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File: 409 KB, 1280x844, tyad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10084086 No.10084086 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Ty not become iconic?

>> No.10084105

>Sonic's Law: any game that shit-talks the big-boy mascots will never be better than 6/10

>> No.10084126

Ty was much better than Spyro, Crash and Sonic in this era though.

>> No.10084132

Ty is iconic.

>> No.10084230

platformers ruled in the 90s, but after the year 2001 they quickly got overshadowed by GTA and Halo. Sly, Maximo, Kameo, Vexx etc. all tried and failed to get traction. Crash and Spyro quickly went to shit. Jak went to copying GTA hard. The only new series that survived was Ratchet. Ty had no chance.

>> No.10084261

I don't really understand why, the 90s was more edgy and yet cute cartoon games seemed to flourish, in the 00s things like Teen Titans was popular, emo kids came along and loved cute shit, every emo kid I knew either had some weird love affair for Toad or Yoshi

>> No.10084296

People never stopped loving Sonic and Nintendo stuff. They were just sick of the rest due to massive oversaturation of those kind of games during the PS1/N64/Saturn days, with the vast majority of them being liquid dog shit. It was all old hat by the early 00s and games like Metal Gear Solid 2 and GTA 3 were delivering experiences that previous consoles were simply incapable of, rather than just another Spyro game with more polygons.

>> No.10084298

let's say he was on par.
Sly sold well, and Maximo still got two games, pity cuz i would've like a third one.

>> No.10084348

I think PS1/PS2 era marked a shift from kiddy games to more mature games. back in the 80s and 90s, consoles were still seen largely as toys. not surprisingly, you had mascots that looked like they came straight from saturday morning cartoons or cereal boxes.
PS1 showed there was a big market for more mature games, though platformers were still big and got a good boost from going 3D. Crash and Spyro still sold very well, they were easily top 10–top 20 games on PS1, and even Croc managed to sell millions of copies.
but then came true landmarks—GTA and Halo—that became the biggest sellers of 6th gen and shoved the publishers where the money was at. "kiddy" games quickly became uncool. X360 went on to further prove that there was huge money in dudebro games like shooters. and vice versa, X360 era marked probably the lowest point in platformer history.
and also, like >>10084296 said, people probably got tired of platformers. I mean, they were everywhere for well over a decade.
>Sly sold well
only Sly 1 managed to sell 1 mln copies, that's only #161 best-selling game in PS2 catalog. not surprisingly, it's a 2002 game. by 2003 or so the genre was dying fast.

>> No.10084369

moveoverbros… we got too cocky

>> No.10084392

why did he throw boomerangs at fellow heroes, fucking dickhead

>> No.10084404
File: 1.09 MB, 3237x2200, 1689760680862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over

>> No.10084406
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>> No.10084408
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>"I can't believe this is happening, we called the most popular mascot a dirty Japanese jigaboo and now the amerifat golems hate us"
A tale as old as your moms box

>> No.10084409
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>> No.10084423
File: 631 KB, 1500x1500, 1646865384405-sonic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American game
>game surprisingly similar to Mario but like it was coded by 2 uni students who were paid in Cheetos
>end credits show the main character decapitating and shitting on Mario

>> No.10084425

I couldn’t remember this game for the longest time until I was like 28 and I saw a let’s play on YouTube. I thought it was a weird fever dream. My only memory of it was playing it on the hospital games cart while I was hospitalized. My skull had been literally split open. So my memory from then back is basically gone. But this stuck out to me for some reason. I also morphed it with Rhapsody, so finding Rhapsody was a nice surprise too.

>> No.10084430

same as Tak, rachet, jak, vexx, kao and other 6th gen mascot. They are not that iconic.

>> No.10084446
File: 6 KB, 320x200, oscar_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oscar is iconic

>> No.10084456
File: 53 KB, 750x932, 1673288848388857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a hideous character
>Casual Arts, formerly known as Flair Software, is a British video game developer
Of course

>> No.10084479

None of those are mascots

>> No.10085227

Ah sweet! a scrimblo thread.

>> No.10085237

>Scrimblo games after the year 2000
Never had a chance.

>> No.10087348

work on concealing your samefagging, auster