, specially if you play them in chronological order so you can experience the changes and improvements in mapping philosophies along the almost 30 years of Doom.

Regarding that, I wonder if Bethesda has any surprises in store for the occasion. Same for Doomworld, I really liked what they did for the 10 and 25 years of Doom.

>> No.10094251


>> No.10094257

HNTR then.

>> No.10094258

Ultimate Doom in Name Only

>> No.10094286

Doomguy is very fast, some enemies are slow, but fact is that most just aren't anywhere close to as fast as the player.

The Pinky is somewhat fast, he hauls ass, but you're still faster and you can outrun him (he's a LOT faster on Nightmare though, absolutely terrifying). Lost Souls amble around aimlessly a bunch, but when they charge they have some zip to them, then you have the Cyberdemon, who's just plain huge, with long and strong legs, so he covers ground really fast just by scale.

Finally you have the Archie, who's a real sprint champion for being so skinny, which together with his tough health pool and evil magic tricks makes him such a mean foe. Doomguy can outpace him, but the wicked devil magic means he doesn't need to catch you, he just needs to keep a bead on you for long enough, so you need to hide from him instead, but his fast pace means he's quicker at finding you again.

>> No.10094289

>Is Chthon artificial?
Isn't it more like "Chthon created the blueprints" or my ESL is showing?
>Regarding that, I wonder if Bethesda has any surprises in store for the occasion.
Unrelated, but I was kind of counting on Nerve Software to roll out the re-release of Wolf3D for its 30th anniversary. Now it seems like we're getting Quake 2's re-release (most likely by Nightdive) during this year's Quakecon.
Although I think Bethesda released all the recent DOOM re-releases from Nerve a year AFTER 25th anniversary?

>> No.10094302

I’d say Ancient Aliens is the best modern classic overall so that’s a big recommendation from me if you want to get into doom. Otherwise just pick stuff from cacowards that looks interesting.

>> No.10094303

Are they even supposed to be the same planet? I only ever connected the two maps of each Realm.
I also find it really quite funny that Too Deep, Too Greedy and Mountains of More Madness have the same structure.

>> No.10094337

doom enemies are slow and dumb as a rock compared to serious sam and quake and Build games, you can see it in how challenging maps become disproportionately harder with monster revamping mods (why brutal doom is such a huge noob trap), that pack of 10 hell knights was balanced around their default AI aimlessly zigzagging around and maybe throwing a fireball every 3 seconds
probably more noticable by how Doom doesn't change enemy speed over difficulties like all of its later contemporaries so mappers make up for it in other ways

>> No.10094353

>Isn't it more like "Chthon created the blueprints" or my ESL is showing?
No, you're correct, that's what it's supposed to mean.

>> No.10094362
File: 516 KB, 1366x768, spasm0050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't it more like "Chthon created the blueprints"
I honestly have no idea. My England is bad. So it is Chthon made some stuff using blueprints?
Maybe they meant the first episodes are "dimensions", but the last episode is that "old planet"?

Pic related: evil enforcers killing poor defenceless Shambler.

>> No.10094383
File: 310 KB, 2820x2322, all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thank you.

>> No.10094398

Too many zombiemen. What were you guys thinking

>> No.10094401

>Isn’t it more like "Chthon created the blueprints" or my ESL is showing?
It can go both ways but “Of His Design” signs more edgy and Lovecrafty so that.

>> No.10094424
File: 369 KB, 693x1024, 1617505602708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fore/vr/ alone, I released a new version of my Chiaki map:
The changes are minor. The exit is now clearly marked. Thank you for the advice, >>10080118.

>> No.10094436

>maps 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, have no balancing
>some maps are only balanced for two difficulties

>> No.10094627

I feel the lazy way to balance for easy is to just remove another 33% of enemies, but I feel that isn't really what a easy or chill player wants, I think a player that doesn't want to be stressed still wants to kill a lot of monsters but not really have to worry about ammo and hp as much, maybe they want a bfg and plasma much earlier than usual.

>> No.10094692

Which mods/wads work on prboom/ don't use zdoom? I can get Baculus and Interception to work, but those are it.

>> No.10094723

What? Boom has no gameplay mods. It can play boom compatible wads = map packs, episodes etc. Also prBoom is outdated. Use nugget, dsda or woof instead.

>> No.10094740

>map 12
Yeah, and I can't work on it for the foreseeable future.

>> No.10094745

Can I make a map if I missed out?

>> No.10094749

I couldn't have asked for better /b/lackup fampai

>> No.10094764
File: 906 KB, 1280x720, domatime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caught up on older stuff like Warpspasm and Something Wicked
>overcame my DOPA ammo issues
>totally forgot about this
I'll chip away at fixing that. I got through the first episode in 21.

>> No.10094779

If you have time to browse this place you have time to map

>> No.10094784
File: 163 KB, 462x488, 455405e37546fb4f557ead1c13bd4848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to say no. I want to get the wad out preferably before the summer ends (ffs), and reluctantly said yes to the Samus map (which didn't happen) because anon seemed motivated and had a layout ready. I don't want to add maps to the beta that weren't made or planned before the deadline.

>> No.10094789
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>> No.10094802

In Map07 and MAP31 the difference between HMP and UV is the health, armor, weapons, and ammo.

>> No.10094859

I'll try this week. No promises, I have other issues that might prevent that.

>> No.10094871

The Kexport does this by the way, change how they work on Nightmare along with everyone else. I'm reminded of that in playing this new episode.

>> No.10094904

Posting from hospice as I'm taking care of my mum is helping me help her in the last days of her life. Can't exactly map well on Android either.

>> No.10094905
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m1_2023-07-24_16-50-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I don't really like about Mjolnir, or most Quake maps: Using ogres that aren't marksmen. This isn't dangerous, it's just boring.

>> No.10094914

thats really cool. what utility did you use to make this?

>> No.10094919
File: 15 KB, 649x438, 1687293656024242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought not. Figured I'd throw the question out there anyway.

>> No.10094920

Not that anon, my pops had a heart attack and that's why I'm behind on my maps anon. Getting old sucks.

>> No.10094928
File: 3.74 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m1_2023-07-24_17-03-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undeniably beautiful nonetheless. It's a side of Quake I love, the castles and whatnot. It's like the antithesis to all the grime and rust of Dimension of the Machine, which I also love. I just love Quake dudes.

>> No.10094946

Looks like worse RTCW tee bee eitch

>> No.10094959
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m1_2023-07-16_09-18-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terribad opinion to be quite desu. Plus I'm not fighting knights and beasties in RTCW.

>> No.10094969
File: 2.30 MB, 1920x1080, 42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mjolnir has a nice tone in general. The music helps a lot with that tone.
To be fair there are some undead knights in it, though I'm with you on the weird opinion.

>> No.10094983

Wake me up when Ironwail fixes the model crash on mj4m4.

>> No.10095064
File: 491 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20230724_003438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely enjoy the Raptor. Any hope for a sight/crosshair upgrade and perhaps a .50 BMG rechambering for more late game usability? Either way I'm gonna use this thing for much longer than is practical.

>> No.10095167
File: 33 KB, 400x600, 1689995891656869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a matter of time, but resources. I'm limited to phone-posting for the foreseeable future. No clue when I'll be able to afford rent, let alone a new computer.
Also I probably lost my entire FF Doom xpac because I accidentally no backup. lol lmao
Also also, I'm on a new phone in a new town, so I lost access to my Google and Discord accounts. That part only matters to one or two people, but if they're reading this, that's why I haven't been online in like 2 weeks.

>> No.10095271

.50 cal conversion, yes. Crosshair, likely not. Even moreso with the former. It needs to have some mildly annoying drawback (that isn't jamming).

>> No.10095301

Finally finished episode 2 of UDINO (except map 4 because it's currently broken) and it's certainly more enjoyable than episode 1 although it does have some low points like maps 6 and 9.

>> No.10095306

Finally assed myself to connect my old HD with my old Doom folder. thewadarchive went down and they had a version of PB3.0 I wanted, and here it is for conservation purposes since as of now it's absolutely buried under gigabytes and gigabytes of unorganized data on archive.org
I'm very partial to this version since it's a year before they went into nu3.0 with all the fancy smooth animations and fancy menus; it still feels very Doom if that makes sense, whereas nu3.0 feels like a very fancy reimagining of Doom (that's still very fun!)

There's also some old shit in here I totally forgot about like how someone made a Doom64ifier that replaces Doom 2 textures and visuals with D64 textures and visuals at runtime. Some shit called Cyber's Monster Randomizer, Aeons of Death, tons of shit I totally forgot about. Never get around to all of it in my lifetime. There's also this Colorful Hell + Zdoomwars setup,
Anon posted on yeeears ago, a really neat setup involving using demon minions to fight other demons. I only fucked with it once since I prefer guns to demon flesh, but it was really intricately thought out. I do not remember the load order unfortunately.

>> No.10095358
File: 775 KB, 1245x525, feelings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dwell - (duel with duat) -track102.ogg

>> No.10095382

That's fair.

>> No.10095550
File: 52 KB, 600x676, BitterThink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, okay. Good. Thanks.
>So it is Chthon made some stuff using blueprints?
What I meant is that to me it reads as "Chthon is the one who created those blueprints". As a fiery Elder God with connection to earth, it kind of makes sense for him to be some kind of eldritch engineer/blacksmith/etc.
>but “Of His Design” signs more edgy and Lovecrafty
That's true.

>> No.10095556 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 770x297, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bored as fuck at work
>hey I wonder what leddit has on /doom/, I don't think I've ever been there
is every normie gay nowadays or what

>> No.10095591

does intergalactic xenology (the full 'trilogy') get harder over time? I'm on map 04 and it's a complete steamroll so far, and while the maps look cool and have good design the lack of any challenge is annoying

>> No.10095637 [DELETED] 

i left this subleddit when it was 98% doom eternal memes, most of which were animal crossing crossovers.
left leddit altogether a while ago too...

>> No.10095640 [DELETED] 

I know this is offtopic and feel free to delete this janny, but I do think it's bothersome how few places there are to escape these things the more niche the video game becomes. How hard is it not to give a fuck about pride when the subject should just be Doom? It's bizarre.

>> No.10095671

Literally me with most Quake maps.

>> No.10095746

neat, didn't know there were so many differences when it came to gun SFX between Unreal and Unreal Gold

>> No.10095754

yeah the unofficial patch install asks you if you want the old weapon sounds or the new ones during install

>> No.10095779

227 also comes with a mutator that lets you use the old sounds when you start a game.

>> No.10095783

yeah i probably got it mixed up with that;
i need to return to Na Pali one of these days it's been a while

>> No.10095862

Plenty of cover my dude.

>> No.10095896

Is there a way to display framerate in nugget?

>> No.10095898

It's not that unfair. You just need to kill one of them quickly.

>> No.10095903

lol wut there's two giant pieces of color there and you have all that ammo.

>> No.10095910


>> No.10095949

The archviles in that fight aren't very impactful since they can't see you while standing right next to their pillars. You can hide behind them and spam bfg for most of the fight. The place 6 archvlies and arachnotrons teleporting in was much worse.
Cheat code: idrate

>> No.10095950
File: 10 KB, 384x64, icons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Python script I wrote a while back
Icons are from DoomRL

>> No.10095960

is a secret and there's hardly enough ammo for that

>> No.10095961


>> No.10095980

Yup. I played both but I definitely enjoyed the original more. I also seem to remember some team deathmatch assimilation mode.
Playing deathmatch in 2 and seeing her on my screen made me embarrassed

>> No.10096002
File: 62 KB, 220x165, panicking-chika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Page 10

>> No.10096032


>> No.10096036

Is that actually an ironwail issue or is mjolnir doing something weird?

>> No.10096076

Mjolnir devs claim it's a model in the map that's too big, so it overflows an internal buffer and crashes the engine. VkQ doesn't have the issue because its limits are set absurdly high.