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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 77 KB, 540x748, peter-jacksons-king-kong-ps2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10079523 No.10079523 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better licensed movie game.

>> No.10079525


>> No.10079527
File: 99 KB, 270x369, 8745615641562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love King Kong, but I'd rather play Batsy.

>> No.10079579


>> No.10079593

People really worship this game for some reason. I still don't get it. Shitty story, shitty shooting, and shitty monster sections. What's the point? The Warriors, Gremlins 2, and Aladdin are just three examples of games that are worth playing instead of this horrible piece of shit. Even the movie sucks cock, just like you OP.

>> No.10079596

Nah it's Kino, Aladdin is sand monkey trash.

>> No.10079601

it's not kino, it's overlong by like an hour wtf

>> No.10079605

I remember that GBA version was nice. Haven't played PS2 one

>> No.10079632

>I must either LOVE or HATE everything, there is no inbetween

>> No.10079642

>it's okay I got enough magazines
>two magazines on backup

You wouldn't know kino if it bit you

>> No.10079645

>m-my precious movie game was rightfully criticized111!
The game is shit. You clearly haven't played it because you're not even defending it, nignog.

>> No.10079648
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>> No.10079661

The game is fine, the movie is mediocre, stop being a hyperbolic retard

>> No.10079664

So what IS special about this game? I never played it.

>> No.10079669

it's the sequel to congo: the movie the game on seger saturn, aka the original floiglike

>> No.10079689

The Warriors
Mad Max (not retro but still)

>> No.10079705

it's literally kino

>> No.10080068

>Name a better licensed m-

>> No.10080071

Alien Trilogy

>> No.10080075
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>> No.10080090

Batman, on the Game Boy. Decent platformer and shooter.

>why study for a Bachelor's degree when you're already an expert at being lonely?

>> No.10080093


>> No.10080106

RoboCop (arc).

>> No.10080157
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>> No.10080286


>> No.10080293
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The GOAT soundtrack

>> No.10080320
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Far better than it had right to be.

>> No.10080325

xwing vs tie fighter

there are a million better games with a movie license

>> No.10080329

Arcade version is better

>> No.10080331
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>> No.10080350

sorry, my bad, then alien ressurrection on psx.

>> No.10080390
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>six hours and still no mention of pic related

>> No.10080395

Arcade version is just a shinobi ripoff.
NES version built a full zelda RPG and the best action adventure and rpg on the console at the time of release (came out a year before crystalis or final fantasy).

>> No.10080396

so the secret to it being soulful is being kino?

>> No.10080781

Never played it but I'm fairly confident there isn't a licensed movie game out there as good as Spider-man 2.

>> No.10081286
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Alien Resurrection

>> No.10081292
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>> No.10082307

Disney Aladdin is also one of the best movie games of all time, both versions of it.

>> No.10082363

the nic cage ghost rider dmc clone

>> No.10082412

oh yeah that exists.
but isn't it just a ghost rider game, ie based on the comic?

>> No.10082420

it was based on the movie since the kinda showed peter fonda in it which is funny cuz johnny wasnt nic cage kek

>> No.10082437

oh wow

>> No.10082439

It's zoomer nostalgia

>> No.10082605

revenge of the sith

>> No.10082653
File: 225 KB, 485x690, D0ADC325-BC2D-4D3D-97EE-C02C6478E8C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great NES game, ambitious and genre bending

>> No.10082659

LEGO Batman

>> No.10083154

Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom

>> No.10083897

nice shader bro

>> No.10083932
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>tiny scanlines that don't make any sense
>filtered textures in a PS1 games

>> No.10083942

Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue

>> No.10083971

>Shitty story
It's a bit plain but still better than kojima slop.
>shitty shooting
The shooting was fucking amazing, what the fuck are you smoking? The guns look and sound great, and the enemies react to your gunfires. The fire mechanics were amazing for a 6th gen game. Also having no HUD whatsoever was immersive as fuck.
>shitty monster sections
Playing as king kong was dumb fun, and it looked amazing, so close to the movie kong. They did a great job with the animations and physics, hitting things and climbing walls felt so satisfying. It's no god of war or devil may cry, but still better than most beat em up games.
>The Warriors
It's a legit amazing game, but poor adaptation of the movie. The atmosphere was ruined.
>Gremlins 2
GBA King Kong is better.
It's trash. Looks nice though.

>> No.10083976

It's also one of the best looking games on the NES.

>> No.10083982

Immersive cinematic survival FPS. Metro 2033 and The Last of Us ripped off its gameplay, that's how good it is.

>> No.10083990
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>> No.10084008

As much as I love Metro, its forte is in its story.

>> No.10084076

Blazing Lazers (Gunhed)

it's an aleste game with a shitty movie license slapped onto it

>> No.10084630

>movie slop shovelware games

>> No.10084634


>> No.10084779

>I have enough magazines
No you don't, you lying faggot. You always need more ammo.

>> No.10084802
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Its excellent but there are a LOT of great licensed movie games on the PS2. Star Wars Battle Front 1 and Star wars Battle front 2 for a Start.


You've never played it and are just trolling. I wish anons like you would not ruin this board with your spiteful worthless game hating posts. There are a ton of great movie games on teh PS2. It had a DVD and loads of directors got involved in making the games in that era. Kong is very good. Great soundtrack, story, pace, presentation graphics and soundtrack.

>> No.10084870

silent hill

>> No.10084879

it's obvious I was talking about the movie, you half-wit

>> No.10084881
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>> No.10084927
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Soul incarnate. Unmathed atmosphere.

>> No.10084934

Is this /TV/ now?
People like that are very frustrating. I wish they’d just leave the board. They aren’t even clever trolls just rude. There’s one in particular I’m convinced is the same dude that shitposts in a bunch of threads at once whining about the same thing. It’s a similar writing style between the posts and it’s always about the same few topics. Anyways there’s tons of good VR movie games out there. I think The Warriors is one of my favorites

>> No.10084950
File: 25 KB, 258x387, The_Chronicles_of_Narnia-_The_Lion,_the_Witch_and_the_Wardrobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie is actually not bad at all. Jackson was obsessed with King Kong and it shows, Its quality carries over that you have jack black doing the voice for his part and the big budget sound track etc. Loads of nice pieces like the wall at night with the fire and landing on the island, the brontosaurus herd, the T-Rexs, Kongs battles. Its a great game but the movie is good too, at least its far better than anything modern Hollywood has put. Same with the Narnia films. The fact is a LOT of what was made 20 years ago was better than what is made now both movies and games Speaking of which Narnia The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe game! My neices and nephews used be glued to this

>> No.10084952

I vaguely remember this getting decent reviews?
I'm probably wrong idk

>> No.10084956

nope nvm I was wrong

>> No.10084972
File: 156 KB, 496x700, the-thing-playstation-2-5807148f1f871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways there’s tons of good VR movie games out there. I think The Warriors is one of my favorites
What drew movie games to the PS2 was the DVD player, it was sold where DVDs were sold. PS2 games were sold where DVDs were sold. Loads of directors were taking an interest in the game of the film as well so you get a lot where the movies director was involved. Most of them are very very good better than much that is made today (endless soulless franchises that never die or straight up remakes)
I have not got to play the warriors yet but I love 70s shlock like that speaking of which have to tried the Thing yet?


>> No.10084981

i dont know about the reviews, but the game was my first horror game and it scared the shit out me as a little kid. Great Music too, straight from the movie. They dont make games like this anymore...

>> No.10085007

The movie had great production value, but the execution sucked. It was a generic overly melodramatic hollywood slop. It's a 3 hour 21 minute movie with way too much fillers, it's like peter jackson tried to make fucking titanic with a monkey. The 1976 Kong was a much better adaptation, although it's hindered by the technological limitations of the 70s it had the better script, better pacing, and a king kong that actually resembles and behaves like the original 1933 kong.

>> No.10085015

>no you DONT understand you troll meanie. Seeing king kong slide on ice like a fucking retard after almost 3 hours was pure ART!

>> No.10085198

Goldeneye, you turd

>> No.10085232

That scene was cringekino.

>> No.10085394
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Goldeneye is not better than it. Its just the best FPS for the N64 but the N64 did not really matter much (at all?) compared to the PS2 or PS1 libraries which were HUGE. Goldeneye does not stand up against star wars battlefront 1/2 at all. Not surprising really as they were made much later. I've never really understood the goldeneye fandom either. There were more and better FPS games earlier on the PC and PlayStation for example Dark Forces another movie game and a great one released nearly TWO YEARS BEFORE goldeneye. I think a lot fo the people who bring up N64 titles on thios board lack objectivity and knowledge of old games and maybe were not alive when these games came out and don't; have any knowledge of them and are more part of a 'fandom' cult maybe.


>> No.10085404
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Dune 2000 absolute classic. There were actually a lot of good RTS ports on the PS1

>> No.10085416

AI balancing is completely fucked in this game.

>> No.10085442

>>no you DONT understand you troll meanie. Seeing king kong slide on ice like a fucking retard after almost 3 hours was pure ART!
Why are all your posts cancer? Your posts in every thread just seem like pointless spite and every single time its obvious you juts quickly googled some angle to spew about and that you have never played the games, I don't think you have seen the movie. I guess you are just what happens to someone who watches too many sneering youtube reviews and forgets how to enjoy anything
I'm the anon you were replying to. I prefer the 1976 version as well just because of Jessica Lange but I enjoy the jackson one too and its certainly not a bad movie. Like I said the soundtrack and voice acting carries into the game from what was a labour of love by Jackson I stand by what I said, Its far better than anything coming out of Hollywood in the last five or more years
Everything is cringe to you. (you) are cringe to you
The only turd here is you anon and you float up in every thread. Most movie licence titles never got released on the N64 simply because it was a slower processor and gpu compared to the PS2 and almost irrelevant in terms of numbers sold. That's why there were almost 4000 more games released for the PS2 compared to the N64 and that really matters when it comes to licenced games because the profit has to cover the licence and that just did not justify N64 ports of releases. There are a LOT of good movie tie ins for the PS2 as well. Maybe you should broaden your horizons and enjoy them instead of sitting in a dark sad corner with an N64 and a small library squeaking at anyone who does enjoy them

>> No.10085443

>AI balancing is completely fucked in this game.
Another game you have never played hey?

>> No.10085449

I don’t even give a shit about batman but this is a fantastic game

>> No.10085462

I played the Atreides and Harkonnen campaigns on the PC version to completion. Later levels are downright untested with how many more funds the AI gets from harvesting spice and sand worms only tageting the player's units. Not to mention the fucking Deviators. Dune 2 and C&C 95 were simply better.
Also get your shit together, zoomie. Dune 2000 was based on the book, not the movie.

>> No.10085478

That's not the PC version that's the PS1 version
>Another game you have never played hey?
(You) there yet? By the way, Command and Conquer, Command and Conquer red alert ,command and conquer retaliation and command and conquer red alert the aftermath were all on PS1 as well. I'll bet you never played one of them either. Imagine thing you are le special for having played C&C and dune 2 on a PC. You never even mentioned the original Dune which ran in DOS. Also, your ability to detect generations on the internet is broken.

>> No.10085495

So fucking what, retard? You gonna cower behind the faux-argument that you were talking about a port? If you actually had played the original PC version you'd know what I'm talking about, rather than bad console ports no one remembers.
>You never even mentioned the original Dune which ran in DOS
So? It's not part of the argument. It plays wildly different to C&C and its derivates as well.

>> No.10085505

You're just some fatherless cunt ranting at a screen. Go pop your medication kid, I'm not your legal guardian.
>rather than bad console ports no one remembers.
You never played them. You have no fucking clue. You just said so. Pack up your strange runty seethe posting and fuck off and try and find your real daddy.

>> No.10085727

LOTR>>>Chronicles of Narnia

>> No.10085729
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>> No.10085746
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Remember when EA decided to remake Final Fantasy X with a Lord of the Rings skin? I wanna know how much coke the executive who greenlit this had consumed that day.

>> No.10085752

>Goes on a deranged tangent about father figures out of nowhere over his mediocre game
HFCS swilling monkey.

>> No.10085753

rent free

>> No.10085782
File: 25 KB, 314x316, Tarzan_PlayStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favourite childhood game, though i had the PC version. soul...

>> No.10085791
File: 129 KB, 256x256, 102_Dalmatians_-_Puppies_to_the_Rescue_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great game... replayed it recently and its longer than i remember...

>> No.10085797
File: 63 KB, 460x215, Chadcules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one, goes hand in hand with that Tarzan game... like soulfull twins....

>> No.10085853

when I was a kid everyone I knew had the ripped version of these without cutscenes on their PC
also I remember Hercules not even having the last level included most of the time
the game would just end as soon as you end the level where you ride the Pegasus

>> No.10086395

Its pretty gud though

>> No.10086408
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They only speak console here anon. The Two towers was another good PS2 LOTR game, its got the movies soundtrack and feel and its a good hack and slash

>> No.10086416
File: 115 KB, 256x250, Die_Hard_Trilogy_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another PS1 classic movie tie in.

>> No.10086947

I ordered a Famiclone from Aliexpress and saw that the NES Batman was included on the multicart that came with the console. The game is shockingly good and feels fair, which is funny since I'm personally a fucking heretic who dislikes platforming games.

>> No.10086949

The GBA version was surprisingly good as well.

>> No.10086953

>I have not got to play the warriors yet but I love 70s shlock like that speaking of which have to tried the Thing yet?
The Thing is really good, but be prepared for the game to actively try to fuck you over every second that you play it.

>> No.10087625
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Giving this a play soon

>> No.10087634
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If you want a good batman game try this
Really very good.

>> No.10087660

I still bust out the Scarface game every few years

>> No.10088330
File: 26 KB, 600x600, 415NPxvC1vL._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not know this exists as well, another great game

>> No.10088367
File: 167 KB, 1123x800, 4197289-mission-impossible-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides just being nostalgic to me, it's a pretty unique licensed movie game for the time, and I enjoy how they approached the stealth levels. The soundtrack is pretty good, too.

>> No.10088383
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 51xvtR5BmUL._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The return of the king was great too...again like kong and the two towers had all Jacksons music and voice actors but it is a top quality hack and slash


Its amazing how well these movie tie in games on the Ps2 actually hold up today.

>> No.10089331


I love Dark Forces, and the rest of the series, but Goldeneye was unobjectively an absolute game changer for console based FPSs being marketable, and like Dark Forces is a stone cold classic, but in a very different way. Goldeneye was the game you brought to get friends to come to your house in the late 90s, like Streetfighter was before it.

Also - yes, anything Star Wars is technically licensed, but the universe is so expansive and it is so regularly gamified it feels a bit of a cheat to include it here. You'd need to include:

Tie Fighter
X Wing Alliance
DFII: Jedi Knight
Jedi Outcast and Academy
Rogue Squadron
Rogue Leader
Shadows of the Empire
The Star Wars platformers (one for each movie, and Super versions for the SNES)
The 1983 arcade game - widely renowned as a classic
Republic Commando
Force Unleashed
Epsiode I Racer
Early Lego Star Wars

And (depending on taste) more (I don't think Rebel Alliance is making anyone's list...)

>> No.10090024
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We used to give it shit for not being Goldeneye quality at the time, but it was certainly ambitious. I used to love messing about in the embassy level.

>> No.10090029
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that was easy.

>> No.10090093

Goldeneye 007 and Spider-Man 2

>> No.10090116

This game will break your mouse. It's a great game, but the QTE executions got really, really stale.

>> No.10090414
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>> No.10091952
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Yes, all those star wars titles should be included (more so because they ere actual lucas arts) especially teh original arcade cabiner they should be included same with e.g. the Indiana jones lego games, batman games, even harry potter etc There are a large number of excellent and pivotal games in the movie tie in section X-Wing for sure.
Pic related worth a mention just because it contains over an hour of footage with the matrix actors under the same directors. Its not a bad game either

>> No.10092764

Playing as anakin and slaughtering the younglings at the jedi temple was the absolute peak of all stars wars single player experiences and has not been surpassed since.

>> No.10094781

and im tired that it's not

>> No.10094806

These. The best licensed games were the ones not directly tied to a movie or show. Could tell devs gave a shit about the source material on these two.

>> No.10095827

good choice

>> No.10095886

>Playing as anakin and slaughtering the younglings at the jedi temple was the absolute peak of all stars wars single player experiences and has not been surpassed since.


>> No.10096087
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>> No.10096209
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honestly does not look even remotely as good as King Kong on the PS2 anon

>> No.10096319

my choise also. when i used to have my ps2 i replayed it from time to time just to kick some ass in slow mo. The only game that captured the slow mo action so well imo next to max payne that got inspired by the same movie and that says a lot about this game! good memories

>> No.10096339


>> No.10096345

not what?

>> No.10096351

The later PS1 port really improved it a ton. Much more enjoyable on there.

>> No.10096938

> Try to stand still in the T-Rex section because his vision is 'based on movement'
> It doesn't work