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10072874 No.10072874 [Reply] [Original]

>Guy who writes slogans for ads walks into Nintendo's HQ
>"Hey, I've played Dragon Quest once. Can you give me money and developers to make a game?"

Is it really that easy in Japan?

>> No.10072989

>Is it really that easy in Japan?

No. As I understand it they kicked his ass to the curb the first time. He went home and cried.

But he was also a well-known author and something of a media darling in the entertainment industry and so was able to get his foot in the door a second time.

>> No.10073067

The other anon isn't joking, Miyamoto told him no and he literally cried because he felt powerless.

>> No.10073084

>Miyamoto told him no and he literally cried because he felt powerless.
Still, I imagine it was hard to get support for a Nintendo game that was about abortion.

>> No.10073560

he cried because he thought he put a lot of effort into the pitch only for shiggy to bitch about how story-focused it came off

>> No.10073617

And thanks to him everybody has that one friend who would talk nonstop about how great Earthboind is despite never having played it.

>> No.10074150
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>And thanks to him everybody has that one friend who would talk nonstop about how great Earthboind is despite never having played it.
im convinced these people dont actually exist, but for whatever reason people absolutely love forcing this meme

>> No.10074196

people really really like thinking that things that dominated the internet in the 00's were mainstream rather than niche counterculture due the outsized social capital that the early internet afforded.

as a consequence of thinking that niche things are mainstream, they think that the correct response is to be opposite of that (so the cool thing to do is get filtered by earthbound)

>> No.10074339

It's real, but I don't know if it exists anymore. Earthbound is old news at this point. I think Undertale is probably old news at this point, quite frankly. It was mostly children who have probably grown up

>> No.10074356

more like
>thing is genuinely niche
>thing gains a reputation as a "hidden gem"/"cult classic"
>reputation grows to the point where all but the most hardcore normalfags know about it
>people get tired of the constant praise/upset that their favorite stuff isn't praised instead/just get a contrarian impulse and start shitting on it now that it's popular
Also you have to be a certain type of person to get into earthbound. A lot of people will see it either as an amazing unique experience or a boring slog depending on how well they get along with the game's style. And since earthbound and things inspired by it (eg undertale) gained an audience in a lot of demographics that aren't favored on here (zoomers, teenage girls, leftists) it got a bad reputation.

>> No.10074363

I had a friend in high school who was exactly like this. He was a cool guy but he praised Earthbound constantly.

>> No.10074392

I feel like Miyamoto is responsible for the vast majority of poor decisions Nintendo makes. Like he made some good games but he's extremely closed minded

>> No.10074572

This thread is about MOTHER not EarthBound.

>> No.10074760

Which is known as EarthBound outside of Japan.

>> No.10075761

I’d be happy just to have one friend

>> No.10075764

>I had a friend in high school
No you didn’t

>> No.10076079
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>be me
>have church lock-in
>bring SNES
>another kid brings a few games
>Earthbound is one
>try it out after everyone else fell asleep
>played until dawn
>get the big-ass box at Toys R Us a few weeks later
>Love the game
>Beat it a couple times
>Sold my mint copy for like $700 on ebay in under 30 minutes

It's a great game, but I it's an acquired taste/

>> No.10076117 [DELETED] 

>Nintendo game that was about abortion.
Peak Nintendo. Makes a change from paedophilia I suppose.

>> No.10076119

>I had a friend in high school

>> No.10076123 [DELETED] 

Uhh...dont play the sequel

>> No.10076125 [DELETED] 
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>demographics that aren't favored on here (zoomers, teenage girls, leftists)
This is literally nintendos western demographic though. That's why this subreddit is such an anomaly but its good to have a space for us older chaps who like link (wink). Pic related is really how Nintendo enthusiasts are thought of by others and we are all really cool people and can have friends even girlfriends or boyfriends too, we are not excluded from that just because we love Nintendo! I don't even have a red mario hat although you know what? Fuck it I'm getting one now. What's the most collectable Mario hat for occasional wear?

>> No.10076151

>>have church lock-in
Lindblom worked with the Japanese artists and programmers to remove references to religion, and alcohol from the American release, the red crosses on hospitals, and crosses on tombstones.

>> No.10076210
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>church lock-in

>> No.10076321


That sounds like a pretty sensible reason to turn the pitch down.

>> No.10076334

>gives 15-minuted spiel about the games story and setting and the themes and the characters
>"yeah that all sounds fine, and what about the gameplay?"
>"uh it's basically just Dragon Quest"
It's easy to imagine that not going over well with Miyamoto in particular.

>> No.10076579

it totally was and miyamoto was entirely right. mother is at its best when its being interacted with.

>> No.10076667

This was me a while back, then I tried to make it my career and boy, did reality hit me.
It was definitely easier in Japan and America in the past, the guy who did Street Fighter characters came in to the interview in pajamas, the guy who made Ico had no experience, Nomura went from doing one character design to alk the characters and half the story then making his own games and being pretty much the big money guy, people got jobs in the music department by sending in synth samples, Kingdom Hearts got made due to an elevator ride, etc. Now there is too much money on the line and the market is dominated by the same games so organic success or moving up the ranks is much harder.

>> No.10076673

miyamoto gets way too much credit for everything that tezuka, aunoma and koizumi do

>> No.10076738

Yeah Id say Miyamoto made some truly timeless gems back in the day, but hes a total brick wall for new ideas and the fact that he has Nintendo's creative direction by the balls essentially leaves them making the same 5 games over and over for the last 20 years, routinely swapping out the IP in use and creating a new hardware gimmick every 7 years. Sometimes in spite of that Nintendo makes a genuinely good game, but the company either needs some new blood or Miyamoto needs to try something new.

>> No.10077057

Youth group sleepover basically.

G and PG movies, pizza, soda, cookies, SNES, hide and seek etc all Friday night.

>> No.10077115

>Is it really that easy in Japan?
It's that easy everywhere.
Every industry is full of old dudes with too much money and not enough energy. Lots of people and institutions will give you a shit ton of money/resources if you can at least present a reasonable argument that you won't piss it away.

>> No.10077169

He definitely made tons of weird decisions or pitches even back then, like when he said he wanted Rareware to end Goldeneye with James Bond shaking the hand of every soldier he shot in the game or something dumb like that. Or even relatively recently, like redoing Paper Mario on 3DS because it was "too much like the older games".

>> No.10077173

I always found this claim to be utterly bizzarre because I had Earthbound as a kid, my best friend at the time had Earthbound back then, too, this literal faggot I knew had a third copy and another guy I knew also had it.
Granted, we all liked console RPGs but even kids i knew who didn't own it had played it somewhere. Then, by the time of the late 90s, everyone who had any interest in RPGs at all was emulating it.
For fuck's sake, were you people who claim that no one played it back then so goddamn poor that you're trailer trash family couldn't afford a fucking computer?
Shit, actually: I knew one scholarship kid who kept a copy of ZSNES and Earthbound on a floppy or two (don't recall the size of ZSNES, but I'm certain that a zipped copy of Earthbound fit onto a floppy just fine) and used to play it at the school library during his study period. That guy is now a US attorney, BTW.

>> No.10077196
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> I knew one scholarship kid who kept a copy of ZSNES and Earthbound on a floppy or two (don't recall the size of ZSNES, but I'm certain that a zipped copy of Earthbound fit onto a floppy just fine) and used to play it at the school library during his study period. That guy is now a US attorney, BTW.

That would have been funnier if it was Chrono Trigger

>> No.10077228


>tfw you installed XCOM on all the computers in the lab at your high school, community college, and your undergrad alma mater.

>> No.10077319

>he wanted Rareware to end Goldeneye with James Bond shaking the hand of every soldier he shot in the game
That would have been awesome

>> No.10077328

> to end Goldeneye with James Bond shaking the hand of every soldier he shot in the game

That honestly could have worked if it was shown as if it was an actor congratulating extras

>> No.10077360


Yeah, kinda like the ending of Altered Beast

>> No.10077394
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the momotetsu guy talks about this phenomenon in the episode 5 of GCCX. He was a manga artist and happened to be an acquaintance of Horii Yuuji, and on those qualifications alone konami asked him to direct something. As long as there was a name attached it would at least turn a profit

>> No.10077424
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>Never the boy
>Never drew a dime
>Never in a good battle and even then was carried by Ninten
>Never had a memorable stat spread
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step outside his garbage can even when Ninten threw bottle rockets at him
>Main evented the lowest drawing boss fight of Mt Itoi
>Tanked the play rate of Mother 1 so hard the NES release got cancelled
>Was barely ever in the main title picture because he was never a big enough deal
>His Prince Cannock cosplay was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEST TOOL USER IN TWINKLE ELEMENTARY!""""""""
>Shit taste in items (this one is actually 100% true, the bottle rockets were terrible)
>Shit design
>Has Toriyama's name tattooed on his neck
>Failed at his first job so badly that he resorted to conceding to a snail
>Only significant achievement was accidentally being booked to have an appearance in a Smash stage
>Is the videogame equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>spent the latter part of his career attempting to bury superior talent (Teddy)
>The biggest impact he had on the business was the localizers calling him things like "sissy boy" and "weakling"

>> No.10077446

Same exact way mediocre games like Undertale and Omori "made it." Not by being good games, but because of their makers already being popular or famous.

>> No.10077474

What game was that?

>> No.10077535

momotaro densetsu, and rpg that was the basis of momotetsu

>> No.10077552

Guess so, yeah.
Not sure he cared about CT all that much. We had choir together through all four years of upper school and had the same study period our second year, which is how I knew about the ZSNES thing. He was playing EB at school. I was playing the still not fully translated FFV at home.

>> No.10077563

>their makers [were] already popular or famous.
I have no idea who made either of those games and have never played one nor the other.

>> No.10077705

Is this what Americans pass for comedy these days? Pathetic.

>> No.10077916

That's because you're a boomer.
>Undertale was made by a team of people which included one of the most prominent/popular figures surrounding a niche webcomic fandom
>game is just decent, but falsely sells itself on being made by "just" that popular figure (for a sort of rags-to-riches feel-good story effect normies can't get enough of) and was largely forced to fame by that person's followers and fans
>Omori was made over the course of 10 years by a popular blogger who had a sizeable following
>game is irredeemable garbage but became "popular" due to its notoriously troubled development (10 fucking years of dev hell) and the fans/followers of the creator who shilled it
Without the names associated with them, these are works that no one would have played, let alone paid money for.

>> No.10078241

Yeah it's a disheartening when you find out that big hit success stories of 1 man army indie devs...were either people with huge install bases, or in the case of stardew valley subsidized by someone else...

>> No.10078678

Scott Cawthon is an exception, he truly rose from nothing, although he had been making solo indie games for about 15 years before he finally hit it big. Also Daisuke Amaya/Pixel although he was more of a pioneer, Cave Story released today probably wouldn't be a hit.

>> No.10078750

>the gameplay is copy pasted from one of the most popular series of all time
I fail to see how this can be considered a bad thing.

>> No.10078760

>copy pasted

>> No.10079439

> Youth group sleepover basically.
> G and PG movies, pizza, soda, cookies, SNES, hide and seek etc all Friday night.
> One kid would disappear for the rest of the night and come back from the priest's office with his hair all messed up
> Amazing fun for the 90s!

>> No.10079460

the best part is that he was terrible at directing, the team had to crunch and sleepover at the offices, the game had to be save by iwata and at the end of the day he got all the credit

>> No.10081545

>Now there is too much money on the line and the market is dominated by the same games so organic success or moving up the ranks is much harder.
makes me wonder if sakurai is tired of smash bros

>> No.10081571

But that was published by Hudson, not Konami

>> No.10081758


that's mother 2

>> No.10081984

my mistake. It was Hudson, yeah

>> No.10082013

>He fell for the propaganda

>> No.10082197

Calm down, Moshe Rosenberg.

>> No.10082446

That was Mother 2/Earthbound, where Iwata came in and revised some of the game's programming that had become a big hassle for the games' developers and caused it to be delayed once if not twice.

>> No.10082934

Being skeptical that Mother would work out because it was being proposed by a guy who had never made a game before and had other projects was reasonable. It was more impressive that Miyamoto said yes.

>> No.10084849


>> No.10084871

Why bump the thread from page 10, last slot, just to say nothing. You fucking idiot. Down the slide one more time huh? This is like the time George escaped back to earth after being abducted. What was he thinking? I bet the pussy is amazing in space with all those tentacle monsters we see in the game. His loss. I like to think Aloysius Minch got his fill in George's stead

>> No.10084875
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>> No.10086738

Yeah the 80's were a wild time for game development
